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Airport, shoes and socks


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I am trying to get away from the jeans and tennis shoes look. So I often wear loafers with my jeans. I wear them with bare feet.


In 2 weeks I am flying to Denver. I want to wear my cute loafers with my jeans, but you know you have to take off your shoes to go through security. The idea of walking on bare feet where so many other bare feet have passed makes me want to :ack2: .


So, tell me, well-trained-women...what are my options?

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I go through security several times a month since I have to travel for work.


I used to wear little booties (you can buy them at Lowe's type stores but some checkpoints provide them). The kind that surgeons wear, you know those?


But if not those, just bring a pair of ankle socks to slip on in the security line. Wear them for security then toss them into a small ziplock bag and throw them back into your carry-on. Wash as usual; all good. Or if that's too giant a pain, a pair of those "socks" you use at shoe stores to try on shoes ... panty hose material might be better than nothing, and you can toss them right there on the secured side.

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::tries to ignore the "no socks" comment, 'cuz wearing closed shoes with no sock/hosiery of some kind is just wrong::


Try some cute trouser socks/hosiery. They'll be thin enough that they won't overpad your feet inside your shoes, but they'll still be something on your feet so you aren't walking through the airport barefooted. Besides, there's a definite sophistication factor of patterned trouser socks winking out below the hem of your jeans. :D

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::tries to ignore the "no socks" comment, 'cuz wearing closed shoes with no sock/hosiery of some kind is just wrong::


Try some cute trouser socks/hosiery. They'll be thin enough that they won't overpad your feet inside your shoes, but they'll still be something on your feet so you aren't walking through the airport barefooted. Besides, there's a definite sophistication factor of patterned trouser socks winking out below the hem of your jeans. :D

hmmm....I think I might try this. Thanks!

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I go sockless 12 months out of the year.


I have been through the airport without socks too many times to count. In fact I just took out the trash outside barefoot.

you know, I am not normally this squeamish. I live on a farm and regularly go barefoot. But knowing about the thousands of people going barefoot in the airport just is so icky to me. Weird I know!

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Be a rebel, and refuse to take your loafers off while going through security. Change has to start somewhere. Be the catalyst. :D


If you're not feeling up to that, I second the suggestion of just wearing some socks through security and then taking them off after.

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I'm trying to picture wearing flats with socks... And I don't even own panty hose.



Not *socks* with flats!! You wear socks with tennies or boots, not flats. :-)


Some sort of lightweight hosiery, or to be even more minimal, depending on whether you're wearing a dress or pants, you could wear "peds." Just *something* on your feet between your skin and the shoe insides, KWIM? :-)

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Be a rebel, and refuse to take your loafers off while going through security. Change has to start somewhere. Be the catalyst. :D


If you're not feeling up to that, I second the suggestion of just wearing some socks through security and then taking them off after.


That sounds like a double-dog dare! :laugh:

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...just bring a pair of ankle socks to slip on in the security line. Wear them for security then toss them into a small ziplock bag and throw them back into your carry-on. Wash as usual; all good.



I don't care about the germs, but I went through once without socks, and my feet felt skeevy the whole rest of the day.

I am with Tita Gidge - if it's winter I wear socks and keep them on. If it's summer, I put socks on just before security, take them off just after, stow them until I get home. I prefer to use relatively thick ones.

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i always wear socks. I would never go barefoot through security. Love the disposable hoisery idea. Please don't go barefoot its not the same as your own yard/driveway. Think fungal infection no joke kids get it all the time in karate classes with far less traffic on those mats.

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That sounds good to me. I can just see myself holding up the line while I spray up a cloud of Lysol.


ha! Grocery bags and lysol. I think I will also bring some Germex to rub on my feet and hands when I'm all done. My dh will never go anywhere with me again.


I wear flip flops and bring small socks to slip on then off. I don't like putting the Other People's Feet infested socks back inside my shoes.


:) That made me LOL!


I am planning on wearing the liner socks and then when it is time to put my feet back in my shoes, I will take off the socks, put them in a hazardous materials bag and put my bare feet back in my shoes.


Now that I have a plan for security I am fine.


It's weird how the little things can stress me out!

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