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Starbucks dirty diaper incident


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Meh. I don't tnk anyone is anti baby. I think some just aren't grasping the concept that there are exceptions to every rule. Even the changing table for diaper changes rule.


No I don't think it is a matter of them not grasping that there is an exception to the diaper changes rule, I think there is a level of entitlement from those that fail to grasp that it is disgusting to change a baby or toddler in a space you eat. Put bluntly, you don't sh*t where you eat. Even animals know better than that for goodness sakes.

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As an off topic funny...


Dh took me to a restaurant after my whole30 was up and I decided to try a glass of Chardonnay, but I wasn't familiar with their listing and didn't know which was buttery like I like. So the staff brought me a sample of their 3 Chardonnays labeled as being either buttery or creamy. And I liked the Fat Bastard one the best. To which dh commented, "I've seen that one at the liquer store. I thought you would like it by the bottle description, but there was no way I was going to bring home anything with Fat in the name on a day when you are in need of a good drink. And that was before you even wanted to loose weight."


Your dh sounds like a very wise man. No wonder you've kept him around for so long! :thumbup:

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.... and (almost) desperately craving a cigarette for the first time in 15 years because I've been watching too much Mad Men.




I have never smoked, but my oldest introduced me to Mad Men. I cannot believe how much the (remembered) stink of it all takes me back. I am not, will never, be craving cigs, but I am craving childhood. --My brother's horrible asthma and my ear infections notwithstanding.-- ;)

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No I don't think it is a matter of them not grasping that there is an exception to the diaper changes rule, I think there is a level of entitlement from those that fail to grasp that it is disgusting to change a baby or toddler in a space you eat. Put bluntly, you don't sh*t where you eat. Even animals know better than that for goodness sakes.


One, lots of animal poo where they eat. Heck, lots of animals eat their own poo and other animals poo.


Two, maybe you don't comprehend what exception to rule means. Not one person has said, "oh heck yeah! I totally plop their crap over flowing butt right next to my plate of hash browns and change it with no pad underneath or anything. Heck, I even leave the diaper sitting on the table for the bus boy to toss."


Nope. No one said that.


What the few who were willing to say anything said was, "hey sometimes you get this perfect storm of crap situation where just jumping up and leaving isn't very realistic, so you do things as cleanly as possible, as discretely and quickly as possible, and never touch the table. It sucks and we try to avoid such situations, but when it happens we suck it up and change the diaper and sanitize as best we can and get over it."


See? Exceptions. A once in a while crap happens thing. Middle ground. Not an OMG they must do that all the time and are the grossest entitlest humans to exist. And yet also not Oh geez, it's just some crap on your plate people. No big.

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What the few who were willing to say anything said was, "hey sometimes you get this perfect storm of crap situation where just jumping up and leaving isn't very realistic, so you do things as cleanly as possible, as discretely and quickly as possible, and never touch the table. It sucks and we try to avoid such situations, but when it happens we suck it up and change the diaper and sanitize as best we can and get over it."


See? Exceptions. A once in a while crap happens thing. Middle ground. Not an OMG they must do that all the time and are the grossest entitlest humans to exist. And yet also not Oh geez, it's just some crap on your plate people. No big.


I agree that there are exceptions. I read MrsJewelsRae's post earlier this afternoon about being pregnant in a snowstorm, and I think her situation definitely fit into the "exception to the rule" category. I think the Starbucks couple were just Idiots with Attitudes, though.

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It's so important to always be prepared.


Sets an excellent example for the kids. :)


Yes. Yes, it is. I may be anti-baby but I really try to set a good example for the older ones. Come to think of it, that's something to celebrate. I better go get some more wine so I'm prepared. After all, the children are counting on me. :D

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Yes. Yes, it is. I may be anti-baby but I really try to set a good example for the older ones. Come to think of it, that's something to celebrate. I better go get some more wine so I'm prepared. After all, the children are counting on me. :D


Wow. I bow down to you.


You're like the Eagle Scout of moms.



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I'm prepping dinner, sucking back a comically large glass Ravens Wood red zinfandel, and (almost) desperately craving a cigarette for the first time in 15 years because I've been watching too much Mad Men.


Now for dessert...


If that comically large glass helps you resist the nicotine cravings, drink up. And then, pour yourself another. The end justifies the means and all that. :D

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Groooossss. I could possibly see if it were a pee diaper, as I can change those at warp speed and there is no smell, but I would hestitate to do that unless for some reason it was incredibly inconvenient to do anything else (like it is pouring raining and the car is across the parking lot, and the bathroom is unusually filthy). Otherwise, I would simply take the baby to the car and do it and come right back. For a poop dipe I would do the crossing-the-parking-lot-in-the-rain thing to get to the car and do it, or would throw a receiving blanket at the least on the bathroom floor and do it. I would also consider the sink counter in the bathroom which I would put my washable diaper change down on, or paper towels if I had nothing else. Definitely not be wiping a poop butt in the presence of those who are eating... not because I think I would get poop everywhere, but because it's just rude and incredibly unappetizing... especially the smell factor.

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Well, I promise the management at my husband's restaurant won't scold anyone for it. Actually, I'm pretty sure two of his managers have "borrowed" my youngest and plopped him on a table to get some baby time. (And isn't everything an infant does cute? How could a parent go wrong there?)


As a former Olive Garden employee, someone buying the soup and salad and camping at a table for the whole afternoon would have been rude. People can get offended about anything they want. ;)






1) There were plenty of tables. It was 3:00 (I have a late lunch because a great deal of my work is after 6:00 until 9:30.


2) The soup, salad and breadsticks is a Olive Garden lunch special - not a Joanne special. But even it it weren't, I believe that I am entitled to spend my money ala carte?


3) Camping out? All afternoon? Did you hurt yourself with that leap? Need some salve?


4) I left a $5 tip.


5) The baby grabbed menus, sugar packets, salt, pepper, and the tongs for MY salad. No, I did not think that was all cute.


6) I kept studying.

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Joanne, you can try to explain away and cover up your anti-baby feelings all you want. It's not gonna work.


I personally long for the return of the non-baby-hating days of 100 to 150 years ago. When breast feeding was taboo, and usually relegated to "the help," but beating your kid thick branch from a birch was acceptable. Those were the days, when children were firmly expected to "be seen and NOT heard," (and probably not smelt, either), and you could send them off to boarding school, sans guilt, at the seasoned age of 7 years old.


Alas, now we live in the anti-baby modern age, where baby bums are proudly presented without shame at the dining table.


At any time now, someone can shut off the annoying Twilight theme music that's playing in the background!

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1) There were plenty of tables. It was 3:00 (I have a late lunch because a great deal of my work is after 6:00 until 9:30.


2) The soup, salad and breadsticks is a Olive Garden lunch special - not a Joanne special. But even it it weren't, I believe that I am entitled to spend my money ala carte?


3) Camping out? All afternoon? Did you hurt yourself with that leap? Need some salve?


4) I left a $5 tip.


5) The baby grabbed menus, sugar packets, salt, pepper, and the tongs for MY salad. No, I did not think that was all cute.


6) I kept studying.


Don't worry, I said in another post that it was more about getting offended than you. I'm really not bent out of shape about you going out to eat. I'm just amused that everyone's offended by something today. :laugh:

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Don't worry, I said in another post that it was more about getting offended than you. I'm really not bent out of shape about you going out to eat. I'm just amused that everyone's offended by something today. :laugh:


I'm offended by all the codeine being freely passed around -- it makes me sick (codeine does, not the passing around). Oh, for the halcyon days of laudanum... I could fake neurasthenia if I had to.

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Wow, seems anything and everything DOES offend someone. I'm actually glad for this thread because the last time my mother was in town visiting, she wanted to go out to eat quite a bit and everytime I'd get anxious and spend the whole time panicking about every peep my children made, every movement the baby made, and worrying that my older ds would open his mouth. I swear I spent the whole time blushing and convinced that everyone else was annoyed and bothered by my children while my mother tried to talk me out of it, convince me my children were well behaved and that I should disregard worrying about the people around me...etc. So this thread basically convinces me that I can either go out with kids and behave in the way that I believe is appropriate and not overly concern myself with what others are thinking (especially if they are judging me or shooting me dirty looks for unthinkingly sitting my baby's multi-layered clothed behind on the edge of the table or something) or just not go to those places at all. She was trying to convince me that I was overreacting and no one minded what we were doing, but now I see there are apparently some who do!


Honestly, I only hope that for those who are so concerned with the minutia of proper etiquette with kids that they are as concerned with their own manners too (and this includes 'showing' in some way that you disapprove to the parents, dirty looks, or snide comments) and in return the parents don't turn on you and wonder why you don't mind your own business. I understand that no one here took it to that point and am not assigning blame in that way but it really has been an eye-opener that people do get offended over so many things. Changing a diaper at a table, yes, that is completely understandable and basic etiquette, however some of the other things I've seen in threads here are things that my paranoid mind didn't even reach that might be offensive. Of course, I usually don't walk across a parking lot to return my cart at a grocery store either so I'm pretty much evil.

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Of course, I usually don't walk across a parking lot to return my cart at a grocery store either so I'm pretty much evil.


Totally evil.


Without question.


I don't want to scare you, but I'm pretty sure you get a window seat on the bus to H*ll for that one. ;)


I'm not 100% sure about it, though, so hopefully others with more expertise will chime in.

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Totally evil.


Without question.


I don't want to scare you, but I'm pretty sure you get a window seat on the bus to H*ll for that one. ;)


I'm not 100% sure about it, though, so hopefully others with more expertise will chime in.


As long as she doesn't say "I'm such a good mom that I don't even leave my kids long enough to return the cart" she probably won't go to hell.

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I think it is interesting that the excuse people who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever claim that the people who think it is unsanitary and disgusting are "anti-baby" people. OH PLEASE! That is SO lame.

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I enjoy babies more than anyone I know. I'm about to have my seventh and we would consider having more. I ADORE my babies. I breastfeed and don't find breastfed poops gross in the least bit.


I would never change a baby on a table or chair in a restaurant. The baby can wait to be changed until we place our order and leave. I also avoid changing tables and bringing my babies or young children into public restrooms at all if I can help it.


I will change in the car or wait until we get home. I can count the number of bad rashes my children have had on one hand so I don't buy that waiting 30 minutes to an hour will give the baby some horrible rash. If the poops are so caustic that the baby cannot wait 20 minutes to be changed, we probably wouldn't be leaving the house. Or the baby would be slathered in diaper rash cream before we leave so he COULD wait. If the poop smell is too offensive, we would change him out in the car. Usually the smell is not too bad though and would not be noticed by any other patrons, to wait until we get home. Once you take the diaper off and the feces is exposed to air obviously the smell factor goes up x1,000.


I find it gross to change the baby anywhere there is not a sink, especially in a restaurant, because that most likely would mean the parents do not wash their hands before they do go into the bathroom, or leave the restaurant, or touch the counters, etc, with fecal bacteria on their hands. Gross.


Just gross all around.

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I think it is interesting that the excuse people who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever claim that the people who think it is unsanitary and disgusting are "anti-baby" people. OH PLEASE! That is SO lame.

Who are these disgusting "people" you speak of? I've seen ZERO people who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever. Straw men are lame too.

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I find it gross to change the baby anywhere there is not a sink, especially in a restaurant, because that most likely would mean the parents do not wash their hands before they do go into the bathroom, or leave the restaurant, or touch the counters, etc, with fecal bacteria on their hands. Gross.


Just gross all around.



Totally. It reminds me of the school teachers who require kids to use hand sanitizer in the class rather than washing their hands because it "takes too long".


I remember being annoyed with SB for not having a table, but I would have just taken the whole shebang to the car. And if my husband intentionally dumped a coffee I'd be having him checked out. Psychologically. Because wasting (even sb) coffee is just nuts, let alone the fact that it would mean he became a raging jerk overnight to treat a barrista that way.

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Who are these disgusting "people" you speak of? I've seen ZERO people who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever. Straw men are lame too.


I know there were at least one or two people who didn't think this was an issue. Maybe you should reread the thread.


Just on page one I found #11, #19, and #23.

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I know there were at least one or two people who didn't think this was an issue. Maybe you should reread the thread.


I don't think this needs to be as big an issue as many are making it, no. Changing a #2 diaper on the booth seat at Starbucks shouldn't be the line to cross to be called "disgusting". It isn't ideal and should be avoided if possible, but I don't think the changing of the average #2 diaper of a 1 year-old is going to cause fecal matter to be flung anywhere. That seems like quite an overreaction to me.


No, I've never changed a dirty diaper in a restaurant. So I guess im not really disgusting I've just got a dirty mind?

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I know there were at least one or two people who didn't think this was an issue. Maybe you should reread the thread.


Just on page one I found #11, #19, and #23.


Ah ha ha. One of those was me!! And not a single one of those was "OK to change any kind of diaper in any kind of eating area". That is some massive hyperbole there. Or, maybe you should re-read the thread....


One thing I think we can all agree on is that this case was people behaving badly. The staff was really rude to the couple. The husband dumping coffee plus "exchanging words" with the staff to the degree that the police were called is COMPLETELY unacceptable. I am really glad I was not at that Starbucks.

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Who are these disgusting "people" you speak of? I've seen ZERO people who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever. Straw men are lame too.


She didn't call PEOPLE disgusting, she said that changing diapers at the table was unsanitary and disgusting and that those who felt that way were being labelled as anti-baby in a few instances. So you are up in arms over an insult that never occured. And yes there was people in this thread who think it is okay to do this and have admitting to doing so previously. Regardless, the poster did not call any people disgusting she called the act of changing a diaper at the table disgusting.

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She didn't call PEOPLE disgusting, she said that changing diapers at the table was unsanitary and disgusting and that those who felt that way were being labelled as anti-baby in a few instances. So you are up in arms over an insult that never occured. And yes there was people in this thread who think it is okay to do this and have admitting to doing so previously. Regardless, the poster did not call any people disgusting she called the act of changing a diaper at the table disgusting.



Nope, "is the act or are the people" disgusting is not the question. She said "I think it is interesting that the excuse people who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever claim that the people who think it is unsanitary and disgusting are "anti-baby" people." I replied that she was being hyperbolic because there is absolutely no one who think it is just fine to change any kind of diaper in any eating area whatsoever.


Basically, not being utterly disgusted by the idea of changing a diaper at Starbucks is NOT THE SAME as regularly and thoughtlessly plopping leaking #2 diapers on the table. I myself have changed a pee diaper on the floor at a coffee shop, discretely, in a real pinch because my other kid was in meltdown. I am not disgusting and thoughtless and neither are the others in this thread who disagree with her.

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What says the Hive (my quote feature isn't working so I'm just pasting)?? ..... My opinion--Starbucks owes no apology and some people are way too entitled!!



Oh, my. My household hygiene standards are probably considerably more lax than others here. However, I would be so disgusted by someone changing a feces-filled diaper in eating area that I would leave and let management know why I was leaving. Too bad that Starbucks felt it necessary to apologize to the parents.

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I don't think this needs to be as big an issue as many are making it, no. Changing a #2 diaper on the booth seat at Starbucks shouldn't be the line to cross to be called "disgusting". It isn't ideal and should be avoided if possible, but I don't think the changing of the average #2 diaper of a 1 year-old is going to cause fecal matter to be flung anywhere. That seems like quite an overreaction to me.



Maybe I'm in the minority here, but seeing someone change a #2 diaper while I was eating at the next table would absolutely make me lose my appetite. :ack2:


In that case, it wouldn't even be because I was worried about fecal matter being flung anywhere; I would just be grossed out at the sight (and smell!) of poop while I was trying to have some coffee and a pastry. YUCK!!!!

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Maybe I'm in the minority here, but seeing someone change a #2 diaper while I was eating at the next table would absolutely make me lose my appetite. :ack2:


In that case, it wouldn't even be because I was worried about fecal matter being flung anywhere; I would just be grossed out at the sight (and smell!) of poop while I was trying to have some coffee and a pastry. YUCK!!!!



Sure. I wouldn't be that grossed-out at that probably just due to a different personality. I can't say that I've ever seen anyone changing a diaper in a restaurant booth, but I think that's partly my point - It isn't that easy to see. In all the booths I've seen, you'd have to be looking for it to see it. I think it also may have something regional/community dependent. I'm in a pretty low-populated suburban area with lots of space in restaurants. I could see it being more in-your-face in a more crowded, urban setting. IDK.

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Sure. I wouldn't be that grossed-out at that probably just due to a different personality. I can't say that I've ever seen anyone changing a diaper in a restaurant booth, but I think that's partly my point - It isn't that easy to see. In all the booths I've seen, you'd have to be looking for it to see it. I think it also may have something regional/community dependent. I'm in a pretty low-populated suburban area with lots of space in restaurants. I could see it being more in-your-face in a more crowded, urban setting. IDK.


If you couldn't see it, you would almost certainly smell it.


It IS disgusting.

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