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We've had the thread about words people dislike..


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"Let's unpack that"...or "let me unpack that. We had a pastor (nice guy), but he would read the scripture, and then say "let's unpack that". It made it sound like the Bible is a suitcase or something. He did it every week and it made me cringe every time.

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"Let's unpack that"...or "let me unpack that." We had a pastor (nice guy), but he would read the scripture, and then say "let's unpack that". It made it sound like the Bible is a suitcase or something. He did it every week and it made me cringe every time.




Maybe he and another pastor I know are friends; he has started talking about "getting in your grill," meaning to get in your face over something (he has also been saying "Pete" instead of St. Peter, or even Peter, but that's a different discussion, lol).

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The phrase I have been hearing lately is, "It was a hot mess." What is that supposed to mean?


When talking about a situation, it just means a situation that's disastrously bad.


More often, it's used to describe a person (generally a girl or woman) who is very attractive but whose life is a mess due to constant drama, drugs/booze, frequent run-ins with the law, etc. Think Lindsay Lohan.

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"It's a 'mute' point".........instead of moot point. If it's a mute point, well then, please be quiet

"She sat me down and told me..." .........No, YOU sat yourself down and she told you.

"I had her make me hamburgers for dinner."..........No, you asked her to make hamburgers for dinner.

"Whenever I lived in Australia, I had kangaroos in my yard.".........It's just plain 'WHEN' people!

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Reach out. Oh, how I hate that phrase. Unless I'm drowning or in dire need of emotional support, do not reach out to me. You may call me, text me, contact me, call me back, or give me a call but do not reach out to me. In return, unless you're drowning or in dire need of emotional support, I will not reach out to you. I'll contact you, call you back, text you, tell you something, or return your call/text/email. But reach out? Not gonna do it.


And since I'm ranting, I'm not giving you my digits, either. Consider yourself lucky if I give you my phone number. But I'm keeping my digits. I need all ten of them for my job.

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"I know, right?" Drives me nuts!


(I know this thread is for expressions, but I cannot stand the whole mustache trend thing going on!!!)


There is a MOUSTACHE trend? Does this mean I am trendy? Ye gads.....


Maybe I should change my profile pic.


I was just creating a new avatar, and just started looking through the men's accessories, and got amused my adding the moustache to my face, then I though "well ....may as well complete the look" and donned the top hat.


I don't want to be in vogue. I want to be me. Although I have this habit of picking up before trends happen, I'm now interested in the mary poppins carpet bags with the spring loaded closure, and Harris tweed....please tell me these things aren't coming in fashion too?


I don't like the word "moist", but I do annoy DH a lot with that word.


I'm not really fond of anything where the person says something about "its none of their business" or "don't want to overstep bounds" or basically in anyway stating its got nothing to do with them, then add the BUT, because even though it has nothing to do with them, or they aren't in your shoes, they feel compelled to add their opinion, whether you want to hear it or not.


I also don't like "Hi.....al-rwight?". It seems to be a british way of saying "Hello, how are you, may I continue with the business of talking?" in a mouse squeak/unsure way. Or maybe its just a DH thing, in any case, it bothers me immensely.


But I deal with those things, even if I am ready to, or actually do, *headdesk*, because I have about a billion sayings that annoy others too. So I just forgive their annoyances and hope they forgive mine :closedeyes:

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My little man.



This one is even worse when it's written "lil man". Ugh. Whenever I see one of my facebook friends use that one, I wonder if somehow that friend managed to stay in high school for the last 10 years while the rest of us had to progress to adulthood. Lil? Really???


I hate "It is what it is". It really is. I get that. But my mom throws it out there all the time, rather than actually talking to me about whatever "it" IS, and that bothers me just a little bit.


My dh has started referring to certain groups of people at work as "folks"--the HR folks, the policy folks, etc. What is he, 65? Folks??? I keep teasing him about it and begging him to stop, but it just keeps popping up in our conversations.

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"Whenever I lived in Australia, I had kangaroos in my yard.".........It's just plain 'WHEN' people!



I forgot about this! I heard this all the time in the South. That's the only place I've ever heard it. Same thing with "The floor needs swept" or "The kids need bathed". The floor needs TO BE swept. TO BE!

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<< I also intensely dislike the spreading habit over here of Americanizing dates in adverts - Blah blah film 'at cinemas June 12th' which may sound fine to American ears but the English way is to say 'at cinemas FROM THE 12th OF June'>> Well, to be honest, I've never heard an American use cinema instead of movie, lol, but I understand your point. I remember the Star Trek thing - "boldly going" instead of "going boldly." By the way, my spell check had to "correct" Americanising to Americanizing. You people across the pond and down under speak strangely.

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When talking about a situation, it just means a situation that's disastrously bad.


More often, it's used to describe a person (generally a girl or woman) who is very attractive but whose life is a mess due to constant drama, drugs/booze, frequent run-ins with the law, etc. Think Lindsay Lohan.



We use this phrase a lot at my main job. *coughcough*

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When talking about a situation, it just means a situation that's disastrously bad.


More often, it's used to describe a person (generally a girl or woman) who is very attractive but whose life is a mess due to constant drama, drugs/booze, frequent run-ins with the law, etc. Think Lindsay Lohan.



We use this phrase a lot at my main job. *coughcough*

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"BTWs" pronounced bee-tee-dubs. I believe the meaning is "by the way." It is used by cute, young mommies at park day who want to make an announcement. For example:


" Oh! BTWs, ladies! My fav Etsy shop has the cutest, ginorm hair bows! You can see some pics on Cayden Aliviah on my bliggity-blog."


or asking me if whatever I am doing is a "thing." Again, this is used at park day:


"Hey, Amber you homeschool, right? Is that like a thing?"


"I saw you reading and I didn't want to interrupt because I know that reading is like a thing." This was said to me yesterday at park day.


Maybe I am just too old for park day,


Amber in SJ

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'I could care less' drives me insane because it is completely nonsensical - I love the helpful diagram I saw online somewhere which illustrates the phrase.


'Put on your/my/his big girl/boy panties'. I can live with it if the speaker is saying it about himself, although it sound a little tacky, but said about someone else it is so insulting and patronizing.



These two both make my ears explode.


I also hate "Do you want to go with?" Is it so hard to add the "me" to the end of that sentence? Or "Where are you at?" Nails on a chalkboard.


Oh! And how about "I'm so happy I can give back." Give BACK? Really? Give back to what? To whom? Why can't you just be "giving"? I love the "give back" think especially when I'm getting a call from the alumni association of the very expensive university I attended. :closedeyes:

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Why do people in the south say "I'm going to carry Mama to the doctor's'? I've been away from Atlanta for 20 years and I can STILL hear that in my head. You're going to take your mom, or drive your mom, or go with your mom to her appointment. But I really doubt you're going to carry her. We moved to Atlanta when I was 7 and I felt like I'd been dropped into a foreign land- I had NO idea why they used all these goofy phrases. But I kind of miss those charming phrases.



YES!!!!! What IS this about?


I live in Atlanta now, and this has been making me crazy for 18 years. Why don't they DRIVE mama to the doctor? Or TAKE her there? Why are people here always "carrying" someone somewhere? What the.....?

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The "not only ____ but ____" construction is overused to the point of being trite (e.g., our company excels not only at customer service but also at writing scintillating copy). It comes up a lot especially in marketing copy.



And as long as we're on lazy sentence structure, I hate ".....and X is no exception." I hear it everywhere, and I really do just think it's because someone is too lazy to come up with a better intro or transition. "Most teachers are loved by their students, and Mrs. Smith is no exception." Or "Smart companies today know that their people are their greatest assets [another phrase I hate, by the way] and Company X is no exception." BLAH.

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"And thus and thus and so and so."


"From that standpoint" every other sentence for a whole sermon.




"super..." That is a super good movie!


When I child says "What the..."


"Supposebly" or "supposively." It's supposeDly.


"This guy..." talking about a guy in front of him to others in an insulting way.

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It is what it is.


HATE this one. When we were newlyweds, I finally begged dh to never, ever, say it again. I don't think he has.


I hate the phrase "plugging in" when it comes to "church speak". Just seems so cold and, uh, impersonal. Which is exactly the opposite of what it's supposed to be conveying.


I also hate the "non-apology" phrase "I'm sorry if I offended you..." because it's usually putting the blame on the other person (well, if you weren't so stupid as to get offended we wouldn't be having this conversation. However, it makes me feel as though I've done my part and we're all good now... :glare: )

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"And thus and thus and so and so."


"From that standpoint" every other sentence for a whole sermon.




"super..." That is a super good movie!


When I child says "What the..."


"Supposebly" or "supposively." It's supposeDly.


"This guy..." talking about a guy in front of him to others in an insulting way.



I thought I was the only one hearing supposedly wrong!


Another is acrosst (acrost?). There's no T in across!!! I started hearing it when we moved to PA.

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I thought I was the only one hearing supposedly wrong!


Another is acrosst (acrost?). There's no T in across!!! I started hearing it when we moved to PA.



Dh does this. It makes me crazy! I've called him on it and he swears up and down he doesn't do it.. But his mother does too.

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I thought I was the only one hearing supposedly wrong!


The first time I heard someone say "supposably" IRL I'm sure my mouth fell open. And now...one of my sil says it. Oy. I've mentioned it to dd, and we've discussed how she might gently, casually, point out to him that it is SO wrong. I haven't had a report back yet...

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Cowboy up.

I heard a relative say this to his 18 month old when the child was crying. The child doesn't know what a cowboy IS, let alone what it means to "cowboy up." Just give him a hug and tell him it will be ok. Good grief.

This whole thing has me laughing. Good stuff. Someone should put together a paragraph using a bunch of the hated phrases. THAT would be funny. :lol:

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Well, supposably I could do that. I'd have to unpack the topic of hated phrases and words. But first I have to carry dd to church. Wanna go with? If you don't want to that is okay. I could care less. Let me be honest with you. I believe we need to leverage our synageries before there is a cluster of epic proportions. That may lead to getting your ticket punched.


I wonder if Larry the cable guy is anyone's baby daddy. Maybe some special snowflake somewhere. Maybe he should touch base at any given time befor literally pulling his head off


I need to wash down this black bean burger with some root beer because when I get back from church I need to work on an acute. I have no regrets because that acute made me the person I am today. I know, right?


For your FYI, cut the lights out before you leave. Especially if you are fixin to walk at graduation.

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Well, supposably I could do that. I'd have to unpack the topic of hated phrases and words. But first I have to carry dd to church. Wanna go with? If you don't want to that is okay. I could care less. Let me be honest with you. I believe we need to leverage our synageries before there is a cluster of epic proportions. That may lead to getting your ticket punched.


I wonder if Larry the cable guy is anyone's baby daddy. Maybe some special snowflake somewhere. Maybe he should touch base at any given time befor literally pulling his head off


I need to wash down this black bean burger with some root beer because when I get back from church I need to work on an acute. I have no regrets because that acute made me the person I am today. I know, right?


For your FYI, cut the lights out before you leave. Especially if you are fixin to walk at graduation.


You're a monster.

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Well, supposably I could do that. I'd have to unpack the topic of hated phrases and words. But first I have to carry dd to church. Wanna go with? If you don't want to that is okay. I could care less. Let me be honest with you. I believe we need to leverage our synageries before there is a cluster of epic proportions. That may lead to getting your ticket punched.


I wonder if Larry the cable guy is anyone's baby daddy. Maybe some special snowflake somewhere. Maybe he should touch base at any given time befor literally pulling his head off


I need to wash down this black bean burger with some root beer because when I get back from church I need to work on an acute. I have no regrets because that acute made me the person I am today. I know, right?


For your FYI, cut the lights out before you leave. Especially if you are fixin to walk at graduation.



Perfect. :)

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Well, supposably I could do that. I'd have to unpack the topic of hated phrases and words. But first I have to carry dd to church. Wanna go with? If you don't want to that is okay. I could care less. Let me be honest with you. I believe we need to leverage our synageries before there is a cluster of epic proportions. That may lead to getting your ticket punched.


I wonder if Larry the cable guy is anyone's baby daddy. Maybe some special snowflake somewhere. Maybe he should touch base at any given time befor literally pulling his head off


I need to wash down this black bean burger with some root beer because when I get back from church I need to work on an acute. I have no regrets because that acute made me the person I am today. I know, right?


For your FYI, cut the lights out before you leave. Especially if you are fixin to walk at graduation.



:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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