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Am I just cheap or...(used curriculum prices rant)

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does it seem to anyone else like used curriculum sales has become a big business??? I haven't found it on the WTM boards as much as on other sites but really? Trying to re-sell used curriculum for 90%-even 110% of the new cost? Am I just cheap? I feel like I'm practically giving away my curriculum in comparison to some of the prices I've seen out there! Ok, sorry...rant over. I'm just frustrated b/c I'm broke and need to find reasonable used prices and am running into prices that make me lol. Sigh. (again...not here...WTMers are mostly fair thankfully).

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Offering isn't selling: I bet a lot of those things never sell, or get relisted at more reasonable prices later. But you don't see those deals as much, because they disappear quickly. It's the overpriced stuff that stays up.


People are bad at pricing their own stuff--we forget that part of what we paid for when we bought it new was that we got to pick out exactly what we wanted, but when we sell it to someone else, they are accepting what someone else chose because it's good enough, considering the price. I was at a garage sale the other day, and they had dirty, worn clothes strewn out on the lawn for $3/piece, fifteen year old CDs for $5-10 each, a crappy pair of pliers for $4, when you could have bought them new for that. When I was expecting, I saw so many people selling USED BEDDING SETS for 75% of listed retail. People look at their stuff, and they remember what they paid for it, but that doesn't matter: for one thing, part of what they paid for is getting exactly what they wanted when they wanted it. For another, they were paying for brand-new quality, and very few used things retain that.


I always remember the old saying about shopping: "Cheap, good, quick. Pick two" If you have to have something NOW, you'll pay through the nose or have to settle for low quality. If you can afford to wait, you can find what you want cheaply.

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I agree! I REALLY prefer new stuff...book, clothing, baby stuff, everything. But, I have started trying to get some curriculum stuff used because I've realized how much money it can save. I won't buy something used unless it is WELL below retail. Otherwise, I'd really rather have it new. I've noticed that many people try to sell things for just under retail or at retail with free shipping. But, even if they didn't use it, if I'm going to buy "used", I want it cheap. Oh well....they have the right to sell for whatever price they want and I have the right to pass. :D

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I know that I haven't sold a lot of stuff because by the time I tack on shipping, I'd be getting practically nothing for my books. I would have to charge more than I think a used item is worth. OTOH, I don't ship media mail and I like to have some kind of insurance or confirmation, b/c I don't trust the post office. I actually have wondered how people sell things so inexpensively.

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I've run into this.

I've actually had people argue, when I point out that they are asking for a used book, MORE than what it goes for on, say, Amazon, that that isn't what THEY paid for it. Hmmm. It doesn't matter what you paid for it! It matters what it's going for now.


If the price difference is only a few dollars (or even $10 on a higher priced item), I'm going to buy new instead, from a place like Amazon (that has free shipping).


On that note, I've made the mistake of not checking everywhere for pricing before I sell something, to get a baseline of what I should sell something for. I've never minded if someone comes to me and says "hey, Amazon has it for $xxx new, is there any way your would lower your price?". In fact, I wish they would more often. Lol.

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I know that I haven't sold a lot of stuff because by the time I tack on shipping, I'd be getting practically nothing for my books. I would have to charge more than I think a used item is worth. OTOH, I don't ship media mail and I like to have some kind of insurance or confirmation, b/c I don't trust the post office. I actually have wondered how people sell things so inexpensively.


This is a very good point that I forgot about when I posted. I don't bother selling a lot for the same reasons.

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I know that I haven't sold a lot of stuff because by the time I tack on shipping, I'd be getting practically nothing for my books. I would have to charge more than I think a used item is worth. OTOH, I don't ship media mail and I like to have some kind of insurance or confirmation, b/c I don't trust the post office. I actually have wondered how people sell things so inexpensively.


You either build shipping into the quote or you give a price for the book and the buyer pays the shipping. I've never had a seller pay my shipping, so I don't know how it makes a difference in net if the buyer pays shipping. :confused1:

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I post things a bit below Amazon prices and I do take shipping from there into consideration (even free prime shipping). That being said, if there is something I want and I see it cheaper elsewhere, I will usually ask the seller to lower their price and tell them why. Sometimes they will, and sometimes they won't, no skin off my nose!


Personally, I am willing to deal with the items I post because I just want to get rid of them. I don't check prices all over the internet, usually just at Amazon, so I hope that others are willing to make offers as well. 99% of the time, I accept them.

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I know what you mean! I have seen items listed on Ebay for MORE than the publisher sells it. Crazy. People sometimes pay it, too.


I have a budget to keep in mind (like most of us!), so I have a list that I keep on my computer of curriculum I have in mind for upcoming months. I take 5 minutes and search, almost every day, on here, Ebay, Amazon etc for those items. When I find a great deal, I swoop in on it. It has taken more than a month of searching almost every day for some items to be low enough that I feel they are a good deal.


I would imagine that a lot more will be available for sale in the summer, when people have finished up their school year and are selling their things then. This is my first year really homeschooling, so perhaps that doesn't hold true, but it would make sense.

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Yeah, I was looking for a Sonlight IG recently, and I saw someone posting a whole core (IG + books) for $350. The thing is, it was a VERY old core, not one of the recent ones. And the new core is $399. That price wasn't low enough for me to take the risk of buying used, sight unseen, especially when it was such an old core. I think it was from back when they used numbers instead of letters. I think $200 would have been more appropriate. Their "discount" off the new price was basically the "discount" of the IG (which sells for around $20-25 from that era, whereas the new ones, which also include LA, are $100... well, $110 as of today).


OTOH, I've gotten some really good deals. Last year, I picked up most of the books for the Sonlight core I was doing for $75 locally. They were used, but in good shape. That was a reasonable price.


I always keep a running spreadsheet of my curriculum choices and what their price is at RR, Amazon, or the publisher themselves. If I see the item used for a significant discount off the new price, I'll pick it up. At local curriculum fairs, sometimes there will be great deals, like AAS TM for $5 (those usually have good resale value). And sometimes, people are pricing their stuff 95% of new price, or they're basing their price off retail and not what Amazon/RR/CBD/etc. would cost. If I'm selling something, I'm going to research it a bit to see what I should price it as. Or if I just want to sell it quick, 50% off the normal selling price at RR is usually an easy way to get rid of stuff. :)

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When I first started homeschooling, one rule of thumb that I was taught was that curriculum should be priced at 50% of what it was new--and that's only for used curriculum in excellent shape. Anything less than excellent, is a lot less than 50%.


I have a slightly different problem. I find my stuff does not sell when I tack on shipping costs into the price (In other words, I don't say things like 1.50 for the first book and .50 thereafter. I say "shipping is going to be $5.00 for the whole set. That includes mailers, gas, and shipping 1st class. I rarely ship anything less than 1st class. You want insurance, that you will pay for unless it is a huge order and then I'll pay for it."


I have lots of materials that are heavy books. Textbooks. So $5 for shipping is not out of the question. Sometimes, I'm paying for the overage. Sometimes I'm not. For a thin workbook, $2 is not a bad shipping cost. But I get people emailing me telling me my price is too high and when I break it down and tell them that it does include shipping (even though the ad says as much), they still want me to lower it way beyond the 50-75% off the new price. Most Amazon sellers charge a flat $3.99 for shipping things. Those are businesses, I am not.


A little consideration on this, especially since I usually sell whole sets and my stuff IS in almost excellent condition and I'm still lowering the cost way below what I could.

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I think it depends on what you are looking for resale varies greatly between different curriculum. I got some good deals this year and just bought some stuff new as well. Some things I wasn't finding and others the resale value was too high to make it worth it for me to buy used. The more you look and the longer you look the more likely are to find the deals. When I go to sell I just check average prices and I sell for whatever the market will bare. I have a few small things that I hope I can sell locally as with shipping they won't be worth it to sell online. Also, I do often see relistings of items when people have them priced ridiculously high.

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The for sale board (here) is a good example right now, lol. There are several things listed as in good or very good condition - but with listing price and with additional for shipping, I could buy it brand new for possibly LESS on Amazon, for others I may save one or two dollars.


FWIW, I often do not sell things that are going new, elsewhere, for less than $20. It isn't worth it for me, as a seller, to make only a dollar or two after shipping and marking down for the item being "used". I'd rather keep it on my shelf than go through the hassle of shipping for that small amount of money.

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Yes, Aimee, and when that happens I donate to our library. It just is not worth all the effort in shipping and such.

I usually just put a "for free" post in our local co-op yahoo group - that helps me clear the shelves of items I'm *sure* I won't use again, lol.

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I agree, I considered buying a bunch of stuff off the boards here about a month or so ago, but the prices were just a few dollars under retail. If I am going to take a risk with my money, and it is always a risk, you know, then it has to be worth it. A few more dollars and you get brand new? Easy decision.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. I've had good luck here on the boards. It's tough to sell some things used b/c as most have said, you don't make a ton after shipping. For me, I'm not looking to make a ton of $, just enable others to better afford curriculum I figure there are other families who are in the same boat we are....broke, lol. :)

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Half the problem is shipping costs. Books are heavy and shipping is not free, yet people seem to want sellers to absorb the cost of shipping. To make something cheap enough for people to want to buy it, you practically have to take a loss. I've actually had terrible luck here on the boards and I pretty much don't bother anymore.

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I've been looking for an OM3 syllabus and the ones on ebay have been selling (actually selling, not just listed) for the same price as the new ones will be during the OM spring sale in 4 weeks. I've about given up and decided just to buy straight through the vendor. I must use "hot" items, because I have had a really hard time finding any great used deals lately.

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Since I use mostly text books, I've just taken to using Amazon. Not only can I find what I need, but much cheaper. However, I do have some things that are desirable and I do price them fairly enough taking into consideration the cost of shipping and such. That's where my problem has always been.

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I know that I haven't sold a lot of stuff because by the time I tack on shipping, I'd be getting practically nothing for my books. I would have to charge more than I think a used item is worth. OTOH, I don't ship media mail and I like to have some kind of insurance or confirmation, b/c I don't trust the post office. I actually have wondered how people sell things so inexpensively.



I've thought about this too. Many inexpensive books I've just donated to our local thrift shop b/c I knew it wouldn't be worthwhile to sell it.


People who manage to sell cheap are using media mail and taking a chance. I've done it, but when I do I reaize there is a possibility I'll have to refund to the buyer if something goes wrong.

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I honestly haven't looked on the boards here - overall what I've needed hasn't been overly expensive, or books that I want new copies to add to the "library".


BUT, I was shopping for a book this morning - and it is like $15 new from the pub, and there is a seller on Amazon that wants $173 for a used copy. Really?????????? What planet are they from?!?!


My boyfriend keeps telling me to check 1/2 priced books - and when I did the same seller was cheaper at Amazon because the shipping was less.


Now I have a couple of things I want for DD3 (if she comes home) that i'd love to find used..... but i'm not sure I will take the effort to hunt them out either.


As for selling, the hassles haven't made it overly worth it to me. I am going to go thru the bookshelves and schoolroom with a fine tooth comb though, I can't possibly "need" all of it, and even $10-20 would be a help! Stuff that doesn't sell will go to Book Samaritan.

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There have been 2 different programs I have been looking at over the past few months. I have seen both listed on different sites, including this one. At first glance the price seemed great until I remembered that I would have to purchase the consumable student workbooks to be able to use the programs. When I figured this in, including adding shipping to the new prices, it was still cheaper to buy new than used. It's as if people forgot that while they paid $XX for the program and then priced it around 30-40% off, they were actually missing a lot of the material they paid for because they used it!

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You either build shipping into the quote or you give a price for the book and the buyer pays the shipping. I've never had a seller pay my shipping, so I don't know how it makes a difference in net if the buyer pays shipping. :confused1:


used Price + shipping needs to be under retail+shipping by enough to make it worth the buyer's while to purchase the item used instead of new or you will find it hard to sell.


There are so many ways to get free shipping and shipping is so high for books sold by an individual that it leaves the "net" you can get quite low.

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See, i've only bought a few things from Amazon Marketplace used.... and all has been well. Now I'm stressed about the 3 things I have coming! LOL!!!


I do tend to buy from the "big sellers" - I figure they are in business to sell used books, and I have a better chance of getting it as advertised. Oh, and the one I ordered this morning was fulfilled by Amazon.... so that should help?!?!


But overall, that is how I feel about it....

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I've pretty much given up on buying used; it just isn't worth the risk vs. purchasing new and being able to return or exchange an item. I do always try to find sales and free shipping to offset the cost. Due to the huge cost of shipping, tracking and insuring I also rarely sell anything now. Both make me sad, as I know I always appreciated a good deal and knowing someone was using our old stuff.

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Ok, wouldn't it be nice if everyone who doesn't sell their old stuff, but donates it to good will or so instead bc of the lack of profit in selling it, woulod offer it free for shipping? Wouldn't that be awesome if more people did that? I think I'm going to start doing that soon. That way, I know someone is getting it who really wants it, and I get the good feeling from helping another homeschool mom out.

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Ok, wouldn't it be nice if everyone who doesn't sell their old stuff, but donates it to good will or so instead bc of the lack of profit in selling it, woulod offer it free for shipping? Wouldn't that be awesome if more people did that? I think I'm going to start doing that soon. That way, I know someone is getting it who really wants it, and I get the good feeling from helping another homeschool mom out.




Or put it on Paperbackswap - you'll get a credit to use for something else, and someone who might not could have otherwise afforded materials gets what they want. You would be surprised how many homeschooling books are wishlisted on PBS!


Or if you want the tax write-off, send it to The Book Samaritan . They give tax receipts just like goodwill, but the items donated go to needy home educators world-wide.

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When I first started homeschooling, one rule of thumb that I was taught was that curriculum should be priced at 50% of what it was new--and that's only for used curriculum in excellent shape. Anything less than excellent, is a lot less than 50%.


I have a slightly different problem. I find my stuff does not sell when I tack on shipping costs into the price (In other words, I don't say things like 1.50 for the first book and .50 thereafter. I say "shipping is going to be $5.00 for the whole set. That includes mailers, gas, and shipping 1st class. I rarely ship anything less than 1st class. You want insurance, that you will pay for unless it is a huge order and then I'll pay for it."


I have lots of materials that are heavy books. Textbooks. So $5 for shipping is not out of the question. Sometimes, I'm paying for the overage. Sometimes I'm not. For a thin workbook, $2 is not a bad shipping cost. But I get people emailing me telling me my price is too high and when I break it down and tell them that it does include shipping (even though the ad says as much), they still want me to lower it way beyond the 50-75% off the new price. Most Amazon sellers charge a flat $3.99 for shipping things. Those are businesses, I am not.


A little consideration on this, especially since I usually sell whole sets and my stuff IS in almost excellent condition and I'm still lowering the cost way below what I could.


To the bold above...I found out the hard way that paypal will not back a seller who offers insurance and says the buyer didn't want it. If something goes wrong, like the PO losing or damaging items, paypal will make the seller responsible for the item regardless of whether the buyer purchased insurance or not.


Also, last time I looked at the policies, Paypal stated that sellers cannot tack on any extra fees and that would include insurance. Now, I don't purchase insurance on cheap items I ship--but I realize I may have to refund to the buyer if something goes wrong. On more expensive items I just factor insurance into the asking price, I don't list it as an option.


Just make sure you are fully aware of paypal policies and protect yourself. All kinds of nonsense goes on with buyers and sellers--and that's another factor in my decision to mostly just buy new and not sell my used stuff unless it is truly worthwhile.

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This is a very active group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/hsucs/


Yes, I have sold over $200 worth of curriculm there in the past week. I do price my stuff really reasonably and will take nearly any reasonable offer so that helps! I have been selling more there than WTM forums (I really miss the old For Sale board) and Homeschool Classifieds though.

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Perhaps the sellers are accounting for emotional attachment. You know how it is...you pull out that FIAR book and you think, "AW.....the kids and I had such a wonderful time rowing books...." And Bam, suddenly the dogged eared FIAR book from 1994 is worth $40. :)


I think a little reality check for high prices is in order. With Common Core coming down the pike, there are going to be a WHOLE LOT of brand new revisions rolling out this year and next. Recently, I posted about how the lovely little set of MUS that I have accumulated over the past three years is now...THE OLD SET...because they came out with a revision in March.


BTW--I buy used books from Amazon very often. I have to say that we've had a great experience. Often I will get a book that is higher quality than listed. Truly!

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