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School Today?


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My ds told me he feels like he is the only kid in the world doing school today. :lol: The local schools are out for Spring break but we are taking ours in April. I told him I was sure many kids are doing school today including homeschoolers, so back me up here folks. Who is doing school today? ;)

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What is this spring thing? We have snow. No break, we've had a chaotic month and I just trimmed our spring break to one week, which may not happen at all. It's scheduled in April. And I was a meanie today and made him rewrite something he turned in that was sloppy.

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DS is home from private preschool today to help me organize the classroom (we start homeschooling full time in a little over a month). He is definitely doing school though - he's pretending to be the teacher to his younger sister.


If it makes your DS feel better, we'll be doing school all summer long when most children aren't :D

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