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Two affirmations for the evening, and a challenge if you are feeling down. -- Spinoff

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Here are my affirmations for the evening. I challenge you to find two for yourself and to say them and really mean them.


1) I am good at making connections between seemingly dissimilar events/facts.


2) I am a good listener.


What good things -- and NOT self-deprecating things, or backhanded compliments that on the surface look a bit insulting -- can you write about yourself?

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Here it goes. (I should really do this more often!)


1) When I want to get something done....it. gets. done. :001_smile:


2) I could cook food for a stranger all day long and still be happy! Heck, I cook for my family all day long and still love it.



Yep. That's me!

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Yeah, this is hard for me, because my parents pounded into us to be humble. They wouldn't even say I colored my picture well, because then I'd get prideful! :001_huh: So I learned NOT to think good things about myself. I still have a hard time thinking of good things about me! :glare:


So TWO things that we do well, or we're good at, is that it? I'm not sure what you mean by looking insulting?

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Yeah, this is hard for me, because my parents pounded into us to be humble. They wouldn't even say I colored my picture well, because then I'd get prideful! :001_huh: So I learned NOT to think good things about myself. I still have a hard time thinking of good things about me! :glare:


So TWO things that we do well, or we're good at, is that it? I'm not sure what you mean by looking insulting?


You're good at sending Scripture to people who need it! :grouphug:

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Yeah, this is hard for me, because my parents pounded into us to be humble. They wouldn't even say I colored my picture well, because then I'd get prideful! :001_huh: So I learned NOT to think good things about myself. I still have a hard time thinking of good things about me! :glare:


So TWO things that we do well, or we're good at, is that it? I'm not sure what you mean by looking insulting?


Two things about you.


Like, "I have a nice butt." (LOL!)


Or, "I make wonderful biscuits."


Or, "I set a goal to read five books this month, and I'm close to my goal. This month, in this area, I was persistent."

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This is hard. Very hard. Almost everything I can think of has some negative connotations, but I'll give it a try.


1-I am very determined, and I can perservere over the long-haul. I can weather storms and setbacks without giving up. I'm steady.


2-I like to think I'm a good problem solver. I relish attacking a problem, fixing it, and then forgetting it. I can come up with new ways of doing things that simplify life.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

This was hard for me too. I was rarely verbally encouraged by my parents, they didn't believe in giving children "swelled heads."


1. I love my own cooking. (Not everyone in my family feels the same way.)


2. I'm learning how to be more nurturing than authoritarian to my children. (It isn't easy)

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Gosh, this is a tall order! Its not as easy as "I like to...". Hmmm...


1. I can help other people laugh at otherwise crappy situations


2. I'm a pretty decent cook


(((...hitting enter and looking away because I know that just because I said this my grandmother will die tomorrow and no one will smile and my spinach will burn to the inside of the pot just because I said this "out loud"...))))

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Now, see, I was thinking the same thing about her other post. I do love my kids with all of my heart, but often just don't feel like a good mother. (ugh)
Yeah, I know what you mean! We probably all feel that way at one time or another! Some days are TOUGH!


Here, these are for you! :grouphug:

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Mine, for tonight are:


1. I am a loyal, sensitive friend.


2. ...oh gee..I thought I could do this...not in the best head space for this I guess...


Okay -- trying again.


2. I am good at finding the lessons in life's more difficult events

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1. I am an encourager.

2. I'm a good writer.


how about three??


3. I'm a great cookie maker (and eater)--muffins, too! LOL


Thanks, Pam, for this thread! Here's one for you--hope you like chocolate chip.


0411-0705-0103-4903_TN.jpg Sorry--I took a bite out. Couldn't help myself.

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Yes, you can! I love your poems! How 'bout one for this thread?:001_smile:


So many of us feeling down

Then Pam herself called us 'round

Cheer up, my troops, she seemed to say

There are special things we do each day

Pick 1 or 2 things about you

No cutting down, only good things you do

So many encouragers in this bunch

I know that's true, there's more I have a hunch

So Pam we thank you for making us see

There's more to us than just to be

One big group hug is what we need

So thank you, Pam for taking the lead

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So many of us feeling down

Then Pam herself called us 'round

Cheer up, my troops, she seemed to say

There are special things we do each day

Pick 1 or 2 things about you

No cutting down, only good things you do

So many encouragers in this bunch

I know that's true, there's more I have a hunch

So Pam we thank you for making us see

There's more to us than just to be

One big group hug is what we need

So thank you, Pam for taking the lead

:001_smile: :iagree:


Thanks EL! :001_wub:

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This is painful! But I like this game, so here goes:


1. I am good at training my 3 pound puppies.


2. I read aloud with energy and elegance.


3. Bonus: I make yummy, vegan teff flour cinnamon muffins.


Thanks, Pam. I've been beating myself up all day about one thing and another. I needed to play.:001_smile:

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I've really enjoyed reading through the other responses! Thank you ladies for sharing.


Here are mine:


1. I have a knack for making a home beautiful and inviting.


2. I love to plan. Especially the details of entertaining.


Wow, much harder than I thought to write something without mentioning the exceptions or making them sound less... I had to use my backspace key more than I expected.

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1. This is easy, & I'm counting that as a strength. Some people call it stubborn, but I see things a certain way, & I don't change that or soften it up for. any. body. So if I give a compliment, you know I mean it. It goes both ways, too. I'm pretty confident about who I am, but I'm pretty confident about those around me, too, & that means that I can encourage them & usually bring the best out in them.


2. (whispering) I'm smart. And I've got proof. But people don't usually like to talk about it. If there were a smaller font, I might tell you I made 104 in Logic in college. Or a perfect score on the writing portion of the GRE. Or about scholarships & GT classes. Or that I graduated when I was 15. But...since I didn't DO anything to make me that way, I figure it's a blessing & not really something that comes w/ bragging rights, kwim?


Otoh, I finished my 2nd novel this summer. Yippee!

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Wow, following Aubrey is a tough act. Here goes mine:


1. I do great "vision casting" and planning in my family on all topics from education to gardening.


2. I have an insatiable appetite for learning and will often ask questions even if they don't make me appear smart.

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1) I have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor and I can almost always find something funny in everything.


2) I am emotionally strong and not afraid to take control of a situation if the people in charge are not handling it correctly. I am frighteningly calm when things are at their worst. (Some would say that makes me a b#tch, but I think it just makes me a strong woman)




Incidentally, I am more inclined to fall to pieces over small things. But let the situation be grave and scary and I just have this thing inside me that clicks on and I am calm and detached and I can do what must be done.

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I agree that these have been so fun to read! I think we should do this regularly! I'm going to pick myself up out of my little pool of stress from last night and add to this thread.


1. I can make something out of nothing and make it look or taste like a million bucks: a meal when there appears to be no food in the house, a decorating project, a gift...


2. While I have my fair share of stuff, I am not attached to it and would gladly give a stranger the shirt off my back if they truly needed it.

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