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If an innocent Hiver was unjustly accused...


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I'm really confused. But if anyone is so desperate that they're willing to hide in our less-than-1000-sq-ft duplex, be my guest. You'd be safe here not because no one could find you, but because no one would want to trudge through all the cold and snow just to come get you. ;)

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Hmmmm....depends on what she was unjustly accused of...


And how would I know she was innocent and unjustly accused?


I wish I knew what this was about...



Yes, if she's accused of wrongdoing in regards to crockpots, shopping carts, or cupcakes, things could get dicey.

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Yes, if she's accused of wrongdoing in regards to crockpots, shopping carts, or cupcakes, things could get dicey.


Would she send me a save the date?


"Dear unsinkable,


On March 1, I, an innocent Hive member, will be unjustly accused. Will you shelter me?





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I find large barrels to be far more effective. Of course, you have to remember the airholes, and a booklight if you want them to get any school done.



Oh shoot - I just rolled that barrel down the street and bowled for seniors last night with it. I missed them all too - guttered it.

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On the old forum I was on, they named the user name, why they were banned and made a sticky note for it so everyone could see who and why.


That takes all the fun out of it. No gossipy PMs, no speculation, no chasing down potentially controversial threads. I like our way better. LOL

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On the old forum I was on, they named the user name, why they were banned and made a sticky note for it so everyone could see who and why.



Aha... like a "Scarlet Letter" sort of banning. Make an example of 'em!! :D


Yeah, I'm with Parrothead... I don't have enough excitement in my life and I need some intrigue, LOL.

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Would she send me a save the date?


"Dear unsinkable,


On March 1, I, an innocent Hive member, will be unjustly accused. Will you shelter me?







Well Trained Fleeing non-Felons always send Save the Dates first. Having them made up as refrigerator magnets is optional (the STDs, not the WTFnFs).

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