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Landlord called back. I answered this time. Help?

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

With an annoyed "Yes?" and he asks me if I have a copy of the lease handy.


Um. Yes. Why?


And he says that he can't find his copy and so could he come over and take my copy and make a copy for himself and he'll bring it back.


Um. No. WTH? Like I trust that you'll bring it back? Right along with the handyman and that sink faucet, right? Or the heater for the kitchen? Or the tree guy to tie up that tree out back? Etc., etc., etc?


I told him that I'd look to see if I already had it scanned and then I could email him a copy, but that I wasn't going to give him my copy to take. And he said that he really needed to look it over. So I asked him if there was a particular part he needed scanned or if he needed the entire thing. He asks if I can scan it at my house, print it off, text him, and he'll come over and get it. He said he needs the whole thing.


Dude. I am not your secretary. I am not your wife. I have no idea where you put the rent checks after they come in the mail. I have no idea where you put your copy of the lease. It's not my effing job to keep track of this for you, and my printer/toner is not for your use. Use your office printer.


This makes me VERY nervous.


Why would he need it? I find it suspicious that he doesn't have it. He's a freaking REALTOR! I'm not buying that he just doesn't have a copy of the lease. So now I'm wondering if he need a copy (and he's too lazy to find his) to refinance yet again??


I have to move!! Why won't this other realtor call me back? Who here has $68k they can lend me? *sigh* This is all so skeevy and stressful and it's getting very hard to feel any sort of security in living here. It should be enough that we pay the rent and utilities, but this guy is just so...skeevy.


Thoughts? I was right to refuse him in taking my copy, right? He sounded ticked off at that.

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I wouldn't let him take your copy of the lease out of your home. But I see no issue with making a copy for him and mailing it, or scanning and emailing - if you want to be kind.


Sending you some good house hunting juju. Your current landlord sounds a like whacko.

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Guest inoubliable

I found where I scanned it and put it on an external hard drive, but I can't open the pdf file. *sigh* It say the file does not exist. I have no problem with emailing it over to him, but it annoys me greatly that I even need to do this and that he didn't even seem to appreciate the offer of that. He came right back around to "well could you print it for me and I'll come pick it up?".


I have an appointment to see the house for sale around the corner tomorrow afternoon. My next call is to a mortgage broker.

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absolutely don't give hm your copy. i would be willing to make a copy, with suitable marked-up fee for time, toner, electricity . . . . . yadda yadda. (if he doens't want to pay the fee, maybe he'll actually find his copy.)


I'd be really suspicious of why he wanted it. I can be very cynical.

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You really need to find some place else to rent. We had a landlord in GA do something similar (requesting lease, not fixing things, being a pain about rent...) turns out he was late on payments and was trying to sell the house. He didn't tell us about any of this and the week before we moved out we seen the foreclosure/ for sale ad in the paper.

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I am a former landlord and it is absolutely not your responsibility to find the lease for him. I would have told him (maybe, if I had time to think about it!) "I'm sorry but you are responsible for keeping a copy of the lease. If you were current on your responsibility to provide repairs on the house and on keeping track of rent payments, then I would take the time to do this for you. As it is, no." I hope your house hunting goes well.

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I would not give him your copy. It's not your responsibility to give him a copy, surely he has his own somewhere.


Not sure why he would need it to refinance. I would work on moving asap.



You absolutely need it to refinance. It is a contract showing the property is rented and therefore producing income. I have had to provide copies of all my rental property leases to refinance and not for just the house that was being refinanced. It is the same idea as providing bank statements and pay stubs.

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I would do it for him. I would highlight the sections pertaining to his responsibility to keep up on repairs, and point those sections out to him when I gave it to him, along with telling him that I was NOT his secretary but was taking time out of my go to do this as a favour for him - and that in turn you expect him to address the outstanding items in the contract ASAP.

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Guest inoubliable

Well, I can't get the pdf file to open. Not even to send in an email. It says it cannot be found. And I've now spent an hour and 20 mins on this. I'm done. I'll swing by his office tomorrow on the way to the post office. Hopefully someone is there who can make a copy for him. I'll text him and let him know. I'm not leaving it there for him, and I'm not letting him just take it.


I get that he might need it to refinance. And that's not a horrible thing. This guy just refinanced last summer, though. Odd that he might need to again. And, I can't think of any other reason why he'd need it, to be honest. If a landlord here could give any specific reasons that wouldn't threaten a renter's ability to be secure in knowing the rental will remain a rental, please by all means, share with the class. Because I am really freaking out. (It doesn't help that I just had to kill a huge black spider ON MY BED while I was sitting here going through all the papers.)


I am going to see the house for sale tomorrow afternoon. I submitted some pre-qual information to a local mortgage broker. I can't think too much more on this. It's my middle kiddo's birthday today. :crying: I feel so badly about how this day has turned out, for him. We woke up feeling great - his birthday was here! DH grabbed his favorite breakfast for him - muffins. My federal tax refund was in the bank, and now I have a small savings account started! And then the landlord calls. And it's all downhill from there.

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I am a former landlord and it is absolutely not your responsibility to find the lease for him. I would have told him (maybe, if I had time to think about it!) "I'm sorry but you are responsible for keeping a copy of the lease. If you were current on your responsibility to provide repairs on the house and on keeping track of rent payments, then I would take the time to do this for you. As it is, no." I hope your house hunting goes well.



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What a maroon! And I would NOT give him the copy to "take". Sending you good "moving" vibes!


ETA: Yes, great idea, take it to the office and have them copy it for you. Make sure you mark your copy in such a way that you get your original back. I'm hyper paranoid that way. It's very nice of you to do that for him. Above and beyond.

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Guest inoubliable

Thanks, everyone, for confirming that I was right not to give him the lease to take. When he asked, I was almost surprised. And when he didn't let up about it, I thought it was really strange.


I hope we hear back from the mortgage guy today. :( It's already after 3 pm, though, so I'm not holding my breath.

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Guest inoubliable

What a maroon! And I would NOT give him the copy to "take". Sending you good "moving" vibes!


ETA: Yes, great idea, take it to the office and have them copy it for you. Make sure you mark your copy in such a way that you get your original back. I'm hyper paranoid that way. It's very nice of you to do that for him. Above and beyond.



Thanks for the good vibes! :)


I just emailed him to let him know that I'll stop by his office tomorrow so someone can make a copy. I'm not leaving there without my copy. I'm not even texting him this stuff. I know he gets his email on his phone so he can deal with that. I want a trail if I need one.





I know it sounds like I may be overreacting. Maybe I am a bit. I've just had it with this place and this guy.

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I know it sounds like I may be overreacting. Maybe I am a bit. I've just had it with this place and this guy.



Because this guy has lost your rent checks so many, many times I would not trust him with the ONLY copy of the lease.


Go have a great day and don't let this take up much more of your time. I mean, after all, you could be out back enjoying your neighbors!!

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I think I'd make a copy someplace other than his office because I'd be paranoid by now and afraid he'd take it to make a copy and refuse to give it back to me. Do you think he just wants to come by and see the property? That sounds like it could be the case since he seems so opposed to you mailing or e-mailing a copy and so insistent on stopping by to pick it up.


I hope you find someplace else to live without the stress.

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Guest inoubliable


Because this guy has lost your rent checks so many, many times I would not trust him with the ONLY copy of the lease.


Go have a great day and don't let this take up much more of your time. I mean, after all, you could be out back enjoying your neighbors!!


We are.... wait for it.... meeting with the mortgage guy tonight!!!!! We're going by his office to make some copies of documents for him and he said he knows the landlord and wants us to be very cool and lowkey about this. This just confirms my gut feeling about the landlord. Mortgage guy has offered to make a copy of the lease there so we can just drop it off for the landlord. Mortgage guy thinks we can get into this house we want - in 45 - 60 days. :willy_nilly:


Tonight, we're getting a bottle of wine. My emotional roller coaster today demands it. And nothing goes better with watching the neighbors! :laugh:


I think I'd make a copy someplace other than his office because I'd be paranoid by now and afraid he'd take it to make a copy and refuse to give it back to me. Do you think he just wants to come by and see the property? That sounds like it could be the case since he seems so opposed to you mailing or e-mailing a copy and so insistent on stopping by to pick it up.


I hope you find someplace else to live without the stress.


He's taken zero interest in the property since we've been here so I doubt he just wants to check up on the property. I think he might have wanted to come by to pick up the check and needed an excuse to do it.


I wonder if he needs it because he wants you out, and he doesn't know the terms/dates of your lease. I know you are already looking, but I would start looking harder. He's crazy!


Could be. He's so nuts. I looked hard! I've got an appointment to see the house I want tomorrow afternoon and I'm giving over docs to the mortgage guy tonight!!!

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Is what you have an original or a copy of the original? Also, is it notorized? I would make a copy and drop it off especially if yours is the original and is notorized. I wouldn't want anyone making the copy.



ETA: I see you solved the dilemma and will have the mortgage company taking care of the copy :) Good luck! I hope you find something soon.

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Guest inoubliable

I have a copy of the original. He has the original.


Oddly enough, though, we actual initials from all parties where he had to change the date on the lease. When we first signed, he was out of town and his secretary was handling the paperwork. She messed up a date, and he came over to the house when he got back in town and we all initialed both copies. I just remembered that, looking at it and trying to figure out why these initials were in pen but the lease was clearly a copy of the original.

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Well, I can't get the pdf file to open. Not even to send in an email. It says it cannot be found. And I've now spent an hour and 20 mins on this. I'm done. I'll swing by his office tomorrow on the way to the post office. Hopefully someone is there who can make a copy for him. I'll text him and let him know. I'm not leaving it there for him, and I'm not letting him just take it.


I get that he might need it to refinance. And that's not a horrible thing. This guy just refinanced last summer, though. Odd that he might need to again. And, I can't think of any other reason why he'd need it, to be honest. If a landlord here could give any specific reasons that wouldn't threaten a renter's ability to be secure in knowing the rental will remain a rental, please by all means, share with the class. Because I am really freaking out. (It doesn't help that I just had to kill a huge black spider ON MY BED while I was sitting here going through all the papers.)


I am going to see the house for sale tomorrow afternoon. I submitted some pre-qual information to a local mortgage broker. I can't think too much more on this. It's my middle kiddo's birthday today. :crying: I feel so badly about how this day has turned out, for him. We woke up feeling great - his birthday was here! DH grabbed his favorite breakfast for him - muffins. My federal tax refund was in the bank, and now I have a small savings account started! And then the landlord calls. And it's all downhill from there.



Oh, I'm sorry. We had a truly horrible landlord situation before we bought the house we're in now and the hugest part of the blow up (which was so bad as to rank as perhaps the second worst day of my adult life) happened on my dd's fourth birthday.


I really hope you can move. We never thought we could buy and it worked out. Make sure you ask around (maybe with a few local lenders) about local first time buyer's programs. Ultimately, that's what allowed us to buy.


I'm a landlord now and, yeah, this sounds fishy. It could hardly be worth the money for him to refinance again so soon.

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Guest inoubliable

I wouldn't give him your only copy even if it was just for him to copy. He doesn't sound very trustworthy. I honestly would take pictures of the contract on my phone and offer to text them to him. He can figure out how to print from there. :glare:


LOL. I like your style.

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Thanks for the good vibes! :)


I just emailed him to let him know that I'll stop by his office tomorrow so someone can make a copy. I'm not leaving there without my copy. I'm not even texting him this stuff. I know he gets his email on his phone so he can deal with that. I want a trail if I need one.





I know it sounds like I may be overreacting. Maybe I am a bit. I've just had it with this place and this guy.



I would NOT hand over my copy to someone in his office to copy. Assume they've been told to not hand it back to you. Make the copy yourself. Because of the crazy history with this landlord, you need to take extra precautions.

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Guest inoubliable



I would NOT hand over my copy to someone in his office to copy. Assume they've been told to not hand it back to you. Make the copy yourself. Because of the crazy history with this landlord, you need to take extra precautions.


Oh, good idea! I think I will take up the mortgage guy's offer to make the copy at his office and then just drop in the landlord's mail slot at his office.

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Listen to Jean.


This man has absolutely no right or claim upon your time or your efforts. None.


I would not do anything for him. In fact, it might not be a bad idea to keep your important papers somewhere other than the house for safe keeping. A bank box is fairly cheap.


This man is not your friend. This is business.


Just cheerfully say, "Sorry to hear that, but I'm busy. Bye." click.


You do not owe him any excuses or explanations. Keep it short. I have until the 6th for the payment to arrive and I'm not pulling out my lease. No. Bye. Click.


The longer you talk, the more peace you are letting him rob from you. And the more likely he will manage to weedle a response you really don't want to give.




ETA: plus the more you talk to him or let him talk you into stuff, the more rope you are giving him to hang YOU by. If you don't cooperate in his insanity, you can't get sucked into it. Or at least not as deeply.

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Guest inoubliable

You're so very right. You all are.


DH doesn't want to give him a copy of the lease at all now. I don't know how to say that I'm not going to, though, after I said I'd drop by so they could make a copy. DH said "tell him it must have blown out of the mail box. It's lost somewhere with that check he said he didn't get, but then magically got after the 6th. Maybe the lease will show up on his desk magically on the 6th!"


He can't *do* anything to us if I don't give him a copy of the lease, right? I mean, legally? I guess he could always give us 30 days notice to get out, but he can't harass us over getting a copy, right?

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Don't get sucked into playing games with this guy.


Do not let his office staff put their hands on your lease.


Give him a copy of the lease. Yes it's time and effort, but refusing to do so will only increase the drama. Provide the copy to make him simmer down and stay quiet.


Keep a photocopy of the lease in your home, and put the original in a bank box. It's worth the money to do so.


Send someone an email (your mom?) detailing everything so that you have a record that is dated.

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He can't *do* anything to us if I don't give him a copy of the lease, right? I mean, legally? I guess he could always give us 30 days notice to get out, but he can't harass us over getting a copy, right?



No. He cannot do anything to you legally for refusing to print off paperwork he lost.


If he asks for it again, tell him you couldn't find it after all. Gotta go. Bye. Click. Remember, the more you talk, the more he can mess with you.


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Give him a copy of the lease. Yes it's time and effort, but refusing to do so will only increase the drama. Provide the copy to make him simmer down and stay quiet.



I complete disagree. Refusing to participate removes any opportunity for drama. If he needs someone to make him simmer down and stay quiet, then he can either get his own therapist or she can call the police.



Limit interaction.

To do otherwise is just going to feed the problem.

Do not feed the crazies.


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No. He cannot do anything to you legally for refusing to print off paperwork he lost.


If he asks for it again, tell him you couldn't find it after all. Gotta go. Bye. Click. Remember, the more you talk, the more he can mess with you.


Yes, this. I like it! I know I like to have things like this wrapped up so they aren't hanging over my head. I also hate conflict. However, I am learning the problem with some people things are never, ever, ever wrapped up. There is alway something else.

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In general, the rule I follow is to never let anyone SEE OR TOUCH ORIGINALS of papers I have. Receipts or other papers. I am always glad to pay to have photocopies made and I give those copies to them, if necessary.


Big exception coming up in 2 weeks. We are going to renew DDs U.S. Passport. We will take the Originals of everything with us for them to examine, and photocopies of everything to give to them. That's extremely different, IMHO. Complying with U.S. law is one thing, catering to a jerk (polite term) of a landlord, is not something the OP needs to do.


To get him off your back, pay to have a photocopy of the lease made, give that copy to him, and NEVER let him near the copy that you have (your "original").


GL on financing the purchase of your own home! As others mentioned, there are multiple financinig plans for first time buyers in the USA and I'm sure the Mortgage Broker can help you with that. Some are probably Federal programs and some are probably State programs.

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Just a thought...he might need a copy of the lease to sell the property. The lease lives beyond a sale and most lenders would ask for a copy.


Other than that, I'm 'oh my' that he can't find his copy of a lease. Can you imagine how he takes care of his RE clients???????

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It does not matter WHY he needs her copy. It is HER copy, not his. His inability to be professional and keep important paperwork is not her problem. If he couldn't keep track of his own, I wouldn't put any stock in him not losing the copy and telling her he needs another or he never got it or or or...


Ya'll are thinking like rational people. "Sure just give him a copy and he'll shut up about it."


Rational solutions don't work for crazies. I guarantee if she does this, he will have some problem or need something else or or or... Because crazies feed off this wackado stuff.


I repeat:


Don't feed the crazies!

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Guest inoubliable

I'm so excited for you, KK! I hope you can get out of this guy's house.


I am willing to bet he is trying to sell it. Or he's going for a shady mortgage. But something tells me this maroon is in over his head and he's trying to dump your house.



I think he might be, too. :(


Hopefully I'll have good news to report on Monday. (And maybe posts with pics of the house after we see it tomorrow! And maybe pics of my current spartan house - although I forget all of the people who were calling for them. I'll have to start a new thread "How I Keep My House Clean and Manage to Damage My Children - Minimalism".)

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I complete disagree. Refusing to participate removes any opportunity for drama. If he needs someone to make him simmer down and stay quiet, then he can either get his own therapist or she can call the police.



Limit interaction.

To do otherwise is just going to feed the problem.

Do not feed the crazies.




I agree with the principle of refusing to participate with a bully, up to a certain extent, and in certain situations.However, it's not so much a matter of keeping the peace as choosing your battles.


I think the landlord is up to something, and that the OP needs to save her fight for the big one--when he tries to evict, or refuses to give back her damage deposit, or tries to change the terms of the lease or get more money in some way. I would most definitely give a silly concession like a photocopy of the lease because not to do so is petty in the eyes of any court (if it ever comes to that). Not to do so would appear, in the eyes of a court, that the tenant is just as antagonistic as the landlord.


Furthermore, besides his obvious faults as a landlord, the guy is clearly a flake. Flaky people misplace things. They shouldn't, but they do. I wouldn't make a big battle over a photocopy--save that energy for the bigger battle.

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Guest inoubliable

You make a good point there! I hadn't thought of it that way at all. If we manage to get the loan for this other house and the house isn't a complete dump, we're packing up and MOVING! The last thing I want to deal with is haggling with him over my security deposit or getting sued for damages not caused by us. It may buy us a little goodwill to just go ahead and drop off a copy. I'm DEFINITELY not giving him my copy. And I'm not letting anyone in his office touch it, either. We'll either get a copy at the mortgage guy's office or have the fantastic people at Staples make one.

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Guest inoubliable

Can I ask how the meeting with the mortgage guy went, or is that personal financial stuff that you don't want to get into? I'm REALLY hoping that he gave you some encouraging news so you can get out of there.



DH got home too late for us to make it over there, so we're going over first thing in the morning. The credit numbers were already run and the guy says it should be no problem at all getting us approved (which I'm sort of surprised about, to be honest). He called me this evening to ask me which credit cards I had planned on paying off on Monday (it was something I'd mentioned when we were going over assets and debts over the phone earlier). I told him and he said, "no, no. Just take these three and get them down to $XX.XXX instead.". So I did send in payments to Capital One tonight. As soon as that clears on Monday, he said he'd run it though The System (so ominous!), get a better score, and get us an even better deal.


That's all I know so far. I don't know if I'll find out anything more tomorrow. He's supposed to contact our agent tomorrow before we go to look at the house to let him know that we're working with him and that he's confident that we'll have The Letter (seriously, aren't there better names for these things??) by Monday evening, Tuesday at the latest.


It's been a LONG time since I worked with real estate or mortgages and so much has changed since then. Quite honestly, this property needs some work and I never dealt with that sort of property even then. I'm nervous and not sure at all what to expect. I've got the name of a good home inspector that I'll call on Monday, if we like the house and go forward with it, I mean. I'm not sure if we should jump in and get a contract out tomorrow - but both the mortgage guy and the realtor told us that we'd be good to go if we decided that was what we wanted to do. I feel like someone should be holding my hand for this.


Any tips on what to look for tomorrow are appreciated! And, thanks to everyone for the good juju being sent my way!

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In general, the rule I follow is to never let anyone SEE OR TOUCH ORIGINALS of papers I have. Receipts or other papers. I am always glad to pay to have photocopies made and I give those copies to them, if necessary.


Big exception coming up in 2 weeks. We are going to renew DDs U.S. Passport. We will take the Originals of everything with us for them to examine, and photocopies of everything to give to them. That's extremely different, IMHO. Complying with U.S. law is one thing, catering to a jerk (polite term) of a landlord, is not something the OP needs to do.


To get him off your back, pay to have a photocopy of the lease made, give that copy to him, and NEVER let him near the copy that you have (your "original").


GL on financing the purchase of your own home! As others mentioned, there are multiple financinig plans for first time buyers in the USA and I'm sure the Mortgage Broker can help you with that. Some are probably Federal programs and some are probably State programs.



Just an FYI, you have to send the originals in; copies are not acceptable. They mail them back to you.

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Just an FYI, you have to send the originals in; copies are not acceptable. They mail them back to you.

Hi TXBeth: FYI, Overseas Americans cannot do anything, regarding U.S. Passports, via mail. We must always do that in person, with the U.S. Embassy in Bogota or the U.S. Consulate in Barranquilla.. Inconvenient, but that is U.S. law... On the "plus" side, for the first time in the 18 years I have lived in Colombia, they are coming to our city, to take Passport applications, which is great, since we do not live in Bogota, where the U.S. Embassy is located. :-) We will take the Originals of everything with us, for them to inspect, and, photocopies of everything, which we can give them.

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My only advice on the house hunting, is not to jump on something you will regret out of sheer desperation. If the house you are looking at needs a lot of work, be realistic about whether or not you can do the work that needs to be done. Wallpaper, paint, even minor plumbing repairs are easy. Replacing the flooring is a bit more expensive. Major plumbing and electrical are expensive. Structural issues are really expensive!


Good luck! I hope you find a great house and everything works out financially.

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