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Anyone heard from Julie and Astrid?


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Wow--- I continue to just be so humbled by the prayers, good thoughts, love and light in which we are being held by so many.


Update-- we are doing well. Dd continues to amaze us with her maturity and her ability to keep it all together. She goes to school, enjoys her friends, and just today auditioned for the female lead in the school production of "The Music Man," singing "Goodnight, My Someone" a capella. She was called back and read for the part as well as two others. (She can't dance a lick though, so THAT could be problematic! :-) She's keeping herself busy and getting on with life, and we're letting her do that, though I do worry that she's just filing it away and pretending things are normal, repressing her feelings. She said she worries about US, so I don't want her to put on an act to make us THINK she's doing okay but really isn't. We touch base with her all the time, and I feel like I"m walking a fine line between smothering (which I WANT TO DO!!!) and just sweeping it under the rug, which I know I'm not doing but I don't want her to think we are and start doing it herself. Yikes that's a lot of psychobabble! I hope it makes some kind of sense!


Anyway, she's sleeping better, and her anxiety (which was an issue before the whole incident) has been okay. Not much hair pulling, so that's a good thing. I'm sleeping better too. I'm reminded every hour how blessed I am to have such a kind, gentle, compassionate husband, because his shoulders have been bearing so much of this burden for all of us. I think I was operating in crisis mode for the first couple of days, and just yesterday I started to fall apart bit by bit at odd times-- driving home from work, sorting laundry, etc. The worry is exhausting, and just when I'm at work and having a "moment" I'll get a sweet text from dh, so that's helping. A wise Hive-er told me the other day that it's ok to fall apart, because what comes back together is stronger and more beautiful than before. Great advice, and I'm trying to let myself cry on dh's shoulder at night. It's got to come out-- the anger, the worry, the grief. Dh and I are finding it's very much a process of grief.


So that's a long, rambling reply to say that we're doing okay-- really. Thanks for your continued prayers and good thoughts-- they help more than you know, and more than I could ever express.



astrid and family

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Wow--- I continue to just be so humbled by the prayers, good thoughts, love and light in which we are being held by so many.


Update-- we are doing well. Dd continues to amaze us with her maturity and her ability to keep it all together. She goes to school, enjoys her friends, and just today auditioned for the female lead in the school production of "The Music Man," singing "Goodnight, My Someone" a capella. She was called back and read for the part as well as two others. (She can't dance a lick though, so THAT could be problematic! :-) She's keeping herself busy and getting on with life, and we're letting her do that, though I do worry that she's just filing it away and pretending things are normal, repressing her feelings. She said she worries about US, so I don't want her to put on an act to make us THINK she's doing okay but really isn't. We touch base with her all the time, and I feel like I"m walking a fine line between smothering (which I WANT TO DO!!!) and just sweeping it under the rug, which I know I'm not doing but I don't want her to think we are and start doing it herself. Yikes that's a lot of psychobabble! I hope it makes some kind of sense!


Anyway, she's sleeping better, and her anxiety (which was an issue before the whole incident) has been okay. Not much hair pulling, so that's a good thing. I'm sleeping better too. I'm reminded every hour how blessed I am to have such a kind, gentle, compassionate husband, because his shoulders have been bearing so much of this burden for all of us. I think I was operating in crisis mode for the first couple of days, and just yesterday I started to fall apart bit by bit at odd times-- driving home from work, sorting laundry, etc. The worry is exhausting, and just when I'm at work and having a "moment" I'll get a sweet text from dh, so that's helping. A wise Hive-er told me the other day that it's ok to fall apart, because what comes back together is stronger and more beautiful than before. Great advice, and I'm trying to let myself cry on dh's shoulder at night. It's got to come out-- the anger, the worry, the grief. Dh and I are finding it's very much a process of grief.


So that's a long, rambling reply to say that we're doing okay-- really. Thanks for your continued prayers and good thoughts-- they help more than you know, and more than I could ever express.



astrid and family


Thank you for the update.

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Umm...I have been hiding out, lurking once in a while, because I have no good news to report, and I'm not sure what to say about that. Nothing has changed in terms of my personal situation, though things are definitely changing for me emotionally. Each day that goes by leaves me more able to see a life without my dh, and with a clearer idea of where I need to go from here.


Facing what is (there's no sense in me denying it or calling it anything else) complete public humiliation has been, in the truest sense of the word, completely humbling. I know that people irl mean it kindly, but I'm already weary of them looking at me with pity and sadness on my behalf.


In the past, I've said (here, and irl) that being offended is a choice. You can choose to let jerks get you down, or you can choose to rise above the fray, take a bit of a philosophical view of the situation, and choose not to be offended. Well, I think I've come to the conclusion that sadness is a bit the same way. Why should I give any other person the power to turn me into a broken, sad, and miserable version of the person I used to be? They can only do that if I let them.


It's bad enough to have been betrayed and wronged, but even worse if I give away who I am and who I have been all my life, to...her? Him?


I don't know exactly what's coming next (though we can all guess), or when, but what I do know is that regardless of what actually comes to pass in the outward trappings my life, I'm getting a little bit stronger every day. For now, I find myself satisfied with that, and I'm cutting myself some slack with regard to taking any permanent action about my marriage (or lack thereof). I can, after all, kick his @ss to the curb any time I'm darn good & ready, and not as a purely knee-jerk reaction to an emotional situation.


So, what's my update? Not much, I guess, looking at it objectively. If you could see it from behind my eyes though, there's all manner of interesting changes going on. For now, that's good enough.

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Umm...I have been hiding out, lurking once in a while, because I have no good news to report, and I'm not sure what to say about that. Nothing has changed in terms of my personal situation, though things are definitely changing for me emotionally. Each day that goes by leaves me more able to see a life without my dh, and with a clearer idea of where I need to go from here.


Facing what is (there's no sense in me denying it or calling it anything else) complete public humiliation has been, in the truest sense of the word, completely humbling. I know that people irl mean it kindly, but I'm already weary of them looking at me with pity and sadness on my behalf.


In the past, I've said (here, and irl) that being offended is a choice. You can choose to let jerks get you down, or you can choose to rise above the fray, take a bit of a philosophical view of the situation, and choose not to be offended. Well, I think I've come to the conclusion that sadness is a bit the same way. Why should I give any other person the power to turn me into a broken, sad, and miserable version of the person I used to be? They can only do that if I let them.


It's bad enough to have been betrayed and wronged, but even worse if I give away who I am and who I have been all my life, to...her? Him?


I don't know exactly what's coming next (though we can all guess), or when, but what I do know is that regardless of what actually comes to pass in the outward trappings my life, I'm getting a little bit stronger every day. For now, I find myself satisfied with that, and I'm cutting myself some slack with regard to taking any permanent action about my marriage (or lack thereof). I can, after all, kick his @ss to the curb any time I'm darn good & ready, and not as a purely knee-jerk reaction to an emotional situation.


So, what's my update? Not much, I guess, looking at it objectively. If you could see it from behind my eyes though, there's all manner of interesting changes going on. For now, that's good enough.



This is really good news Julie. It is very freeing to reach a place emotionally where no other person is going to control your happiness and your peace. Until you reach that point you are trapped by your own paralyzing fear. Fear of loss, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown.



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Umm...I have been hiding out, lurking once in a while, because I have no good news to report, and I'm not sure what to say about that. Nothing has changed in terms of my personal situation, though things are definitely changing for me emotionally. Each day that goes by leaves me more able to see a life without my dh, and with a clearer idea of where I need to go from here.


Facing what is (there's no sense in me denying it or calling it anything else) complete public humiliation has been, in the truest sense of the word, completely humbling. I know that people irl mean it kindly, but I'm already weary of them looking at me with pity and sadness on my behalf.


In the past, I've said (here, and irl) that being offended is a choice. You can choose to let jerks get you down, or you can choose to rise above the fray, take a bit of a philosophical view of the situation, and choose not to be offended. Well, I think I've come to the conclusion that sadness is a bit the same way. Why should I give any other person the power to turn me into a broken, sad, and miserable version of the person I used to be? They can only do that if I let them.


It's bad enough to have been betrayed and wronged, but even worse if I give away who I am and who I have been all my life, to...her? Him?


I don't know exactly what's coming next (though we can all guess), or when, but what I do know is that regardless of what actually comes to pass in the outward trappings my life, I'm getting a little bit stronger every day. For now, I find myself satisfied with that, and I'm cutting myself some slack with regard to taking any permanent action about my marriage (or lack thereof). I can, after all, kick his @ss to the curb any time I'm darn good & ready, and not as a purely knee-jerk reaction to an emotional situation.


So, what's my update? Not much, I guess, looking at it objectively. If you could see it from behind my eyes though, there's all manner of interesting changes going on. For now, that's good enough.


amen sister amen

its being able to imagine something that makes it possible. head and heart work are the hardest of all, and it sounds like you are on your way.


it reminds me of this.



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