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At Emerg with baby girl :(


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UPDATE: see post #18 - all good.



If u can spare a prayer....

She started a little cold 2 days ago but this morning had some wicked coughing fits to the point where she was choking on mucous :(. I nearly called 911 she was literally choking!!! Took her to see our family dr and after a consult with the hosp pediatrician - we are in emerg :(.


They are doing a chest xray to look for pneumonia as well as a throat swab. Her oxygen levels are up and down (80-100) so not sure what that is all about :(.


Thanks. Will update as long as my battery allows.

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Praying. When ds had RSV they admitted him for several days and he had nebulizer treatments and steriods and then came home on steriods and a puffer for a while. It's not the RSV itself they treat but the issues that come up because of it. They have to check that it is that first though, because if it is just croup or something it is not treated the same necessarily. You definitely don't want to be giving steriods and stuff unless necessary

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Depends on the RSV severity and age of the baby. I've had two who were treated (symptomatically) at home. One was hospitalized on oxygen and antiviral medication for two weeks. She was preemie (actually, the other two were too) and still tiny (around 8 lbs). She had pneumonia and double ear infections.

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Good news - no RSV

Chest xray is clear

Cleared for home with instructions to follow up in 2 days or bring her in if she gets a fever

Thanks for all of the prayers and good thoughts.


I found myself praying for the really sick people here. One poor man had a heart attack and another lady came in with a stroke :(.

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Good news - no RSV

Chest xray is clear

Cleared for home with instructions to follow up in 2 days or bring her in if she gets a fever

Thanks for all of the prayers and good thoughts.


I found myself praying for the really sick people here. One poor man had a heart attack and another lady came in with a stroke :(.


i hope your little one gets better quickly!


sounds like a typical Sat night ER to me...

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I googled RSV to remind me of details. If she has it and her O2 is that low, they'll probably admit her, give her an IV, some breathing treatments of some sort, maybe some oxygen or even a vent if her O2 is low enough.


This happened with us when Grace was about 6 weeks old. Her O2 sat was at 80% and they put her in an oxygen tent for a couple of days.

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Good news - no RSV

Chest xray is clear

Cleared for home with instructions to follow up in 2 days or bring her in if she gets a fever

Thanks for all of the prayers and good thoughts.


I found myself praying for the really sick people here. One poor man had a heart attack and another lady came in with a stroke :(.



Responded to the other before I saw this. Good news! Please keep us updated!

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