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If you've had a crappy year so far


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what will you be changing after the holidays to make it better? Will you school a little longer this year? Do you know what the problem/problems are?


oh, so many thoughts on this. I'll have to come back to it later this weekend ... but I know I'll be scheduling more exercise and sleep for me (now, how to DO that?) so I don't cry from fatigue and frazzledness; and try for an outdoor Excursion daily, we may move this to the AM right after math; math first thing in the AM -- forget circle time and recorder: we need to hit math first ... that's the Short List. DH is starting Button in Aikido. The toddler will get older and the teeth will all come in ... :)


what about you?

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We dropped a lot from last year, last year was a major fail after always being gone as well. I am dropping a Monday afternoon activity for my daughter that breaks that day up and makes it stressfull. We will be taking Friday off and doing school one day over the weekend because of a morning committment. I have something Thursday morning I am going to try to reschudal for later in the day.


I don't feel like it has held us back, just made our day longer and if I don't get school done in the morning I begin to feel stressed out.

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I'm pulling my older 2 from their enrichment program. We'll probably go through June, instead of mostly ending in May as planned. Our problem has been being on the go way. too. much. It's hard to establish a routine and habits for homeschooling when you're not home.


:iagree: Last year was badddd. We were way too busy. Cut out a lot of stuff. This year has been better, but still not great. We've been in house limbo for the majority of the year after learning that our landlord was losing the house we are renting back in April. (3rd time this happened to us...sigh.) The stress of house searching and then house building and now house closing is making me go out of my mind. We recently cut out more activities this year and hope to be moved by next year and have a great 2013! Here's to wishful thinking! :cheers2:

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I need to work on my mommy organizational skills also. Ours has been going crappy just due to exhaustion and pregnancy-related things on my part, but I know from past experience things won't get much better once I have a newborn. We go year-round so I'm just not going to stress and trust that we'll get caught up. We have minimal outside activities right now, it's just not something we can realistically fit in the schedule.

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We are looking at a curriculum change after the holidays. Ds and I are BOTH bored with what we are using right now and need something with a little more meat to it. Other than that, incorporating more field trips and maybe an extra curricular or two would be nice.

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oh, so many thoughts on this. I'll have to come back to it later this weekend ... but I know I'll be scheduling more exercise and sleep for me (now, how to DO that?) so I don't cry from fatigue and frazzledness; and try for an outdoor Excursion daily, we may move this to the AM right after math; math first thing in the AM -- forget circle time and recorder: we need to hit math first ... that's the Short List. DH is starting Button in Aikido. The toddler will get older and the teeth will all come in ... :)


what about you?




This has been the worst start we've ever had!! I'm part of the reason and we have some things going on that breaks up the day and we're aren't on any type of schedule. I have to drop my DD off for her classes two days a week, Dh has been home ALOT! I would love to say that he was a help and not an interruption, but that's just not the case. Most of the time he interrupts me to do things for him that he could so easily do for himself. I need more exercise and sleep as well, actually what I need is uniterrupted sleep. My plan is to use my CC foundations guide to help me at least get memory work going and then I plan to really, really give LCC a try.

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We have had a real slow start this year. Mostly because of my end of pregnancy exhaustion and now getting a routine going with a newborn. The last week of November things finally started to come together...only to be hit with the "It's almost Christmas and the children are all going crazy" issues that December brings ;) I'm starting to think why fight it and just use this time to put together a schedule for when life gets back to normal in January.

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I am in the category of needing to improve my mommy organizational skills. I feel like we are getting the things done that we "need" to, but not getting to the things that I want to. I was hoping to do more "fun" things this year, which we have done a few more than last, but still not as many as I was hoping to get around to. I also feel like I am doing a terrible job of being consistent with my Dd4 and Dd3. They want to do more "school" things, I just seem to always run out of time and/or energy. I think most of it is due to this pregnancy, I have felt extra tired. I am hoping to turn things around and take a bit of a fresh start in Janruary, but I know that I will just be even more pregnant and tired, and then not long after that will have a newborn. Sigh. I think I just need to take it a day at a time and focus on being consistent. Anything above and beyond that will be a bonus. But I shouldn't tear myself down for it. So yes I understand the idea of feeling like my school year hasn't been what I really wanted it to be, the sad thing is that I don't see a solution coming anytime soon. I guess I need to take advice from Dori, "Just keep swimming!" :001_smile:

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This has been the toughest first semester for us that I can remember. I think it's mostly because I tried to change way too many things this year instead of just one or two things. So, I'm going to spend some time this break planning and restructuring, starting with going back to things that work. I've realized that even though I might be capable of planning things on my own, I much prefer using someone else's plans and then adjusting when I want/need to do so.


I also need to get more sleep and make sure we get outside for a walk every day. And, hopefully the clean-house fairy will visit and completely declutter the house. A girl can dream, right? :lol:

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We have not had the greatest year, several health issues coupled with a visit from the grandma for several weeks put things to a halt. We are dropping somethings from our schedule, like a co-op that just wasn't the best idea for us. We are adding in different spelling (changing to Apples and Pears) and hen adding Latin. :) We are excited for a "fresh" start in the New Year!

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Good thread!


I think I might switch Latin. We are just not getting it done right now and I think we need a fresh start. I know we are going to stop one of our classes.


My dh wants me to add another class that meets 2 times a week ...eek! He does not always understand how difficult it is to do outside classes and homeschool. Right now my plan is to wait for that class. It is an ongoing class so we can sign up in spring.


I also need to be more organized. And consistent. And organized.

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Less-than-stellar progress has been made here, too. We've been sick since September, making us all very tired and unable to participate in field trips and homeschool gatherings. I had chronic health issues ongoing in years past which were finally getting under control over the summer, so I was looking forward to getting back on track and building consistency this year. Then the Never Ending Horrible Cough arrived with it's various side-dish symptoms. We also had grandparents for a long visit, during which next to nothing was accomplished.


Changes to be made immediately are prioritizing basic self-care, devotions & prayer, sleep/wake routine (including getting enough sleep!), vitamins, nutrition (i.e., make time to cook something decent at home), and exercise. I've been putting the cart before the horse, thinking I would give more attention to these things once I got the homeschool running smoothly. If my grandma were still around, she probably could have pointed that out to me years ago.


I think the only curriculum changes will be trying to cut down, streamline, and set some things up to be done independently (even if partially so). I want it all for my kids, and I picked what I have for good reason, so it's hard for me to decide between things. We never get through our list, and it's because it's too full. It seems I'm forever doing this, but I had a big realization late this fall about setting us up for success vs. failure, and what I should be doing if I want next year to be as I envision.


I want to add another outside class, or more fun activities, or even just playtime with friends where I can visit with other moms. I know that is counter-intuitive to what I just posted, so I want to hold off until routines are in place and things run more smoothly. I also think it might be from being cooped up in the house with this sickness and the extreme cold (temperature, not illness).

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Any badness to the year has been character related - theirs and mine. They have an excuse though - they're relying on me to instruct and train them in these things. My problem is needing diligence and endless patience and perseverance. I have an awful habit of taking the easy way out (letting things slide, going light because I can't be bothered doing it fully, lax schedule) which has compounding negative results.


I would say that I'm going to be working on a schedule but that is going to be difficult while preparing to move to a different continent in a few months. Due to that and the couple of false starts we had this year (resulting in a late "real" start), the year feels like a bit of a bust. I'm not sure I can do much to recover it.

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We started out fine, but then got bogged down with a lot of outside activities. I tend to expect a lot from them, as well, and I think we just burned out (ennui?). We have fallen behind in a number of things, but I'm hoping with a couple of weeks down for the holidays, and a major attitude change by me might get us back on track. I like them to have a good break in the middle of the day, but I think we'll cut that back a bit, and maybe start a little earlier in the morning. We don't seem to get going before 9 A.M., although we've been up since 7. Our day has been ending about 5 P.M., and DH hates when he gets home at 6 and eldest DD is still working.

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I used to be able to do a couple loads of laundry a day, mostly keep up with dishes, and feed kids etc. while getting schoolwork done. With the new baby, I've found I seem to be running around all day putting out little fires, but I never have the time to truly focus on one thing. I've commited myself to 4 days of nothing but schoolwork and meals. All cleaning and everything else has been pushed to F-Sn. Keeping my fingers crossed that this will do the trick for us...

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We just started our first "full" year of homeschooling this fall. So, I'm still struggling to figure out how to work it all in, coupled with my laziness, lack of organization, etc. So we haven't done great so far. I'll figure it out, though. Hopefully before DD10 is ready to graduate high school. :D


The biggest thing that needs to be worked on is ME. Organization, consistency, attitude, etc. Once I get that figured out, the rest will fall into place. Hence, my participation in the organization (GTD) thread.

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The first quarter went great. The second quarter- not so much. Doodle turned 10yo this fall and fell directly into some sort of pre-teen brain fog. He is sleeping a lot more. He suddenly has body odor. His brain has fallen out of his head: he can't focus, he is forgetting things that were previously mastered, and he can't seem to complete the amount of work that previously was typical.


I don't know what to do. We will muddle along and I will hope that during school he doesn't become a boulder that I have to drag through mud every stinking day. :(


I may sign him up for K12 or Calvert next year. I know that I am not going to spend tons of my time trying to create a fun educational experience and then still have to drag him through it. At this point I just want to get it done.



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We started the year in September and we were still finishing up a few things from last year so we eased into this year. The reason we were still finishing up from last year was because of a financial crisis, house sale, and move to another state. Then my son was diagnosed with leukemia on September 15 and we have been trying to stay afloat all year. He is doing very, very well but trying to keep the house in somewhat of an order sometimes (in case of an emergency) and other health issues and appointments (I'm pregnant) have all just added up. I am so discouraged that we are only on lesson 29 at the most in all subjects and we should be at least to 60 by now I would think. Plus we homeschool on Saturdays since we go to CC on Tuesdays! I think this is the perfect storm for homeschooling with a 5 year old and a 4 year old that I am working with plus a 3rd grader with a learning disability who has started therapy this year to help her processing speed. We have at least some hospitalizations coming up in February and a baby due at the end of March and I am just not sure how we're going to get through all our work this year. I have all these grand summer plans I want to pull off and I don't see how we're going to get to them. I am loving all of our curriculum so there is nothing I want to change about that. I've played with our schedule but I'm still teaching ALL day with 4 kiddos and a 3 year old and 1 year old in tow. My husband has had to take over meals, groceries, and the kitchen (he works from home) and all I can seem to do is straighten the house, teach, and do laundry and clean once a week. We've cut out all activities except CC and church and AWANA. Next year I was hoping to add our neighborhood tennis and golf classes in and at least piano for the oldest two (we used to do violin for the oldest 4 but that takes too much of my time for now). I'm really praying that once we get past this year with everyone healthy that we will have an easier time next year when my 5 year old and oldest will be a little more independent. Of course I'll have a nursing baby, though!


I love homeschooling and I know this is just a season. I love what we're learning and the books we're using and everything. I think I am just a rare breed to have a large family and homeschool classically and actually spend time working with my 5 year old and 4 year old (I know some people with large families just delay working with the younger ones). So hopefully with time this will get easier. This is probably my last baby (at least biologically and at least for the next 3 years or so) so I am going to cherish this and what we have and focus on how temporary all of this is in light of eternity! And I'm going to be happy that at least I am happy with our curriculum and just mainly doing schedule tweaking these days.......

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We've been overly busy this fall, and haven't gotten half of what I hoped done. So, I am planning a fresh start in January.


I had a family conference, with everyone there - husband, both kids, and myself. We all came to the conclusion that our "relaxed" (mostly unschooling truthfully) approach is NOT working well.


We're taking December off, to renew and refocus. I have decided that the sample sixth grade schedule from Great Books Academy is indeed the most practical for our homeschooling ventures, and now I am simply filling in the subjects. I'm down to two options for the history portion*, but have settled everything else...


*Either K12 and limited historical fiction, or Famous Men of... I love the globally inclusive nature of K12, and the tone of the Famous Men series. I think we might also get Mapping the World With Art.

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I don't think we've really had a crappy year so far, just not enough and not particularly consistent.


We have lots of changes already in the works. I have been reading more and have been somewhat influenced by The Latin Centered Curriculum among other things. I am adding quite a bit to older ds' schedule. He also wants tests (more than just the math tests we were doing).


So, we have added in:

~Memoria Press' Famous Men of Rome w/ study guide (I think I will try to use the student guide as tests, rather than as a workbook

~Regular mythology readings (including using D'Aulaire's book w/ study guide from MP)

~Geography from MP

~Philosophy following the model from Great Books Academy

~Literature study from Great Books Academy


For younger ds:

~Phonics from MP (Classical Phonics)

~Literature study from MP (starting with More Storytime Treasures as it fits with his current reading level)


For both of them:

Life of Fred

Bravewriter Arrow

Project Based Learning (we've done this intermittently, but I want to commit to it more consistently in our week)


Also, we have a new format to our "together time":


Monday: Myths, Maths (living math), and Music

Tuesday: Open (may use this for science, general read alouds) and tea time

Wednesday: Wilderness (nature) and the World (geography, cultures)

Thursday: Open

Friday: Fairytales, Fine Arts, Freewriting


I am working on a simpler checklist for older ds that I can keep on top of better and reinstituting workboxes for younger ds. Also,going to get started earlier each day. These last few items are key.

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We started out the year (our first offiacil year, but second year, lol) with a curriculum I believed in and high hopes for... But it was a fail. Maybe part of it is my fault. I feel I could have made it work if I had tweaked and supplemented more. I just wasn't "feeling it" and that may have rubbed off on the kids. I also got highly wrapped up in the elections that school came second at times.


We switched to a new curriculum 4 weeks ago and so far, so good. I do need to figure out how to schedule better. Both kids have activities and I have committments and its a bit much with my less than stellar health, arthritis, and upcoming hip surgery. I need to organize life better :)

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I'm pulling my older 2 from their enrichment program. We'll probably go through June, instead of mostly ending in May as planned. Our problem has been being on the go way. too. much. It's hard to establish a routine and habits for homeschooling when you're not home.


We seem to be having the same issue. I'm calling tomorrow to try to drop a monthly science class we take because the kids are gaining nothing from it and with the drive it takes up half of a school day. Something else has to give too though, and I'm not sure what. I'm stressed out all the time and though school gets done, there isn't much time to do anything else outside of it and the kids' activities. I'm trying to find the balance between giving them social opportunities & fun activities and having time at home to relax, do family things, and just be kids. I don't remember the last time we had a family movie night or game night. It's just too much. I'm overwhelmed. I wouldn't say this year is horrible. DS's ADHD is under control, so there is very little stress surrounding school this year, but there is so much stress surrounding everything else.

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Oh my gosh, I just want to reach out and give you all huge hugs! :grouphug: Especially you, STM4HIM!! Your post made me cry. Your strength to keep on going no matter what amazes me, truly. If you can do that, I can do this. I'll inevitably think of you & your son whenever I'm debating whether to slack off or not, and trying to find the motivation. When I do, I'll send up a prayer for him, and you & the family. I hope that doesn't come across in a creepy internet stalker sort of way, because I mean it in a caring, empathetic way.


Many of you are also pushing on through hardships that would make others jump ship. Give yourself a pat on the back for that! :hurray: Yay for perseverance & determination! As I read through the posts, my response to many feels similar. I hear stress, being overwhelmed, working things from all angles (weekends or late hours), as well as a deep care for your children's education as evidenced by your careful selection of curriculum - even if it's moving to K12 so things get done when that wasn't your plan, for example. That shows you care that the child stays on track, and that you're mindful of the relationship. I hear some of you clinging to curriculum that you firmly believe in, that you love, adore, enjoy, etc... but paradoxically also stating it just doesn't happen like it should. If you (collective you) don't see a way out of that pattern, I urge you to take a step back and take an honest long-term assessment of the situation: Will there be an end to the situation(s) that is taking time away from homeschooling? How many hours of homeschooling do you have scheduled, and is it "normal" for your child (subjective, I realize) or have you got too much/little listed? If there is concern about getting caught up, how long and what measures will it take to get there? Are those measures realistic given the situation(s) that caused this in the first place?


I ask those things based on a hard dose of reality I had to accept lately. I was convinced that specific curriculum and ways of doing things were the only way I wanted to teach my kids, but we had fallen very, very behind. I kept re-writing the schedule over and over to squish missed work into less and less time, or push it into the future (which was also quickly getting very squished instead of regular pace). When I finally put the new "squished" schedule on paper, divided up by the time expectations, I realized why we never got it all done - it was truly too much. I now see it is time to cut my losses. I have to pick and choose, or (reluctantly) switch in some cases. My children are older now than they were when I first picked that curriculum; they are capable of more in less time and of learning harder things more easily than they were then. Is it a good use of our homeschool time to be rushing through low-level curricula if there is something else that is written specifically to get us from A to B in a year for older kids? If they are rushing through, how much will they retain? Does it matter that I loved that curriculum and believe it's the best way to learn spelling, math, etc.? Is it serving my child's best interests now? My mind was so stuck in a box that I didn't even realize it. I didn't even think of stepping off my chosen path, even if just a little, to take a year to get caught up where it counts most. Why was I still battling to get extras done if my kids are very behind in every other subject? Because my thinking was stubbornly stuck in a box. I panicked that they were behind in Latin, Logic, Art, Music, etc. It's hard to leave that panic behind, to leave those dreams behind. It doesn't mean we won't do anything with those subjects, it just means my plans have drastically changed for this year (temporarily) and I have to accept that it changes our overall academic trajectory in some areas. I wasn't willing to accept that before, and it kept us behind in everything.


I share all that not to encourage you to drop electives, but to similarly assess your situation and be honest with yourself. Set yourself & your kids up for success, not for battling against an impossibly long catch-up list every day. There can be success on a catch-up schedule, but in some cases it takes prioritizing.


Best wishes to you all, and I too look forward to updates down the road!

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Things have not been really, really bad here but I am stressed trying to fit in everything so some days I feel like the things I want to do (fun things like science and history) get pushed off by things I feel like I have to do (math and language arts). I want to fit Latin into our busy schedule somehow. I need to re-prioritize.


I spent a lot of money on a K12 language arts program that is level-wise/content-wise just perfect but as far as what is expected each day, is just too much for our schedule...especially since dd has been practicing violin many hours a day to prepare for an audition she'd like to do. I don't want to bag the language arts program but I need to do it slower and, because of that, probably won't finish it until later than I wanted and not sure how long into the summer it will be available. Don't know if I get to use it until it's finished or for a year.


There is not much I can change at the moment except attempt to plan for more days at home and fewer "extra" work days. I have been fitting in patients here and there on days that are my normal "at home" days, usually Mondays and Tuesdays. I have been taking on too many patients and need to learn to say "no." My husband is home with dd so she gets those "have to do" things done but I like being home with her and having a whole day to do all those fun things in a non-rushed fashion.


I have also been sick for the past two weeks which doesn't help in the mommy energy department. Part of me would like to take a break from all those must do things until after Christmas and just spend time doing science and history. I have an ideal of days at home sitting on the couch reading about history, doing projects, science experiments in the kitchen, etc....but it seems like we never get to those and end up reading in the car heading somewhere or me giving her a project to do while I go see patients.


I also want to get the house organized. I keep it clean, as in swept and dusted but summer was crazy and I need to just deep clean all the closets, cabinets, and basement to get really organized after letting those things go. I spent literally hours cleaning dd's room with her yesterday then moved on to her play area in the basement...going through everything and getting rid of too small clothes, toys and books she's outgrown, etc...then we rearranged her furniture to give it a new "look." It felt really good so now I'd like to take a room every few days and do that until the whole house is in order. I want to create a crafting area in the basement so all her crafting can be organized in one area of the house rather than in every room and I want to deep clean the basement storage area and just get rid of stuff that has been in boxes since we moved in 3 years ago and get rid of some of the 4 filled bins of books I have since I am obviously never going to use them all homeschooling one child.


The other thing I need to do is change my mindset in terms of how much dd needs to do in a day academically. She is way ahead of the average child her age and I feel like we've just kept on moving but maybe we don't need to keep moving so quickly and I can cut back on some of what she does in a day. Her music is the most important thing to her right now and she has a lot of opportunities there. Every time her practice times increase, I always think it's temporary and say "after (such and such), things will go back closer to normal" but it doesn't happen and she keeps that amount of practice until the next increase. She is still young so I want her to have options just in case someday she decides music isn't her thing anymore or someday she finds something that interests her just as much. I need to figure out how to balance academics and music without being stressed in terms of time and in terms of what I am comfortable with because I feel she is still too young to put "all her eggs in one basket." I don't want her to get older and feel like she had to be a musician because it was all she knew how to do.

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I wanted to add that we are busy, but I know that won't lighten up. We are out of the house 4 nights a week and will soon probably be going to 5 nights M-F. Weekends are taken up by tournaments, sometimes just one day, sometimes two. These activities are important to the kids. So, basically our weekdays are free (except for the occasional play date, chores, etc.) I have been a bit loose, letting us take Mondays off or some such, because we are often wiped out on Mondays. Truth is, though, if I were more organized, we could still do some work on Mondays even if we're really tired. The hard part has been being tired and disorganized and therefore, not able to pull it together sometimes. There is the key to what I am working on right now----organization. So, in a few minutes I need to get off the computer and get to work. :)

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I have been a bit loose, letting us take Mondays off or some such, because we are often wiped out on Mondays. Truth is, though, if I were more organized, we could still do some work on Mondays even if we're really tired. The hard part has been being tired and disorganized and therefore, not able to pull it together sometimes. There is the key to what I am working on right now----organization. So, in a few minutes I need to get off the computer and get to work. :)





This is me also!!

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We haven't had a crappy year, but we have fallen off the train during third trimester and newborn time. The baby will be 2 months in January, and so far she seems to be a decent sleeper (unlike #2 & #4, who ate every 2 hours 'round the clock until 7 months), so I'm hoping we'll be able to sort out our loose threads in January. For the last several months, I dropped Latin, Bible, preschool, nature study/walks, and our audiobook literature & grammar (Grammar Land) & poetry component. Our school day was Circle Time (memory work & singing), Independent work, and math. My readers read a lot, too, so I don't feel too badly about the light time, but I know we are all capable of more when we're in a full-health, full-energy swing.


So I have high hopes of tackling the house routines, adding back in our dropped school subjects, exercising, and all that jazz. I need to remember to take it slowly so it sticks instead of trying to do it all at once and burning out.


I noticed a number of people here mentioned organization and house routines being something they want to tackle in January. Make sure you're in on the "organizing to have time" thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/442845-so-from-discouraged-now-organizing-to-have-time-for-the-components-of-your-life It's been a great thread!

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This year I thought was going to be easier because I planned everything and thought I'd try some new things this year. Things were going OK until my husbands job laid him off right before school started. Then I decided for the festival days this year that started in September I would give one month off of school rather than drive myself crazy with short weeks but now I wish I did not do this because if it was not one thing it was another that led me to miss more time. And, if that wasn't enough we had to move asap (on Thanksgiving day) to a new place with the last little savings we had left but somehow the girls did not mind and the made us feel better. Despite all that seems bad we are now living in a bigger and nicer place to which everyone is happier including my crazy moody cat.


With all that has happened I now have to alter my schedule to get back on track which means no mid December to mid January for their birthdays and holidays off instead they will only get the special days off. Other than that I will use this time to get back on track everything mostly doing the 4R's till I am caught up and use this time to restructure our schedule for better time management.

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Well, let's see....we started our school year in late August. I chose the Illuminations curriculum w/MOH 1 through Bright Ideas Press (dd is in 4th). Great program, but way too much. We were doing: Bible, MOH1, English From the Roots Up, Science, Grammar, Spelling, Writing, Reading: Alone & Aloud, Humanities, Geography, Art, Music, PE, To-Shin-Do, Typing, Spanish. Whew...


Needless to say, we were spending all day schooling, from 8:30 - 4 PM. DD was unhappy and I was frustrated and unhappy. Many tears and lots of homework to get everything done. Now this isn't the curriculum's fault. It states that you don't have to do everything. Unfortunately, I'm wired that if I pay for it, I should use it. After a lot of praying and soul searching. I realized I was making myself and dd a prisoner of the curriculum. What a freeing revelation it was to realize I could choose to do what we wanted and not have to do everything. I mean that's what hsing is all about isn't it?


So, we cut the following: humanities (dd gets plenty of this during music, art, history and reading); geography (the program that came with Illuminations was very boring and dry. I now incorporate more maps and geography discussions with our history); and EFRU (we both hated this book - BORING! I have purchased Latina Christiana for dd's Latin next year at her request and figure we'll get all the Latin roots we need from that).


I cut Science down to 2 days a week: Tuesday's and Thursdays (Solar System and Earth Science) Bible is reserved for the evening after dinner, together as a family with discussion.


Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays are reserved for core classes: Grammar/Writing (alternate days), Spelling, Math, History, Bible, Reading, & Science on Thurs. To-Shin Do is on Wed. evenings (dd would never give this up, and we wouldn't want her to).


Tuesdays are reserved as more fun days: PE & Music (an hour at local PS), Typing, Spanish, Art, Science, & Home Ec (added in since we now have time-usually sewing or cooking)


Now we are a happy family and enjoying our year - FINALLY! Our day usually ends anywhere from 1:30 - 2:30. It has taken me five years to relax and realize I don't need to cram everything in. Maybe next year I'll be able to remember this and not repeat the same old obsessive cycle. One can only hope.

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We got off to a good start, but were derailed in early November taking care of my mom during an illness/injury and by then it was Christmas. So now we are behind and far less organized than I like.


Remedy will be very good planning after Christmas, extra diligence to stay on track this winter before the weather gets nice in the spring, and likely more real school through the summer. We usually go school light in the summer, but we may just go steadily through with all the regular stuff. As other posters have said, we may cut back a bit on extra activities.


Breathing deeply, remembering that we are doing well on the basics - math, reading, writing etc. and that our time together taking care of my mom and doing Christmas things may be far more "educational" and character forming for my kids than all the structured schoolwork we could have accomplished in those days and hours. Education is life. Enjoying my kids and the freedom to homeschool! Being thankful to God for my blessings - so many more than one thousand gifts......


Perspective, perspective, perspective!

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