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who is planning 2nd semester, and what are you changing?

momma aimee

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I'm thinking about my 2nd grader. My 5th grader is set. He's doing a Spectrum Phonics workbook, and I'm not loving FLL2 for him. I'm wondering whether I should add PLL or someother LA program for him to replace FLL2 or to just stick it out. Other than that, everything else is working for them. This will be the first semester in a while that I'm not changing something major--like math or a different history program, etc. Oh, and I'm considering whether I should start him on cursive instruction at the beginning of this semester or wait until beginning of 3rd grade. He doesn't have the best manuscript so I'm not sure if cursive will help or hinder. Still thinking about it.

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We'll have some changes starting in Januray. We will be finished with OPTGR in the next coule of weeks, so to fill that spot, I plan on adding in Telling God's Story. I would also like to switch up Spanish. We're almost finished with the first level of La Clase Divertida, but it is a chore to do it. I liked it at the beginning, but now it's just lost it's lustre. I need to find another program to replace it with. DD also wants to learn cursive, so I need to get the second grade book for D'Nealian. I think those are the only changes I'll be making.

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I do want to get piano back in. We let it slide this semester because I had some really big changes at home. We are back in a routine (though different from what I originally planned for the semester back in the summer) so I haven't quite figured out where I am going to get it back in.


I also want to add formal art back in at home, but I don't think it is going to happen. DD10 has art at co-op. Both took a 6 wk after school art program this semester. And we work drawing skills that we have formally studied into our studies in our history and science notebooks. We read about art and artists in relation to history. But I miss the hour a week we used to set aside for working specifically on DWC. But I don't think it will happen this year.


And I have some science to plan for dd8. She is doing Apologia Zoology w/co-op. I have been happy w/it as far as covering the animal portion of WTM science (which is the year we are in right now in the rotation) But I still need to figure out when I will get human body and plants in. So I need to have some time to work on that. Can't do it until scouts and co-op are on break though, so I am still just mulling things over.


I have the Dover Human Body coloring book. I think I will just go through that a page or two at a time with her for basic human body and use her Usborne First Encyclopedia to round it out. I think we will do this over Christmas break from co-op, then she will get back to the zoology when it picks back up in mid Jan.


Plants, well I have barely begun to mull it over. It won't be until late spring that we do that. I plan on using books I have plus a microscope.

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Ooh, ooh, me, me!!


I can tell we are about to hit 2nd semester because I suddenly realized all our material is turning over and I need to get back on it and review the content for the 2nd half of the year!


Math - maybe continue Hands on Equations, probably move into AIMs Hands-on Math on Fractions


Writing - start Calvert Verticy composition, level depends on how ds places on their placement test


Phonics - Finally finishing after 3 years! :hurray: Moving into reading along daily with audiobooks or digital text.


Science - still using Intellego & GEMS, but moving into the Earth Science/Rocks portion

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I tweaked our second semester plans over the Thanksgiving break. No big changes, we're really happy with everything this year (for once! And knock on wood it stays that way!) A few changes I am planning to make:


writing: We spent the first half of the year on creative writing at his request. We are going to begin phasing it out and replacing it with history outlining like we did last year.


Spelling: We didn't start this year off with spelling but instead focused on vocab work. I'm going to add some spelling in because I notice he is making the same mistakes over and over again. Probably won't use a curriculum, just word lists from his writing.


Math: It's finally clicked for him! He was way behind and we played catchup all summer. He's confident now and so am I with his abilities now that he's finishing up Saxon 6/5. We'll transition over to 7/6 after break and it looks like he will be ready for pre-algebra next year.



Writing: He just learned to read a couple of months ago so we weren't implementing any formal writing. In the last couple months he has made leaps and bounds and is slightly above grade level. I'm going to move into writing slowly with the Think! Draw! Write! books, but we probably won't do anything formal until next year.


Language: He desperately wants to learn Russian (all astronauts need to know Russian, you know!) , but I was postponing foreign languages until his reading improved. A friend, originally from Russia, has offered to tutor him for a couple times a week in exchange for sewing lessons. She's just going to do verbal Russian with him for now, and possible add in reading and writing later.


Math: He has only a couple weeks left with Miquon. Right now I'm thinking we will move to Singapore but not fully decided yet.


I'm really happy with our history and science this year, so no changes there at all. I may also seek out a tutor for DS12's French lessons because I'm reaching the threshold of my ability to teach it (four years in high school under my belt, but not enough to really get him beyond the basics).

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I am making a huge change in writing. I can't say it out loud yet LOL.


DD is really blowing me away this year, so I am changing things up a bit with her. We are going to start WWE2 after Christmas after I dumped WWW/GWG stuff and we are working quickly through WWE1.


for DS I'm pretty much keeping everything except the big writing change. I did pretty good this year and did not need to change much.

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I'm changing our phonics.



I was using R&S Phonics but was just missing *something* since we weren't using the Reading part of it. We dabbled a bit with OPGTR and ETC these last few weeks, but returned them. I just don't care for them (which I should've known, since this is the 2nd time I'm giving them a go). We're switching to Primary Phonics.


I'm also dropping the formality of our Little House study and just reading whatever we want. Right now we want Paddington. :D We'll probably pick back up with Farmer Boy after we finish that.


Keeping our math, keeping our science, keeping our handwriting as is.

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I am making a huge change in writing. I can't say it out loud yet LOL.

You certainly know how to make people curious!


DD is making a few changes. She just finished her (reportedly painful) physics study and is moving on to Oak Meadow's 5th grade science, which should suit her. We're also adding MCT language arts and some fun French books, which she's quite excited about.


DS is switching to AoPS for math and holding steady on everything else.

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We are adding in spelling & phonics review via LOE - dd is a great reader and writer, but a poor speller - I would say she writes like a 12 year old but spells like an 8 year old!! And studying spelling word lists seems to have no impact, so I am hoping this more systematic phonics-based study will help.


We'll also be finishing with MCT-Town level in January, but I haven't decided yet if we will go straight into Voyage, or if we will play around with Kilgallon for awhile first. Anyway, there will be some kind of transition there.


For Science, we'll continue with entomology and equine science, but hold off on botany till the spring. Meanwhile, we are going to start Story of Science/Aristotle, which we are both very excited about.


That's all that will be changing - writing (wws), Latin, history and lit are going well and we will just keep doing the next thing.

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We made big changes at the quarter, and thankfully won't need to change anything as we move into the second semester. DD is about to finish Saxon K, however, so I am thinking about if I want to possibly do Singapore Earlybird B Kindergarten workbook with her before moving into Saxon 1. I did it with DS and he really enjoyed it...so, possibly. Oh, one big change is that I plan to have a lot more *time* this upcoming year, so that should be good all-around. :)

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I'm trying to decide what, if any, changes need to be made. Science is too heavy, history is getting done maybe 2/3 of the time we need to, WWE is halfway through the first week. Basically the only truly consistent things so far have been spelling, handwriting and math, and whatever is read on audiobook.


I'm thinking about just doing SOTW with the ancient empires from the HSITW Great Empires and calling it good enough. I really love the way A Picturesque Tale of Progress is set up, but at this point, I'm concerned it will take at least 2 years to get through ancients (the one period we've already done) if it has to be read aloud. At least I have the audio of SOTW, and Ariel can read along with it in the book and answer the questions in the AG. I'm thinking of relegating the Equine Science to Fridays only, and doing the Galore Park Junior Science books I already have for Tuesday-Thursday. Mondays are taken up with co-op, which includes some science. Ugh. I'm just so frustrated right now. :banghead:

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I'm looking at possibly changing how I schedule history, science, health, and geography. I had a friend's child coming one day a week to do those subjects with us, and he has gone back to school. Ds was loving having a friend here for projects and crafts. He has a couple of other friends I could invite in, but they wouldn't be studying the same stuff at home. I don't think they would want to come every week, but maybe once a month. They are from 2 separate families, so I could invite each once a month and that would have ds a friend twice a month. I will have to see which subject the parents would be most interested in and go from there.


DD was going to sing in a high school chorus at a Christian school, but they've lost their teacher. She has expressed interest in trying out for a theater type production, so I'm looking into that.

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We have changes but they are planned ones. :D

We just added in Apologia Zoo 2 which will be 2 or 3 days per week, and Elemental Physical Science will only be done 1-2 days. (We're cutting out quite a bit of ES)

Also switching writing programs, but that was also part of the plan. We are doing the first two Paragraph Books, then moving into CW and WWE for the last semester.

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Very few changes here. Our year is going pretty smoothly overall. That said:


No changes for the high schooler at all. She's happy, and thus breaks out into hives if I even *hint* at doing something different. :scared:


My 8th grader is pretty happy, too. I do need to ramp up her language arts a bit, so I'll be adding a writing program and more lit study. She also wants to get started with French, but I'm considering having her do an intro year of Latin first. That made a BIG difference for my oldest dd's understanding of English grammar, which was always a struggle for her in the past, and I think Spanish (which she just recently started) is coming pretty easily to her as well. So I think a year of Latin basics would be good for the 8th grader, too. (I'm not a true classical schooler who starts Latin in 3rd grade. ;) )


I started the year with my 4th grader pretty lightly (lots of past issues and LDs, so I was undecided about what to do with her this year), but I've been able to gradually do more and more with her as the season has progressed, and things are going quite nicely now. I think she's ready for longer lessons, but we won't be changing curriculum, per se. Just more of the same.


I think the biggest change I've made for all of us is the new schedule we just started last week. Sometimes the change needed isn't in the materials we're using, but the way we're using them (and fitting them into our day). :)

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I've been making changes since we started in June it seems like. We changed math from mcruffy 1 and teaching textbooks 4 to Math Mammoth after to co-op discounted price was so low. They are both happier with those. My ds9 is almost finished with LoE and will be moving to easy grammar and wordly wise, plus maybe something else not sure, but it seems like something is missing. I just started writing with ease a couple weeks ago. That appears to be going well. Especially for ds9 who hates the physical act of writing.


I felt it was important to do an overview of US history this year since that was high on our list of reasons to pull them from PS and start homeschooling. I used The Story of the USA books (1-3) and we are already half way through book 2. I may start looking at world history, not sure what yet, but it will definately start before the end of our school year.


Both kids dd6 and ds9 flew through US geography. I was surprised how much dd picked up since I was just pulling her along for the ride. She whips through a map puzzle and is quite good at the online games I use. I'm just going to beef up on the capitals and maybe abbreviations and then start looking at world geography probably after the first of the year.


I am shocked at how fast things are evolving for us, but feel fortunate we are finding so many things we like!

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We aren't really going to change content, but from January through March we are going to buckle down and have some highly productive days. With only one student, we play through a lot of the day and our field trip hours far outweigh the rest! So we will take advantage of the colder time of year get a lot done. By the time it's really warm again I want to be able to get outside, spend time prepping/planting the garden and resume outdoor skills and nature study. Won't want to have to be stuck on book lessons then!


(Of course we'll see where we *actually* are, come spring...!)

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The only real change will be with the online lit classes they take. DS9 will not take an online class next term, 1 per year is enough for now. Big kids will take 2 new lit classes "heroes of greece and rome" as well as "Classic adentures" Otherwise we will just keep on keeping on and hope to have better progress in 2nd term than we have been having this term in some subjects. Like a few others, winter term is a time to really get a lot of work done since we are home a little more (though between extra currics and ds's work schedule that is not saying much)

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We're starting SOTW. We've already left our previous history but I'm doing my own stuff pre-history. I'm rethinking science too but I'm not sure where I'll land on that. I'm adding to our present language arts in a few areas. Finally, I'm going to make a concentrated daily effort to work on some specific spectrum related stuff with my special needs child.

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Yes and no! How's that for an answer ;)


We aren't really changing anything, but we are adding to. My older have expressed an interest in learning Latin, something that I never considered (yes, I know many teach this, but I never thought I would :D). But we are diving in come January. We've actually dabbled a bit, thought with Christmas and such I am not sure just how much we will get to it.


I do plan to be more consistent with some things, namely Bravewriter. I love the philosophy and plan to stick to a weekly rhythm of things. I'd like to add in The Arrow since I've got several issues as well. We'll see. I'd like to be more consistent with math too.


As for everything else, same old same old - lots of reading aloud, nature study, random unit studies, some FIAR Vol. 4 titles, and plenty of rabbit trails followed :)

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We are.


We just finished Saxon 2, and are moving to Beast Academy 3. We are also wrapping up Evan Moor Daily 6 Trait writing and Essentials in Writing 2, and will be starting IEW SWI A soon.... maybe. We may go to WWE 2 or 3.... and save IEW for next fall.

My Kinder is starting more dedicated work in January- He'll be doing FLL1, WWE1, Continue with LOE Foundations, and Saxon 1.

We are adding in a German tutor.

There may also be changes in science if my husband gets his way. I like using the Nature Connection. He wants me to use a more formal program. Maybe Nancy Larson?

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Hmmm...I think I'm going to add in the Key To...Series for my 11 yro. Before we do math, I like to have my kids do a skills review sheet for a few minutes. Well, I'm running out of review sheets. :tongue_smilie: I don't know if it's because there's just so much out there online for younger kids and the resources slim down as kids get into middle school math. Or maybe we finally did complete every math review worksheet available in cyberspace (I'm joking :p ). Anyway, that would give her an extra opportunity to practice some computation skills and maybe she can get into some lite algebra before she reaches that in her main math program.


On the flip side, my 7 yro has hit some weird plateau with reading. I've been trying to really encourage independent reading from the library. We went last week and she picked out a number of easy readers. She spent all week reading them aloud on the couch. But, she seems to be struggling a little more than I would expect. I'm going to break out OPGTR this week and we're going to continue with that (we had stopped working on OPGTR a few months ago, because I thought AAS would be enough phonics). On a positive note, she's a really good writer! I don't know if that's because of AAS or from all the copy work. Anyway, she writes better than my older 2 kids did at that age.


Another thing, I think this is the end of historical fiction for the older 2 kids. They're really tired of historical fiction. Honestly, so am I. They really enjoy SOTW, so we are just going to finish the series. Starting next year, I don't think the older 2 are going to read any more historical fiction.

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I have been reading Ruth Beechick's books A Biblical Home Education and You Can Teach Your Child Successfully and plan on incorporating some of her ideas when we start up again in January.


like what?


I am really increasing our Bible and Character study time come jan.

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like what?


I am really increasing our Bible and Character study time come jan.


I am going to use her memorization ideas for Bible memory....first learn all the books of the Bible then start with verses, getting to multiple verses as we go along, also for poetry (something we have been lacking)

Spelling is going to change to just using words from her writing, reading, Bible, science, and history. We will create a notebook as suggested in YCTYCS book.

Beginning copywork from the Bible to focus on cursive, spelling, and will pick out some grammar to discuss when necessary since formal grammar will stop for now.

We will still be studying Astronomy with ES but I am also going to be using Science in the Creation Week for ideas and to help get the Bible into our science more then it is. Also I am looking at Answers in Genesis for some ideas.


I am still reading and dissecting both books so I am sure to be making more changes. Next year I will have all our subjects line up with a Biblical aspect....still trying to figure it out though.

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I have a promote-in-January student, so a few things will change for her. She's almost done with WWE1. I'm not sure if we'll start WWE2 yet or if I hold off on that until the fall. I'm debating if we'll drop FLL after December (looks like we'll have just started 2) or just continue with the poetry in it but nothing else. She'll be adding a map skills book twice per week.


I am sick of Homer A (for oldest) already, so we'll be taking a break from it at some point and trying Gail Carson Levine's Writing Magic book with older two.


Dd#2 will be adding a map skills book as well.


I'm hoping to finish some of our books early so we can go with a shorter schedule for the spring when the days are nice & we want to get done earlier. Our days are really jam-packed this semester. Oldest will be finishing her math book about Easter, so I have to decide what to move her into. I'm not sure if she's ready for Pre-Algebra yet or if we should take another year to solidify her basic math skills. (There's no hurry, right?)


It seems like there was something else . . . but I can't remember what it was right now. (I spent Thanksgiving break noodling this & thinking about next year.)

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we are adding spelling (using How to Teach Spelling) that i just ordered from Rainbow


we are changing math -- going to Mammath Math Grade 1. the first part will be review -- we'll go though it fast.


we are in temp housing -- moved here in Oct and will be here till March 1 -- so i decided not to do the full Science Curr i had planned and ordered a 'cut and paste' science work book from amazon.


I ordered a couple of math and word game work books from amazon too -- Big Brother seems to really like them. :)



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Lots of changes here. Actually, more like adding in rather than changing.


Math: Life of Fred

Writing: Imitations in Writing: Fables

Bravewriter Arrow, bits of Jot it Down

Classical Studies: Greek Myths study using the Memoria Press guide to D'Aulaire's Greek Myths

Famous Men of Rome with guide from MP

Phonics: Classical Phonics from MP

Literature studies: Great Books Academy for older ds

More Storytime Treasures for younger ds

Science: trying to get something consistent going


Scheduling: switching to a somewhat block based scheduling

adding in regular together time for reading aloud a variety of subjects, plus nature study, picture study, composers (we had gotten away from doing any work together for awhile, so this is a switch back)


Most of these changes are not starting next semester. They are starting now and as soon as I can get each one going.

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I knew we were going ot be finishing up some stuff as the semester ended so I have had a general idea of what we are doing next semester for a while, but here it is :)


We are starting Apologia Botany (just finished Astronomy). I changed their math about 1/2 way through this semester so we will continue with that. We start EG 3, Lifepac Bible 3, and will be doing some Progeny Press literature studies that I haven't decided on yet. We also just started Memoria Press' Greek Mythology so depending on how quickly we go through that, I will probably pick up Famous Men of Rome/Greece at some point.


Spelling will stay the same, as will their copywork and a few little things. I seriously need to think about handwriting and Spanish but at this point I am saving that for when I shop at the convention in may.

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At the end of the first semester my older son will be moving to AOPS after finishing Singapore 5B. He will also be moving on to a new Arabic book called Arabic for Life. He is also moving into a new Mandarin book - New Practical Chinese Reader. I am also starting a French text (Contacts 7th edition) with him after spending some time on pronunciation the first part of the year.


For my middle guy I'm keeping most things although I may move him into WWTW with his brother.


For my youngest I switched to ETC instead of Steck-Vaughn Phonics. It is a much better fit.


I've already made some changes to incorporate more child-led learning into our days as well as adding more creative time for my middle child. I'm also in the process of reinventing how we approach different subjects.

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