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How do you feel about gift baskets as Christmas gifts?

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Gift baskets are fine with me, but I hate it when folks mail them USPS and everything freezes in the box. Fedex and UPS deliver to the door in heated trucks so those are no problem....


So, yes! Send mine Fedex, please, with fruit and those cute little chocolate-cherry thingys!

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I don't particularly care for the store bought ones, but my mom makes one for us every Christmas and we LOVE it!! It is by far one of my favorite Christmas gifts. She puts all kinds of snack foods, hot chocolate, in it--all kinds of things that we don't usually buy for ourselves. We snack on it while watching movies the next day(we have Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve).

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I like gift baskets as well, both to give and to receive. They are especially good when it is going to a group or a family.


Some of my favorite resources:


A Southern Season




Edible Arrangements


Another option for gifts for women is Clinique. They have a variety of gift sets in boxes in a wide price range.



I've also made my own theme baskets - movie basket, camping basket, pool/beach basket,etc. - they are a lot of fun to put together.

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Depends what's in the basket. ;)



Exactly this. In general, something consumable (coffees for a coffee lover, etc.) is always good. Something personal is always good. Something from a unique region (citrus from Florida, etc.) is always good. Something that the recipient uses (like Clinique, mentioned above) is good. Food is good, as long as it's something the recipient will enjoy.


Something pre-packaged from Walmart looks like "I remembered about buying you a gift at the last minute and this is all that was left on the shelves."


DH has an aunt & uncle who collect EVERYTHING. There is NOTHING that they do not already own. So we put together a gift basket of consumable food items every year, and they enjoy it (....or at least they say they do). ;)

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I like ones that someone put together (like the pp's mother above) as it shows effort. I'm not a fan of the ordered online, ore packaged sausage and not-quite-real cheese lol. Fruit is okay, we buy it ourselves though, so not much of a unique gift. My exception to the ore packaged would be like if my uncle who lives across the country did it.

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Depends what's in the basket. ;)


:iagree: I think baskets are a great idea, especially for folks who just don't need "stuff." But if they don't contain things the person will use/consume, they just fall into the useless stuff category. For example, we've gotten a few Harry & David baskets over the years, and while I certainly appreciate the the thought behind it (they aren't cheap!), it's usually full of stuff we won't eat. So before giving one, I would want to know that the recipient would actually use/like most of what was in it. Other than that, I think they are fabulous ideas, and with all of the companies that do baskets, it seems like there's something out there to fit every taste. Of course, you can always make your own. For Christmas, I always make my dad up a gift basket/bag full of goodies I know him and his girlfriend like. I usually throw in a nice candle or something and include a nice gift card. He just doesn't need stuff, and if he does need something, he prefers to go to Lowe's or Bass Pro Shops and buy it himself--hence the gift card.


ETA: my mom actually asked me to do the same thing that I do for dad this year, for the same reasons. She asked for some Keurig coffee pods, hair and face stuff, etc. All things she likes and uses and a few things that are little splurges. It's like a grown-up version of the Christmas stocking!

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I'd be happy to get one, either prepackaged or personally put-together by the giver. I've given both.


Just be sure to give things you are fairly certain the recipients will like or can use. We once received one that was heavy on coconut treats, from someone who was in a position to know that my husband despises coconut. In most baskets we've received, there's been something we didn't like or just couldn't eat but trying things without risk is part of the fun.

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We've gotten a few Harry & David ones over the past five years and we love them! The kids actually fight over who gets to open which little box :lol: I always get the sixth truffle hehe


Last year before my dad's funeral a friend sent us a Wolferman's basket. That was the most thoughtful and useful gift. I didn't have to think about breakfast for three days :)


On the other hand, we have received some of those schlocked together baskets one can buy at Walmart or a drugstore. To me those gifts say "I am lazy and bought the first thing I saw"---------but that's because we know this relative really well.

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Honestly? I'm just grateful someone thought that much of us.


I agree! My DH's co-workers just recently surprised him with a gift basket for his birthday. We were both deeply touched that they even took the time to think of us. It was absolutely beautiful. It was filled with all kind of gag gifts (over the hill theme) but I'm totally in love with the basket.

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We did Harry and David a few years ago to dh's family members. They all have more than everything they could possibly ever want and we give family gifts. Oftentimes, gift cards are just exchanged. We did gift baskets (and received gift cards). I would have rather had those delicious pears! Mmmmm, they are yummy. Anyways, my MIL put H&D pears on her christmas wish list this year. I think it went over well.


I agree that the ones at the stores you just pick up are really only good for last minute acquaintance/office type gifts.

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I agree that the ones at the stores you just pick up are really only good for last minute acquaintance/office type gifts.


It really depends on the person and the gift, too. Last year my daughter saw a cheap hot sauce gift basket at Walmart and got it for her Dad. It was more of a joke than anything, but the hot sauces were actually pretty good; he used them all up (with help from us) and we have looked for them again, to no avail.


The difference is not where it came from or who put it together, but if it's something people will appreciate. Pears from Harry & David, no matter how lovely, won't get eaten in my house and expensive flavored coffees will be regifted.


It's all about knowing the recipient and what they like!

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I think it depends on the basket and the person. For example, I do lots of home made baking and dh is diabetic. Last year someone got us a candy basket. I rarely allow candy, so almost all of it when into the trash. The basket was kept though! It made a lovely library book bin. :)


However the year before we received a tea, coffee, and cocoa and alcohol basket that every single person here enjoyed something from and was very much appreciated. We hope they do it again this year.

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I think it depends on the basket and the person. For example, I do lots of home made baking and dh is diabetic. Last year someone got us a candy basket. I rarely allow candy, so almost all of it when into the trash. The basket was kept though! It made a lovely library book bin. :)


However the year before we received a tea, coffee, and cocoa and alcohol basket that every single person here enjoyed something from and was very much appreciated. We hope they do it again this year.


I agree that git baskets can be great if they match the person receiving it. In our house the tea, coffee, and alcohol would have been trashed (we would drink the cocoa) but the candy basket would have been lucky to make it through the day. I rarely allow candy but a gift like that would be a reason to splurge (we have no health issues that would prevent us from doing so).


I have on occasional made a gift basket but I don't really exchange gifts with many people outside of immedieate family and we get together on Thansgiving and trade wish list ideas. For those who don't want things, they tend to get food. My sister gets once a month fresh baked homemade bread. And I always bring a table full of homemade cookies for Christmas and everyone there is given a gallon ziplock bag and allowed to create their own gift bag of cookies (I also take cookie suggestions on Thanksgiving so I can be sure to make at least a couple of things everyone likes).

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