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*ahem* Man In a Canoe

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I kid you not, I once read a home-printed "book" circulating in the 70s, a kind of "letter to a son" letter, on how not to feel completely lost when first foraging into sexual activity. Finding the man in the canoe was a phrase from it. Even more spectacularly was a description of how the man sometimes suddenly disappears just before "the event" but not to stop and look, but continue EXACTLY what you are doing.

The other advice I remember was a 3:1 female to male *rgasm for a happy relationship. :)

Crudely written, eh, but spot on!


(I love this board. I had completely forgotten this for 35 years .....)

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Jeez, some people are t.o.u.c.h.y. My post was supposed to be light-hearted, you know, FUNNY/HUMEROUS/AMUSING etc.


The group i am a part of discovered (rather hilariously i think) some new euphanisms for *ahem* sensitive subjects.


But if you nay-sayers want it, we can start using the correct terminology from now on.


You know, because protecting the board from sickos googling correct names for body parts is sooooooooooooo, like, junior high.






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Jeez, some people are t.o.u.c.h.y. My post was supposed to be light-hearted, you know, FUNNY/HUMEROUS/AMUSING etc.


The group i am a part of discovered (rather hilariously i think) some new euphanisms for *ahem* sensitive subjects.


But if you nay-sayers want it, we can start using the correct terminology from now on.


You know, because protecting the board from sickos googling correct names for body parts is sooooooooooooo, like, junior high.





Sorry, just completely didn't get the humor, not being part of the group and all:)



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I kid you not, I once read a home-printed "book" circulating in the 70s, a kind of "letter to a son" letter,

The other advice I remember was a 3:1 female to male *rgasm for a happy relationship. :)

Crudely written, eh, but spot on!




Am I the only one not liking this ratio? :thumbdown: If someone comes to my house for a tea party, I better get my share of the sweets.


ETA: Oops. I misread the origional ratio. Never mnd.........

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Am I the only one not liking this ratio? :thumbdown: If someone comes to my house for a tea party, I better get my share of the sweets.



Maybe I'm not good with ratios, but I read that as three female "events" to every male "one". I quite like that ratio :)

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Saying a random body part and not explaining why is pretty childish. If you actually wanted to talk about it, thats different, but apparently from the start of the convo you just wanted to use a new phrase for the fun of using it.


i have never been anywhere else where people used such imaginative euphemisms I'm just a straight-shooting type and clearly others were feeling left out of a private joke. The instructions in the manual, well, thats a conversation, not just a word.


and I dont keep score . . .

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Jeez, some people are t.o.u.c.h.y. My post was supposed to be light-hearted, you know, FUNNY/HUMEROUS/AMUSING etc.


The group i am a part of discovered (rather hilariously i think) some new euphanisms for *ahem* sensitive subjects.


But if you nay-sayers want it, we can start using the correct terminology from now on.


You know, because protecting the board from sickos googling correct names for body parts is sooooooooooooo, like, junior high.





Wow. Sensitive much? :glare:


You started a brand new thread to post a tired old euphemism. It wasn't a funny joke; there was no joke.


And now you think people are being "touchy" because they didn't see the humor?


I have to tell you, I think you're the one who is being touchy. You think people are acting upset because you didn't use the proper term for the body part? I don't see it that way at all.


Here's how I see it: People would have thought it was just as stupid if you'd tltled your new thread, "Clit*ris" and then acted like it was hysterically funny. Were you trying to shock people? I just don't understand your intention at all. :confused:


I'm all for funny stuff being posted on this forum, but I don't know what was so amusing about posting a dated euphemism that has been around for years. If it had been the punchline of a great joke, I'm sure you would have received a more positive response, but as it was, I think you're the one who sounded "junior high."


Perhaps for your encore, you'd like to post a "fart" thread. I'm sure all of the 3rd grade boys who read this forum will find it hysterically funny.





Saying a random body part and not explaining why is pretty childish. If you actually wanted to talk about it, thats different, but apparently from the start of the convo you just wanted to use a new phrase for the fun of using it.



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i have never been anywhere else where people used such imaginative euphemisms


and I dont keep score . . .


Try any medical floor where nurses have a lounge.

Most college campuses.


Really, this place is t-a-m-e.

And as for keeping count, when a 19 year old boy is learning a new instrument, any old crutch like a score should be clung to until improvisation is more natural.

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Try any medical floor where nurses have a lounge.

Most college campuses.


Really, this place is t-a-m-e.

And as for keeping count, when a 19 year old boy is learning a new instrument, any old crutch like a score should be clung to until improvisation is more natural.




Honestly, I like the WTM forum "original" euphemisms better than the old standard boring ones.


And it's a lot easier to work teA and booKs into a conversation than something stupid like a man in a canoe. ;) (And I'm really hoping we don't need to come up with our own secret word for that body part. Perhaps I am alone in this, but I prefer to quietly assume that each of the women here has one, and that each of the men here knows what to do with one if he comes across it in a teA-related situation. Quite frankly, that's more than enough information for me.)

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