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Hot newborn

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Not fever hot- I have checked this kid's rectal temp more then all my other kids combined.


My baby was born last Monday. He's easily overheated and is most comfortable in only a diaper. Which is fine, except some times I need to leave the house and I can't do that with a tiny nudist.


He's eating and outputting well. He's happy. He just gets hot easily.


Should I be concerned? Will this pass?


Fwiw he has his second newborn screen at the doc tomorrow and I plan to ask then, too.


Oh, and if it matters his temporal and rectal temps are always lower then his axillary. :confused:

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My ds ran very hot. I found it was the polyester clothes/sleepers, they didn't breathe. Switched to cotton, problem solved.


Hmmm, it is better in cotton, but I still can't bundle him the way I want. :lol: there's a secret old lady in me that feels like he should be in a hat, a onesie, a sleeper and swaddled.

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DS was that way, he was like a little furnace as a baby. I accidentally gave him heat rash several times dressing him too warmly.


He is not nearly so hot anymore, in fact if he is sitting down he usually has a blanket over him, or is wearing his favorite stocking cap.


But as soon as he gets moving he warms up, and with anything beyond just walking his cheeks turn bright red and he strips down to as little as possible.



Doctor says he is fine, just a nudist and fair skinned with lots of healthy shallow blood vessels.

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DS was that way, he was like a little furnace as a baby. I accidentally gave him heat rash several times dressing him too warmly.


He is not nearly so hot anymore, in fact if he is sitting down he usually has a blanket over him, or is wearing his favorite stocking cap.


But as soon as he gets moving he warms up, and with anything beyond just walking his cheeks turn bright red and he strips down to as little as possible.



Doctor says he is fine, just a nudist and fair skinned with lots of healthy shallow blood vessels.


You guys are making me feel better. I was getting concerned there was some crazy thing wrong with him.

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Some kids are just naturally hot. Ds sweats like crazy, he is often naked.


You could ask your ped about it but it is likely nothing.


It is listed as a symptom in the genetic thing ds has, but that was among many other things.


Other things? Anything I'd notice right away? I'm a worrier...

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Hmmm, it is better in cotton, but I still can't bundle him the way I want. :lol: there's a secret old lady in me that feels like he should be in a hat, a onesie, a sleeper and swaddled.


Outside in a blizzard yes, in a heated house, maybe ditch the sleeper or swaddling?

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Not fever hot- I have checked this kid's rectal temp more then all my other kids combined.


My baby was born last Monday. He's easily overheated and is most comfortable in only a diaper. Which is fine, except some times I need to leave the house and I can't do that with a tiny nudist.


He's eating and outputting well. He's happy. He just gets hot easily.


Should I be concerned? Will this pass?


Fwiw he has his second newborn screen at the doc tomorrow and I plan to ask then, too.


Oh, and if it matters his temporal and rectal temps are always lower then his axillary. :confused:


DS1 was like that - I was concerned until DMIL told me DH was the same as a baby. He still runs hot as an adult, which has lead to many thermostat battles.:D

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I had one like that. I still call her my "Hot Body Baby" (although, now that I type it out, it's clear I will have to think of something else to call her once she gets a little older. :lol:) She has the coldest room in the house and prefers to sleep with no blankets on to this day. I can tell ds's temp within half a degree with no thermometer, but I have a hard time gauging dd because she always feels like a little furnace.


The only thing I have noticed that would be something to keep an eye one is that, when he does get a fever, watch out. My dd can go from 99 to over 105 in an hour. It can be pretty scary if you're not prepared for it.

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I had one like that. I still call her my "Hot Body Baby" (although, now that I type it out, it's clear I will have to think of something else to call her once she gets a little older. :lol:) She has the coldest room in the house and prefers to sleep with no blankets on to this day. I can tell ds's temp within half a degree with no thermometer, but I have a hard time gauging dd because she always feels like a little furnace.


The only thing I have noticed that would be something to keep an eye one is that, when he does get a fever, watch out. My dd can go from 99 to over 105 in an hour. It can be pretty scary if you're not prepared for it.




Wow, thanks for the warning!!

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Other things? Anything I'd notice right away? I'm a worrier...


Yeah nothing like that, they knew ds had it right away it isn't something Drs wouldn't notice immediately. There was a list of real things and random things. I just recall it being among the random things.


His head sweats so bad at night I replace his pillows more than anyone else's in the house. :lol:

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My littlest is still like this. When he was new, he wore a lot of plain onesies...even in the winter! Sometimes they just are hot blooded!


I think I need to find some really light little t shirts to try him in...


Yeah nothing like that, they knew ds had it right away it isn't something Drs wouldn't notice immediately. There was a list of real things and random things. I just recall it being among the random things.


His head sweats so bad at night I replace his pillows more than anyone else's in the house. :lol:


:grouphug: ok, thanks. That's kind of funny about the pillows!

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My ds ran very hot. I found it was the polyester clothes/sleepers, they didn't breathe. Switched to cotton, problem solved.


My ds was like this since day one. I would have loved to bundle him up, but he tended to overheat easily. Many times he had night terrors from being too warm at night. Our pediatrician told us to use a portable fan in his bedroom, use a cold washcloth to cool him off, and give him an Otter Pop right away. It worked like a charm and he could go back to sleep once cooled down and hydrated.


We learned to install a ceiling fan in his bedroom and don't go nutty on tons of layers. Ds is 17 now and loves sleeping with a thin sheet in the summer or a light-weight blanket in the winter -- with 2 fans running in his bedroom. :confused:

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I have one like that. When she was little I had to be careful to take her coat off every time we got in the car or she would overheat and throw up. I'm cold natured so it drove me batty to watch her through the rearview mirror sitting in her car seat in just a light cotton outfit while I shivered in my wool coat.


Let me tell you- it was a real pain finding a coat that would come off quickly for a baby.

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One of mine was that way. It bothered my mom who grew up knowing babies were supposed to be bundled up at all times. Thankfully she didn't spend a lot of time with us when the kids were babies. They all sleep with a light blanket now with no top sheet. Occasionally in winter they'll have a comforter instead. The one who was my most affected is still the most affected by heat and his room is the warmest one in the house. He sleeps with an upright fan and a ceiling fan. Poor guy.

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DS1 was like that - I was concerned until DMIL told me DH was the same as a baby. He still runs hot as an adult, which has lead to many thermostat battles.:D


My older son and I are exactly like this. There is no battle for the thermostat though because it is alot easier for you cold people to put on hoodies and sweats than it is for us to strip :D

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My ds was like this since day one. I would have loved to bundle him up, but he tended to overheat easily. Many times he had night terrors from being too warm at night. Our pediatrician told us to use a portable fan in his bedroom, use a cold washcloth to cool him off, and give him an Otter Pop right away. It worked like a charm and he could go back to sleep once cooled down and hydrated.


We learned to install a ceiling fan in his bedroom and don't go nutty on tons of layers. Ds is 17 now and loves sleeping with a thin sheet in the summer or a light-weight blanket in the winter -- with 2 fans running in his bedroom. :confused:


My hot blooded ds had night terrors! Never made the link. Now, he sleeps with his window open in the winter and adjusts the air conditioner temp at night and freezes his sisters during the summer. I keep insisting he needs a ceiling fan as a birthday or Christmas gift, but dh doesn't think it would be an appropriate gift for a teen boy! He wears shorts year round and is usually barefoot. I have to say, this runs in my family. I run hot (but not as bad as ds!), my brothers and father run hot. Coats are for sissies. None of us have trouble with high fevers though.

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My hot blooded ds had night terrors! Never made the link. Now, he sleeps with his window open in the winter and adjusts the air conditioner temp at night and freezes his sisters during the summer. I keep insisting he needs a ceiling fan as a birthday or Christmas gift, but dh doesn't think it would be an appropriate gift for a teen boy! He wears shorts year round and is usually barefoot. I have to say, this runs in my family. I run hot (but not as bad as ds!), my brothers and father run hot. Coats are for sissies. None of us have trouble with high fevers though.


You know I never made the connection, either. My brothers had night terrors, and so do my kids and they all run hot at night.

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Hmmm, it is better in cotton, but I still can't bundle him the way I want. :lol: there's a secret old lady in me that feels like he should be in a hat, a onesie, a sleeper and swaddled.


I just love this, because I can relate to my grandmother always chastising me for not carrying enough blankets and not putting socks on them when they were babies.

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Mia is like that. Her first time sleeping through the night was when I put her just in a onesie under a fan (in December!!) instead of a footed fleece sleeper. She just turned 1 and she's still like that. I'm like that too, but I didn't realize before she joined us that babies can be hot-natured as well.

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I agree w/ pp some babies are just like that. I didn't notice my ds was hot natured so much as a baby but boy, is he hot natured kid. My mil drives me crazy because she is always trying to get him to put more clothes on as she is very cold natured. We all have different internal thermometers. I remember my nephew would sweat all the time, they were washing his carseat cover constantly.

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I had a friend who had a baby like that. Every time I'd get my hands on him I"d get him practically naked because he was sweating so much. Mom said it went against everything she'd ever been taught about babies. I told her we really need to treat babies as individuals instead of all the same.

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My son was like that too. I tend toward AP, but get irritated with the "you must constantly carry them in a sling or you're a bad parent" crowd, because that level of body heat was really bad for him! I did cuddle him a lot, but the extra bit of (lightweight, breathable) fabric of a sling was just too much, especially outdoors in the summer.

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