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Who wants to join me in a November Clean Up and Declutter Month?

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I had to put one of our kitties down yesterday so the whole day was a wash, proverbially speaking. Today I am going to finish my bathroom upstairs and then get to washing those litterboxes through my tears. Then I'll be house cleaning like a maniac. Because that's what I do when I'm sad. Anyone local, come get me. I'm going to be a cleaning maniac for a few days. :sad:


I'm sorry, kitty mama :grouphug::grouphug:

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Well, I fell asleep last night with my face on my laptop while trying to download an audiobook to listen to while finishing my work, so I'm redoubling my efforts today :lol: Here's my list:


  • Finish scrubbing out fridge and clean out freezer
  • Clean out downstairs fridge and discuss decommissioning with DH
  • Return stuff to three different stores
  • Drop 5 boxes of previously culled clutter at Goodwill
  • A host of smaller to-dos (mail a letter, drop off registration form, etc.)


I'll add more later as needed.


I am so impressed! you all are doing wonderfully and it's not even November LOL. I wish I could start now but October is too busy for us. We're leaving for a trip to NYC today (poor us!) and then it's halloween.


I have been working on the Declutter list and hopefully will have a preview up soon!


Have a great trip, Halcyon!

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Am I too late to join in?


I have a huge list but can't tackle too much till Nov 1. But after that - I'm on it!


What are the parameters here? 20 minutes per day? I can handle that. :) Of course, I'd like to do more.


My short list:


- sort and organize kitchen desk area

- sort and organize kitchen school area

- kids clothes - cull and send a bag to ThredUp

- tackle the toddler's closet (eek)

- encourage/assist the big kiddo to tackle his own closet


There's a lot more, too. Yikes.

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I had to put one of our kitties down yesterday so the whole day was a wash, proverbially speaking. Today I am going to finish my bathroom upstairs and then get to washing those litterboxes through my tears. Then I'll be house cleaning like a maniac. Because that's what I do when I'm sad. Anyone local, come get me. I'm going to be a cleaning maniac for a few days. :sad:


I'm so sorry.


I didn't get as much done, but a lot of nagging things, only 2 shelves, but a bunch of paperwork that had to be gone through slowly and dealt with - emails, phone calls, it slowed me down but was good to get done.


We're out of the house most of today, so I suspect I won't get much done today either, but I plan to make a token effort.

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Am I too late to join in?


I have a huge list but can't tackle too much till Nov 1. But after that - I'm on it!


What are the parameters here? 20 minutes per day? I can handle that. :) Of course, I'd like to do more.


My short list:


- sort and organize kitchen desk area

- sort and organize kitchen school area

- kids clothes - cull and send a bag to ThredUp

- tackle the toddler's closet (eek)

- encourage/assist the big kiddo to tackle his own closet


There's a lot more, too. Yikes.


I think most of us are too early :lol:

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I didn't get as much done, but a lot of nagging things, only 2 shelves, but a bunch of paperwork that had to be gone through slowly and dealt with - emails, phone calls, it slowed me down but was good to get done.


I am dreading dealing with my filing cabinet this month, but it's one of my most pressing jobs. I tend to have paper clutter all over the house because it's so troublesome to get everything filed (files are overstuffed, system has grown confusing, etc.). That will probably take an entire day on its own. Why is paperwork such a monster?

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I am supposed to be tackling all of the crayon on the dining room wall today, but I'm procrastinating. :glare:


Along with that, I clearly need to rethink crayon storage. My toddler pulls a chair right up to the shelf and grabs them (and chalk, and pencils, and erasers, etc.) But I still want to keep them where the 5yo can reach them. Not sure what I'm going to do there.

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I am dreading dealing with my filing cabinet this month, but it's one of my most pressing jobs. I tend to have paper clutter all over the house because it's so troublesome to get everything filed (files are overstuffed, system has grown confusing, etc.). That will probably take an entire day on its own. Why is paperwork such a monster?


i hear you. i seem to always have a pile i need to go through. blech.

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I will join you all as I continue my decluttering that I started a few months ago. I was hoping to do the kitchen and laundry room by the end of October and work on the garage in November, but it looks like I might get the kitchen done, but not the laundry room.


So November goals: laundry room and garage. We go through the laundry room to get to the garage, so they are at least connected and not at opposite ends of the house.

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I started today, though I'm looking forward to lists, too! :)


My van is so disgusting and really the dumping ground for random stuff. I had DH take out the seats. OH. MY. GOODNESS. IT. WAS. SO. GROSS. A brown cheesestring, still in the package. Gooey chewed gum on the floor. A crayon somehow glued to the side. My kids and I filled 5 grocery bags full of ick. My bad for letting the sweet wee ones partake of delectable goodies and other victuals in the vehicle due to procrastination and laziness on my part (why get them up early to feed them breakfast when I can throw them in the car 5 minutes before we leave with a lunch box?) I attempted to vacuum it with my ancient cleaner and it did a horrible job. I wiped the inside down as best I could and am currently waiting for DH to come home so one of us can take it to the car wash to get it properly vacuumed! Then I plan on carpet cleaning it with my Hoover Agility.



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I got a TON done today. The litterboxes are good to go. :)

The back decks and windows are done. And we buried our cat, added a ton of flowers to the gravesite and I took my dog into the veterinarian so he can be a registered blood donor.


Tomorrow is supposed to be 76. The rabbit coop comes inside and the duck coop will be washed, bleached, dried and moved.


After tomorrow, we are supposed to plummet to high 30s and there is a chance that this is it for fall. Our winters usually start at the end of November but they have also started at the beginning or middle. So tomorrow is it.


Tonight I am going to finish the upstairs bathroom, vacuum the bedroom and hallway and do a little scrubbing of the concrete floor in the basement.


I've got to finish shaving my elderly dog for the winter after my other farm chores and then I move to the inside of the house.


And thanks for all the good thoughts on my cat, everyone.

Edited by Jennifer3141
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I went through one bookcase today. I knew I wouldn't get much done; we're on break so getting in tons of fun. But, two boxes and one grocery bag of books are culled.


And I'm starting early because I'll be gone a week n Nov. it would be nice if I had a plan, but really, I'm just hitting what's bothering me most/what I have time for.


We're going to the art museum tomorrow, so we'll be out again, probably more bookshelves.


By the time I'm finished I would like to have organized our movies and CDs. I started this year and ran out of time already. It's a big job and really I would like to get rid of most. DH is not one to get rid of things, so we compromised and got large CD cases; at least they will take up less room than in the jewel cases.

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Today I will get my regular chores done: upstairs bathroom, clean out purse and car, straighten, 1/2 bath.


My special chore will be to sort all the mending hiding my sewing machine into a hand sewing pile and a machine sewing one If I get incredibly ambitious, I will make up a few more of the grain-filled "warmies" that keep us so cozy in the cooler months.


I also need to spend an hour on conditioning (running/climbing) and an hour on techniques to prepare for my martial arts purple belt test on Monday.

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i've been trying two hours of flylady's crisis cleaning each morning, and what a difference! today, it will take only 1 fifteen minute session in the kitchen and living room, just to maintain them, and they will be good to go. it did take 8 days to get to this point though.... sigh....


my plan was to do two rooms at a time using her plan, and then move on to the next two rooms.


except our "school room" long ago became our room for stuffing things in, and it is full. and the workmen will be here before thanksgiving. i usually have good ideas for tackling things, but this one has me stumped. i tried the "taking as much out as i could in a morning and dealing with it in the afternoon" and i just got so bogged down. its right back to where it was....


ideas? sympathy?


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Today is one of my 2 busiest days of the week and I am sick. So this shall be fun. Items are going out the door tonight to donate to the fishing pond for teh halloween party at the church. My "special" chore today for decluttering will be my inbox. Not feeling well enough to do much around the house, but I do have an exploding inbox I need to sort through, reply and delete. That will likely take an hour to complete. Oh and get after my kids to shovel the walks.

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I went through my hanging closet things and packed up a couple of grocery sacks of nice duds for donation.


We just took down our above ground pool. What a chore it is to empty, clean, and store. Rain this morning delayed some dry time for the tarps, but after those are put away, we are done until April.


Rearranging a room to set up a better office for our work. Trying to cage that paper tiger with better, more accessible filing. Cross those fingers that it helps... The rearranging has released a lot of stuff...gotta go through it quickly and either donate or trash most of it.


Considering doing a garage sale in a week or two. Colder weather this weekend, but maybe next. I'd love to take a hard pass at the garage before attempting it. The garage is a monster job. Ugh.

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after reading my post above, i realized i didn't really need a new approach. i just needed to pick any of the nineteen approaches i already use elsewhere, and simply do it.


there are four bags of trash, three bags of donations, and two bins of "keep, but not in this room".


i still have a Very Long Way to go, but it has begun.



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Thanks to the inspiration here, I managed to squeeze in time for a quick yard clean up yesterday, and tackled part of a closet. A stuffed bag of clothes is going to ThredUp today, and 8 bags of trash went out this morning!!!! I feel lighter! :D


Today I hang tiny book shelves in the toddler's room and put the finishing touches on her Montessori-inspired room (which she adores already). :)

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Sick or not, when we got home from all the extras in the evening I put on hoarders and cleaned out my office. I hauled a good 25-30 books off the bookcase, pitched a bunch of crap off my desk and got it looking decent again. I still need to go through the game closet etc in there but this was a huge improvement.


today we have errands to run and dance classes but once back I am focusing on the kitchen and entrance way. I will not go to sleep tonight until they are done and I have to sew different buttons on ds14's cadet uniform, buy him a bowtie and shape his beret while doing all of that.

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I finished 1/2 the movies/video games/CDs today, along with some books. I've run out of CD cases, so DH is bringing more home. Already the area is looking much better. I'll probably get the rest sorted so it will be easy (er) to get them put away another day.


Tomorrow we'll drop off what I've done at Salvation Army.

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We have hardly been home (except to sleep) since Tuesday (after I was up in the early am organizing the art area in the basement). Also, spent the last 2 days shopping and getting ready for the storm that's headed to the east coast. While I don't wish this storm on anyone, it is coming anyway so I am planning to spend the next 3 days stuck inside making lots of progress.


Today, I need to get my house clean again -- will be changing sheets on 3 beds, tons of laundry, starting on floors and bathrooms. I am planning to go through 2 or 3 big plastic bins of old clothes and junk from our old house. For me, part of organizing is getting all my pictures loaded on the computer and organized by date. I will also spend an hour doing that.


Hope everyone has a successful day. Everyone on the east coast stay safe!!!

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Ok....I am in. I want to clean up and declutter MORE. I am also looking to clean up and declutter my diet...and my brain for that matter....moving toward simple foods and less steps.....simplifying school and our life as much as possible....while every human being in my life fights against me.


They just do not realize the power of MOM!!!! :D


ETA: I have already gone through a serious declutter over September where I cleared out 25 garbage bags of clothes, 2 full book cases of unused & used curriculum and shipped it off to Book Samaritan....also cleaned out our diets of grains and artificial sweeteners .....


November starts round 2.... I am psyched!

Edited by Mommyfaithe
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I'm in but I started a little early...sorry.:D


I'm so proud of myself - I pulled down our winter stuff and then PURGED 5 bags of clothing! And I worked on our library and purged 6 boxes of books! I have so much more to go through though!


November here I come! Only - I wish I had an IRL buddy who'd come over and help me purge more of our homeschooling books.

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This thread inspired me to clean my refridgerator last night before bed. I took all the shelves and drawers out and scrubbed them. I didn't get to the door though, so I have to do that today. Along with clean up because my mom is coming into town. So, I need to vacuum, go over the bathrooms again, and just do a general pick up and tidy up of the normal areas.

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:iagree: though I have no photos of my own to post. I aspire to have photo worthy progress at some point.


Well, I was thinking about it. I may still. I have such a hard time getting photos off my phone though :glare: I've stalled out a bit because I was having some discomfort from my stent and because we had a million activities last week.


I planned to do school these next few days during the storm, but I don't think anyone is in the right frame of mind: DH is home, which always derails us; between the probable loss of Halloween and the worry about the storm, the kids are high on nervous energy; there's a pumpkin to be carved, etc. So I think I am calling school for a day or two after all and spending the time working on a few projects that I've not been making much headway on.


I'll post some pics if I can!

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Hey all i am stuck in nyc with hurricane but i amgoing to post the first weeks declutter challenge whether i am home or not! Will post tonight!


You're a trooper, Halcyon. Where are you in NY? I hope you're not downtown. DH's mom is in the 200s and near the East river, but she's not on the ground floor, so I think she'll be fine. Her building has been through worse!

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Storm prep can double as decluttering and seasonal cleaning, right?:D


Over the weekend we got the kayaks, gear bins and rack moved out into the barn, protective tarps put up around the chicken coops, and the porch cleaned off and set up for firewood staging. I also cut out and am now sewing 3 of the grain-filled "warmies" to keep us cozy.


Today all is set aside for dd's and my martial arts testing tonight. Neither rain nor snow nor wind will keep us from our appointed opportunity to thrash and be thrashed in our quest to attain the coveted purple belt! (Actually, while we might get some of all of the above weather, we are not expecting to get too much of it tonight.)

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Storm prep can double as decluttering and seasonal cleaning, right?:D


Over the weekend we got the kayaks, gear bins and rack moved out into the barn, protective tarps put up around the chicken coops, and the porch cleaned off and set up for firewood staging. I also cut out and am now sewing 3 of the grain-filled "warmies" to keep us cozy.


Today all is set aside for dd's and my martial arts testing tonight. Neither rain nor snow nor wind will keep us from our appointed opportunity to thrash and be thrashed in our quest to attain the coveted purple belt! (Actually, while we might get some of all of the above weather, we are not expecting to get too much of it tonight.)



I counted winter preparation so I think you should get credit for storm prepping!


We are going to work on the freezer, refrigerator and spices this week. Everyone knows they have to eat out of the freezer FIRST. I've put some fresh baked cookies in there to motivate everyone. :lol:

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Fri I was diagnosed with tendonitis in my shoulder and told to "not really" use my left arm and I was given a pneumonia vaccine that hurt so badly (and gave me a low grade fever, aches and pains, the whole bit) that it pretty much assured I wouldn't use the arm. But, I did continue forward slowly.


I got the table cleaned off, we played one game in the keep or not pile, and I'm halfway through the CDs.


We also took everything to the Salvation Army that I had done so far. In our house this is major, because it often sits in the garage forever.


I'm hoping to finish the CDs this week, clean the kitchen, and start the laundry room.

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