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What was the youngest your dc started cutting teeth?

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Earliest was 4 mo to have a tooth come through ... like most babies, he showed signs maybe 6 weeks before that.

Latest didn't have any signs until 9 mo, didn't have a tooth that stayed through until almost a year, but hers grew in so slowly, the gums would grow back over it and would have to break through again.


Oddly, the one who got teeth the soonest was the latest to start losing them (8), while the one who took forever to get them was the first to lose one (at 4 1/2, before her older brother, who was pretty typical at 7 mo for first tooth and about 6 to lose the first one).

Edited by higginszoo
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My DD was born with tooth buds. We thought she had a tooth at birth, but it either was just a bud or went back in the gum.


All three of mine were teething by 2 1/2 or 3 months and all three had teeth by 4 months. DS1 had his first 16 by 13 months, DD had her first 16 by 11 months, and DS2 had his first 16 by 15 months and at 18 months currently has either 2 or 3 of his 2 year old molars (I hate sticking my finger in my toddler's mouth to count so I am not sure if it is 2 or 3).

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Aha... so it wouldn't be that uncommon if ds was getting ready to start cutting now.


I just ask because he has been a little more cranky, not napping long at ALL unless hes held, which has made for an interesting day. That doesn't happen often though, he still has a lot of happy time.


He just moves his mouth, chomps and nom noms on everything he can get in his little mouth.. and the drooling... the amount of slobber coming out of this child is INSANE.


Thanks all :001_smile:

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DD was 4 months when she got her first teeth; at 10.5, she has had all of her adult teeth (except the wisdom teeth) for a while.


My boys were later -- 6 months, 8 months, and 7 months. However, DS3 was actually born with a milk tooth; it disappeared, and he didn't get a real tooth until 7 months.

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