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What's for dinner?

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My son is still trying to finish today's assignments after getting a late start this morning. So, in between steps in the kitchen, I'm sitting here at the computer. I figured we could chat about dinner.


We're having sloppy lentils (like a vegan sloppy joe) on home-made buns with canteloupe and baked potato wedges on the side.

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I'm still trying to decide! I'm thinking of grilled chicken breasts with Asian marinade/sauce (kind of a soy sauce/ginger/sesame oil blend), on a bed of romaine lettuce with mandarin oranges and maybe sliced almonds?


Or possibly a spinach salad with strawberries, pecans, and grilled chicken.


Anyway, I am leaning toward grilled chicken breasts and salad. In some form. It's only 2:20; I don't have to have it all figured out yet, do I?



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I've had cramps all day and no ibuprofen or pain reliever in the house and no car to get any. So I'm going to buy ibuprofen, something I can pop in the oven for the boys, maybe some more wine, and call it an evening. So I'm having wine and pain relievers, the boys will probably get lasagna.

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Teriyaki Chicken over brown basmati rice. I had planned to have roasted brussel sprouts for the veggie but I had to make quick bread so I'd have something for DH's breakfast in the morning. I made 5 loaves of pumpkin cream cheese bread and that filled one oven. The other has the chicken so now I don't have any room to roast the brussel sprouts. As I wished for a 3rd oven today I realized how very spoiled I've become because a little over a year I only had 1 oven and now I took having 2 for granted.


Anyways so we will either have a salad or cooked veggie for supper depending on how ambitious I feel in 20 minutes.

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Turkey lettuce wraps. Ground turkey and red onion cooked, then grated fresh ginger, soy sauce, fish sauce, and a little sesame oil added in. Chop some cilantro, throw that over it, put the turkey into lettuce, sprinkle on more cilantro, chopped unsalted peanuts if you have them (I didn't this time), you can add a little lime juice...I usually add extra cilantro and ginger at the end. Very refreshing. Sometimes I grate a little carrot on there, or add in chopped water chestnuts.

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My son is still trying to finish today's assignments after getting a late start this morning. So, in between steps in the kitchen, I'm sitting here at the computer. I figured we could chat about dinner.


We're having sloppy lentils (like a vegan sloppy joe) on home-made buns with canteloupe and baked potato wedges on the side.


Apparently sloppy lentils, cantelope and potato wedges, because I'm coming to your house for dinner! :lol:


I honestly have no idea. I have to leave to pick dd2 up from art class in a few, come home, then ds and his bf should be getting home from football. I have to take bf by his house, pick up his sister, and take them to youth group at their church. (thier mom's car is dead) It's already 5:15, and I don't have a clue.

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I made up a pasta dish.

homemade linguini


sliced grilled chicken

garlic, chili flakes, salt and pepper

and then a sauce of butter with melted goat cheese which I thinned with a bit of the pasta water



We had that with a salad of romaine with red onion and a few blackberries tossed in and a blackberry vinaigrette. It was really, really good.

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