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Tomorrow is the Day

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Eight and a half years ago, while holding my newborn son in my arms, I was overcome with the idea that I would homeschool him. I have no idea where that thought came from, and I actually thought it was kind of weird. But the thought was planted and I spent the next several years researching homeschooling to try to determine if it would be right for our family. When I reluctantly brought the idea up to my dh and he agreed wholeheartedly, I knew it was what I wanted to do. The only problem was that I was a working mom and I actually HAD to work.


I spent the next few years moving to a great part-time job, which allowed me to homeschool my ds in K, 1st and 2nd grades. During those years, I found people to watch my kiddos while I worked. Last school year, dh changed careers and found a job which should eventually allow me to be able to stop working and be home full-time. As much as I hoped to be able to quit my job this summer, it didn't happen. After much prayer and deliberation, we decided to send the kids to a local Christian school for the year.


I am heartbroken. I will miss teaching my ds and I will miss spending time with both of my kiddos. Thankfully, dd is thrilled to be starting K. She just can't wait. Ds, on the other hand, is not so happy. He is the type of kid who worries about everything, and boy oh boy is he worrying. He will be the "new kid" and I just pray that he finds a friend quickly.


I am also dreading the homework (thankfully there is not supposed to be much), the packing lunches, and having to stick to someone else's schedule. I love the homeschooling lifestyle, even though I never *really* got to live it since I was often working. Right now, I am getting through this by trying to have an open mind. Who knows...we may even like it??? Hopefully it is a one year thing. We will see though.


Sorry this is so long. I am just sad and I knew you guys would understand. Everyone IRL is just thrilled that I am finally sending my kids to school (and they don't understand at all why this is hard for me). If you got this far, thanks for reading.

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I totally get it. I have to send dd to school this year, too. It's the third year in a row that I haven't been able to homeschool. The first year, it was hard, but last year she had a fabulous teacher and a great time. I wish I didn't have to do it this year, but it is just better for our situation.


There's a period of mourning, that's for sure. I've cried buckets. Let yourself grieve, then try to find the good stuff.

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Thanks everyone. I know that the kids will do fine and it might even be good for them. But it is funny, because I do sort of feel like I am grieving. I am glad to hear that others have gone through this and come out okay. I am also glad to be able to "talk" to people here who understand why this is hard.

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I'm so sorry. I'll pray that your kids will enjoy school, and especially that your ds won't worry too much. I feel so sorry for the poor little guy. I'm sure he'll do just fine, but I hate to hear that he's so worried. :(


Thanks Cat. Ds is a worrier by nature and I knew that going to school would be no exception. My heart is breaking for him right now, as he really wants to be homeschooled (because it is so "unique" - his words :)). If I could have found a reasonable way to keep him home, I would have. I am hopeful that some good will come from this year and that it is only one year.

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Mandos Mom :grouphug:


please don't take the other thread to heart, about kids picking up bad words at school. They will, of course, but your home standards will prevail and they will find friends from similar homes. My siblings and I went to public school, but my Mom was so strict on language that we wouldn't have sworn at anyone. So I saw that you participated in that thread, but I hope the thought of bad language won't add to your burden tonight as you get ready to send your little ones to school.


I'm getting ready to say my prayers and go to bed, and I've added you and your family to my prayer list. I really hope your children have a day full of good surprises and hope tomorrow at school.



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Mandos Mom :grouphug:


please don't take the other thread to heart, about kids picking up bad words at school. They will, of course, but your home standards will prevail and they will find friends from similar homes. My siblings and I went to public school, but my Mom was so strict on language that we wouldn't have sworn at anyone. So I saw that you participated in that thread, but I hope the thought of bad language won't add to your burden tonight as you get ready to send your little ones to school.


I'm getting ready to say my prayers and go to bed, and I've added you and your family to my prayer list. I really hope your children have a day full of good surprises and hope tomorrow at school.




Awww...thanks Tibbie. I also went to public school and I wouldn't have sworn at home either (although I really didn't know any swear words at age 8!). I am currently worrying about so many things regarding the kids going to school, but thankfully swearing is pretty low on my list (not that I think they won't pick it up, I am just worried about so much more!). I really appreciate the prayers. I just love my kids so much and desire to give them the best. I almost wish I wasn't certain that homeschooling is the best. :tongue_smilie:

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