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I just was called a [female dog] by a cold caller!

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That's not happened before. The conversation went:


- Hello, Mrs XXX?

- Yes

- Hello, Mrs XXX. I was just calling to give you some information about the great deals we have on furniture at ???? company in ///// town.

- Excuse me - I'm on the government no-cold-call register. Please remove me from your database.

- If you'd like to just listen you might find that what I say could be useful....

- I'm sorry, I don't want to listen.

- [Female dog]!

- I'm sorry?

- You heard, [female dog]! (puts down the phone).


I'm torn between giggles, outrage, and trying to imagine how bad her day must have been that she would choose to endanger her job like that. I didn't catch the name of the company clearly, so I won't be pursuing it...



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I once had a man call from a charity that collected money for families of missing kids. As I don't do donations over the phone, I requested snail mail information and he told me they didn't have that. When I told him I wouldn't donate, he said something to the effect of, 'it would be a real shame if your kids went missing some day' in a very creepy tone and then he hung up on me. It freaked me out.

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Yeah, I had that happen with "credit card services" or whatever they are. The ones that call every household in the USA everyday...twice. "There is currently no problem with your credit card account..." I hit the button to speak with a person to ask her to put me on their "do not call" list. She called me the b-word and told me not to answer my d*&^ phone if I didn't want to talk to them.:glare:

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Yeah, I had that happen with "credit card services" or whatever they are. The ones that call every household in the USA everyday...twice. "There is currently no problem with your credit card account..." I hit the button to speak with a person to ask her to put me on their "do not call" list. She called me the b-word and told me not to answer my d*&^ phone if I didn't want to talk to them.:glare:


I tried the same and was told to go f myself.

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That's not happened before. The conversation went:


- Hello, Mrs XXX?

- Yes

- Hello, Mrs XXX. I was just calling to give you some information about the great deals we have on furniture at ???? company in ///// town.

- Excuse me - I'm on the government no-cold-call register. Please remove me from your database.

- If you'd like to just listen you might find that what I say could be useful....

- I'm sorry, I don't want to listen.

- [Female dog]!

- I'm sorry?

- You heard, [female dog]! (puts down the phone).


I'm torn between giggles, outrage, and trying to imagine how bad her day must have been that she would choose to endanger her job like that. I didn't catch the name of the company clearly, so I won't be pursuing it...




You are too nice. I just say No, thank you and hang up before I can hear their response. I have called companies back when I had a jerky caller.

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I usually don't say anything to callers like that; I just hang up since, no matter what you say they refuse to let you go. One time when I hung up the girl called back. I then hung up a second time and she called AGAIN. At that point she proceeded to call me a b*tch for hanging up on her and said all sorts of other nasty stuff to me.

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I love the Seinfeld episode when he couldn't get off the phone with an insistent telephone marketer, so he tried to sell her something instead.


I was once hung up on mid-sentence as I was explaining why I wasn't interested in some Disney books that were being offered. I was so offended because I thought I was being quite nice to the telemarketer. I can't imagine getting sworn at! I have trouble letting stuff like that go. But the OP is absolutely right that the thing that probably pushes the telemarketer to that point is how bad a day they have had. I imagine they end up hearing a lot of ugly things in their jobs. No excuse, but it helps me to think about that.

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I once had a telemarketer do that (before we went unlisted and on the do-not-call) only he began the call in English and when I said I wasn't interested, called me some colourful names in French. Luckily for him I was able to return the pleasantries in his language of choice! :D

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I once had a telemarketer do that (before we went unlisted and on the do-not-call) only he began the call in English and when I said I wasn't interested, called me some colourful names in French. Luckily for him I was able to return the pleasantries in his language of choice! :D



Tres bien!


I guess I sound like a young child on the phone... One time I was aksed by a telemarketer if they could speak to my mommy. I told them my mommy doesn't live here anymore. They asked for daddy- I told them he was dead. (Both true) I was wondering if CPS was going to show up and have a good laugh at that one...


I rent a house my mom owns,. When a parrticularly nasty telemarketer would not shut up when I told them I didn;t want vinyl siding on the brick house I figured they'd shut up when i told them I wasn't the homeowner. They asked for the owner's number, so I gave it to them, and told them to ask for my step-dad. He has little patience for telemarketers and I kinda feel bad I sent them his way, but they never did all back. :D

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oh, I'd be mad!


The state highway patrol charity had called looking for donations. DH had picked up the phone and when he realized that I was on the phone, he hung up. The volunteer person shouted into the phone, "That's right, ____ go ahead and hang up on me!" (other swearing edited out, but it was not nice!) I responded, "Um, I'm still here and I am hanging up for sure now!" Someone was clearly having a bad day!

Edited by jannylynn
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I had a door to door salesman call me that. He was from True Green Lawn and knocked on my door around dinner time. I was expecting a friend over, so I didn't even check before opening the door.


I saw it was a salesperson and I had no interest in their services, so I said with a friendly smile, "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. Good bye." and started to close the door.


He gave me one of the meanest looks I've ever received and called me a "total (female dog)."

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I've never been sworn at, but I laugh at the poor guys at Sam's Club who ask if we want to upgrade our cable package to their "really great deal". We tell them we don't have cable, and don't want it, and they just do not know what to do with that. I love watching the blank look come over their faces. LOL

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I heard on the news once that some autodialer systems do not allow the telemarketer to hang up. You have to hang up first. This woman would. not. stop. badgering me. I told her I was busy, that I had two little kids and one of them was crying, etc., and she would not let me politely end the conversation. So I dropped the phone on the couch and went on about my business for twenty minutes or so, talking to the kids loudly enough that she could hear. Then I retrieved the phone and asked, "Are you still there?" A slow, sullen: "Yes." "OK. I don't want to buy ______. How about we say goodbye now?" Long pause, teeth almost audibly grinding. Finally, "Goodbye." Me, super cheery: "Bye!" Then I hung up.


Do. Not. Mess. With. Me.

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some of these calls are scammers... I got one a couple days ago that I politely told I wasn't interested, hung up. 2 minutes later she called back, was pretty nasty, and then when I asked to speak to her supervisor, was abusive & told me that I had to beg, "That's right, BEG on your knees to talk to my boss" etc.


We are on the DNC register, and this was the 3rd call from the same number in the month, it's a VA loan type scam. They claimed to be from the US government during another call, and when I asked which branch, they hung up on me. After some internet googling, it looks like they are known for being particularly abusive to people including repeated calls, and the calls originate in another country.


I threatened to call the police, hung up and then I made use of the lovely call block feature.


If I get another harassing call, I'm going to set the handset down and walk away for at least 20 minutes. :D

Edited by lcelmer
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all of my calls seem to speak spanish. our last name is hispanic.


So mine usually goes something like this.


me Hello


Them lots of fast Spanish,


me- HELLOOOOOOO much slower and drawn out than the first


them - more fast Spanish,




Them- Hablo Espanol,




They then hang up.



My new one for my mom who I did sign back up for the DNC list, was this is an elderly woman and she just lost her husband and she does not need these calls/

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Okay all, what has happened to the Do not call list? Before I moved here, I had no problems. I have put my phone on the Do not call list twice already. I am still getting all these your don't have a credit card problem plus calls about VA loans. Over and over again- why? Sometimes no phone number even shows up on our display.

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Okay all, what has happened to the Do not call list? Before I moved here, I had no problems. I have put my phone on the Do not call list twice already. I am still getting all these your don't have a credit card problem plus calls about VA loans. Over and over again- why? Sometimes no phone number even shows up on our display.


They choose not to comply with the DNCL and they are impossible to report too. If you ask them the company name, they will hang up. All they want is your CC number. :glare:

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Okay all, what has happened to the Do not call list? Before I moved here, I had no problems. I have put my phone on the Do not call list twice already. I am still getting all these your don't have a credit card problem plus calls about VA loans. Over and over again- why? Sometimes no phone number even shows up on our display.


Most of them are scammers, so they don't really care about complying with Do Not Call. They are trying to get you to give them your personal information, not actually sell you a product or service.

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I usually don't say anything to callers like that; I just hang up since, no matter what you say they refuse to let you go. One time when I hung up the girl called back. I then hung up a second time and she called AGAIN. At that point she proceeded to call me a b*tch for hanging up on her and said all sorts of other nasty stuff to me.


I had this happen! Only she only called back once. I was in shock!

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all of my calls seem to speak spanish. our last name is hispanic.



We get a lot in Tagalog since our last name is a common Filipino name. We also get some in Spanish since the name could be Hispanic as well. Most are for long distance services or services for wiring money to the Philippines or to Mexico. I can't speak either language but I can understand just enough to know why they are calling.

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