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I had several boxes of Kcups and in the few days they visited most were depleted? Knowing you can't drink that much it's assumed perhaps they took some home with them.


Well they come next week for 4 days.


Here is our solution: :glare:


I should finish all the Kcups on hand before they arrive. I bought a cheap coffee maker and bag of coffee for $14. :D


I even have plenty of creamer on hand. :tongue_smilie:


So they will have coffee but there are no Kcups on site!

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Here is our solution: :glare:


I should finish all the Kcups on hand before they arrive. I bought a cheap coffee maker and bag of coffee for $14. :D



I remember that discussion. You *must* tell us how it goes and include all the nasty comments they unleash on you. Be strong! :D

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You use them in a special machine that brews one cup of coffee at a time. You pop the kcup in. They come in various flavors. But they are expensive!



Oh my! Guests took some? I would not be having anyone in my home who did that. It is basically stealing. I have never heard of a guest doing this in a home, a hotel maybe but not a home. I would wonder what else they took. I mean, who does that? That is crazy!

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I missed the original.


They used your house as a help yourself free source of kcups?



Yes, I had just bought 4 boxes online so it was 96 Kcups in the cabinet below the Keurig. After 2 days visiting there was very little left. They only drank in the mornings. So a lot of Kcups disappeared. They were both unemployed at the time and on hard times. Dh and I both suspect they took some home...

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And remember: It would be rude of you to give them a gift of a box of K cups this time, you know, smiling sweetly and saying, "I remember you liked these last time. We had to get rid of our K cup machine due to the expense, but here, just for you..."




Oh, I would so be tempted to do this if I were the OP....


I understand being on hard times, but stealing? :confused: Really? These are your in-laws you said? Why couldn't they just ask if they could take a few home with them? I don't see that as being out-of-bounds for family having some hard times, but just up and taking them, well, very not cool.

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I didn't see that post, but if you really want to use your Keurig still, you can always let them make their own cup! You can get a hard plastic K-cup that is permanent, and they would fill it themselves with coffee you have on hand.


It's kind of a hassle so they would probably stop drinking coffee altogether if that were their only choice! :)

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And remember: It would be rude of you to give them a gift of a box of K cups this time, you know, smiling sweetly and saying, "I remember you liked these last time. We had to get rid of our K cup machine due to the expense, but here, just for you..."






I stayed with my sister recently and she gave me some coffee shots for the road. I can't imagine stealing them. :confused: She also told us to help ourselves to road snacks. I can see that would be risky for you. :lol::tongue_smilie: They might empty the deep freeze. :001_huh:


Your inlaws really do have boundary issues. I forgot about the k-cup thing when you posted about showing up at midnight. How did they take the email about coming during daylight hours?

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I didn't see that post, but if you really want to use your Keurig still, you can always let them make their own cup! You can get a hard plastic K-cup that is permanent, and they would fill it themselves with coffee you have on hand.



This is actually what dh uses at home most of the time. At works, he uses the pre-made ones but at home, usually his own ground coffee in a re-usable cup (but not the keurig brand, he didn't like their re-usable).

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I didn't see that post, but if you really want to use your Keurig still, you can always let them make their own cup! You can get a hard plastic K-cup that is permanent, and they would fill it themselves with coffee you have on hand.


It's kind of a hassle so they would probably stop drinking coffee altogether if that were their only choice! :)


I have that. And thought about letting them use it. But I love my Keurig and decided the traditional pot was the way to go with them. :D

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Family stealing from family sucks.


I don't have kcups, but I had a SIL steal earrings Wolf bought me for my 30th birthday.


I don't care if it's coffee, earrings, cash (yeah, she stole that too), makeup, whatever. It's scuzzy to the nth degree to steal, *esp* family whose welcomed you into their home.

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Well, if you do have any left, hide them in your underwear drawer!


Oh, sure. Next thing you know, she'll be short on both KCups and underwear. ;)


Fix one problem and create another.... :D


BTW, I think Tess should have just bought a big jar of Taster's Choice and called it a day. (I would have been too cheap to buy another coffee maker! :tongue_smilie:)

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One of the world's most wasteful inventions ever. Single servings of pre-ground (and thus not really fresh) coffee that is often flavored with hideous additives. The kcups come packed in plastic with an extraordinary amount of waste with each serving. About as unearth-friendly a product as one could imagine.


To top it off the kcups are ridiculously expensive. So much so that people hide them from their blood relations for fear they might help themselves a little too lavishly.


Good grief!




Oh, but they are SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! :D

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Are you talking about your in-laws - the people who raised your dh? I don't understand why you can't go to Target and buy a 16 cup pack and leave it on the counter for them. That would be a sweet gesture and only set you back $12. Wouldn't 16 cups be enough for 4 days? Wouldn't that cost less than a coffee maker plus coffee?

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Family stealing from family sucks.


I don't have kcups, but I had a SIL steal earrings Wolf bought me for my 30th birthday.


I don't care if it's coffee, earrings, cash (yeah, she stole that too), makeup, whatever. It's scuzzy to the nth degree to steal, *esp* family whose welcomed you into their home.


Creating a mountain of plastic waste every time one makes a single cup of coffee sucks too. Especially when there are lots of alternative methods that are not so environmentally reckless.


These Kueregs are extremely wasteful.



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Creating a mountain of plastic waste every time one makes a single cup of coffee sucks too. Especially when there are lots of alternative methods that are not so environmentally reckless.


These Kueregs are extremely wasteful.



As I said, I don't use them. No dog in that fight. Just the stealing issue.

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Are you talking about your in-laws - the people who raised your dh? I don't understand why you can't go to Target and buy a 16 cup pack and leave it on the counter for them. That would be a sweet gesture and only set you back $12. Wouldn't 16 cups be enough for 4 days? Wouldn't that cost less than a coffee maker plus coffee?


OP told us in the past that they dug around her cabinets and took her k-cups home with them, without asking, as well as drinking far more than 16 cups in 4 days.

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I LOVE hideous additives!


I have recently become addicted to Coffemate SF creamer. Thanks W :D


I don't have one of those machines though.


I have a super fancy Jura Capresso. It grinds and brews perfect espresso. And then I drown it in artificial flavorings :lol:

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And remember: It would be rude of you to give them a gift of a box of K cups this time, you know, smiling sweetly and saying, "I remember you liked these last time. We had to get rid of our K cup machine due to the expense, but here, just for you..."



I would definitely do this!

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If you think stale coffee flavoed with hazelnut (or whatever) is GOOD then we have different tastes :D




It depends on the flavor. I have some that I really like and won't be without, and I have tried others that are absolutely disgusting and chemical-tasting -- way worse than if they just tasted kind of stale! :ack2:


It's a trial and error thing. :tongue_smilie:

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Are you talking about your in-laws - the people who raised your dh? I don't understand why you can't go to Target and buy a 16 cup pack and leave it on the counter for them. That would be a sweet gesture and only set you back $12. Wouldn't 16 cups be enough for 4 days? Wouldn't that cost less than a coffee maker plus coffee?


You need to have read the previous thread about this to understand the situation. I know that, at first glance, it seems like she's being cheap, but that's truly not the case here. It wasn't a matter of the in-laws drinking a lot of coffee -- it was that they STOLE a lot of KCups to take home with them. :eek:

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It depends on the flavor. I have some that I really like and won't be without, and I have tried others that are absolutely disgusting and chemical-tasting -- way worse than if they just tasted kind of stale! :ack2:


It's a trial and error thing. :tongue_smilie:


And what mountain of trash and expenditure of coin results from this trial? :D



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And what mountain of trash and expenditure of coin results from this trial? :D




Well, I think the mountain is pretty small, but don't get me started on the expenditure of coin. :D


Fortunately, I have a friend who will drink any of the KCup flavors, so she gets my rejects. So really, it's her mountain at that point, right? ;)

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Well, I think the mountain is pretty small, but don't get me started on the expenditure of coin. :D


Fortunately, I have a friend who will drink any of the KCup flavors, so she gets my rejects. So really, it's her mountain at that point, right? ;)


With a French Press or AeroPress you could have way better coffee for less coin and not generate a mountain of trash. ;)



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Are you talking about your in-laws - the people who raised your dh? I don't understand why you can't go to Target and buy a 16 cup pack and leave it on the counter for them. That would be a sweet gesture and only set you back $12. Wouldn't 16 cups be enough for 4 days? Wouldn't that cost less than a coffee maker plus coffee?



:iagree: Two wrongs don't make a right. I never read the original thread, but really?? You are going to lie to them in order to get them back for their stealing?

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I'm a french press gal myself, but I do understand the core issue OP, which is that you felt like your in laws were deceitful and rude, yes? I usually try to assume in those kind of situations that the offender is more in need somehow than I am. I may not agree with their methods but I figure it's their own bad karma anyhow. I may also be more inclined to let it go if it occurs with a family member. I think its a little passive aggressive and obvious to go with the whole separate machine and coffee. It would have been more gracious on your part to just provide a smallish amount of k cups for their visit like a PP suggested.


I didn't read the other thread though, so if I'm talking out of my a** here, I apologize.:lol:

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:iagree: Two wrongs don't make a right. I never read the original thread, but really?? You are going to lie to them in order to get them back for their stealing?


You really need to know the background here. Truly, this isn't just about the KCups.


But I don't think this is an issue of "getting them back for their stealing." It's an issue of preventing future stealing.

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I didn't read the other thread though, so if I'm talking out of my a** here, I apologize.:lol:


Read the other thread. It's not like they only took 2 or 3 KCups...


Believe me, if I hadn't read the other stories about these in-laws, I would feel completely differently about the concept of "hiding the good coffee." :D

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