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Update on my dad...

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Sorry for no update yesterday. I was at the hospital all day with mom and dad.


They had to put dad on medication to help regulate his heart rhythms so he doesn't go into afib. They have not been able to give him dialysis the past two days because it would be too stressful on his heart. However, his chest x-rays and blood saturations are improving. Yesterday, they were able to get his ventilator down to 40%, and only had to give him the heart meds a little. The next step is to get him off the vent and heart med. Praying that will happen today, but obviously we don't know what the Lord has planned for him.


I got to be with him yesterday. Mom had a 7 hour trip to the ER, because the stress is getting to her and elevating her blood pressure. When she arrived in the morning to check on dad, dad's nurse encouraged her to visit the ER because she was not looking well. So I stayed with mom until my sister got there, then she stayed with mom so I could go to dad and keep up on his care/update mom on what was going on. As much as my sisters and I are trying to take care of mom, this is understandably more stressful for her than anyone else. Docs said they want mom to have a stress test when it's convenient for her, but it's nothing emergent.


I can say this here (not on fb, because mom is on there), but none of my sisters or I are surprised that mom eventually ended up in ER. And mom is not internet/tech savy at ALL, but just in case, I will say that, um, you know Imp's mom? My mom has some of those tendencies as well. Not nearly as bad as Imp, however some mild personality tendencies in that direction. She just needs to take her Zanax, and she wasn't. :tongue_smilie:


Please contine to pray. First for the Lord's will to be done. Then, in His mercy, for the Lord to heal my dad and protect mom's health.


I'm... exhausted. Mom is there today by herself, because both my sisters have to work, my dh has to work, and while I *could* get someone to watch my boys, frankly I need to not be there today for my own health/sanity.


If anyone wants to do me a personal favor, I need to know if there's a way to put money on an employee's badge. My mom works at the hospital that dad is at, and when she goes to the cafeteria, she 'pays' by swiping her badge. I need to find out if there's a way to put money in mom's 'account', because I want to encourage her to eat regularly, and her not having to worry about the cost of eating is one way I can do that. But frankly, I do not have enough energy to call the hospital and go through the maze of people to get the answers on how to do that. So if anyone wants to, they can pm me and I will tell you what hospital. I realize it's a small thing, and that I should be able to do that. But I'm just. I don't know. I'm spent.


On top of everything, I have a third sister who is three-ish hours away, and is flying her NPD flag big and bold, trying to create drama, trying to make this about her, and driving us all insane. I can't even begin to get into that right now, other than to say my two sisters and I are protecting mom from that as best we can.

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Oh Bethany, honey, I'm just so sorry. You've got some mighty prayer warriors here standing in the gap. We love you!!


I'd be happy to call the hospital for you. I have a feeling it's like the hospital where I work though. We swipe our badges in the cafeteria, and the money comes right out of our checks. But again, I'd be happy to check into that for you.



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More prayers coming your way! We had some trouble with my NPD sil while my mom was ill. I'm ashamed to say that I completely lost it with her and really let her have it, which is SO unlike me. I did apologize profusely and she realized how she was acting and backed off, but it was just way too much added stress to deal with on top of everything else. I will add some prayers for no NPD drama to the prayers for your dad, mom and family.

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More prayers coming your way! We had some trouble with my NPD sil while my mom was ill. I'm ashamed to say that I completely lost it with her and really let her have it, which is SO unlike me. I did apologize profusely and she realized how she was acting and backed off, but it was just way too much added stress to deal with on top of everything else. I will add some prayers for no NPD drama to the prayers for your dad, mom and family.


You shouldn't be ashamed to say it. Sometimes people have it coming, and someone needs to have the nerve to say what needs to be said. :grouphug:

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I am glad to hear some positive news about your dad!


I know how stressful these situations are with difficult siblings. Siiiiiigh. I am glad your mom's health appears ok.


Hang in there! Hopefully it will be over soon and everyone can go home and relax, including your dad!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I was just thinking of you today and wondering how you and your dad were?


Thank you. :)


Dad's numbers improved today! In fact, the nephrologist said that he is doing so well that he will get dialysis again today. That's a GOOD thing; they were only able to dialyse him every other day, because it was too taxing on his body. But he'll have it again today.


However, right after my mom texted me all that this morning, she then texted me that she's having a hard day. So it's wearing on her. I was there for several hours on Wendnesday, and I'm going back up for the whole day on Sunday. My older sister was with her yesterday and today, and younger sister will be with her tomorrow. So we're trying to take care of her, but understandably, she's having a hard time. I think today is hard for her because it's two weeks today that he's been on the ventilator. When they intubated him, they told him it would probably be a few days. So, It just hasn't gone like we hoped.


But he is improving! At least right now! My mom has always, ALWAYS been a very pessimistic person, so it's not surprising to me that she's having trouble accepting that he's actually starting to do better.


I'm going to try to do a few little things to cheer mom up on Sunday. I'm really hoping by then that dad maybe could be getting off the vent. We'll keep praying!

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So, we're kinda stuck in a bad cycle with dad.


He'll have dialysis, and then next day his numbers will all be down (which is good). But then the neprologist is only dialysing him every other day, so by the second day, his numbers are right back where they were.


His kidneys are NOT kicking in and doing the work.


And he can't come off the vent until the numbers come down enough. Which it doesn't look like they're going to do if he stays on the every-other-day dialysis schedule.


So today I was there with mom, and we spoke with both the pulmonologist (who makes the decision about removing the vent) and the nurse that's been tending to dad the most. We all agreed that tomorrow, mom and the nurse would speak with the cardiologist (who is the attending, therefore the 'boss' doctor over dad's care). They are going to express to him that we don't feel nephrology is being aggresive enough in their treatment (which the pulmonologist agrees with as well). We are going to try to get the cardiologist, nephrologist, and pulmonologist all on the same page of 'let's be more agressive with the treatment so dad can get off the vent'. If the nephrology team dad currently has will not agree with this, we are going to request that the cardiologist (dad's attending) bring in another nephrology team for a second opinion.


So that's where we are. Mom, the nurse, my sisters and I, and the pulmonoligist all feel that dad's current nephrology team is not giving dad the best care they could. So, we're going to do something to address that.


My older sister will be with mom tomorrow, so I've updated her on all that. Since she's a kidney patient herself, I'm hoping she'll be a good co-advocate for mom.


Can I just say, I hate this. A lot. I feel like I've aged 15 years in the past three weeks. The other day I was out running fun errands with the boys; library, used book store, walked around the downtown shops. We had a good time. Well, we stopped by the grocery store on the way home to pick up a few things, and a cashier that I've known for six or seven years said she could tell something was wrong, and wanted to know what it was. I asked her how she could tell, and she said it was written all over my face. I had no idea I looked troubled; I was actually feeling like I was having a good day. Apparently I'm not hiding it as well as I thought I was.

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