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I think my car is making me sick. What could it be?


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Has your car gotten a good cleaning out lately? Maybe there's something in there that's producing something yucky. (Ask me how I know--the mysterious smell in my car was recently traced to a baggie of cheese that had been hidden away for a month. :glare:)


Conversely, did you just get it cleaned--could there be a cleaning chemical or a new perfume making you sick?

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Your car is still under warranty -- call the dealership and explain what's going on, and let the service department diagnose and repair the problem.


This isn't something to kid around with -- and for all you know, it could be a known issue with your make and model car.

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I had a fuel leak many years ago that made me feel ill every time I drove. I don't remember the specifics but it wasn't a huge repair. I had to insist they keep looking to find the problem, though, as the car seemed fine on initial evaluation.

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That's interesting. I've noticed that tue car is kind of sluggish when getting up to speed. Dh said it could be the fuel injector, I think. I know very little of cars, so he could've said something else. He just hasn't had time to take the car in. Anyway, I wonder if that has something to do with our feeling sick in the car.

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I had a fuel leak many years ago that made me feel ill every time I drove. I don't remember the specifics but it wasn't a huge repair. I had to insist they keep looking to find the problem, though, as the car seemed fine on initial evaluation.


I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but would a fuel leak account for terrible gas mileage? Lately I've been getting 2-3 fewer miles per gallon than when we first bought the car. We are on our way there. Dh just had to stop to do an errand. We should be there in the next hour.

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I don't mean to sound like an idiot, but would a fuel leak account for terrible gas mileage? Lately I've been getting 2-3 fewer miles per gallon than when we first bought the car. We are on our way there. Dh just had to stop to do an errand. We should be there in the next hour.


Yes, it could, but other problems can do that as well. I'm glad you are getting it checked out.

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Ive noticed that for the past week or so every time I ride in our family car, I get a headache and nausea. I've tried to explain away these symptoms. So what could it be? My Dd's just told me that they have been getting headaches too.


I have not read the thread - my first thought is a blockage in the exhaust train or a leak that is letting exhaust into the cabin.


I once lived in an apartment with a blockage in the gas furnace exhaust. That is how we felt, and how others felt when they came in - headachy, nauseas, and tired. We called maintenance and there was some bird's nest material in a wad in the flue.

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Sorry I forgot to update. We took the car to the dealership and left it for two days. After the first day, they called DH and said they couldn't find anything wrong with the car. So then DH called the manager of the service dept. and told them his concerns and asked them to check into the problem further. The put their "top" guy on the case and came back with the same answer. I haven't gotten a headache since we got back, but that's probably because I haven't driven the car for more than a few miles at a time.

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Are you prone to motion sickness? Motion sickness is a very odd thing. It can affect you in one seat but not another, on one side of the car and not the other, front seat or back seat, different cars in different ways and it most definitely makes a difference whether or not you are the drive. I have also found that heat makes it much worse. I am very prone to motion sickness and sometime I get nauseated just getting into the car before it has even been turned on. I have found that if I am not drving then I am taking enough dramamine or prescription anti-nausea meds to at least doze so that it doesn't bother me so much. I have much less problem when I am drving.

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CO is important to look into, and also mold.


Some cars have ventilation filters that need to be changed. Most cars can have the ventilations system flushed with a cleaner that will kill mold and mildew. It's not at all uncommon to have mold grow in AC vents.


When we told our mechanic our vents had a smell they flushed the system and it solved the problem. We weren't having symptoms, just bugged by an icky smell every time we turned on the vents, especially AC, and especially when first turned on.



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Get a battery back up CO detector and put it in the car and drive around like you normally would when you were getting headaches. If it registers then you know it is CO, if not, you can rule that out.


Good idea, that's what I'm going to try. I don't always get headaches when I'm driving, but when I do, it's really awful.


I haven't seen our neighborhood fire station with its door open for the public. Do they mind if we just knock on their door?

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Jacknor

I have a 2012 jeep grand cherokee that i purchased new back in June. The car has been perfect and have had no issues. About 3 weeks ago I started feeling light headed and feeling not so well when i drive the car. I tried changing out the cabin air filter thinking it was the AC but that didn't help. I brought the car to the jeep dealership last week and they kept it for 2 days. I was told they did a complete check of the car - AC, exhaust and electrical, and even had four different service technicians drive the car. They weren't able to find anything. After being out of the car for two days I picked it up last Thursday and after driving for 5 minutes back to my office I felt so strange. I can tell I'm breathing something because after I've been out of my car for several hours I can tell that I start feeling better/normal. I almost feel like I'm high or spaced out. I haven't really smelled anytthing significant althought at times it seems like I smelling rubber, but not burning, just a strong rubber smell. I'm at the point where I'm ready to get rid of the sucker. I'd lose money but I can't drive this and I'm concerned about my health. I think I need another opinion other than the jeep dealership. Does this sound like an exhaust problem? I bought a carbon monoxide detector at home depot and have had it in my car for two weeks but it hasn't gone off.

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