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Please share your first read aloud of the year


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Charlotte's Web is the first book for our book club. Surprisingly, my ds the fiction hater, has been really interested in this book. We watched the movie years ago, and he doesn't remember a thing about it. That's good considering we will watch the movie at the book club meeting. That reminds me I wanted to do a thread asking for which version is everyone's favorite! Off to do a poll!

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We have already begun and are reading Winnie the Pooh and Little House on the Prairie in the mornings. Dh is reading The Penderwicks at Point Mouette at night (I think they are all sad it's the last one!). We will also start reading Paddle-to-the-Sea for geography. I am not sure yet for our reading and science/nature read aloud. We've also been listening to the Chronicles of Narnia all summer and are ready to begin The Silver Chair. But dh took a brief detour and we are almost done with The Alchemist. (We school year round, or at least attempt to when dh is home for the summer, but LHotP was technically the first one of our school year.)

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Right now we're listening to The Reb and the Redcoats, and in the fall will be starting with I, Juan de Pareja.


Reading or listening? I, Juan de Pareja is also on the list for the beginning of school. I am hoping to have one history and one lit book going at the same time, one read aloud and one audio.

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We are reading The Hobbit. We're actually nearly finished with it at this point, but then we'll go back thru and do the Progeny Press Lit. Guide. After The Hobbit, I suspect ds will want to continue through the trilogy, although the language is harder so we'll see how that goes.


If not the trilogy, then I have several history readers that we can look at.


This is a fun thread!

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My DD's boyfriend left this weekend for college. The night before he left, he read Max Lucado's The Oak Inside the Acorn to his family, close friends and my daughter. I have precious pictures on Facebook that show him reading to his audience, and my DD staring at him adoringly. :001_smile: Just goes to show you're never too old to enjoy a good read-aloud!


I thought that choice of book was very appropriate for a young man leaving home and starting a new phase in his life. DD's boyfriend realized God has a very special purpose for him now.

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