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There's a house that sits at the corner of 2 major streets in my neighborhood. I have to pass it to get to my home. Right now, and for the past 2 hours, there have been ATF agents, state police, and Homeland Security agents raiding the home. There are dozens of unmarked cars around the home, a homeland security and border customs truck, and now a federal truck in which they are loading boxes of evidence. There are probably 100 boxes of evidence lined up in the driveway and along the sidewalk, and they are pulling more from the home.


I live in a suburban neighborhood considered "in the country" to many around here. You just never know who your neighbors are... Scary.


The saddest part is 2 young children (under 5) live at this home... I hope they are okay.

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You must go ask!!! Not only because now I'm insanely curious, but also because if there is something this big happening right down the street - you need to know if your safety is at stake.


So, go ask! And, report back.


:iagree::D "Hello officer, is there any way I can be of assistance?"

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I'm incredibly curious too! However, I'm too nervous to go ask because I would have to go with my boys, and it's scary enough driving past the house with them in the car.


Neighbors are talking about it all over Facebook so I'm hoping to find out more from there. One of the women runs the Neighborhood Watch program, but she doesn't have any info yet. We're all kind of waiting on her right now.


All my doors and windows are locked, and the boys are not allowed to play outside today (which stinks because it's a beautiful day).


Just spoke to dh, and he said there were 2 men entering the house around 8ish (when he left for work) with flattened boxes wrapped in plastic. No writing on their backs, and there were a few cars in the yard at that time, but nothing crazy going on. He said it looked like people were just getting organized for moving out of a house, nothing like what is really happening.


They must have already arrested the occupants? Or the occupants fled during the night? I wish I knew more!

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I'm incredibly curious too! However, I'm too nervous to go ask because I would have to go with my boys, and it's scary enough driving past the house with them in the car.


Neighbors are talking about it all over Facebook so I'm hoping to find out more from there. One of the women runs the Neighborhood Watch program, but she doesn't have any info yet. We're all kind of waiting on her right now.


All my doors and windows are locked, and the boys are not allowed to play outside today (which stinks because it's a beautiful day).


Just spoke to dh, and he said there were 2 men entering the house around 8ish (when he left for work) with flattened boxes wrapped in plastic. No writing on their backs, and there were a few cars in the yard at that time, but nothing crazy going on. He said it looked like people were just getting organized for moving out of a house, nothing like what is really happening.


They must have already arrested the occupants? Or the occupants fled during the night? I wish I knew more!


Oh, I know. I don't really expect you to do it. But, it's not fair to tell us about the excitement and not what's going on. I think you should make us all cupcakes.

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You must go ask!!! Not only because now I'm insanely curious, but also because if there is something this big happening right down the street - you need to know if your safety is at stake.


So, go ask! And, report back.


Also, consider the educational value! I've no idea how ATF, state police, and Homeland Security conduct a raid. We'll all benefit from your experience!

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I would imagine if any of you were in danger, an officer would have come to your house. At least that's what they did when they raided the house next door to us one time (suspected meth lab).


Honestly, I think that if the "suspects" were still inside the house, they would have weapons drawn. I bet they are gone.

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They wouldn't be boxing up evidence if the suspects were still in the house.


This same type thing happened in my parents' neighborhood. It turned out that the house was a *safe house* for some drug trafficking coming out of Mexico. The family was a *front*.

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I'm incredibly curious too! However, I'm too nervous to go ask because I would have to go with my boys, and it's scary enough driving past the house with them in the car.


Neighbors are talking about it all over Facebook so I'm hoping to find out more from there. One of the women runs the Neighborhood Watch program, but she doesn't have any info yet. We're all kind of waiting on her right now.


All my doors and windows are locked, and the boys are not allowed to play outside today (which stinks because it's a beautiful day).


Just spoke to dh, and he said there were 2 men entering the house around 8ish (when he left for work) with flattened boxes wrapped in plastic. No writing on their backs, and there were a few cars in the yard at that time, but nothing crazy going on. He said it looked like people were just getting organized for moving out of a house, nothing like what is really happening.


They must have already arrested the occupants? Or the occupants fled during the night? I wish I knew more!


Based on my extensive watching of reality television, the initial raid would have probably happened WAY before 8 am. :tongue_smilie:

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Are you really not permitted outside? If they aren't in a stand off with the occupants of the home and just actively search, I would think you could get out and play in your own yard. I just wouldn't go an hang out around that house.


We had a situation where were not permitted outside. 10.5 years ago. The police were in a stand off with a man who was holding his family hostage. So we had police snipers set up around the neighborhood. We also had SWAT, regular police and 2 mobile command centers. It was a Sunday morning, we were the last to know when my dh opened the curtain and said "I don't think we are going to church today." Overnight the police had been to every home that had lights on and told people to turn them off, in the morning everyone with a dog was shooed back in their house (poor doggies). Our lights were off and we didn't have a dog so we weren't informed, but it was pretty obvious when dh opened the curtain and saw the sniper laying on the ground on the median in front of our home, with his weapon aimed at the home at the other end of our row of town homes.

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Just don't take them out of my share.:tongue_smilie:



Hey, if there are any chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting - I am claiming those!


And if there are any with a chocolate ganache filling, I'm knocking you all over to get to them. Darn you, PMS! :lol::lol:

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Guest submarines
Also, consider the educational value! I've no idea how ATF, state police, and Homeland Security conduct a raid. We'll all benefit from your experience!


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If you make it on the news, say hi to us, OK?


Oh, my goodness. :lol:


"No, I can't say I knew them, they really kept to themselves, I just hope this is all taken care of soon and our kids are safe....


and while I'm on TV I just want to give a quick shoutout to all my WTM boardie buddies! Kilts and cupcakes, people! Love ya!"

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Oh, my goodness. :lol:


"No, I can't say I knew them, they really kept to themselves, I just hope this is all taken care of soon and our kids are safe....


and while I'm on TV I just want to give a quick shoutout to all my WTM boardie buddies! Kilts and cupcakes, people! Love ya!"



This sounds scary though.

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I wouldn't bother asking, I doubt they would tell you anything. Also, I imagine you are more safe than you have ever been.


I might call in a little tip to the local news... That's probably your best bet in finding out what's going on.




Oh, my goodness. :lol:


"No, I can't say I knew them, they really kept to themselves, I just hope this is all taken care of soon and our kids are safe....


and while I'm on TV I just want to give a quick shoutout to all my WTM boardie buddies! Kilts and cupcakes, people! Love ya!"


:lol: :iagree:


Keep urging on the neighbor who is part of the watch. She probably won't be able to resist getting the information. You could find a fatherly-looking officer and tell him you are worried about your children and family. He may give some information while trying to reassure you.


At any rate, thank goodness they are taking care of this. Something must have been up there, and as others have said, you are probably the most safe you have been in awhile (allegedly since we don't know if the person is guilty or innocent).

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Oh, my goodness. :lol:


"No, I can't say I knew them, they really kept to themselves, I just hope this is all taken care of soon and our kids are safe....


and while I'm on TV I just want to give a quick shoutout to all my WTM boardie buddies! Kilts and cupcakes, people! Love ya!"


:lol::lol::lol: Y'all are too funny!


Ok, so the media helicopters have been hovering, and there are local news outlets on the ground. No, I did not make the call! :D Nothing is showing up on the websites yet, and of course, we don't have TV!!! My direct neighbor to my right said there hasn't been anything on yet. One of the stations is the 24 hr cable station.


Another neighbor went for a walk and she did ask someone what was happening. All she was told was a warrant was given to search the house. ICE and k9 are also there now. This must be huge. Another neighbor said this has been going on since he first noticed at 6:30 AM. His house faces that way.


As soon as I find other information, I will let you all know! But, I won't have time to make cupcakes since I have to keep abreast of all this. :lol:

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Nah. That's local, state, and FBI. ATF, immigration, and Homeland Security would be an international smuggling operation, but probably not drugs unless there's DEA (state and/or fed), too.


These people have only been here for 4-6 months. The lot was vacant for a year or so; then suddenly (and quickly) a large, all-brick home was built on it. They walled in their entire garage except for an area in which to walk to the door from the garage to the house. The blinds were always drawn on that side of the house.


The people who live there are a white couple, early-mid 30s with 2 young children. A wooden play set sits in the back yard. A Honda minivan is usually in the driveway. Nothing at all seemed abnormal aside from the garage area. But, I know several people who have turned their garages into rooms for extra space (not in a brand new house though).


It's all so interesting... You just never know.

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These people have only been here for 4-6 months. The lot was vacant for a year or so; then suddenly (and quickly) a large, all-brick home was built on it. They walled in their entire garage except for an area in which to walk to the door from the garage to the house. The blinds were always drawn on that side of the house.


The people who live there are a white couple, early-mid 30s with 2 young children. A wooden play set sits in the back yard. A Honda minivan is usually in the driveway. Nothing at all seemed abnormal aside from the garage area. But, I know several people who have turned their garages into rooms for extra space (not in a brand new house though).


It's all so interesting... You just never know.


Maybe they made the call after finding a dead body in the backyard while trying to dig a tunnel to another world?

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Nah. That's local, state, and FBI. ATF, immigration, and Homeland Security would be an international smuggling operation, but probably not drugs unless there's DEA (state and/or fed), too.

Could be trafficking.


DHS has their nose in everything. OP can you tell which branch of DHS is there? Customs? ICE?

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