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What are your Hive habits?

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So what kind of Hive member are you? Do you login faithfully every time you come to the site? Or do you prefer to browse in cognito? Or do you hop on & off depending on the day? Or are you more of a lurker and just login when you want to post something? Or maybe you are perpetually logged in and check up on things regularly? Do you stick to one board primarily or browse a few?


Just curious to know how others visit the Hive.


I take a peek here every couple of days and then log in and respond or start my own threads. I generally hang out here on the General board or on the K-8/Logic stage. But then I generally disappear for a while and then pop up again later. I do find it tricky to keep up with you guys :D

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I stay logged in and check a few times daily from both work and home. Mostly only on the General and High School boards though. At first I was just a lurker, but I think I'm starting to find my voice.

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Always logged in.


I just hit the "new" tab when I stop by so I see all the new posts on all the boards intermingled -- unless I happen to researching a specific topic.


I don't visit for weeks at a time, then suddenly start visiting constantly.


I have my account set to automatically subscribe to all threads I post to, and deliver the subsequent posts via instant email.

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Always logged in.


I just hit the "new" tab when I stop by so I see all the new posts on all the boards intermingled -- unless I happen to researching a specific topic.


I don't visit for weeks at a time, then suddenly start visiting constantly.


I have my account set to automatically subscribe to all threads I post to, and deliver the subsequent posts via instant email.


I am such a rookie! I had no idea you could get replies sent to your email :001_huh:

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I don't visit for weeks at a time, then suddenly start visiting constantly.

:iagree: During the school year it is 2-3 times a month...this summer 2-3 times a day.

I think I've posted more in the last few weeks then in the previous 12 months!

I'm in denial about the rapidly approaching school year. :D

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I just got a new iPhone, so I can take the Hive everywhere I go. I try to restrain myself by sticking to the first page of the general board. If I get bored there, I'll head to to the k-8/ logic board. If I really don't want to face reality, I might let myself browse through the first 4-5 pages of the general board....

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I haven't been here long, but I stay logged in and come here when I get bored of whatever I'm actually supposed to be doing on the computer. :tongue_smilie:


I usually check the high school board first, then hit "New Posts" to see what else is going on. :)

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I'm fairly new to the boards. I am always logged in when I am on here (usually every day.) I stick to the general board and try to stick to the first 5 pages...it gets to be so time consuming! I am also a curriculum junkie, so I usually check that board too. ;)


I would much rather be here than on Facebook!

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I log on when I wake up and check out what has happened while I was sleeping. I have about 30 min. in the morning to check the board and go to Sparkpeople and log in there and to check my e-mail. I check again at noon. I have a break then from homeschooling or housework depending on the day. Then I check again at night after 8 pm. That is a longer time when I'm too fried to do much else. Very occasionally I will post a question and will check at other times but it is when I've googled for help - usually a how to type question - and haven't found the answer and turn to the hive for help.

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Mine stays logged in. In the morning I click on new posts and open up tabs for all the threads I want to read. I hop off and on during the day and read them. If I finish them before bed time (rare) I click new posts and do it all over again.

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I am perpetually logged in on desktop, laptop, iPad, and iPhone. I check in WAY too much. It's my escape from reality.




I am always logged in somewhere....lol.


It is how I get to be a busybody....stick my nose in where it doesn't belong, solve the world's problems AND stare at men in kilts!:D

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I'm always logged in. I usually check here as part of my morning internet ritual during breakfast, and again in the evening after all work is done. Okay, and maybe a few times in between when I really should be doing other things. :tongue_smilie:


I read a lot, answer occasionally, mainly stick to this board and the K-8 curriculum but once a week or so I check out the Accelerated Learners and Special Needs.

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I wake up, load up the page while I hit the potty and brew my coffee than I sit on a fat arse all day logged in and posting away on here and FB until some kid calls for me. I do get the chores done and meals cooked though not necessarily in a timely fashion. During the school year and work day it is slightly different. More like I stay logged on and the page open and it becomes run by readings/postings as I go about my day. Then when I talk to people irl it's like so my hive friend said xyz, and then wrong person on hive replied abc, and THEN funny hiver said blah and we all loled, and they look at me like I have a mental health issue

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I wake up, load up the page while I hit the potty and brew my coffee than I sit on a fat arse all day logged in and posting away on here and FB until some kid calls for me. I do get the chores done and meals cooked though not necessarily in a timely fashion. During the school year and work day it is slightly different. More like I stay logged on and the page open and it becomes run by readings/postings as I go about my day. Then when I talk to people irl it's like so my hive friend said xyz, and then wrong person on hive replied abc, and THEN funny hiver said blah and we all loled, and they look at me like I have a mental health issue


Yeah I often want to talk to people irl about the issues and hilarity that happens here but I can't figure out how to introduce it without sounding like I spend all day logged in. And truth be told, I do. I lurked on this board for over a year before even creating an account. I usually just checked the logic board for curriculum ideas and reviews. Then when I got bored i started checking every board and going up to ten pages deep into the general board. I think I have a problem.

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I'm perpetually logged in, but fly under the radar. I mostly hang on the GB but have been known to frequent other forums. I read every morning while waiting for the caffeine to fire up the brain cells. Then I hang around while dd is doing seat work or while other people are watching tv.

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I try to read in the morning. Then, I use this as a rewards system. Mop the floor. Check the internet. Fold the laundry. Check the internet. Etc.


I find that popping in and out really helps increase the amount of chores I get done! (I'm weird, I know!)

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I try to read in the morning. Then, I use this as a rewards system. Mop the floor. Check the internet. Fold the laundry. Check the internet. Etc.


I find that popping in and out really helps increase the amount of chores I get done! (I'm weird, I know!)


That's what I had to start doing this summer because I was pushing the chores back more and more and it was not good. I set the timer when I sit for internet when using it as a reward so I don't fold the laundry and then sit for an hour kwim

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I am perpetually logged in on desktop, laptop, iPad, and iPhone. I check in WAY too much. It's my escape from reality.



Me too! I stay logged in unless my computer reboots and unlogs me. I don't know why people IRL don't find the conversations here as enlightening or funny as I think they are:D

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I don't keep the forum open all the time, but I seem to be perpetually logged in anyway. (I guess if you don't "log out," you stay logged in even if you turn off the browser.) However, I'm "invisible" so you won't see me on the list of people logged in.


My habits depend on what else is going on in my life. Most of the time, this is my go-to procrastination therapy, and I tend to be easily distracted from my work, so I check the general board fairly often throughout the day. I usually check the accelerated, special needs, and afterschooling boards at least once every day or two. The curriculum board, just occasionally as a change of scene.


Now if I could get my work act together, I'd ideally check here once in the morning and once in the evening. Gosh, it would be nice to get caught up on my work!

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I wake up, load up the page while I hit the potty and brew my coffee than I sit on a fat arse all day logged in and posting away on here and FB until some kid calls for me. I do get the chores done and meals cooked though not necessarily in a timely fashion. During the school year and work day it is slightly different. More like I stay logged on and the page open and it becomes run by readings/postings as I go about my day. Then when I talk to people irl it's like so my hive friend said xyz, and then wrong person on hive replied abc, and THEN funny hiver said blah and we all loled, and they look at me like I have a mental health issue

:lol: I did that while the CC thread was going.


I live in schizophrenic moods. I run around like a spazz doing everything for a couple hours and then I sit and do nothing for a while. Then I realize I have a bunch of other things to do so I run around like mad again.....and so on, and on. It works. I like being lazy and productive. This seems to be the most time efficient.

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