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My horse was killed this morning.

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Oddly enough - this morning (before I knew she was gone) I saw her ghost in the back yard. I looked out the kitchen window - saw her - but then the image faded. So I just thought I was seeing things - until later when I knew she had passed.



Being loved by a horse

is extraordinary.


Her spirit came to see you one last time before moving on. I guess I'd say you were very loved.


Hugs, sweetie.

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when I showed up, and how he'd come barreling up with I whistled...and swimming in the cow pond with him.


Part of it, to me, was how much I *touched* him. I groomed him, trimmed his hair, washed him, scraped bot fly eggs off of him, held him tight with my thighs. He was just so huge, and the hot breath he'd blow in my face on winter mornings!


Oh, poor you. And everything will smell of her...her bridle, her blanket, and you'll find hairs. I had to sell mine, but still, it was awful.

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Oh, I'm so sorry! Losing a horse is a terrible thing.


My mare fell in the mud at a fiesty 33 years old and broke a bone.


The sheer SUDDENESS of it was devasting on top of losing her.


Grieve for your horse. Plant a tree, or a shrub or a whole garden (as I did) in memory.


You have my heartfelt sympathy.

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I am typing through tears. My heart is broken for you. My oldest daughter has a cowgirl heart and has since she was born. She loves horses and I just keep thinking about her and you and crying. I am so very sorry!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I am so sorry for your loss. Being a horse owner myself, I know how they can and do touch our hearts in a way that nothing else can. She knew she was loved and she is still loved, don't ever forget that. I want to thank you too for reminding all of us to check and double check the stall door latches and the fence gates.

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But - the rest of the community has really supported us and I am feeling love from them. I just don't know how I am going to wake up every morning and see this big empty backyard. She was the best horse in the world and I was her cowgirl. And I feel so bad because she got out and it's our fault the gate wasn't better locked.


This is one of the worst days ever in my life. I loved that horse. She was sweet and gentle, and she loved me back. She knew I loved her.

And I loved her more than the dog, cats, and turtle combined. She was the easiest of all our pets.



What a horrible accident! But Karen, it was an accident and you know that everyone who has a horse had that horse get out, somehow, some time! Mine has gotten out, so has the neighbors. Nothing has happened to them but it could have!

Don't beat yourself over the head.

Grieve for her like you would for the friend she was to you and know that she is in a fabulous place abundant with luscious grass, carrots and apples!


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