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Going to bed each night

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Do you look forward to going to bed? I used to love crawling into the cool sheets and letting my entire body relax. I liked to sleep. I haven't felt that way in years though. I'm sitting here and it's 12:30am and I know I need to go to bed but I just don't want to.

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Do you look forward to going to bed? I used to love crawling into the cool sheets and letting my entire body relax. I liked to sleep. I haven't felt that way in years though. I'm sitting here and it's 12:30am and I know I need to go to bed but I just don't want to.


Why not?


I love to get into bed. I didn't when I was young, but now I ache by 9 pm, and can't wait.

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Why not?


The biggest problem is that I don't fall asleep quickly. I just lie there and think. The more I think, the more agitated I become. Agitation keeps me awake, leading to bad thoughts. It's a horrible cycle. I spent at least a year with a schedule of 4:00am to 1:00pm because by 4:00am my eyelids were heavy. Then the past few months I actually transitioned into an earlier bedtime though I didn't do anything special. And now I'm back to my old ways. I've had to take a sleeping pill every night for the past week. It's just stupid. And last night the pill didn't even work at all. So I'm not excited about trying again, but I will. I'm going to take it and go straight to bed. Hopefully I won't be up again in a couple of hours.

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Oh, that's no fun, Elf. I do that myself. I'm a night owl by nature, add to that fact that I have 3 super loud kids so after they go to bed is the only "down" time I get, and I'm up until 3 a lot of nights. But then I feel like poo the next day when I try to get up earlier, and I feel guilty if I sleep late.

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Oh I looove going to sleep.


My room is dark and cool and so very quiet. Just the whirling of the ceiling fan. The sheets are soft, the duvet is snuggly, the mattress is smooshy and DH is cozy :D.


Come to think of it, I think it's time for bed now!


:iagree: BUT, we both stayed up for the Curiosity landing on Mars, didn't we? I just couldn't resist! :D

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I'm a night owl, and I can always find something better to do than to go to bed. :D I think for me, it's the only time the house is completely quiet and I can have that hour (or three) to myself.


Yep. But I looove going to bed for a nap! Probably because I'm so tired from staying up that it feels so good to lie down!


Need to go to bed now!!

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The biggest problem is that I don't fall asleep quickly. I just lie there and think. The more I think, the more agitated I become. Agitation keeps me awake, leading to bad thoughts. It's a horrible cycle. I spent at least a year with a schedule of 4:00am to 1:00pm because by 4:00am my eyelids were heavy. Then the past few months I actually transitioned into an earlier bedtime though I didn't do anything special. And now I'm back to my old ways. I've had to take a sleeping pill every night for the past week. It's just stupid. And last night the pill didn't even work at all. So I'm not excited about trying again, but I will. I'm going to take it and go straight to bed. Hopefully I won't be up again in a couple of hours.


You know I actually don't have too many sleep problems, but I tend to stay up way too late just cause I've always been a night owl. I am useless to do anything productive though and usually just read or watch tv. Which I find ridiculous but just can't break the habit.


For me when I try and sleep and my mind wanders I have always listened to something on my mp3 player to help me fall asleep. Usually talk radio, or sometimes the 24 hour comedy channel on iheartradio. But the background noise really helps me relax and be able to tune out all those anxious thoughts about what needs to get done tomorrow and so on. Maybe you could give that a try. I've even done books and I may have to listen to the same passage night after night because I fall asleep but I find it helps. My mp3 has a timer so it will turn off after a certain time I set.

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Yep. But I looove going to bed for a nap! Probably because I'm so tired from staying up that it feels so good to lie down!


Need to go to bed now!!


That's my problem! I stay up so late I need a nap, but I love to nap! And then because I nap I am not tired until late.

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I adore getting into bed at night. Crawling in, stretching out on my stomach and then just falling off the planet into lala land is the best feeling of the whole day. Napping, on the other hand, I hate. Sometimes it's necessary but I am SO grumpy when I wake up from a nap.

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Night Elf, have you been getting any exercise? I find I sleep much better when I get 30 minutes or more of good exercise outside.


I was just about to say this, too. Also, at least an hour of no screens (incl. TV) before bed, and then reading in bed. I have never had any trouble sleeping (probably the opposite, rather :glare:) but my DS 16 went through this and the above, with exercise, is how we solved it. He gets tempted to use his phone before bed and always pays the price.

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You know I actually don't have too many sleep problems, but I tend to stay up way too late just cause I've always been a night owl. I am useless to do anything productive though and usually just read or watch tv. Which I find ridiculous but just can't break the habit.


For me when I try and sleep and my mind wanders I have always listened to something on my mp3 player to help me fall asleep. Usually talk radio, or sometimes the 24 hour comedy channel on iheartradio. But the background noise really helps me relax and be able to tune out all those anxious thoughts about what needs to get done tomorrow and so on. Maybe you could give that a try. I've even done books and I may have to listen to the same passage night after night because I fall asleep but I find it helps. My mp3 has a timer so it will turn off after a certain time I set.

I do this, too. Or, rather, I have to have the tv on when I fall asleep. I put on something dialogue heavy, with no sudden action scenes, that I've seen before (so no need to see how it ends). For years, it was Law & Order reruns: just enough dialogue to keep my brain occupied so it doesn't spin like a hamster wheel.

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The biggest problem is that I don't fall asleep quickly. I just lie there and think. The more I think, the more agitated I become. Agitation keeps me awake, leading to bad thoughts. It's a horrible cycle. I spent at least a year with a schedule of 4:00am to 1:00pm because by 4:00am my eyelids were heavy. Then the past few months I actually transitioned into an earlier bedtime though I didn't do anything special. And now I'm back to my old ways. I've had to take a sleeping pill every night for the past week. It's just stupid. And last night the pill didn't even work at all. So I'm not excited about trying again, but I will. I'm going to take it and go straight to bed. Hopefully I won't be up again in a couple of hours.


I developed insomnia in my early 40s. I discovered that I no longer needed to sleep as much. I started getting up eariler, and it fixed it. But I had to wait for a work change to "force" me to get up. Now I fall asleep by 11, but often get up for a drink and a few minutes on the computer, so that I sleep in two "shifts" many nights. Still, I've lost the 8 hours a night ... I'm more like 6.5, and if I get tired late afternoon, I put my head down for quiet for 10 minutes.

That "fixed" my insomnia. We need less sleep as we age, and many old people complain bitterly about it.

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I like sleeping, but I usually feel guilty when I go to bed because I am behind on stuff.


My internet habits both get me behind on my work and keep me awake too late at night.


Though, considering that I've always been a night person, if it weren't the Internet keeping me awake it would probably be a book or quiet hobby.

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Could you read in bed to get yourself tired? It is hard to shut off the brain to sleep. I have to either read, go on my Ipad, or watch tv while in bed to make myself sleepy. And I don't even think of going to bed until I feel sleepy.


I don't like to go to bed. I love having the house to myself.


I struggle with sleep issues, though, and love, love, love a good night of peaceful sleep.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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That "fixed" my insomnia. We need less sleep as we age, and many old people complain bitterly about it.


Yeah, I wondered about that. I can get by on 6 hours and not feel tired. The nights that I sleep about 4 hours leaves me dragging my feet all day. Occasionally I sleep 10 hours and I feel like someone hit me with a truck. Last night I got about 6 so that will do.


I do read before bed, but I have to do it in the living room. DH can't sleep with any lights on, not even my Kindle light. I don't have a good book going right now though. Maybe I should focus on that today so I can read tonight and not be on this board. :tongue_smilie:

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I used to have bouts of anxiety when I would try to fall asleep at night until I started listening to a meditation cd. It works like magic for me and I usually fall asleep within minutes of starting it. I think it helps me stop the cycle of anxious thoughts and I focus on something relaxing. As for natural sleep aids, I have also tried valerian root in the past with some success and while I haven't tried it, I know that melatonin can help with more restful sleep. Hope you figure something out that works for you! Lack of sleep stinks!

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I developed insomnia in my early 40s. I discovered that I no longer needed to sleep as much. I started getting up eariler, and it fixed it. But I had to wait for a work change to "force" me to get up. Now I fall asleep by 11, but often get up for a drink and a few minutes on the computer, so that I sleep in two "shifts" many nights. Still, I've lost the 8 hours a night ... I'm more like 6.5, and if I get tired late afternoon, I put my head down for quiet for 10 minutes.

That "fixed" my insomnia. We need less sleep as we age, and many old people complain bitterly about it.


:iagree: i feel GREAT with 8 hours of sleep per night but I usually get 5 or 6. My insomnia is so much better but I still go through regular cyclical/hormonal bouts of insomnia. Thankfully I CAN sleep now. I do need sound, whether music, sound machine, radio, tv, OR reading when I go to bed still unless I collapse in exhaustion.


They say to read light material, lie magazines, when you go to bed. If you're reading a good book you may not want to put it down.;)

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I'm in the midst of a wearying bout w/ insomnia right now- I can fall asleep without issue, but I wake up for 3 hours in the middle of the night....last night I made myself stay up until 11:30, slept until 3am, was awake until 6:00 and got up at 7:30am. So yes, I've been struggling with bed/sleep being a negative thing. :(


Its more painful because sleep/bedtime USED to be a wonderful thing for me- all childhood & adult life...up until the past 6-8 months.


I just finished reading "The Effortless Sleep Method" which was really helpful. He feels most insomniacs are constantly on the hunt for the right pill, blend, cd, routine to fix it- understandbly so, as the misery of exhaustion is a powerful motivator. ;) His take is that for many people the cause lies in poor 'sleep hygiene' & spending too much non-sleeping time in bed....(insomniacs, will feel the need to rest & try to sleep more than non-insomniacs).


GOOD sleep hygiene is: do NOTHING but sleep and have tea in bed- no reading, computer, snacking etc; when you can't sleep get UP and OUT of bed; only go to bed when trully tired, never nap or sleep in etc... Supposedly- these major points, given time, will really help reset & retrain your brain & therefore behavior. Positive thinking is also a huge part of his approach- focusing on the success, being realistic etc


In theory, I'm all in- but its really hard to be optimistic when you feel exhausted. :D All I know is that when my alarm went off this AM @7:30 I made it to the bathroom and just laid down on the floor and cried. :glare: My poor DH found me there and laid down with me. :001_huh: So yeah- I'm a work in progress.

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The biggest problem is that I don't fall asleep quickly. I just lie there and think. The more I think, the more agitated I become. Agitation keeps me awake, leading to bad thoughts. It's a horrible cycle. I spent at least a year with a schedule of 4:00am to 1:00pm because by 4:00am my eyelids were heavy. Then the past few months I actually transitioned into an earlier bedtime though I didn't do anything special. And now I'm back to my old ways. I've had to take a sleeping pill every night for the past week. It's just stupid. And last night the pill didn't even work at all. So I'm not excited about trying again, but I will. I'm going to take it and go straight to bed. Hopefully I won't be up again in a couple of hours.


This is me exactly. :iagree::iagree: I HATE bedtime now (do I sound like a toddler? :lol:)


I totally understand,:grouphug: this has been happening to me for years. It started midway through menopause. Sleep has become a precious thing.

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I've had your same problem for years. It still occurs maybe once or twice a week so not completely resolved, but what really helped me was sleeping on the floor (sounds crazy but it has down wonders for my back pain and nixed the tossing and turning), taking Vit.D (turns out my levels were really low and I think getting them normal was the most helpful), taking long epsom salt baths before bed, and having a bedtime routine. I wash my face and apply my moisturizer, brush my teeth and either read for 30 min (either a non fiction book or on the IPad, can't do fiction before bed or I'll stay up all night wanting to finish it).

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