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What is *your* obsessive compulsive behavior? Here's mine...

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!



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Ooo Mindy, I can see myself headed in your direction.


For me it's made beds. Why? I have no clue. I'm the only here that cares, but I have to have the beds made. And they have to have the pillow cases with their open ends facing to the outside of the bed. Dh has resigned himself to the fact that I'm insane.

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"Oh did I remember to check to see if the doors are locked?" "I wonder if I checked to see if the doors are locked?"


You'd think I live in a crime ridden community -- (I think it's because I have casual work in the local police detachment). I live in a small community where everyone knows each other (maybe that's the problem :glare:)


Besides the fact, even if I forgot to lock the door I've got two gianormous dogs (and nothing to steal)! lol!

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Your cupboards look great! I love organizing things too but don't have anything near what yours is. Although give me a label maker and I could, lol.


My compulsive behavior is washing my hands. If I touch anything I have to wash them. It's from my childhood and unfortunately I have never outgrown it.


Also drying my shower out after someone uses it. I can't stand water spots on it. That's a little too anal isn't it? I like it to be dry for some crazy reason!


And I liked the alarm clock one, that was funny!

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Click to check the alarm time. Click to check if it's AM or PM. Click. Click. Click, Click......


In college, it was my homework in my backpack. Unzip to check. Zip it up. Unzip to check........


Is that what you meant?:D


And I've never been late in my life!

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Also drying my shower out after someone uses it. I can't stand water spots on it. That's a little too anal isn't it? I like it to be dry for some crazy reason!

Anal? Heck no!! That is just proper maintenance. It is way easier to keep clean that way. We were in a hotel recently and my dd asked, "Mom, do we have to wipe out the shower in the hotel?"

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And they have to have the pillow cases with their open ends facing to the outside of the bed.


There really is no other way! Seriously! :D


Just like with toilet paper there is the only way of the paper going over the top,

not under (that is just wrong!). :lol:

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(And my friends think I'm easy-going!)


When leaving town I check, double check, triple check to see if I have my bank cards and sun glasses. These are things I can't live without. Never mind my kid's asthma inhaler, as long as I have my sunglasses (oh, okay and lipstick).


My poor husband. He's gone through this with me for twenty years (the going on vacation check the bank card thing). Once we've reached a certain marker on the highway out of town I give up thinking about what I might have forgotten and realize it's usually all replaceable at the local drug store.

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:eek: Your eye would twitch if you saw my decidedly disorganized spices! I may have to take a pic just for you. ;)


As for my obsession, it's likely applying lip balm. My nekkid lips need silky, waxy, fruitiness. :D I'm only slightly (!) addicted, however, and thus have Burt's Bees sticks in my purse, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. Pomegranate's my fave. :blush:

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I've been known to reorganize the dishwasher before running it if it's not right. Especially if my MIL has loaded it. <<shudder>> Luckily, that only happens once or twice a year. I would not, however, be so ungrateful as to reorganize it in front of them. In those cases, I take a deep breath, shut the door and push "start". Then, when I go to unload it, I try not to cry. :)


What's ridiculous about this is that my house is typically a mess. Where are my priorities?!

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I've been known to reorganize the dishwasher before running it if it's not right. Especially if my MIL has loaded it. <<shudder>> Luckily, that only happens once or twice a year. I would not, however, be so ungrateful as to reorganize it in front of them. In those cases, I take a deep breath, shut the door and push "start". Then, when I go to unload it, I try not to cry. :)


What's ridiculous about this is that my house is typically a mess. Where are my priorities?!

Ok, I do this too! Dh waits until I'm out of hearing range to squish more dishes in. And I'd never try to load anyone else's dishwasher.

My spice cupboard is a disaster and no one makes their beds.

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I've been known to reorganize the dishwasher before running it if it's not right. Especially if my MIL has loaded it. <<shudder>> Luckily, that only happens once or twice a year. I would not, however, be so ungrateful as to reorganize it in front of them. In those cases, I take a deep breath, shut the door and push "start". Then, when I go to unload it, I try not to cry. :)


What's ridiculous about this is that my house is typically a mess. Where are my priorities?!


I've done the same thing, recently, and I got caught!


My girls know how to load a dishwasher properly, but apparently not everyone does. Shocking, I tell ya.

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!






Did the voices tell you to do that? Because that is some seriously CRAZY organization! whacky011.gif


I type in my head. Sometimes I type with my calf muscles - you know flex the right calf if the letter is on the right side of the keyboard, ditto with the left calf. Nothing useful or efficient like your obsession.



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...that over the last several years I have become increasingly OCD and in fact, I think it's gotten worse in the last 7 weeks since my baby was born. Seriously, I'm starting to wonder if I have a problem...


I am just obsessive about having my house and car clean. I vacuum constantly. I get very anxious when I see a mess. I'm not talking about clutter - that doesn't bother me because it can so easily be dealt with. I'm talking about things I can physically clean. The counter tops, the baseboards, the kitchen cabinets - not organizing the inside, though they are (and my spices are alphabetical too, Mindy), but actually cleaning them with Magic Eraser or a damp cloth. Dusting incl. the blinds. Washing the windows and screens. Vacuuming out my car and cleaning the inside.


I don't know why I'm becoming so anal about it. I've always liked clean and bright, but for it to cause anxiety in me lately has me kinda concerned, actually. There. I said it.

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!



:ohmy: WOW!


Mine is dust. It never even occurred to me before marrying dh, but now I can't stand it! Of course, now, he doesn't care :lol:

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:eek: Your eye would twitch if you saw my decidedly disorganized spices! I may have to take a pic just for you. ;)


As for my obsession, it's likely applying lip balm. My nekkid lips need silky, waxy, fruitiness. :D I'm only slightly (!) addicted, however, and thus have Burt's Bees sticks in my purse, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. Pomegranate's my fave. :blush:


Aaaaaah, lip goop. Must. Have. Lip. Goop. This is one of the true necessities of life. And I'm sure it was simple oversight that you forgot to type about the one in your car, right? And what about your nightstand?


And from one devotee to another, I want to introduce you to the BEST lip balm EVER:


Seattle Rainwater Soap Co' s Lip Smoothie in unscented. (I forgot how to do a link). Man is this good stuff. It makes Burt's Bee's seem like a glue stick. And it's only $3 a tube, which is darn good for perfection.

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Oh. My. Goodness.


Will you come and help my poor cupboards? On second thought, don't because I think seeing the inside of my cupboards would give someone like you a heart attack.


I'm trying to think of something that I'm OCD about, but I don't think there is anything - I sure wish I could develop OCD for things, though.


My poor ds (8) has issues with doors being locked. He'll race back into the house as I'm locking the door and check all of the other doors before we leave.

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My poor dh and I are obsessive about opposite things. His side of the closet is meticulous, hangers evenly spaced, pants all folded the same direction, and he wasn't even in the military. My side of the closet is :glare: a mess.


As I think about it I'm not obsessive about anything lately. Except ordering books, especially from paperbackswap, and that is not frowned upon here.

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:eek: Your eye would twitch if you saw my decidedly disorganized spices! I may have to take a pic just for you. ;)


As for my obsession, it's likely applying lip balm. My nekkid lips need silky, waxy, fruitiness. :D I'm only slightly (!) addicted, however, and thus have Burt's Bees sticks in my purse, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. Pomegranate's my fave. :blush:


My dd once asked me for some lip gloss - I didn't have it on me - she said, "Who are you and what have you done with my mother?"

We love Burt's Bees.


In fact - I love all bees, can't stand the thought that people actually trap of swat and want to kill them. GM food is killing them off faster than they will ever recover as it it.

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Kitchen counters HAVE TO BE wiped down every night before bed. And all dishes washed. It's OK if they are in the drainer.


And there are those hectic days where the dishes are completely rinsed (not washed) throughout the day and just waiting in that side of the sink - we might be too exhausted to get to them all day and even that night on occasion - but there is no food goo on them. AND NO MATTER WHAT - the counters are spotless. ALWAYS.


It's a southern thing for sure. People in Alaska don't get it, but we have roaches here! Everyone up there thought I was insane.


I like waking up to a clean kitchen and spotless counters. All house guests know that it is MY kitchen and they better keep it clean. I am a food person and need clean space in which to do my craft.


And no shoes in the house. We leave them by the door. I know germs are everywhere - but in the begining of our living together dear boyfriend would forget and walk back too our room - the sight of his sneakers on my bedside throw rug freaked me out. Dude! I wipe my naked feet on that thing before I climb into my bed every night - I do not want street germs on them!

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I can only eat M&M's in pairs. They also have to be the same color. If there are any left over, which there always is, I leave them in a dish until I get another packet.


Other food, now that I think about it, I can only eat in even numbers. 2 crackers, 2 pieces of cheese, 4 corn chips. I will leave one if it does not have a partner. I have even taken slices of meat out of a sandwich before now because there was an odd number.

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I am so not even going to go here, I would end up obsessively compulsively listing every obssessive compulsion I've ever had. Ever. In alphabetical order. With footnotes. Diagrams when necessary.


I tried to rep you but I've given it all out. Thanks for the laugh so early in the morning.

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Ooo Mindy, I can see myself headed in your direction.


For me it's made beds. Why? I have no clue. I'm the only here that cares, but I have to have the beds made. And they have to have the pillow cases with their open ends facing to the outside of the bed. Dh has resigned himself to the fact that I'm insane.


:iagree: My DH has been known to lie down for a nap in the afternoon. This involves pulling back the covers on half of the bed and throwing the shams off to the side. When he gets up, he just leaves it like that!:eek: He's had the bed all messed up and I've made him get out of the bed, so I can remake the bed, just so I can get in it. Don't even ask me about where and HOW the shams go on the bed or at night when I take them off! I've come out of the bathroom to see my DH just standing next to the bed waiting for me to turn the bed down! I guess he doesn't want to get comfortable and then be told to get out of bed so I can fix it. That poor man, I don't know how he puts up with me!


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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!


The only problem I see is that you labeled your candy. Mint Kiss? Caramels? No. Those should read something like "boullion cubes" and "unsweetened baking chocolate" to throw off thieves. But you're evidentially not as protective of your candy as I am.



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When I put things on the check out counter they have to go in a certain order. Frozen foods, cans, boxes, fruits/veggies, paper products etc. No one can help me do this because they don't do it right:glare:


When I leave the house I have to check that I unplugged my hair dryer and flat iron atleast 3 times. I also standin the hallway for a moment to be sure I didn't leave the faucets on. I have to look at the stove even though I did not use it and see that it's off. I push down the kitchen sink faucet to be sure it's off and put my hand under it to be sure it's not running to convince myself. I usually have to come out of my van to try the door a to be sure it's locked. I stay in my driveway to watch the garage door go down then stop at the corner to recheck that for some odd reason it did ot open back up.


It's a frustrating thing and my kids tell me when we get in the car "Mom, the stove is off, the was faucets are off, lights areoff, doors are locked." they know I'll turn the van around and check if I THINK I left it on. :banghead:

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My cabinets are my serious downfall in life. In fact, a girlfriend of mine was helping in the kitchen one day and remarked how organized I am, but that she was shocked by the state of my cabinets. That was back in January and I have yet to do anything about it. I need a professional organizer.

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When I go grocery shopping all the food items have to go in like a puzzle and go on the checkout drive in a specific bagging order. Checkers laugh at me sometimes. Closets have to be arranged in color so it looks eye appealing. I am sure I could go on but reading about yours is more fun.:tongue_smilie:

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!



That looks so very pretty.:rolleyes:


Would you like to take a vaction to NJ?


I'll let you be compulsive in my kitchen.;)

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Kids in bed on time, yep. I have to have time awake in the evening without children. When school is in session, I am compulsive about completing each day's work, but I can let go if necessary.


Most of my compusion is in the form of worry, my two big worries are what other people think of me, and the health, safety and future of my children. Sometimes these worries paralyze me. I would rather have a cleaning compulsion.

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The only one I can think of is one that I didn't even know I had until my mother pointed it out recently.


You know how, when you eat cereal, some of the cereal gets left on the side of the bowl as the cereal level goes down (does that even make sense?)? Apparently, for my entire life, I have continually scraped that cereal back down into the bowl while eating. 'Round and 'round I go, the entire time I eat, until the bowl is empty.


So I suppose I have a thing about pieces of cereal stuck to the side of the bowl . . . I suppose I've always had that thing . . . but it wasn't brought to my attention until recently.


Now that she mentioned it to me, I notice it. And I do it constantly.


Oh -- I forgot one. I'm another one who's obsessive about being places early. I'm pretty much always the first one to arrive for anything.

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I have used a curling iron on occasion. I would drive an hour back home to make sure I had turned it off. Along with the coffee pot, the iron, I will turn around and head back home to make sure they are off and unplugged.


I have also called the house to see if the answer machine comes on to make sure the place hasn't burned down.

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!





I think you may have an illness!:D


That is far too pretty!

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Like when making scrambled eggs. I beat them fifty times with my right hand, then switch to my left hand and beat them fifty more times. Sheesh. And I time my toothbrushing. Brush for three minutes exactly. Or pull weeds for 15 minutes. I'm starting to wonder if flylady isn't just another form of ocd with her fifteen minute time slots?

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What do you tend to be a little compulsive about? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I love organized kitchen cabinets!!! They aren't all quite this compulsive, but the spices are alphabetized. :001_smile: Dang, I love my labelmaker!




Mindy, THAT is a thing of beauty! I dream of cupboards like that. But if I got started, I would never stop. Yes, It would become a compulsion.


I use to have an obsessive-compulsion to clean. Now I mean clean. I'd stay up until all hours in the night to make sure there wasn't dust on the ceiling fan. But I just had to change because it was making me seriously nuts! With each kid and then each special needs child and then homeschooling and work, I just didn't have the time. I had to learn to overlook things....:lol: Now, I can overlook it all!

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Seriously debating whether or not I should post this!! LOL My obsession has to do with health - mine and my kids. Whenever I get a weird symptom I automatically assume the worst and I obsess about it. Lately I've had dh google (if I do, I scare myself even worse!) and he'll tell me why we're okay. Luckily, we're a very healthy crew, so it doesn't happen often.


And, I do go to the doctor fairly regularly for physicals!


there you have it. I'm weird!!

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