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Feeling so sad and guilty today.

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My 9yo woke up this morning complaining of a sore spot in his mouth. By mid-morning his face was so swollen. I had already called the dentist and gotten him in, so we were just hanging out and waiting.


Well, long story short, several weeks ago, we got to taekwondo and he couldn't find his mouth guard. In our school, the kids are allowed to spar without them as long as they tell the partner and the person overseeing the match (both, he did). Then, there are no headshots allowed. He was still wearing his protective head gear and all other pads.


Well.... another school was there and the kid didn't understand. So, ds took a shot to the face. No bruise, no bleeding, just any angry 9yo. I didn't think anything of it, truth be told. Ds didn't even cry or anything.


Flash to today. I get him to the dentist and the abcess is huge! It takes up the space of 3 teeth and has already destroyed 2 of them. He had to pull 2 teeth, nearly 3. The dentist said that it was trauma to the canine tooth (not the first he looked at btw, I'm so glad he took more x-rays!) that caused the problem. This was the only time we could think of that he has been hit in the mouth.


He's still terribly swollen and now will need a spacer until the other teeth come in. I am sooo counting my blessings that they were baby teeth!


I'm just sick. JAWM, could y'all, and say that it was a terrible thing to happen and that it could have happened to anyone and that I should quit blaming myself for letting him spar without a mouth guard. I'm treating everyone to Sonic tonight in hopes that it will make me feel better. If it doesn't, I've got wine. My dh is out of town and I'm missing that support right now. :crying:

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Thanks! That's what I needed. I am so, so glad they were baby teeth!

I think I got really scared because the dentist was so freaked out.

He started by saying, "Nah, he won't need antibiotics. We'll just take out the tooth and drain it really well." Then, after he saw the x-rays, he said, "Here's a script and we'll probably have to take 2, maybe 3."

When we were leaving, he had a terrible look on his face and said that he had never seen such a big infection in such a little mouth.

He never even complained until this morning! And that raging infection was so close to his brain!

Sonic was good, though. :)

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Ha! No. But it's a funny story. You can read it on my FB ('cause you're privledged) but, I'll type it out here because it is so dang funny.

So, I'm sitting in the kitchen last Monday night with my glass of wine and my good book, with the stove pulled out and a feeder mouse (frozen, thawed) in a dish. See, we'd heard him back there, so....

A couple sips in, out runs a mouse than dashes back behind the cabinet. I take a double take. We've never had mice. My folks live 2 blocks away and have lived in that house for 25 years. They've never had mice! And I'd only had 2 sips of wine!

So, I google it because, see, we'd left a mouse out a couple weeks ago and it was gone in the morning. So, we thought the snake at it. Nope. Mice are cannibals!

Dh got traps that night and the little thing was gone in 15 minutes. But, the kids are convinced that it was our little pet mouse come back as a zombie mouse! LOL

So, there you go. We're trying water and heating pads tonight, but I'm giving up hope quickly. It's been since Mother's Day. :(

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:grouphug: It was a total accident, and there is no way to know if it would have happened even with the mouth guard in. I had a nasty abcess with no trauma to my face. Things happen, and at least he will get adult teeth to fill in. :001_smile: Enjoy your ice cream and wine!

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I hope he feels better soon.



I'm surprised your school allows head shots even with the mouth guard. Ours requires mouth guards for sparring, head guard, and pads, and they still don't allow head shots until they are older teens and black belt.

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I hope he feels better soon.



I'm surprised your school allows head shots even with the mouth guard. Ours requires mouth guards for sparring, head guard, and pads, and they still don't allow head shots until they are older teens and black belt.

:iagree:, JoAnn. Really, ours doesn't until they are upper belts. Both my boys are higher ranking, but because ds9 is, well, 9, it usually isn't an issue.

I think it was because the kid he was sparring was from another school, with Spanish as its first language (it was weird to hear the Korean/Spanish mix!) that was the problem. I stopped the fight myself after the second head shot and pulled him off the mat. It was chaos in there that night (not typical at all) so we left.


Thanks for all the wonderful responses! I spoke with dh tonight and he said, in his experience, the mouth guard just keeps loose teeth in the mouth. LOL It gives you some time to get to the dentist. Ha! It probably would have happened regardless. Aw. He's such a good guy! :001_wub:

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Ha! No. But it's a funny story. You can read it on my FB ('cause you're privledged) but, I'll type it out here because it is so dang funny.

So, I'm sitting in the kitchen last Monday night with my glass of wine and my good book, with the stove pulled out and a feeder mouse (frozen, thawed) in a dish. See, we'd heard him back there, so....

A couple sips in, out runs a mouse than dashes back behind the cabinet. I take a double take. We've never had mice. My folks live 2 blocks away and have lived in that house for 25 years. They've never had mice! And I'd only had 2 sips of wine!

So, I google it because, see, we'd left a mouse out a couple weeks ago and it was gone in the morning. So, we thought the snake at it. Nope. Mice are cannibals!

Dh got traps that night and the little thing was gone in 15 minutes. But, the kids are convinced that it was our little pet mouse come back as a zombie mouse! LOL

So, there you go. We're trying water and heating pads tonight, but I'm giving up hope quickly. It's been since Mother's Day. :(


Oh my goodness! That's crazy! Haha, only 2 sips...what you saw is what you saw, huh! :D Hope your son is feeling better!!!

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Don't feel guilty, these things happen! My oldest ds fell on his face while running when he was about 4, and managed to damage his front tooth. It abscessed and needed to be pulled, so he had a big gap in front until his adult tooth finally came in. But, like you said, thankfully it was baby teeth, and in a few years you'll never know it ever happened.

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