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Well......this is interesting!

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Ever since DH sprung on me that he didn't want any more babies after DS was born, I was devastated. I tried hard to convince him to change his mind, however the last 4-5 months I was starting to feel like maybe I was okay with our family as is. DS is turning 3 in 3 days, we have just the right number of bedrooms, financially things aren't even close to ideal, the kids are getting to a point where they're all independent to some extent, etc.


And then.....BAM!















































(yes, my counter top really is purple)


One would think I'd be thrilled.....I'm petrified. Over the last year, I've sold all of our baby stuff. I'm overwhelmed just thinking about it. Ironically, DH is shocked, but not upset. I think I'm taking this harder than he is.


I need some time to get used to this and come around before we tell anyone, so we're just going to wait awhile. I wanted to throw up when that test turned positive - and not because of morning sickness either. Oy!

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Yep - that was me exactly back in February. I know how you are feeling at this moment. It took us a few weeks before the shock wore off....and now we are all very excited.


See what happens when you finally make the decision to get rid of all the baby stuff!!!!! :D



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It's a big shock. I found out I was pregnant with #3 after God had brought us #2 through adoption - and she was only 4 months old. I remember that shocked/terrified/I'm gonna throw up feeling after seeing a positive pregnancy test. I was thrilled - but I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.


Don't worry, you will get there. :grouphug:

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Congrats! I felt like that with #4 too. It was a happy shocked surprised, etc feeling. I had JUST lost all my baby weight and was feeling good. I don't have easy pregnancies so I knew I was in for an adventure. But she is amazingly wonderful and SUCH a joy!! It's all worth it!

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BTDT. Give yourself a few weeks (or even a couple of months) before you tell everyone. If you have a good friend or family member you can tell who will be supportive and keep their mouth shut, that would be a good person to talk to. Otherwise, keep it between you and DH. You'll be happy about it soon enough.


As for me, I am now convinced I will be moving all my baby stuff! (Just posted a thread about that last night.)



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This was exactly my situation with Piper, I actually cried when I took the test. My dh was supposed to get a vasectomy while I was pregnant with her, but he has yet to complete that little task. I am terrified that I am going to get pregnant again, even though we are diligently using protection. I can't imagine my life without her, though:001_smile:

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congratulations! I have had that "uh oh" wanna cry feeling twice, out of three kids. You will work past it, and in a few months be VERY excited. We are already excited for you :)


:iagree: Every time I felt that way for a bit. All shall be well--congratulations, sweetie!:grouphug::grouphug:

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Congratulations! Kristin, this will be the one who takes care of you in your old age. It will be all right. I had two after we got to the perfect number for the size of our house and our income has never been enough, except that somehow we've always muddled through. My youngest is the most organized, "together" person I've ever met (doesn't get it from me at. all.) and I'm convinced she will be the one dispensing my medication and changing my Depends.:D It really will be ok.

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I gave all my baby stuff away years ago...check my siggie. ;)



I was done - I mean DONE with #2....#3 was only 14mo behind her...6 years later comes #4. We love them all the same no matter how crazy life is when they come. You will be fine.




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I wanted to cry (and did) the last three times I got pregnant, and Dh was NOT thrilled, but you know, they are such blessings. Such gifts.


Last night all of them but two were having sleepovers--I only had to cook dinner for two and my house felt so empty. It was surreal cooking dinner for 4 people.


I can't imagine life without them, even the ones I cried about. (and now that last one, that I cried cats and dogs over, is usually sleeping between us at some point in time, and we love it. We treasure it, and her. )


So, congratulations, sweetie. Not a big, huge congratulations with confetti, but a soft one, where I give you a side hug and promise it will get better.

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Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. - Psalm 127:3-5

Don't worry about the baby stuff. I'm sure you've got girlfriends that will lend you things. Perhaps a good friend will throw you a diaper shower or something? I'll volunteer! Well, ok, it might be hard for me to throw you one from so far away, lol. :D And with this being your fourth, you've got a really good idea of what things you really *need*, and what you can live without. Thrift stores around here are always bursting with baby stuff, too.


I'm SO excited for you! One more bible verse for you:


Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights - James 1:17

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You all are amazing (I've said this before)! I know time will help and the panic will wear off. I have this weird sense of guilt. Like, how did I let this happen? DH reminded me that he had equal part in it. Logically, I know that, but......


I did tell one friend (the one who just had twins). She's thrilled. I wish I could share in that enthusiasm, lol. I did tell her to keep it up though....that I need her to be happy, and to pull me around with her :)

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Our baby (#3) that I felt that way about is the one we call our "joy bug." He exudes happiness, and I cannot imagine my life without him. I am so glad my plans were overridden, and you will be too!



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:grouphug::grouphug:Congratulations. I bet that when you start to feel that baby moving, you will feel such joy.


We gave away most of our baby stuff to friends and finally had a yard sale to get rid of the rest. Exactly one week later, we found out that I was pregnant.....and I struggled with infertility issues. There was no way (according to the doctor) that I would ever conceive naturally. God had other plans. We felt so blessed by this unplanned miracle. You will be just fine!!!!

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Congratulations! :001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:


I had given away most all of our baby items too, after #4. :lol:



We were gifted or are borrowing most of what #5 is using. It is much less than I had for the others, but it is nice to have less to keep track of. God has provided everything #5 has needed. He will take care of you too.

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Our last was unplanned (well, they all were, but esp the last one, if that makes any sense!), but she has brought us so much joy. I can't even describe what a blessing she has been, both to my husband and to my boys, and even to the rest of my family and my church. She's not perfect, and it's not because she's cute and smart and nice that she's a blessing--she just...IS. :D


I think some of the fear of having another one is that we fear we will not have enough--enough $, enough space, enough energy, etc. There is nothing like a child to teach us to rely on the Lord. Oh, what joys are ahead of you! Your heart will grow, your dependence on God will grow, your very life will grow. How marvelous a gift!!


Lots of :grouphug: to you!

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Our last was unplanned (well, they all were, but esp the last one, if that makes any sense!), but she has brought us so much joy. I can't even describe what a blessing she has been, both to my husband and to my boys, and even to the rest of my family and my church. She's not perfect, and it's not because she's cute and smart and nice that she's a blessing--she just...IS. :D


I think some of the fear of having another one is that we fear we will not have enough--enough $, enough space, enough energy, etc. There is nothing like a child to teach us to rely on the Lord. Oh, what joys are ahead of you! Your heart will grow, your dependence on God will grow, your very life will grow. How marvelous a gift!!


Lots of :grouphug: to you!


This is exactly it.....you're so right.

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