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Kinder/Young 1st grader...plans?


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DS will be 5yo in the fall, turning 6 in the end of November. I am trying to plan how much schooling to do for him next year. This year he did singapore essentials K math, some beginning phonics, and beginning writing instruction.


We will be starting back with ancients with the older 2...so he could listen in to sotw with them. He can also listen in on science. But how much is realistic for him? He would only be going to K if he went to public school.


I would love to see what your plans are for your 5/6 year old kiddos! :001_smile:

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My DD5 is a young kindergartener in PS (end Aug birthday) and her stamina for afterschooling activities has really developed over the year. She is my oldest and loves non-fiction so I started SOTW 1 in January and it is her favorite subject. She likes to listen to the CD's over and over as we progress, but on a weekly basis we will focus on the current chapter in the car and she will do the narration and map work every week. We also are also finishing WWE1 and FLL1 which work well b/c they are flexible and we can accelerate or back-off the pace if necessary. We are also on track to finish Singapore 1B (finished 1A) at the end of the afterschool year, but again we did not follow the HIG timeline. Some weeks were very slow or repetitive, some weeks she flew threw 2-3 weeks of the officially suggested lessons.


So next year for 1st we will just move into FLL2, WWE2, Singapore 2A/B, and finishing SOTW. But to be realistic, I am not sure if we will finish everything in 36 weeks...

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I have a 5 year old turning 6 and I am planning to do Memoria Press' K with him...He turns 6 in July and would be old enough for 1st grade in PS, but he is still learning to read, so I think MP's K program would serve him best...He is going to do 1st grade math though...MP uses Rod & Staff math part 1 only, but we are going to use parts 1&2 since he is an older student and ready to move past K math...He will also listen to Story of the World 2 with his older brothers...We did SOTW 1 this year through Tapestry of Grace and they loved it...

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My younger ds is the exact same age as OP. He is going to continue on with Miquon, maybe do some Singapore too if I can get him to sit still long enough. He is also doing Memoria Press K Phonics - First Start Reading, SRA Phonics, and the readers. When he finishes that, he'll jump to OPGTR.


For content, he'll sit in on SOTW 2 and do the projects with us. I won't try narrations with him until after 6, although I suspect he could do it now, but it's just not worth the battle. He does have a separate science program, but both kids are in the same subject of Astronomy, just at different depths.

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I also have a 5yo going on 6 in July. We did very relaxed K this year and will continue at an easy pace this coming year. We will continue with SWR and Ray's arithmetic. We will learn about the Middle Ages for history (he is totally in love with King Arthur at the moment) and continue with lots of read alouds from classic children's books. We are using FLL and WWE, but only once a week.

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DS turns 6 the end of August and we will begin first grade in September. We are doing:

Horizons 1 Math and Reading



Song School Latin

LoF Apples and Butterflies

Galloping the Globe for social studies and science

Various Art and Music studies

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My son is a bit younger than yours (turning 5 in Oct) but it will technically be his K year. I plan to begin AAR with him, we are doing RightStart Math A, Bible, some handwriting lessons and working on some readiness skills. Anything else is bonus. I will be working with his older brother and for most of it I will allow him to come and go as he pleases. I do expect him to participate a bit in our science, nature study and art lessons but I don't expect him to join in every time. I will be doing World and Canadian History with his older brother, he is welcome to join us but I don't expect him to. I really don't expect too much from a K-er.

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My big girl recently turned 6 and I mainly plan on continuing with what we've been using:


Bible from Sonlight P4/5 (combining with small girl)


Singapore Primary Math 3b/4a, Beast Academy 3c/d along with other books and supplements


BJU English and Spelling 2, various books and readers


Christian Kids Explore Earth Science and Astronomy


Geography, logic, crafts, read alouds, whatever else she is interested in and what the state requires


4-H Cloverbud, flute lessons (?)


I imagine she will want to join when we work on small girl's Sonlight P4/5.

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My daughter has a late October birthday, and is just wrapping up Gr. 1. (She turned 6 last Oct.)


For us, the must-do essentials in Gr. 1 were math (SM 1A - 2A), reading, handwriting (GD C), writing (WWE1), spelling (AAS), and grammar (FLL). Those basics took about 1.5 - 2 hours daily.


After the essentials, I tried to fit in history and science a few times a week. Then we added in the fun stuff (Bible, art, Latin, French) as we had energy and time.


Most days we were done before noon, having had at least a full hour's break in the morning. After lunch we read aloud together, had quiet time, and then free play for the rest of the day. I did notice that her stamina and desire for school increased over the year.

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My ds will be 6 in Dec. For K we are going to do:

Abeka Reading 1 (He is already reading.)

Abeka My Country and My World (just reading/discussing)

Singapore 1A/B

A Reason for Handwriting K

Meet the Masters Art (free)

Pianimals Book A

He will also follow along with SOTW 1 and BFSU with older ds.


I'm trying to decide if I also want to do FLL/WWE with him or maybe a spelling program.

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My ds turns 6 in February. He is currently halfway through Saxon Phonics 1. and just finished his Saxon Math 1. In the fall he will be doing...


SM 1a I thought I'd keep him in the grade one math since we were switching. he can always skip some material if it's too easy. I had let him start working on 2a and it's a little tough for him yet.

SOTW 1- he followed along with my oldest son for some of it this past year, but he missed a lot too so we'll go through it quickly again. He might be into SOTW 2 before next fall.

Real Science-4-Kids Biology

He writes letters to one friend or relative twice a week as it's the only way I can get him to put effort into his writing skills.

He will continue with Piano as well and this will be his second year with that.

I considered an actual reading program for him, but he reads every book that comes into the house and tells me all about it anyway, so I think making it into more sit down work would just take the fun out of it for him.

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My son will be 6 in October, and I was planning on kind of ramping up the schooling after the holidays. So, before 2013, we'll be continuing WRTR, MEP, SOTW1, BFSU, plus our outside the home activities. After the holidays, I'm adding WWE & FLL, plus Challenging Word Problems from Singapore Math.

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We are continuing with the things listed in my siggy, and will be adding FLL, Elemental Science, and some art. We're also going to try Miquon math because DS loves math. I'm waiting on (separate) history and spelling until we are back in the States.

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Just noticing a couple of things that affect scheduling.


1. It makes a big difference if your 5/6 is your oldest or your middle/youngest.


2. It depends on if you are considering this year K or 1st.


Many of these schedules are what I would call a full 1st grade schedule, and I'm considering ds K next year. While school won't be optional, its a lot less than I would plan for a true 1st grader.

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Just noticing a couple of things that affect scheduling.


1. It makes a big difference if your 5/6 is your oldest or your middle/youngest.


2. It depends on if you are considering this year K or 1st.


Many of these schedules are what I would call a full 1st grade schedule, and I'm considering ds K next year. While school won't be optional, its a lot less than I would plan for a true 1st grader.




We just finished that year with both my kids- my son had turned 6 in July 2011, my daughter had turned 5 in November 2011. It was K for each of them and we started 1st April 20 (for our May-April school year.)


I think your plan sounds good-math, phonics, and handwriting were how we started. I think, especially as you have older siblings, you'll find you can add more in for him as you go. Maybe have him do a narration on the SOTW thing with the other kids every once in a while. Just start with drawing pictures, move to labeling the pictures, etc.


The only thing I think you could add is some solid reading. Maybe try to add in OPGTR and BOB books. I would try to get him to start reading to you every day, starting with a word or two here or there. By the end of the year, my VERY reluctant reader was able to spend 20-30 minutes with me in BOB books. But it took time and lots of little steps.


I think the key things I learned from our K year- 1) every child is different, there's no "right" order or amount of time and 2) it's a year full of lots of change. How you start will not be how you end. We changed about 3-4 times in our short Aug-Apr school year. Just respond to his clues. As far as I'm concerned, kids who can read and did math through K are kids that are ready for all the big stuff in first.

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This is what my Kindy and 1st grader (age-based grades - levels K-3 depending on subject) are doing. The PreK'er will be along for the ride (I'd guess he's mostly going to do handwriting, phonics, geography, history/science projects).


*(note: my kids require more general structure than average. Additionally, they find all this fun and we can do it while being "laid back." I can't imagine having done this with my older son at 5 or 6 years old or even 8 or 9 years old....all circumstances are different)*


Phonics: Alphaphonics

Spelling: Gathered from reading materials for now

Math: Math Mammoth, Life of Fred, and a variety of supplements

Science: Elemental Science - Intro to Science

History: Elemental History - Adventures in America

Reading: History- and Interest-based

Geography: A fave here, but just done as daily review and challenges (location, flags, key facts)

Art/Music: Harmony Fine Arts; Also picked up Draw, Write, Now! for drawing and more handwriting

PE: Daily walk, Presidential Fitness, Swimming and Gymnastics; Various supplements like Tony and the Kids video, normal play (bikes, races, hoola hoop, jump rope, etc), etc.

Latin: Song School Latin

Spanish:Unsure at this time but something I really want to do

Logic: Lollypop Logic; also a dot logic (I lost the name of it)

Handwriting: D'nealian for older two; HWoT for youngest

Typing: Start with Dance Mat. I also have Ten Thumbs.

Grammar and such: First Language Lessons

Writing: Writing With Ease

Journaling: 2-3 times per week

Spiritual: Should be first, but since the description is so long, I put it last - We have a lot of materials our religion gives us. Each day in our morning message, we have the scripture reference mentioned. They can do the scripture for memory. We, of course discuss it. We have two books specifically for children we'll work through. We may try for one section per week with the one book and one Bible account every other day with the other. We'll study for Christian meetings, a small section per day. We have a daily text (like devotionals), which are short and sweet, that we'll likely do at breakfast. We'll read our monthly publications over the month also.

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Mine has an older brother he has listened in and learned a lot from and will be 6 in Jan. We plan on going through our P4/5 SL core books again because we love them. I have Evan Moore science 1st grade workbook because he loves workbooks! He is halfway finished with MUS Primer and will move up when ready. He will listen in on Apologia Zoology as he sees fit. I am doing MFW with my older son and figure I will copy worksheets when he wants to do them.


For phonics he has taught himself how to read so I'm not sure what to do... I have IEW PAL that I've done with his brother and we still aren't finished with. He is a slow reader so he's almost caught him. I think we will just start at the beginning and catch up??


I also don't force K students to do much besides practice reading, reading to them, and math. Beyond that it is up to them :)

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My DS turns six at the end of the month, and I'm considering 2012-2013 a K/1 hybrid year. Still deciding how to report him, lol.


Anyway, we're going to do OM 1 with some PAL mixed in. Also still pondering if I want more math (we are finishing RS A right now).


I have bits and pieces from WP Animals and Their Worlds planned as well, and an extensive "morning basket" with read-alouds across various subjects (history, Bible, fine arts, etc.) and plenty of fiction.

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I also have a K'er turning 6 in November. :D


We'll be doing:


Math: Singapore 1A/1B

Reading: Dancing Bears A, Reading Eggs, I See Sam readers, and hopefully on to library books! (just not there yet)

Writing: Handwriting instructions from WRTR

Other: Sonlight Core P4/5


He will also sit in on big brother's science. We'll try to finish up Apologia Astronomy over the summer, and he enjoys sitting in on that. I'm surprised at how much he picks up, since he seems to not understand advanced language, but he is usually able to give me some tidbit to put in our notebook, and he draws a picture. After Apologia, we'll be doing the old Sonlight Science 3 (the one with John's book about biology), and looking at it... he'd enjoy the Usborne books in it, but that Intro to Biology book will be over his head, I think. So he can just leave the room if he's not interested. P4/5 has science more at his level, so that will be fine.


We're definitely doing a "K year". He's not ready for the output level of 1st grade, nor is he ready to sit that long! He does very well with seatwork, as long as I keep it short. I will try to get him retelling short stories a bit, as his speech therapist is working with that ability right now also, but we won't do WWE1 until actual 1st grade (when he's about to turn 7). He may even need another year beyond that, but we'll see. We may start FLL1 sometime during K, as he could use some oral usage practice... I have got to get him to stop saying, "I amn't." :lol: Though he gets points for figuring out how contractions work and making up his own. ;)

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Just noticing a couple of things that affect scheduling.


1. It makes a big difference if your 5/6 is your oldest or your middle/youngest.


2. It depends on if you are considering this year K or 1st.


Many of these schedules are what I would call a full 1st grade schedule, and I'm considering ds K next year. While school won't be optional, its a lot less than I would plan for a true 1st grader.


:iagree: My youngest little guy should only be in K, but he has sat through his siblings and he's itching to be doing his own thing. I'm kinda letting him decide where he's going to a large extent of it with just a little direction from me. Soooo.....grade 1 material even if he's not 'really' in grade 1.

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I finally decided to do something different for ds rather than have him tag along with SOTW. He's just not that interest in ancients (except the mummy picture books :001_smile:), so I'm doing FIAR alone with him. I think he benefits from having something focused on him and his abilities, rather than adjusting him to my dd's schedule. Now, I do only have 2 dc right now, so I probably have more time to do this than other moms.

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Guest NorthEastMomma

I'm doing unit study (http://www.homeschoolshare.com) plus Math U See Primer, OPGTR(likes to read and is already reading simple stories), Handwriting without Tears, K. One week per unit study (about 1-1.5 hrs per day then 15 minutes each of the other 3). I like the unit studies since we can cover lots of different topics and include science, history and art.


He will be taking swim lessons (45 minutes per week), art class of some sort(30-45 minutes per week), a tumbling/gym class (45 minutes per week) and music if we can find a class. If he is interested there is also little kids soccer for 6 weeks in the fall.


He is an only child and on the shy side, I want to make sure he is exposed to lots of positive interactions and activities.

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I sure hope sitting isn't a requirement or we're in BIG trouble :)


My kids are almost always upside down. We also use balance balls a lot. Standing, kneeling, running, jumping, crab walking, etc all are very important to our learning. Be creative. :)


You can't exactly write while crab walking though. :lol:


And my kids don't hear anything if they're active while I read aloud. I've tried numerous times.


And anything else, my kids usually don't need the oral repetition for things like math facts and such. So that leaves reading and writing.


We can easily get K level output with this attention span though. It's full first grade that he's not ready for. :)

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My middle dd is 5, turning 6 in December. She is reading at a fairly high level (if u consider Magic Treehouse high), so I am not doing a phonics or reading program at all. I plan on just gently increasing her reading level.


What we are doing is:

MATH: Rightstart B and Lof a & b

Logic: Beginning Thinking Skills 1

EVERYTHING ELSE: MBTP 5-7 (lit, hw, sci, ss etc)


So I consider this her K year but just at her own level. I have a scheduled her for about 1.5 hours each day. The big reasons I am not doing typical 1st w her is 1) she isn't ready for all the seatwork yet and I want her to love school and not dread it and 2) she will be on the same schedule for history and sci with her big sis if I wait another year (they would be 1st and 5th- ancients and biology).

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  • 1 month later...
Guest mom2my2

I have two kids: DS age 5 (6/2007) ; DD age 3 (8/2009). I absolutely LOVE Charlotte Mason's ideas on short lessons, full attention, habits and other approaches. SimplyCharlotteMason.com has a good free curriculum guide by grade level. Grade 1-12: http://simplycharlottemason.com/planning/scmguide/ Ages 3-5: http://simplycharlottemason.com/planning/eyguide/


Written out the list below seems like a lot. But you can see our Daily Work is rather simple. We do Bible, Reading, Writing, Math, Worksheets and CC Memory Work every school day (3-4 days per week). That takes about 1.5 hours with the CC memory work we'll start in the fall.


The other subjects are incorporated into our week a bit on each day. Certain things have higher priority than others. For instance, music/poetry/picture/nature studies are the next important after our daily work. It's rare that we don't get to all of that each week. On the other hand, expansion on history, science, geography, crafts, Unit Studies, Lapbooks etc. is much less important and if we miss it, I don't mind. We just move onto the next thing.


Daily Bible: Readings from the Bible. Seeds Family Worship Audio CDs for our scriptures to memorize


Daily Reading: Phonics Pathways, Hooked on Phonics 1st grade and lots of independent reading


Daily Handwriting: Daily funny or sweet sentences I create for him. Letters to Family. Other incorporation into our day.


Daily Math: RightStart Math (finishing up A and moving into B)


Daily Workbooks: Critical Thinking Skills, Kumon Mazes and Telling Time.


Weekly Music Study: Charlotte Mason (CM) approach for picking composers and listening to their music. I'll use our personal library and our local library for CDs


Weekly Picture Study: Another Charlotte Mason approach. I purchased Dover Postcards from Amazon for various artists and we're using those.


Weekly Nature Study: Another CM approach. We'll spend time outdoors, with a pad of paper and colored pencils to watch as their journal and interests unfold.


Weekly Literature: We're reading all the time, every day. However, I have certain Literature books and activities we do weekly. I pulled together a Master Book list from great sources such as Sonlight, FIAR, Ambleside, SCM etc. I then put the library call number next to the book so I know which ones are available and where to find them. I have 1 page of the list in my purse and the whole list on my phone so when we go to the library, I can easily look for the next books on the list.


Weekly History: Classical Conversations and Story of the World


Weekly Science: Classical Conversations as our spine and delve into interesting areas with Library Books. Various other Experiments


Bi-Weekly Handicrafts: Another CM approach. I created a list of various handicrafts we'd like to do this year and will cycle through those each week.


Bi-Weekly Crafts: This is mostly for my daughter, but we'll do them as a family.


Monthly Habit Formation: Again with a Charlotte Mason idea. Each 4-6 weeks I will work on a new habit with each child. Good habits are the foundation to Good Character.


Weekly Art: We have a Co-Op Art Class that we do each week


Also weekly are Family Games, Field Trips, etc.



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My son tunrs 6 in January. Here's what we're doing for a combo k-1st:


Handwriting- Peterson directed

Reading- Phonics Pathways, Reading Pathways, I Can Read books



Literature- lots of classic read-alouds

SOTW- audio book + activity guide and supplemental read-alouds

Science- BFSU + nature study and gardening

Math- Singapore 1 + Miquon for fun

Art- Atelier, Drawing with Children, artist study Charlotte Mason style

French- we are bilingual, so he is learning to read in French with daddy


And for fun, he'll be going to Circus School one evening a week. :-)

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My 5yo K'er is halfway through righstart B, halfway through saxon phonics 1 and just finished up zaner bloser K. so this year we will finish up the RSB and SP1 and move int RSC ans saxon phonics 2 as well as doings HO ancients 1, Nancy Larson 1, SSL and starting some mama pulled together health/nutrition.

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DS is 5 and I just plan to continue with what we are doing. He only does bout 1/2 a lesson a day of phonics and math. We do science and history 1-2x a wk usually. I expect this to last him until next summer at the pace he is going right now. We will buckle down a little more though come August.


Horizons Math 1

Horizons Spelling 1

Horizons Phonics 1



BJU Science 1


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My son turned six last month and we'll be working on this for first grade:

Finishing OPGTR

Spelling Workout

1st Language Lessons

Handwriting without Tears Grade 1

Finishing Saxon Math 1 and beginning Saxon Math 2


Learning about animals, human body, and plants for science

And lots of reading!

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My ds will turn 6 in July. We are doing Five In A Row with the Bible Study, All About Reading Level 1 and Math U See Alpha. I will probably just have him do some bible verses for handwriting practice if he doesn't seem to be getting enough between the other curriculum. Hope that helps and good luck!

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Spiritual-It will vary somewhat but we will use our book of Bible stories and a daily thought of the day based on a scripture.

LA-LLATL Blue, Language Lessons for Little Ones Vol 2, plus Reading Eggs for practice

Math-Not sure anymore what I will be doing...continuing Math Lessons For a Living Education Vol 1 or switching to RS Level A. Dreambox for practice

Science-NOEO Level 1 Chemistry, AO Year 1 Science

History-History Odyssey Level 1 Ancients and AO Year 1 History

Poetry and Literature-AO Year 1

Copywork-Printing With Pictures B & C

Review of Spanish vocabulary



Geography-AO Year 1

Art/Music Study-Harmony Fine Arts Grade 1

Logic-Lollipop Logic Book 1

FL-looking at Salsa with Teach Them Spanish K and Brighter Child right now...or if I can scrape up enough money, the complete WhistleFritz

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Finally settled on what we're doing, for now anyway. :lol: He's already partly through OPGTR, Phonics A, Spelling Workout A, and Singapre 1A so we will just finish those and move into the next parts. He is a huge fan of worksheets and workbooks.


I have no idea if I should call this K or 1st...


MCP Phonics A/B

Spelling Workout A/B


K12Reader spelling, dictation, and reading comp sheets - 1st Grade level

Adventures in America

Singapore SE - 1 A/B

Spanish - Salsa plus worksheets

Science - living books for now, we will transition to BFSU in 2013


Hmm, written out like this it doesn't seem like much. :glare:

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I'm a little torn on whether to call him 1st or K since he'll be 6 in a month. We are doing:

P 4/5 Core


Right Start A, possibly B if A is too easy

Abeka cursive handwriting

Sonlight science A

Artistic Pursuits

Salsa and activities

Memory work

I think I will add more to language arts once he gets going with his reading, but I'm not sure what yet. Now that I have all my other subjects nailed down, I need to research what I need to add in to round out our LA.

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I have a pre-k so I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but we are planning on hwot, MUS primer, letter people, letter of the week, abeka children of the world, mudpies to magnets (magnets to mudpies? Well whatever it is), Bible story of the month, theme of the month, plus some other abeka stuff and possibly some little hands to heaven for him and the baby. Lots of hands on, taking it slow. He's accelerated in reading (started sight words at 2.5) so I want to give him lots of ways to explore language without diving headlong into full fledged reading just yet. Also planning to read aloud Charlottes Web for now, possibly some Mrs Piggle Wiggle. Oh and MFW welcome to classical music. And speaking to him (and the baby) in Spanish more often.

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I think we will be in a situation next year where I think a K/1 combo will be best for my oldest. He's a young K'er this year (just turned five), is ADHD, and um, active. LOL I'm don't think he'll be ready for a full first next year, so I'm :bigear:


This year, we are finishing AAR pre-level and then starting Phonics Pathways, doing FIAR (plan to continue next year), and doing MEP reception with some c-rod play. We are using HWT pre-k and the ETC primers. I think that ought to set us up for a good K/1 combo next year with PP, FIAR, HWT K or 1, continuing wherever we are with ETC, and not sure what math, probably miquon, maybe singapore.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kindergarten - Fall 2012 (Age 5)


Hooked on Phonics Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Learn to Read, Second Grade (ISBN: 1604991801)

All About Spelling, Level 1 (All About Learning Press)

Singapore Primary Math 1B STD ED (ISBN: 9780761469766)

R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey: Life, Level 1 (Pandia Press)

History Odyssey: Ancients, Level 1 (Pandia Press)

Teach Them Spanish!, Grade K (ISBN: 0742401952)

Atelier Art, Level 1 (Home School Art)

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Abby turned six at the end of May. She is probably capable of deeper work, but I want to make it on the verge of easy, and definitely fun. She's not a child that would push herself to learn more at this stage. Still, we're considering this her first grade year with FLL 1/2, WWE 1, AAS 2/3, MEP 2, Miquon Green/Blue, SOTW1 + AG, RSO: Life, Art With a Purpose 1, New American Cursive.


My son is five at the end of October. By PS standards, he'd be PreK this year. In any case, he will be focusing on Funnix Beginning Reading (halfway through now). When he is reading, we'll add in Miquon Orange/Red, SM y1/MEP y1 combo. I will also probably run him through the first bit of Evan-Moor's Beginning Geography. He'll sit in on history and science, but the same output won't be required of him.

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Oldest DD is 5, will turn 6 in January.


We're planning:


Finish PP (should be done before the start of school)

ETC7&8 (she loves ETC)

Sonlight Grade 3 Readers

Queen's Copywork for Little Girls

Montessori Grammar Farm/Brian P Cleary grammar books

Read alouds

A Year With God: Celebrating the Liturgical year/CCD (religion)

Math Mammoth 2A/B and Monti math

BF Early American History Primary

Abeka Social Studies K/FIAR Holiday

US Geography (?? Maybe??)


Elemental Science's Intro to Science

Piano (daddy-taught!), gymnastics, & soccar

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Dd5 will be 6 in December!!!:party:



We plan to do the following, but probably will just cut down to the top half of the list. You know how it goes.


Piano: My First Piano Adventures B


Math: Finish Saxon 1 (2/3 through already), Start Saxon 2


Phonics: Saxon 1


ETC: Halfway through 1.5 now....will continue series and do "Beyond the Code" maybe.


Wordly Wise: K and 1


Spanish: Visual Link Spanish with mom, and color sheets of Spanish words for a book for 1yo.:thumbup:


Reading: (2X/week) We will read as many Caldecott winners and honor books as we can, and we will evaluate them by recording the title, author, copyright date, list characters, setting, plot, and I liked/did not like this story because.... (Mom does most of the writing.) Books that have won the Geisel Award, the Goldfinch Award (chosen by IA schoolchildren), etc, are also open for choice in this category.


IEW Primary Arts of Writing: The 3rd section of this curriculum.


Usborne Readers: (1-2X/week) You know these books. They are for K-2 age, and they are internet-linked. I plan that we will read them and check out the links.


Geography: We are going to learn about the states this year and next (1 state/week, and just once a week). This will probably be a lot of coloring pages for state bird, flower, flag. We will mark major cities on maps, learn the state abbreviations, and record information about a state's capital and motto, etc. Also once a week, we will do 2 pages out of "Map Skills 1" workbook from TCR.


10 Terrific Weeks: This is an old summer program from Usborne that we are going to use as "unit studies." Between September and Christmas, we will do 10 Weeks about "Apple Tree Farm" (lots of cooking recipes and reading stories) and 10 weeks about "Oceans" (lots of sharks and pirates).


Science Experiments: (1-2X/week) At what age do your kids get old enough that you can blow stuff up? I also have grand plans for Nature Journaling this year.


Art: (1X/week, but with homework assigned to draw 2 more pictures) Drawing with Children by Mona Brookes. We will also read one age appropriate book about an artist each week until we run out of what our library offers. Then we will probably read about general art history (1-2 pages each week) from a general art history book (Usborne, or one of the others from the library).


Other activities:

Gymnastics (2x/week)

Swim and Gym (2x/week)

Library program (Wednesdays)

Frontier Girls (2x/month)

Clover Kids (1x/month)

And I'm thinking about starting a relaxed version of Junior Lego League "Lego Club"

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My ds just turned 6 in June. He's doing a mix of K and 1st grade this year.



He completed ETC 1 last year. I am using a morph of what I've learned from teaching SWR, Recipe for Reading, Word Mastery and Dancing Bears to teach him to read. He's very comfy with CVC words, but has the attention span of a gnat.:tongue_smilie:


He's going to be doing FLL1 and handwriting that I made with Startwrite using Recipe for Reading as a template.


Singapore and Miquon math.


I'll be going back through all of the wonderful picture books I've collected before he's too big for them...and some of the literature in ambleside year 1.


He joins right in with SOTW and science with my older 2. He *loves* the coloring pages and gets a bit miffed when I tell him "only chapter today."



He'll also participate in a music/art co-op.

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