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If you had one chance to visit Europe what are the top 5 places you'd want to go?

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I'd especially like info from people who have visited or lived in Europe, but am also open to suggestions that people have dreamed about!


So... if you could go to 5 places in Europe, what would they be? Please be as specific as possible. (For instance, if you say London--what would you want to see in London?)

Or--what are your top 5 for history?

Top 5 for art?

Top 5 for natural beauty?



Thanks! Looking forward to hearing the responses!

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I've never been there, except in many airports while on my way to the Middle East and Central Asia. But I'd go to Wales, Denmark, Iceland, Czech Republic, and Georgia.


If it were about art or history, I suppose I'd have to go to London or Paris or Rome or Athens. I'd be happy to see all those places, but I don't dream about any of them.

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I've never been to England, hope to go in a few years. I've only been to Barcelona in Spain, but I dream of going to Granada, Valencia, and Sevilla.


But, I've been to lots of other places in Europe and my favorites are:


1. The West Coast of Ireland- sheer natural beauty

2. Bruges, Belgium- history, art, ease of walking, all around interesting place

3. The Côte d'Azur- Nice, St. Paul de Vence, Eze, France, etc.- natural beauty, artisans, weather, food

4. Paris, France- history, architecture, art, excitement, wine

5. Venice, Italy- history, architecture, art, glass, food

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So... if you could go to 5 places in Europe, what would they be?

London to see the queen or Princess Kate

Germany to see the concentration camps

Italy to try authentic spaghetti

Greece to see everything!

Russia to get one of their hats


Or--what are your top 5 for history?





Top 5 for art?






Top 5 for natural beauty?

I dont know?


If i wasnt afraid to get on a plane, i might go someday, but i dont know if theres even a boat that would go that far and not cost an arm and a leg. :blushing:

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I would have to go back to Sevilla. Beautiful city. And many cities surrounding Sevilla are quite charming as well (Cordoba, Toledo for example). I'd love to visit Paris in the spring/summer (I was there in the winter). Then, I think I would hop up to Germany and then on over to Italy and Greece. That's 5. BUT, I couldn't leave Europe without going back to Ireland. :001_smile: I particularly love the West side (Galway, Killarney, etc.). I do hope to make it back one day.

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A favorite of ours: Edinburgh. So much history and so much of it is still intact as opposed to London.


We enjoyed London, but if I were limited I would just do a couple of the things there.


Dh and I spent 3 weeks in Greece (mostly the islands) when we were young and too absorbed in each other to really absorb the history. We would love to go back there - and with all the history I've learned over the years I think it would be a totally different experience. Either way it was fantastic.


ETA: The War Rooms in London was an excellent tour - highly recommend

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1. The Louvre


2. The Colloseum/Rome


3. Sistine Chapel


4. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia


5. Athens


6. Normandy/ Utah beach landing site - My grandfather was a paratrooper and was dropped on that beach, went inland with three other men and captured a Nazi radio/communications station, etc. I think it would be very moving to stand on that beach.


7. Venice


8. Vienna - several places that aren't "hot spots" for most tourists but are related to my obsession with classical music. Mozart/Beethoven, etc.


9. Either the Fjords of Norway or taking an Aurora Borealis tour in Iceland.


10. Copenhagen - Dh's ancestors are from Denmark...he used to have relatives in the city, but they've all passed away.



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I have not been to Europe, but these would be my top five.


1. Spend some time in England, specifically following family historical sites and do the touristy things in London.


I would visit Castle Acre, as it was built by one of my ancestors. I would also go watch a reenactment of the Battle of Hastings.


2. County Cork in Ireland to do more genealogy research. Dh's ancestors came from there and I had family there at the same time period.


3. Santorini in Greece just to stay at one of those little white place on the hill.


4. Rome just because it's Rome


5. Florence or Venice, Florence to see the statue of David, Venice to see Venice.

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Oh, wow... hit on my ultimate dream. I really, really want to be able to afford a Grand Tour one of these decades.


So... if you could go to 5 places in Europe, what would they be? Please be as specific as possible. (For instance, if you say London--what would you want to see in London?)


1. Stonehenge

2. Any bridge over the Bosphorus River (Look! I'm in Europe! Look! I'm in Asia!)

3. The Vatican

4. Versailles

5. Some small towns in Germany where my family came from


Or--what are your top 5 for history?


1. The Hague/Leiden

2. Auschwitz

3. Rome

4. Pompeii

5. Troy


Top 5 for art?


1. Rome

2. Florence

3. The Louvre

4. The Prado

5. The Hermitage


Top 5 for natural beauty?


1. Somewhere in the Black Forest

2. Ireland

3. Greece

4. Prague

5. Gibraltar

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London-- I love the walk from Buckingham Palace down the mall to Westminster, Parliament, and Big Ben.


Salsburg-- Just wander around. I have only been once for 2 hours. Charming place.


Hiedelburg-- It has been wonderful every time we go.


Berlin -- Fascinating history. Can still feel the east/west difference IMO


Amsterdam-- mainly because I need 1 more. The canals and architecture are beautiful. Tied with Edinburgh.


Bonus answer--my absolute favorite place is Leeds Castle. It is absolutely beautiful. Everything a good castle should be and we have been to a lot. Neuschvonstein is right up there too!

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I don't know about my top 5 (any time I had a chance to travel, I would go!)but we were blessed to be able to go to Turkey/Greece last summer and walking through Ephesus was amazing! Just to think of the Paul and the early Christians walking those same paths was awesome:) And the island of Santorini was just beautiful!

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I have no idea where specifically I would go within these countries.


1. The Austrian Alps (for the natural beauty and the language)

2. Ireland (for the natural beauty)

3. Italy (for the food and the history)... here I would definitely like to see Venice

4. France (for the food)

5. Greece (for the history)

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I'm from England and have traveled some in Europe so for me:


1. London - Tower of London and bridge, museums, galleries - National and Tate.

St Paul's Cathedral and Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament.

2. Cornwall - absolutely lovely! - Dartmoor and Exemoor, Stone Henge, Padstow


3. Italy - my favorite place ever! Venice, Florence and Sienna - liked Sienna


4. Spain - Grenada and the Alhambra are just wonderful.


5. Paris - have never been but would love to.

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We lived in Europe for a while...loved traveling around...


Paris...Eiffel Tower, Orsay Museum, Louvre, A bakery, a bistro, Boat River tour, Pont Neft bridge. A weekly market


Brussels--the Grand Place, The Atomium


Netherlands--Anne Frank's House, Rijks Museum, Van Gogh Museum, Keukenhoff


Italy-Rome (Coliseum, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's, Forum, local restaurants and gelato places) , Florence (The David, Uffitzi) , Cortona, small little roads in Tuscany.


French Alps for skiing or Norway for beautiful fiords would get fifth place.


ETA: England--London, York (the Viking Museum, the Ghost tour) Hadrian's Wall, Stonehenge


We loved Scotland, too.


It's ALL good...just go!

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We are not world travelers by any means, but have been to a few places. My list of where I'd want to go would be (in no particular order):


Paris to the Louvre


Normandy for sure (I LOVE studying WW II) and a concentration camp


PRAGUE - went there for 18 hours, and spent about 17 1/2 of them sightseeing! Oh, it is AMAZING! I want to go back in the worst way!


Hamburg, Germany - see the harbor/tall ships; also have family friends there


Estonia - have heard wonderful things about it there. It is supposed to be the most beautiful of the Baltics.


Of course, we would go to Latvia, which is where our daughter was born. I highly recommend a visit to Riga the capital city or along the Baltic in the resort areas. (And several other cities along the way as well!) It is the most interesting place - lots of amazing history and architecture, a strength in the people for all they have endured with occupation, and it is in this unique time of balancing the old Soviet occupied country with Latvia's own rich history with an emerging Western culture.


Of course, we could be a bit biased about Latvia... ;)

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My trip list this year:

Vlad's castle - Romania

Dachau camp - Germany

Elba/Pompeii - Italy

Paris - France (do the traditional Paris thing)

Otzi the Iceman - Italy


At least 4 of them are happening, not so sure about the 5th.


I've done Florence - not worth it to pay to see David (he's all over the city, too), but I'll be going back to see Galileo's middle finger.

Venice - the Doge's Palace. The secret tour (to the hidden layer where they kept Cassanova) was interesting.

Verona - has a nice pretend history of Romeo's and Juliet's houses and her tomb.

Salzburg - beautiful. I need to go back in the summer, but it's well worth a trip, too.


Still to come this month are Padua (for the university history museum) and Aquileia, a Roman outpost town that is doing a full reenactment at the end of the month. Eventually I hope to make it far enough south to see Rome but if it doesn't happen that's okay, too.

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5 places in Europe

Scotland - the Highlands

Ireland - Doesn't matter. Someplace outside of Dublin

England - Stonehenge

The Vatican - The Secret Archives. Yes, I know it is unlikely I'd get in.

Greece - somewhere I could just sit and eat


top 5 for history?

Oxford England

The Catacombs of Paris

The Acropolis

Rome - The Pantheon and the Forum

Canterbury Cathedral, St. Augustine's Abbey, and St. Martin's Church


Top 5 for art?

The Louvre

St. Peter's Basilica

Hagia Sophia

The British Museum

The National Galleries of Scotland


Top 5 for natural beauty?

The Scottish Highlands

Dingle and the Ring of Kerry, Ireland


The beaches of Crete

The lakes of Switzerland

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The Rhine--from the Bridge to Far in Holland to the Rhine Falls on the Swiss side. The Die Pfalz in the middle of the Rhine. The history.


Natural Beauty the Garmisch partenkirchen area. Fabulous hiking and views.


Holland--Nijmegan Liberation Museum

Amsterdam Anne Frank Museum

Arnhem there is a liberation museum there.


Luxembourg-- Ardennes battle of the bulge

Salzburg, Austria the sound of music


Lauterbrunnen Valley in Switzerland natural beauty

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3. Italy - my favorite place ever! Venice, Florence and Sienna - liked Sienna




Seina kicks the butt of Florence. :D


I think I would only visit Venice in a non-tourist season. I think I would like it when it is all flooded. :001_huh:


I need to think about this quite a bit before I give a definitive answer.


Portovenere is Italy is, so far, my favorite place on the planet. I have no idea why.

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London for art and history

Paris for art and history

Rome for art and history

Athens for history

Alhambra for art and history

Florence for art


Natural beauty, which depends on your tastes, of course:

Northern Scotland

The Rhine Valley

Black Forest

Greek Isles

The Algave


Keep in mind my visitations of these places all took place before the age of 16. That might color my memory.

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Favorite places in Spain: Madrid and Sevilla. I would love to go to Barcelona.


Favorite places in Italy: Venice and Positano (Absolutely Amazing!)


Portugal is also a great place to visit.


I would love to visit Sweden and Switzerland and see the fjords in Norway.

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1. Malbork castle, early enough in the day to catch an English tour. :glare:

2. Gniezno (this and the above are in Poland)

3. The Sun museum in Riga (dunno, it tickles my fancy)

4. St Basil's Cathedral

5. Warwick Castle in England.




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Pompeii site, Florence, Perugia, Naples and basically all over Italy.


Paris for all the art museums.


In the UK- Hadrian's Wall and the Roman Baths, Wales plus London for theatre.


Ireland- all over, especially the stunning coastal cliffs + including time to research family tree.


So basically I would need a year or so for this trip. Plus we would need to visit my BIL in Norway and I would love to go hiking in Iceland.

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Mine is a bit cookie-cutter, but I'd go to









I cheated and added one. I'd like to have a week in each city and a little apartment in the heart of the city so I could walk around to markets, cafe's museums, etc.

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So... if you could go to 5 places in Europe, what would they be? Please be as specific as possible. (For instance, if you say London--what would you want to see in London?)


I love art and history, so that has a great deal to do with my answers. ;)


If I could only go once what are my top five cities, and what would I want to see in them? Is that the question?


I would probably pick 5 cities that were representative of different aspects of Europe. So, my five, not necessarily in this order:

1. London-the British Museum (it houses mummies, bits of the Parthenon, loot from Sutton Hoo, the Rosetta Stone and much more), the Tower of London (we lived in Europe for 5 years and this is one of my favorite tours). Even if you saw nothing but those two, it would be worth it.


2. Paris-the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles, Musee d'Orsay, the Rodin Museum, Notre Dame, the archeological museum under Notre Dame, the Shakespeare Bookstore, the food, the Arc de Triomphe, Sacre Couer, the opera house, the sewer tour...you just cannot go wrong with Paris.


3. Rome-the Spanish Steps, the fountains, the museums, the Vatican (home to many famous works of art and historical artifacts, you can also see dead popes in the basement, even if you cannot see the secret archives), the food, the Coliseum, the forum, the Arch of Constantine (Napoleon based his arch on this one), art and history everywhere you turn.


4. Amsterdam-Anne Frank's house, canal tour, day trip to Keukenhof (go in early spring), the historical museum, the Blomenmarkt, the Rijksmuseum, the Stedelijk Museum, the Van Gogh Museum, the street art, the Beginhof garden and much more.


5. Koln, Germany-the cathedral is one of the most impressive sites you will ever see there are relics in a museum underneath the cathedral that are equally awe-inspiring, Museum Ludwig, the zoo is great if you have kids, Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Saint Gereon's Basilica, the botanical garden, Praetorium, the chocolate museum, there is more, but after that I would take a side trip to the Pfalz for castle and ruin viewing-Burg Eltz; The Roman ruins in Trier, Burg Rhinestein, there are a ton of amazing castles all up and down the Rhine.


Or--what are your top 5 for history?

Top 5 for art?

I think my top five cover quite a lot of art and history. :)


Top 5 for natural beauty? Places that I have been?

My top four:


The Netherlands

the Loire Valley



After that, it is hard to pick. Probably somewhere I haven't been like Greece, Portugal or Scotland.

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