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Share your homeschool rooms


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I am collecting links to bloggers' homeschool room posts at my new website Real Mom Resources. I would love it if you would come on over and link up your blog. There is not much content there now since it is brand new, but I hope to grow it and one day those top spots may be coveted real estate. :D


Feel free to click around and add links to any of the other topics as well.




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I would love to see what people do WITHOUT homeschool rooms. We have a tiny house, and no room to dedicate to homeschooling, so we end up at the kitchen table. But I struggle with figuring out storage, whiteboards, maps, etc., without going crazy from the mess. Especially since we basically LIVE in 500 sq ft. (The living room and eat-in kitchen area all one big room. Everything else is bed/bathrooms.)

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Hi Jen,


I don't have a homeschool room, we homeschool at the dining table, I kind of prefer it that way. My house is bigger, but my last house was 900 sq. feet and we homeschooled at the small kitchen table. My dh took the coat closet and fit it with shelves all the way up to the ceiling for our books and materials, he left a small space free for hanging coats.


I'll be over to link up! :)

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I would love to see what people do WITHOUT homeschool rooms. We have a tiny house, and no room to dedicate to homeschooling, so we end up at the kitchen table. But I struggle with figuring out storage, whiteboards, maps, etc., without going crazy from the mess. Especially since we basically LIVE in 500 sq ft. (The living room and eat-in kitchen area all one big room. Everything else is bed/bathrooms.)


Me too!!!



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I would love to see what people do WITHOUT homeschool rooms. We have a tiny house, and no room to dedicate to homeschooling, so we end up at the kitchen table. But I struggle with figuring out storage, whiteboards, maps, etc., without going crazy from the mess. Especially since we basically LIVE in 500 sq ft. (The living room and eat-in kitchen area all one big room. Everything else is bed/bathrooms.)



We're 5 people in 750 square feet with no closets and too much stuff. We were homeschooling in the living room on adjustable height folding tables, then we moved to the kitchen/dining nook and now I'm planning to move to the living room again. I feel like I may finally be getting a handle on how to make this work. I'll probably do a blog post once I have it all finished.

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We just had tile laid and grouted today. Bought our Ikea furniture yesterday, so it will be a few days of building furniture before I can post a picture.


We are going from separate desks for each boy, to a table. We always end up doing SOTW at the dining room table anyway, so I thought we'd copy this mom's homeschool room, and bring the table into our classroom. To say that I am excited to get started would be an understatement!! :D

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how is it working out to have to go out of the house for school? i could have similar setup but was worried about the inconvenience like potty breaks, rain, etc. thanks for sharing!


We just run fast when it's raining. :) When we are down there for longer days (it really depends--our routine is willy-nilly right now), I schedule in a potty break mid-morning. Otherwise, I try to have water bottles, snacks, and handy things like wipes available.

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I would love to see what people do WITHOUT homeschool rooms. We have a tiny house, and no room to dedicate to homeschooling, so we end up at the kitchen table. But I struggle with figuring out storage, whiteboards, maps, etc., without going crazy from the mess. Especially since we basically LIVE in 500 sq ft. (The living room and eat-in kitchen area all one big room. Everything else is bed/bathrooms.)


We did not use our "school room" for the second half of this last year and don't plan on using it next year. We do such a large majority of school on the couch and when we were at the table, I liked the feel of being central in our house and not squished in a room. Last year, we did a workbox system and had the drawers in a corner in the kitchen. I just arranged our setup today for this fall. I have two clear bins with three drawers each. Each kid has two bins - one is for school supplies and one is for their teacher guides and workbooks. I have a drawer for my supplies, and one for math manipulatives. Any other school stuff is either on a bookshelf or in a closet. If this setup works, I plan on getting an 8 square Expedit system from Ikea with the nice looking rattan baskets to hold what our plastic bins are holding. I have just decided that I would rather use our extra space as a play/hang out area for the kids and their friends and don't feel that we need a separate school area. (Today:D)

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I am collecting links to bloggers' homeschool room posts at my new website Real Mom Resources. I would love it if you would come on over and link up your blog. There is not much content there now since it is brand new, but I hope to grow it and one day those top spots may be coveted real estate. :D


Feel free to click around and add links to any of the other topics as well.




I love having a room set aside for school, so I can set everything up the night before and keeps everything organized....


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Seems like several people are in the middle of redoing their schoolrooms. I aem almost done with ours, need to finish laying the tile the next few days and move in the furniture, then I will post a picture. I am so excited!

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Wow! What a great response. Thank you so much for helping to build that collection. I hope your blogs get tons of visits from this as it grows. I love this time a year when rooms, spaces, and plans all get a fresh start.


For those of you who put your links here -- I can't link them up at the website for you. If you want them over there as well, then you will need to do that yourself. Would love to have them there.


And while you are on the website, feel free to look around and add links to any topic you have blogged about. I will be adding more topics today, so be sure to check back. I really want this site to be a helpful place for moms -- as a blog reader and a blogger.

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Wow! What a great response. Thank you so much for helping to build that collection. I hope your blogs get tons of visits from this as it grows. I love this time a year when rooms, spaces, and plans all get a fresh start.


For those of you who put your links here -- I can't link them up at the website for you. If you want them over there as well, then you will need to do that yourself. Would love to have them there.


And while you are on the website, feel free to look around and add links to any topic you have blogged about. I will be adding more topics today, so be sure to check back. I really want this site to be a helpful place for moms -- as a blog reader and a blogger.


I love your idea and the blog you've created. I looked at it quite a bit last night. Very informative stuff there!

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I linked mine. This is the first time I've linked to my blog from this forum, for some reason that makes me nervous. Maybe I'll be brave enough to add it to my signature one of these days. :blushing:


Before we had a schoolroom we worked in the eat-in kitchen. I had two sets of 8-cube bookshelfs (like the 8-cube Expedit). One of them stored books and was under the overhang of the kitchen counter where bar stools would normally go. The other was along the only empty wall (the other walls had a window and a sliding glass door). This one held preschool toys in the bottom to keep little ones busy, and all our curriculum was along the top with binder holders, drawers for paper, and mini-drawers for supplies. I managed to cram a lot of supplies in that little space. A large whiteboard tucked between the shelf and the wall. I had extra books stored on a large 15-cube bookshelf in the hallway. My husband built me a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf that we snuck into our laundry room (we had to stack the washer & dryer to fit it). That was where I stored all my extra supplies.

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I am so inspired by all these great posts!! Hmmm.. I'm thinking a little redecoration is in order.


Does anyone else stare at people's photos and try to point out curriculum and resources that they know? I'm just a curriculum junkie.... A homeschooling group near me is hosting a used-curriculum fair today and I had originally talked myself into NOT going (namely because I blew a lot of cash at another one just last month) but now after seeing all the fun things in some of your rooms I'm thinking I may go peek at this sale too.

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Love this thread! I used to have the cutest hs room in what was supposed to be the formal dining room in our new house. However, we tried to sell the house last year and was told by our realtor that we had to make that room a dining room or a parlor since it was the first thing that people saw when they walked into the house. Sooooo, I lost my room. We put our piano in there and it became the pretty little music room (a big waste of space) but it is pretty.


Anyway, we have been relagated to the dining room "space". I say space because that is all that it is. We barely have enough room to get around the table and that is the most ANNOYING part of hsing there.


I really just wanted to share one tip for moms in my situation. I couldn't put maps up because the house was on the market. Sooo I bought laminated maps and just mounted them on sheets of thick poster board. If we need to put them up, they slide easily behind the tv cabinet or another shelf then we can pull them out again when we need them.


Would love to hear some other tips.



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This thread is dangerous. What began as inspiration turned into an innocent reorganization here, but quickly morphed into an all-out room re-do. If I'm not back with pictures in a few days, send reinforcements. LOL



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This thread is dangerous. What began as inspiration turned into an innocent reorganization here, but quickly morphed into an all-out room re-do. If I'm not back with pictures in a few days, send reinforcements. LOL


Waiting patiently for your pics Ccouch! :D

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I got so much done yesterday! I looked through the pics posted here & picked out specific things that I liked, then we got busy. We pulled out every single book, moved the bookshelves, put all the books back, bought & built a cube storage shelf, moved out an armoire that I wasn't totally using to make way for the girls' computer desk.


It's totally coming together & I'm so excited! I usually look at these threads or rooms on Pinterest and dream, but this week, I'm doing it :D.

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I was gonna make a thread asking WHERE to do our work. Right now we are living in the upstairs apartment of my parents home the kids in 1 bedroom me the wife and baby in the 2nd we have no dining room table in the kitchen because its just to small. don't even have a coffee table in the living room...I thought about getting a desk and having daughter do her work upstairs but I dunno...racking my brain as to where set up her HS at...don't need to be much just a table for now...hopefully by the time January gets here we can afford to get out of here!

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I got so much done yesterday! I looked through the pics posted here & picked out specific things that I liked, then we got busy. We pulled out every single book, moved the bookshelves, put all the books back, bought & built a cube storage shelf, moved out an armoire that I wasn't totally using to make way for the girls' computer desk.


It's totally coming together & I'm so excited! I usually look at these threads or rooms on Pinterest and dream, but this week, I'm doing it :D.


This has been me the last couple of days!! And, it all started with this thread:lol:

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