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My week and a half old baby slept 6.5 hours?

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The first week I set an alarm for the middle of the night to check on him and he woke every hour anyways. Then, two nights ago, he slept for a five hour stretch. When we took him for a weight check, I asked the lactation consultant and she said no more than four hours. So, I set an alarm again and he woke constantly anyways. Last night, I forgot to set one and woke up when my three year old came in our room this morning.


He was born at 9lb 5oz. He's back up to birth weight. He is not a sleepy baby in general. No jaundice. He nurses CONSTANTLY in the evenings. Last night he nursed pretty much straight through from 10:15 to 2:00 am. Then he slept till 8:30. He is a poop machine and is easily nursing 10 times a day.


Is their a good reason to keep waking him at the four hour mark? Or should I count my blessings and sleep? And, out of four kids, this is the first one that has slept longer than a couple hours before six months old? I feel like he'd be fine to wake us when he's hungry... but I don't want my desperation for sleep to override what I *should* be doing.


And, I'm sure the fact that I post this means that he will be up hourly from now on. Because that is how these sorts of things seem to work... :tongue_smilie:

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My baby (now 8 months) is like this-- sleeping through the night from the start. Amazing, isn't it? It took me 7 babies to get one like this. I did wake her up at the 4 hour mark until she was about 6 months old. Now she sleeps 8 hours at a stretch. She falls asleep around 8, I wake her before I go to bed around 10 or 11 to nurse, then she nurses around 6-7am.


With such a young newborn I wouldn't let him go more than 4 hours, but that is just me. They do get dehydrated easily, especially in warmer weather.

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The first week I set an alarm for the middle of the night to check on him and he woke every hour anyways. Then, two nights ago, he slept for a five hour stretch. When we took him for a weight check, I asked the lactation consultant and she said no more than four hours. So, I set an alarm again and he woke constantly anyways. Last night, I forgot to set one and woke up when my three year old came in our room this morning.


He was born at 9lb 5oz. He's back up to birth weight. He is not a sleepy baby in general. No jaundice. He nurses CONSTANTLY in the evenings. Last night he nursed pretty much straight through from 10:15 to 2:00 am. Then he slept till 8:30. He is a poop machine and is easily nursing 10 times a day.


Is their a good reason to keep waking him at the four hour mark? Or should I count my blessings and sleep? And, out of four kids, this is the first one that has slept longer than a couple hours before six months old? I feel like he'd be fine to wake us when he's hungry... but I don't want my desperation for sleep to override what I *should* be doing.


And, I'm sure the fact that I post this means that he will be up hourly from now on. Because that is how these sorts of things seem to work... :tongue_smilie:


Oh my goodness, I would not wake up a 9 lb baby every 4 hours. I brought my kids home at under 6 lbs and I think we maybe lasted waking them up 2 weeks before we gave up and they were still under 8 lbs. If he's nursing/pooping that much, I would SLEEP when you could! :D It sounds like he's doing great.

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Dear god woman count your lucky stars!!!! My DD was this way for a short time. DS? Nope. Every.single.hour.for.years. I swear :lol:


Enjoy your sleep!



My baby is 1 month old and the longest I can get out of him is 5 hrs. Which is a blessing considering my last baby never slept longer than an hour at a time.

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This is so stupid.

Never wake a sleeping baby, if he's healthy.

He's growing, he's eating, he needs his rest, and he is not falling back in weight. Let him sleep.


If he starts to lose weight, then reconsider, MAYBE.


Whew, ouch.


Each of my children did this a couple times. Each time I was a little concerned that there might be some sort of regulatory issue causing a deeper than normal sleep.


Concern about something unusual doesn't make a parent stupid.

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Calvin slept through the night from four weeks old. He breast fed constantly through the day (every two hours and for 45 minutes a time). It seemed to just be his pattern. No medical professional seemed worried. He was born long and skinny at 7 3/4 pounds.



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FWIW, I think the reason the lactation consultant said to wake him is not for his sake, but for your boobs. :) Someone once told me that breastfeeding hormones need to be "stoked" every four hours or so (by the act of nursing and draining the breast) or the hormone levels start to decline and it can decrease your supply.


Maybe just something to ask her about? Good luck and enjoy the sleep! :)

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This is so stupid.

Never wake a sleeping baby, if he's healthy.

He's growing, he's eating, he needs his rest, and he is not falling back in weight. Let him sleep.


If he starts to lose weight, then reconsider, MAYBE.




Whew, ouch.


Each of my children did this a couple times. Each time I was a little concerned that there might be some sort of regulatory issue causing a deeper than normal sleep.


Concern about something unusual doesn't make a parent stupid.


I don't think she's calling I'm stupid. I think she's saying that the blanket assertion that babies must be woken on a schedule until they are x age or weigh x pounds is stupid.

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The best advice I got when my 1st baby was born was to let her sleep; she'll wake up when she's hungry! She was small because I had HELLP syndrome, but she was gaining weight and having plenty of wet diapers. She slept 6 hrs/night from the beginning (after we stopped waking her up).

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My DD slept 5 hours straight her first night and by a month, she was sleeping 7 hours, nursing a bit, sleeping 3 more hours. My boys were up more frequently. All of them have gained well, and as long as he's eating plenty during the day (which it sounds like he is), I would let him sleep.

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:grouphug: You know, I had a baby that would wake when I did. The only way I got him to sleep through the night {going on 2} was to move him out of his room & I forgot to put on the baby monitor. Thus, I slept quite deeply & relaxed, and low & behold the baby did.


Makes me wonder if your young one wakes up because you have, kwim? Having said that, if he's not gaining as he should then waking seems normal, but I'd be hard pressed to wake my sleeping bub. Mind you, mine never slept through the night for the first.. oh year. :lol:

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Whew, ouch.


Each of my children did this a couple times. Each time I was a little concerned that there might be some sort of regulatory issue causing a deeper than normal sleep.


Concern about something unusual doesn't make a parent stupid.


Not the parent, the blanket advice.

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My fourth was only 6lbs 9 oz at birth and did the samd thing. I keot trying to wake him in the hospital scared that he wasn't eating enough. He was perfect and gained above what he "should" a day. I could also lay him down and he would fall asleep to the sound of my voice reading. He's a very healthy 20 month old terror now!

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The first week I set an alarm for the middle of the night to check on him and he woke every hour anyways. Then, two nights ago, he slept for a five hour stretch. When we took him for a weight check, I asked the lactation consultant and she said no more than four hours. So, I set an alarm again and he woke constantly anyways. Last night, I forgot to set one and woke up when my three year old came in our room this morning.


He was born at 9lb 5oz. He's back up to birth weight. He is not a sleepy baby in general. No jaundice. He nurses CONSTANTLY in the evenings. Last night he nursed pretty much straight through from 10:15 to 2:00 am. Then he slept till 8:30. He is a poop machine and is easily nursing 10 times a day.


Is their a good reason to keep waking him at the four hour mark? Or should I count my blessings and sleep? And, out of four kids, this is the first one that has slept longer than a couple hours before six months old? I feel like he'd be fine to wake us when he's hungry... but I don't want my desperation for sleep to override what I *should* be doing.


And, I'm sure the fact that I post this means that he will be up hourly from now on. Because that is how these sorts of things seem to work... :tongue_smilie:

My 9lb 14 ozer slept like this. He also nursed all evening. He did 11 hours at 5 weeks! I also worried, but it was no problem. Just enjoy.

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