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My dad died in '06, and he wore them every day. He was raised on a Kansas wheat and beef cattle farm, and though he's the only member of his family who rejected farm life and moved east, he changed into them every day when he got home from work. He was an executive at a big insurance company during the day, but as soon as he got home to his old Victorian home in the suburbs he put on his Big Smiths and plow boots. He was known fondly all over our small town as "Kansas Jack" because of the overalls. When he died, his good friend and owner of the small, mom-and-pop hardware store my dad frequented had a floral arrangement made of blue and yellow carnations in the shape of a pair of overalls.


In fact, every summer when we visited my grandparents in Kansas one of the IMPERATIVES was to go to a farm supply store in Concordia, KS and buy more Big Smiths. My brother and I wore Key Imperials when were kids, I think because my mom could find them in more kid-sizes on our yearly trips to Kansas. They were great for running and playing in the woods and the dirt. Lots of pockets for found treasures.


That's WAY more than you asked or wanted to know, I'm sure, but NO one who knew him can think of bib overalls without thinking of my dad, so thanks for the chance to reminisce. :blushing:




THAT is a very sweet story. :) Thanks for sharing!


I live in rural NC, so I see them all the time. I saw a woman in them yesterday.


:iagree: Me too. There are times when I see a man wearing them, driving his tractor down the street in front of my house. :)


DH wears them to hunt in and my DS wears them too.

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Now that I live in a rural farming community, I never see overalls.


I live in a rural farming community and never see denim bib overalls, ever. Ever.


Now, if you're talking about the cover-alls that go over all your regular clothes neck to ankles and full sleeves -- then I see those everyday, and I have my own set.


I voted other, because I wasn't entirely sure which kind you meant.

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There is a large, bearded pediatrician in his 70s who is famous in our town for his signature tie-dyed shirt and overalls. That's what he always wears in public. Other than him, I don't think I've seen an adult in overalls for quite a while locally. When I visit my family in an agricultural area I see it a lot more.

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Hmmm, I really had to think on that and was shocked at my answer. I live in the rural South, where people put "Bubba" as a legal name on a birth certificate (I kid you not)... but I haven't seen overalls on an adult, or even kid, in quite a while. I was on my way to Chicago a little over a week ago and DID see an old guy, in southern IL, driving his tractor while wearing a button down shirt and overalls. It drew my attention because my great-granddad dressed like that and it seems so funny to put on a dress shirt to do such manual labor. So, anyway, I found it odd that you'd think I'd see it all over where I live, but had to come 9 hours to the North to see it.

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My friend's husband wears denim overalls. :lol: He is in the air force but fancies himself a farmer on the weekends. He grows all sorts of stuff and even has his own worm farm.



Ok, this post dredged up a memory for me and made a liar out of me for my previous post. I DO see one guy in overalls quite a bit at home. He's a retired teacher and he has a garden in his yard. He wears overalls all the time now as he says he "farms" now that he's retired. He says it with full knowledge that he really has a backyard garden, and it's quite charming.


Oh, and I was referring to denim bib overalls in both posts. Hadn't considered the coverall kind...does that make me a hick?

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My husband has a pair of overalls. He wears them to work in the yard or around the house. At first I rolled my eyes when he bought them, but he finds them quite useful and I have to admit, he does look kinda cute in them. ;)


We have a few pair of little boy overalls, but they don't get worn very often.


This thread has me remembering wearing overalls in the 80's with one buckle unlatched and the strap hanging down, the legs rolled up and neon socks. Awww, good times! :D

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I wish I could change my vote. The past 2 days in a row, I have seen overalls on 2 different people.


One was an older man, working in his yard.


The other was an older teen/early twenties girl shopping in a clothing store.... looking really cute I might add.


They are definitely coming back!

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Although we live near a major city, I am far enough away from it to be in the country, and it's common to see some of the farmers in their overalls working the land or hanging out with other farmers at a local farm. I always smile when I see them. I like that old-fashioned kind of life and wish we we could live it, but alas, dh is more of a city boy.

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