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What are your summer goals??? (not just school related)

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I am excited that summer is approaching. We will do a little bit of school but I love to have time to focus on other things too :-)


*** I will not even look at my new curriculum until July to start planning unless all my kids go to grandmas for a week. I need a curriculum break!!***




finish our Math programs, do educational websites, read a ton, and do GTG a few days a week.


focus on my diet and exercise and lose these last 30 or so pounds once and for all


work hard on a budget and finances-coupon like a madwoman, hang dry all our clothes, do not use the oven, sell everything I can....


hit as many yard sales as possible


go somewhere fun twice a month (botanical gardens, magic house, zoo, museum)

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I am working hard to train my awesome new office manager so I can cut waaaaaaaaaaaay back at work and focus on home schooling my youngest.

I am getting my grocery budget down to a less embarrassing place to help goal #1 along.

I will solve the mystery of why my youngest son throws up on Fridays. I am hoping goal #1 solves it.

Live on a budget.

I want to write more. Please see goal #1:D

I will get back into marathon shape. This year has been insanity and I will focus on my running more. Right now I am in 6 miler shape. :glare:

Yoga. I will practice my yoga and will make time for meditation every day. I have not practiced and my emotional state shows it.

I will make time for my mother.

I will learn to decorate cakes. We are vegan and my daughter wants a big, fondant covered cake for her graduation party. I can order one but she can't eat it. I see a need for cake boss type cake for those of us with dietary restrictions...

I will not start a new business.

I will ride the entire Katy Trail before summer is over.

I will finally start to use Flylady. My house is gross.

I will work to make new friends, I need a "community."

It is going to be a busy summer.

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I am working hard to train my awesome new office manager so I can cut waaaaaaaaaaaay back at work and focus on home schooling my youngest.

I am getting my grocery budget down to a less embarrassing place to help goal #1 along.

I will solve the mystery of why my youngest son throws up on Fridays. I am hoping goal #1 solves it.

Live on a budget.

I want to write more. Please see goal #1:D

I will get back into marathon shape. This year has been insanity and I will focus on my running more. Right now I am in 6 miler shape. :glare:

Yoga. I will practice my yoga and will make time for meditation every day. I have not practiced and my emotional state shows it.

I will make time for my mother.

I will learn to decorate cakes. We are vegan and my daughter wants a big, fondant covered cake for her graduation party. I can order one but she can't eat it. I see a need for cake boss type cake for those of us with dietary restrictions...

I will not start a new business.

I will ride the entire Katy Trail before summer is over.

I will finally start to use Flylady. My house is gross.

I will work to make new friends, I need a "community."

It is going to be a busy summer.



Wowee!! You go girl!

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I want to eat everything in sight and watch TV at least 12 hours a day.




Seriously though, I have had a very rough few years and I just want to chill this summer. Not worry about things, and not achieve a thing besides inner peace. I need a mental/emotional BREAK this summer.


Oh crap, that feels like a goal and now I am stressed ;)!

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I'm making several summer bucket lists with my girls this weekend--fun stuff as well as academic and personal goals. I've seen several good ideas for doing this on Pinterest, including putting all the ideas in a beach bucket so they can be drawn out easily.

Edited by WordGirl
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1. Relax!!!

2. Have fun times with dh and the kids

3. Plan next year's school work

4. Lord of the Rings marathon with a friend I just found out loves them, too.

5. Clean out our bonus room (which has become a storage/junk room) and make it into a better entertainment room for the kids having friends over

6. Clean out the garage

7. Better organize and condense all the past school stuff

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- take the kids to "open gym" at either the gymnastics studio or the trampoline arena weekly

- top to bottom, inside and out, scrubbing of the house

- rescreen the patio

- get together the astronomy unit study DS wants to do

- plan baby's first birthday (end of the summer)

- paint the girl's room

- hit up more garage sales/thrift stores

- take a photography class

- take the kids swimming 2x per week so they can practice

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- MOVE!!! (Yes, I'm excited. Not necessarily about the packing, unpacking etc but about the fact that I get to leave the current place.)

- Learn (remember? It has been a long time) how to sew and use said new found ability to:

- finally put together DS2's baby/toddler quilt (from the fabric I've been hoarding for it since

before he was born)

- be brave and make a flirty summer dress for myself out of the beautiful embroidered linen I found the

the other day

- A few various other sewing projects that fall on the easier side of things to help me brush up my skills

(aprons, shorts and simple tees for the boys, a new bag for myself etc)

- Lose another 15-20 lbs (down 23 pounds since Christmas... woohoo!)

- Hopefully be pregnant with #3 by the end of the summer (of course, if this happens sooner rather than later it may have an impact on the weight loss goal, lol)

- Start preschool stuff with DS1 (who has won the fight of "do I or don't I"... he's teaching himself how to draw letters and is trying to read - of course, his version of reading consists of saying letter sounds - those he knows anyway - intermixed with just saying the letter... but it is cute and he doesn't want me to read to him anymore because he wants to do it.)


And I'm sure there are other things, but that is all that pops into my head right now.

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I want to eat everything in sight and watch TV at least 12 hours a day.
Well and here I was - going to say I was going to start training for a marathon in the fall and try to drop a few pounds... But you had me at "eat everything." :lol:

I like your idea better.

Our spring has been lousy and I just want to crash.


But I really do want to run a marathon this fall, so I need to start training.

And I always try to do a massive clean/reorganize/empty the closets in the heat of the summer.

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My big goals:


Finish kicking cancer's butt. My intensive treatments should be done my middle summer. Stomp!


Host my little granddaughter for Happy Camp. Either a long weekend or a full week depending on my energy level.


Have a party to honor and celebrate those who have supported and encouraged us during my chemo treatments.


Delight in my gardens.


Pick up my work again as I get healthier.



I saw an article in Coastal Living magazine (I think) the other day. 99 things to do this summer. It was a fun article and very beach based, but it made me think...not every thing has to be a BIG event or goal. Simple, fun things work, too. Like having a backyard cookout or stargazing one night or getting a pedicure or...whatever makes summer fun and memorable for you.


I'm developing a list right now of fun, summery, and not too expensive ideas for summer. I think I'll call the list Savoring Summer...

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1. Take my daughter to the U.S. for the very first time to meet her extended family and get her citizenship!!


2. Spend loads of time with family in Michigan.


3. Shop!


4. Eat food I can't get in Malaysia like Taco Bell. :D


5. Visit friends in Ohio and NC.


6. Make new friends by meeting WTMers Mariann and Chris in DC!!!!!!


7. See everything I can possibly cram in to 4 days in DC.


8. Make it back safely to Malaysia.


9. Get ready for the new school year!



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Recover from DS' traumatic brain injury.


Hope DS is recovered enough to go to Atlanta in September for DragonCon


Look into the umbrella school option for homeschooling next year and sign up for the unschooling friendly one, because I don't want to worry about academics with him still recovering.


Spend time with DD and DS2 so they know Mommy is still there for them and wants to spend time with them and that they are important.

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-Organize my filing cabinet. It has gotten way out of control.

-Purge the mess in my house before I end up on an episode of hoarders.

-Enjoy a few hours at the lake at least 2 days/wk.

-Exercise at least 5 days/wk.

-Listen to SOTW4 with the kids (in the car on the way to the zoo, aquarium, park, wherever).

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I plan to repaint 2 bedrooms in the house for the kiddos. I haven't painted them since before odd was born, and both want their own rooms with their own decorating plans. That will involve quite a bit of decluttering and organizing as well.


Beyond that, just enjoy some fun time without being teacher mom and get ready for next year. I have been getting a jump on that though already, reading the new books as they come in!

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Study math and chemistry

Read a lot of books, esp. titles on my reading challenge lists

Sewing: a summer dress for my 9yo, finish a quilt or two, lots of other things

Take the kids swimming a lot, and swim myself too

A trip down the coast to my hometown

Get house cleaner and more organized

Try to institute a meal-planning system



Oh dear. That's an awful lot to get done in a couple of months! I'm hoping to get more done this summer, since I spent a large part of last summer fretting and prepping to speak at a conference.

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I plan to:


1. Spend tons of time in the water. Pool, lake, ocean... anything is fine with me.


2. Keep the kids going with a minimal math and reading program for the summer. They need the work, but I don't want to take away their summer.


3. Fun, educational field trip at least once a week.


4. Spend lots of time with DH


5. Learn to cook a few new things, get DH and kids to try the new things.


6. Camp! For the first time ever!


7. Determine a fall curriculum and fond materials inexpensively.


8. Find a way to get to phoenix this fall/winter for about a month so we can spend some time with my side of the family. That may take researching all summer...

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My goals are to


*take a business course so I can help increase the revenue for our business


*start my online business for teens and twenty-somethings


*Finish up our math curriculum so we can switch next year


*ENJOY my kids


*Get outside and off the computer during the day, save computer time for night.

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1. Change our 3rd car garage into a school room. I personally will not be doing the work, but that's a goal.

2. Switch the boys' and girls' rooms around. DH would rather the boys be in the front of the house. So, that should be a fun project.

3. Make duvets for the girls' beds.

4. Finalize the little girls' adoption. (this is not in my control, but we're reasonably hopefully that it'll happen this summer)

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Hopefully a lot of decluttering and other house stuff that I've been putting off.


The kids have big plans to do nothing all summer. I could go along with that!


Writing a music curriculum with a friend of mine.


Sneaking in some learning. I'm going to set up our homeschool table with different themes each week. For example, one week I will put out a bunch of art supplies. Another week, I will put out math manipulatives & games.


Taking a trip to Portland. :D


Planning for the next school year.

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