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Prayers and Good Thoughts Please

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He is doing good today, we did have to have an emergency CT scan because of some eye issues, but it was not caused by his brain. He does have minor eye issues, but the opthomologist thinks that it shouldn't be a major problem at this point.


He did great otherwise and they actually decided he was stable enough to x-ray his whole body bone by bone to check for any other injuries that were missed in the dealing with the original brain and skull issue. They also installed his PICC line, which they are currently moving all his meds to from his main line, so that his veins don't degrade and have issues from the constant IVs he needs.


The doctors think he is mostly over the main hump and that he should start stabilizing and not getting worse at this point.

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Thanks everyone, he had a really good day yesterday and today we should be getting more news about his surgery that I believe will happen on Thursday. The plastic surgeons apparently told DH they thought it would only be one surgery to fix everything, which is amazing we were expecting multiple surgeries. Obviously this could change when they start repairing everything, but it is still great news to hear.


He is currently resting after a sheet change and bath, he is waking every 2 hours or less at this point in time and needing extra sedation at that point, which while it is great to see him moving, and even trying to open his eyes, it is not so great for the whole needing him to stay still thing.

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Thank you everyone for your thoughts. We were told he would have surgery on Friday, but they couldn't get an OR so it is now scheduled for Monday at 7:30am and we have an OR. He has done great the past few days, yesterday he got his ICP (brain pressure monitor out), we are trying to wean him off sedation and his vent today for the weekend, and he is off his blood pressure meds now (though could end up back on them depending on how he maintains, he has been off all evening and night though).


I really appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. It is going to be a pretty interesting weekend as he wakes up and we see how he is doing mentally (though obviously not a full assessment there).

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I hadn't been around in awhile, dealing with the medical needs of two of my children, so I just saw this, and read the most recent CB updates. It sounds like he's improving, and I'm so glad for all of you. I will be praying for your son's continued healing, and for your entire family.

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I don't know how I missed this, and even though we don't know each other, my children and I are praying even this morning that the surgery goes well. I'm just so sorry that your little one is going through this. We will be following your CaringBridge page and praying for you everyday through this crisis. My son was in the hospital for 11 weeks last year so I can imagine how you must be feeling right now.


When you feel like you can leave his side, maybe even just go step outside for a minute and feel the sun on your face and that it is still shining. Praying for strength, healing, and peace for you all.

Blessings and hugs,


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