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Do you ever wish you could just donate the contents of your entire house

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:lol: Yes. I read a decluttering/organizing book not long ago (can't remember the title, my brain is like Swiss cheese these days), and in the beginning, the author pointed out that many clients have mentioned that they wouldn't be too averse to losing it all in a house fire so they could start all over again.


I often fantasize about just sweeping everything on all the surfaces in the house into big boxes and packing them up in the attic. WHY is it so hard?!

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Maybe we should start a forum where we post pictures of areas of our house and ask "What would you toss and what would you keep."


I feel like I need some outside perspectives.





I like an outside opinion that isn't from a friend. :)


And I need someone to tell me why I don't need the junk I don't want, but am afraid to give away.

Edited by alilac
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The furniture? No problem. (As long as some little furniture fairy did all the moving in and out, and hanging of curtains and pictures and whatnot.)


I would have to keep the piano, most of the books, all of my teaching and tutoring stuff, all the art supplies, some of my favourite kitchen gadgets, sentimental items... quite a bit, actually. I could probably get rid of about a third of the "items" if only I had someone to help me do it. I find it difficult to muster the energy to tackle it.

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I want to put an add on Craigslist "just come and take whatever you want from my house. 50 cents per pound." And hopefully the place will be stripped.


That, or a house fire, is probably the only way my house will ever be organized.


It's so depressing.



It's interesting, because I think a lot of people feel ready to practically give their stuff away, and yet if you look at the stuff posted on Craigslist/Kijiji, the prices are bizarre! I mean, do people really expect to get 50% of the price they paid for a used item? I can find *new* stuff for 50% off a lot of the time. I wish people would post items cheaply in the spirit of getting it out of their house while blessing another family.


(P.S. I don't mean you, of course!)

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And I need someone to tell me why I don't need the junk I don't want, but am afraid to give away.


Yes! Why is this?


I find it difficult to muster the energy to tackle it.


This too! I start out all gung ho with big plans, and then, when actually facing the clutter, I get so tired and dispirited. It's such a huge job.

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Yes! Why is this?




This too! I start out all gung ho with big plans, and then, when actually facing the clutter, I get so tired and dispirited. It's such a huge job.


Question one...because, "what if?"


HUGE, HUGE job. And every time I do it, when I do it, I feel WONDERFUL!

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Well, maybe not *everything*, I'd keep a few sentimental items, but just about, yeah. I wish I could go through the process they do on the show "Consumed". They remove everything but the bare essentials from the home and display them in a warehouse. After living without "stuff" for 30 days, the family goes through their belongings, deciding what will be brought back into the home, and donate the rest. It's a lot easier to decide what is worth bringing into an uncluttered home, than to decide what to get rid of.


My dd12 put it best this week. She told me, "I'd like to be one of those people without too much stuff in my room; I just don't want to do it." I would love for someone to come in and take away most of my stuff. Please.

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This too! I start out all gung ho with big plans, and then, when actually facing the clutter, I get so tired and dispirited. It's such a huge job.


Start a drawer at a time. Clean out everything, clean the drawer, and be brutal. Think: if I didn't have this, would I buy it again?

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Start a drawer at a time. Clean out everything, clean the drawer, and be brutal. Think: if I didn't have this, would I buy it again?


I have tried this. For some reason, it doesn't seem to work. Even after I clean something out, the stuff in it starts to multiply again. Or everything is interconnected, and I find that I can't clean out X drawer until I clean out Y closet, because a bunch of the stuff goes there. And when I start to clean out Y closet, I find that a bunch of that stuff is DH's, and I can't clean it out without him because he'll get mad, and he NEVER wants to make time to declutter. Or I'll clean out the kids' toys, and the next thing I know, my MIL/mother/grandmother/strangers are sending them home with more cr@p. (My mom always says, "Oh, I can't say no to them. Just throw it out when they get it home!" *cue my spinning head here*).


Sorry, just a little rant there :glare: I hear you. I just don't know why that tack doesn't seem to work here! There's a shelf in our media bookshelf that's taunting me right now. Maybe I'll tackle it right now before I get too sleepy to do it...

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We are doing this now and it's HARD. I often procrastinate for months and let a huge mountain of junk sit right in the hallway. I vacillate between weeping and anger.... Stressed about "what this cost" or "darn it, I wish I had a place for this but I don't" or "posting to craigslist is such a pain" etc.


A little song from Jungle Jams plays through my mind, "The more you have, the more you have to have to take care of the things you have!"

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As I write this, my kitchen is a disaster zone. I'm currently in "THROW IT OUT!" mode. So, this big desk that takes up too much room in our small apartment and kitchen is GOING. My DH works 2 jobs, and is barely home, I took everything off the desk (teehee....) and put it on the kitchen floor. Tomorrow we're dismantling the desk (yes, I can use a word like that. it's really that big) and it will take up space until a lady comes to buy it next week.


I am SELLING everything that I don't need immediately. For example, I bought a bunch of gift sets. I could keep them for the future baby showers, etc... but right now I don't have a place for them. I bought them at close to 75% off retail, so I stand to make a couple bucks selling them. Most everything else I price what I bought it for, or comparable to a thrift store.


It's a LONG process. But I am making progress. I am getting rid of furniture that does not serve it's purpose. The harder part is finding furniture that meets or exceeds my needs. For example, we want to replace the desk hutch with shelves. So we dropped about $75 on shelving at Home Depot---- more than we paid for the desk originally!!! :glare: But I am on a shelf-kick. I NEED MORE SHELVES!!!


but yeah, I want to throw everything out and start over. Plus I am just "starting out" homeschooling so I am in the "collecting books" phase. Oyyy. But yes, getting rid of stuff. I am SO there. :auto:

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Do you mean you buy cheap things or do you mean you buy them used for less?




A lot of what we have is stuff we bought from Target. Brands like Sauder and Room Essentials (I think). TV tables, end tables, nightstands, desks, bookshelves.


My dining room table is from a local furniture dealer. I really would like to donate it and buy a new one but I can't find an oval table anywhere! The one I have is square and it's big and clunky. I don't know what I was thinking when I purchased it. I got rid of a perfectly good oval table to buy this one. Well, it belonged to my DH and his first wife and I didn't want it as our main table. :tongue_smilie: But now, I'd only change tables if I can find an oval one again. The last time I looked, I couldn't find that style. Have oval tables gone out of style?

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and start over?


If only I had the money.......




Yes. Last time we moved, I told my husband that next time we are leaving everything (except sentimental things and the thousands of photos/war medals, etc I have because I am the family matriarch now). We will start over with new stuff from Craigslist and new mattresses!

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I have tried this. For some reason, it doesn't seem to work. Even after I clean something out, the stuff in it starts to multiply again. Or everything is interconnected, and I find that I can't clean out X drawer until I clean out Y closet, because a bunch of the stuff goes there. And when I start to clean out Y closet,


Ah hah! I clean and prune and trash and put anything I'm keeping BACK. Once I'm done, and have had a week's rest, THEN I rearrange. I try to do this once a year. You are combining decluttering with ideal arrangement. Even if things aren't in "the right place" it is still easier to find them because 1) there is less clutter to dig through and 2) you recently fingered it and know where it is now.

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I get rid of big stuff and throw it out on my patio and have dd load it in my truck. I take it to the local thrift store.


And....big black construction bags! They are awesome. Fill it up, put it in the car and you never.remember.what's.in.it! Works every time.


And FWIW I can't do a drawer either. It's not enough. I need a room or a whole closet.

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I dunno...


There are some terrible pieces of furniture I'd have to keep for irrational reasons.


I have a rocking chair that should be used for kindling. It is creaky and one rocker was chewed by a puppy many, many moons ago. But - my grandpa gave it to my mom when I was born and she gave it to me when dd was born. It's in her room right now and I hope it will make it to her first child. The creaks seem to help a newborn sleep. ;)


There are a few other odd pieces that I have to have. My greatgrandmothers side table, an embroidered footstool. DH hates them, but they are mine.

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I'd only change tables if I can find an oval one again. The last time I looked, I couldn't find that style. Have oval tables gone out of style?


Yes. You'll have better luck finding one at a very expensive furniture store or at a used furniture store/estate sale.

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Absolutely. Aside from photos and a few sentimental items, many time I think it'd just be easier to start over than trying to decide what to keep or what to get rid of.


You would think that with all the moving and purging I do that I should have nothing left. Alas, I we still manage to bring more in than we get rid of, though!

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We downsized considerably before we moved overseas last time and just stored a few things- mostly stuff from the kitchen, some boxes, a bookcase, and the mattresses. We've been living in furnished places here, but we should be back in the US by the end of the year in an unfurnished apartment. I'm seriously considering just buying some shyrdaks and tushuks here and calling it good. Who needs chairs and couches? I can pack and move the entire house myself if we skip the furniture.

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I am in the process of brutally decluttering. I just finished my master closet and got rid of really nice clothes that I haven't work since my dd was baptized (7 years ago!). I got rid of a bunch of clothes, shoes and purses and now the closet is about 2/3s full. DH still needs to do his (small!) side, then that's done. IT FEELS AWESOME! Don't let fear hold you back.


I pretended we were moving (because I'd really like to move to a much smaller town-our current town has 10,000 people and it just too crowded). Selecting what to move is a good way to trim stuff.


Now, if I could have that same attitude about the toys. Our unfinished basement is loaded with them. They're always all over the place even though we have shelving and bucckets and baskets.

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No. It's taken a long time to get some things that I like. I don't want to start over!


Go room by room and imagine that the house did burn down. What would you rebuy? Keep that. If you wouldn't rebuy it, think seriously if it's really neccessary to have. Decluttering is a neccessary skill. The influx of stuff is non-stop. If the house did burn down you'd be right back here in a few years anyway if you don't learn how to get rid of things. Don't worry about it too much- it doesn't have to be perfect! There will be things you keep too long and a couple (not many!) things you regret getting rid of. Life goes on. And the more you do it the easier it will be.

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Glad to hear I am not alone. Of course I would not get rid of sentimental items, but everything else is fair game at the moment! :D


Actually, the living room is finally together. I did get rid of the sofas that were falling apart and got a nice set and pictures for the wall. So the LR will remain as is.


I am just so overwhelmed. I seriously hate dealing with it. I hate cleaning and organizing. I want more organizing tools (shelving with bins, etc...) but they are pricey.


I have a friend who keeps offering to help me, but she is not the kind I want helping as she would tell me to toss just about everything! It would most likely be the end of our friendship.



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:lol: Yes. I read a decluttering/organizing book not long ago (can't remember the title, my brain is like Swiss cheese these days), and in the beginning, the author pointed out that many clients have mentioned that they wouldn't be too averse to losing it all in a house fire so they could start all over again.


:iagree: I have had that thought. With the exception of a few of my most favorite things (my bed-sleep number mattress, kitchen cookware, the computers, guitars, school books, and Bibles), I would let the house burn down and be just fine.


Heck no! I only want to get rid of everyone else's stuff. Mine, I keep. :D




:lol::lol::lol: So true. So true.

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Glad to hear I am not alone. Of course I would not get rid of sentimental items, but everything else is fair game at the moment! :D


Actually, the living room is finally together. I did get rid of the sofas that were falling apart and got a nice set and pictures for the wall. So the LR will remain as is.


I am just so overwhelmed. I seriously hate dealing with it. I hate cleaning and organizing. I want more organizing tools (shelving with bins, etc...) but they are pricey.


I have a friend who keeps offering to help me, but she is not the kind I want helping as she would tell me to toss just about everything! It would most likely be the end of our friendship.




I'll take your friend. She's the one I need.

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My grandparents actually sort of did that when they moved 10 years ago. Not everything...just most of the furniture.

I still haven't ever had any living room furniture that I actually picked out. :lol: So far, it's still all stuff that was given to us for free. Our next set probably will be purchased, though... this one is in great shape but it's horribly uncomfortable if one is sick and lying around on the couch all day. I'm still going to wait as long as possible to buy any, though.

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My husband hates the sofa I picked out (from Craigslist) for our living room. It is pretty and well made (Flexsteel) but it is a conversation sofa so it isn't strait, which makes it hard to lie on if you want to lounge.


Oh well.




My grandparents actually sort of did that when they moved 10 years ago. Not everything...just most of the furniture.

I still haven't ever had any living room furniture that I actually picked out. :lol: So far, it's still all stuff that was given to us for free. Our next set probably will be purchased, though... this one is in great shape but it's horribly uncomfortable if one is sick and lying around on the couch all day. I'm still going to wait as long as possible to buy any, though.

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If you are sure, just be aware that she will ask you to get rid of Great Grandma's handmade quilt!


I will send her your way.


Yes! I had a rocker and "I" got rid of it after 20 years and took a picture of it! And I have no other hand me downs. When is she coming?:tongue_smilie:

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Do you ever wish you could just donate the contents of your entire house


all. the. time.

Nothing in our house matches and almost every piece is hand me down or yard sale. Only 2 pieces I would like to keep. My great great grandmothers wardrobe and the hope chest my dad built for me.


I have been trying but I get over loaded and just stop :glare:

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