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What Do YOU Want To Learn (if you can ever find the time)??

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My list:


How to swim - I'm actually signed up for adult private lessons starting after Easter!


Family Herbalist Course


Pre-algebra through Calculus all over again. I had a miserable high school experience and did as little as possible to skate by. I think I would actually need classes and would not be able to self-remediate in this particular area.


How to sew something more complicated than a pillow cover. I'd also like to be able to knit something other than a scarf. Knitting in the round looks complicated and terrifying to me and I'd yet I still spend time drooling over Ravelry projects I have no clue how to even begin attempting!


How about you? If money and time were no object, what you would like to learn?

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How to draw and paint.


Latin (have actually started this: I can say "I am both a sailor and a farmer" quite well rofl).


How to make clothes (waiting till I can afford a sewing machine).


Additional "If time and money were no object" picks would be:

Heaps of languages.

Heaps of musical instruments.





Horse riding


Advanced math



and many many more.


Honestly, I can't fathom why some super rich people spend their money on ridiculous clothes, parties, drugs, over the top homes etc when they could be learning anything they want. I mean, there shouldn't be any rich stupid people because they could get the best teachers for whatever they fancy.

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I'm working on teaching myself to play the piano.


I also have the books and the goal to learn how to make Chinese pastries.


At some point I would love to get my Japanese back to "native fluency". I can fake it and don't have an accent. But I know that I'm using synonyms when I blank out on vocabulary.


I'd love to pick up the violin again. I last played in 10th grade.

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How to speak Spanish- my husband is fluent.

I'd love to be able to sew.

I know how to cook and bake, but I'd love to go to cooking school and REALLY learn.

I'd also love to spend a week with some Amish ladies and learn how to can and make preserves.:)

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Honestly, I can't fathom why some super rich people spend their money on ridiculous clothes, parties, drugs, over the top homes etc when they could be learning anything they want. I mean, there shouldn't be any rich stupid people because they could get the best teachers for whatever they fancy.


No kidding!! Makes you wonder, doesn't it?? Honestly though, it's a lifestyle, a mindset, and some people just aren't interested.


Let's see... I would love to learn to play the piano. I would also love to re-learn the flute... I still HAVE my flute from junior high band days, I don't know what's stopping me from picking it back up.


I want to relearn French (took four years in high school and gave it up in college - boo!), and I'm working on learning a bit of Latin. I would LOVE to learn Italian.


I just ordered AOPS pre-algebra, even though my DS won't need it for a couple years!! I plan to work through the books ahead of him! I did very well in Algebra and Geometry, but never really went beyond that, and I want to review.


I would love to learn to quilt, but I can barely sew on a button, so that would be quite a step up.


So many things... my plan is that once I get done with DS, I'm going to become a professional student. I'll be one of those senior ladies auditing all the college classes, LOL!!

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Ice skating (I'm currently taking lessons)


Quantum Physics (I was just telling my dh yesterday that I would love to take a university level course of something like 'Intro to Quantum Physics')


Any languages (I know Spanish, a teeny-tiny bit of Dutch, & have taken a few intro courses/just a few weeks of Japanese, Russian, & Arabic; would love to dabble more in various languages)


Glass slumping sounds fun


Skiing (I've done a couple of short courses on vacations, but I wish we lived close enough to ski areas that I could actually learn for real)






And there are many, many more things I would enjoy learning too....

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Piano/ music theory. I have done everything by ear all my life, and need to get more disciplined.


Spanish. Took German in high school because it was easier. Back to the discipline issue ;) .


I'd like to work on a Master's degree in theology. Although, I have no idea what practical benefit that would garner for me!

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I would love to take bass lessons. I play, but I'm entirely self-taught (and awesome for being self-taught if I say so myself). I also want to learn the drums and electric guitar, and how to ski!


And I would love to spend a whole lot of time training my body and getting very strong and doing crazy things like scaling cliffs and running marathons and mountain climbing.

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American Sign Language...I've been awed by it since I was a kid. I learned some at our former church and was part of the Deaf Ministry while there. I didn't know enough to do much, but was able to learn the worship songs and sign them during service when it was my week.


Piano...I asked my parents for a piano and a teacher when I was five. I got a guitar and a book. I did have a piano for a while and taught myself to play at a beginner's level but I had trouble moving forward without a teacher.


Math...I'd love to go through all of AoPS's books. I hate that I don't have time to do prealgebra with DS.


History elementary style...I don't have much attention span for history, but I've always enjoyed SOTW and the library books, literature, and activities that we've done. Again, time gets in the way of doing as much as I would like.


Theater...I've always wanted to act. It looks like so much fun, but I'm afraid of the audition. I have no idea what is expected at an audition or how to do one. Between that and having young kids that I can't leave home during rehearsals and shows, I've never done it.

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Lots of things!


I would like to become fluent in Spanish again. I am so terribly rusty. I can understand about half of what I hear, sometimes more, but I am too shy to talk much because I think I'll sound like a simpleton.


Also, I want to learn Japanese. My son and I are learning; we haven't gotten very far, but if I had more time, I'd love to spend more time on it.


I want to play the piano.


I want to be able to sew some basic things (curtains, etc.) for the house.


American Sign Language. I took a semester in college, but I've forgotten a lot.


Can you tell I love languages?



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I knew an older couple that once they retired they would choose a class each semester at the local university to audit together. They had taken photography, Italian, Ancient history, consitutional law, and British literature by the time I met them. I always thought that it sounded like a wonderful way to spend your golden years with your spouse!


As for what I would like to learn...


to play the violin

Italian (It is the most beautiful language I've ever heard!)


culinary school

law school


That's it....for now :001_smile:

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What don't I want to learn??


Calculus. I took Pre-Calc, but felt I didn't learn anything so I dropped math. I'm loping my way back through (via community college classes). I'll be taking Trig (last course for my degree!!) in the fall, and then I'll continue on with Pre-Calc, and then Calc. I plan to take the AP or CLEP test for credit...


The Language Wish List


* French. I took one semester, but I retained nothing. The course went too fast for me.


* Chinese. (Mandarin) Again, I took one semester. I retained more, but I have forgotten it since then.


* Japanese. I have wanted to learn Japanese for several years, but when I wanted to take a class it wasn't open so I have tried teaching myself (but I can't focus on it like I shoudl while I am in school)


* Latin. I took 2 years in HS, and bought Wheelock's to go back through it.


* Arabic. Because, hey, why not?


I also want to learn more about philosophy & logic. My DH is a master's student (ABD) in philosophy, so he is always talking about somebody or other. We are going to work through his logic text one day. I took an intro logic class a couple years ago, but I don't retain information well so I have to relearn it.


Art. I want to draw again.


Music. I'd like to teach myself Piano, and maybe another instrument. I have never picked up an instrument before in my life (except piano briefly when I was in elementary school). My DH plays guitar, so we will probably start with that... He is so good though, I am too ashamed to try! (I am very shy)


I keep telling my DH he needs to do a handwriting course! His handwriting is atrocious. :lol:

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Guitar and Chinese.


I have the guitar and the books for the former [i got the guitar free, but paid to have it restrung and get a new bridge], and I have the Rosetta Stone software for the latter. I've started both, but never seem to find the time to practice either. :/

I can't really do either while the boys are awake/around, but I'm not a morning person, and I worry about waking them to do it [at least the guitar] at night. Excuses excuses. :/


We are hopefully traveling to Taiwan next spring, so it would be great if I got on the ball and worked on the Chinese before then. And I keep wishing I knew how to play guitar so I could pick out the songs I want to teach my son as part of our music program.

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I want a piano again. I taught myself to play, but I am so out of practice


- my neighbors are going to love me.


Early Northern European history - I like the books KFamily listed the other day. I'm not sure how many of those ds can handle when we do medieval studies again.


Irish language - I have a CD, but it's been low priority now.


How to self-publish :D - working on that on


Egyptian history - starting to collect books on that one too


How to hang a light fixture (there's a rant in there somewhere)

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Well I want to learn guitar. But I play piano and I found in the past learning guitar hurt my fingers so I couldn't play piano. So it may stay in the want category forever lol.


I wish I could figure out sewing. I have a nice machine. The book is so not helpful. I even have a serger but no clue how to use it. My last sewing project frustrated me so badly. I think I just can't ever learn to do it well.

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How to identify birds by their song.




Also, :thumbup1: for all those who mention that they're thinking about learning to sew. I always see the threads about where to find clothing for skinny kids/other odd fitting issues, and think, "It isn't really that complicated to sew a skirt or simple pants or tops." But then I think of all the anti-sewing threads we've had here (where the theme of thread is that sewing is more expensive than buying cheap clothes at Walmart, so why bother) and slink off without saying anything.

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Well- DH and i are retiring on a sailboat in about 4 or 5 years. So...

Here is what I want to get good at before then:


Celestial navigation

Chart reading

Diesel engine mechanics

a smattering of French and Spanish

food preservation skills

catamaran storm tactics

extensive first aid skills (we're talking suturing, setting bones, etc.)

Basic electronics - to include reading diagrams better and being able to rewire things if necessary

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How to play the piano (working on it!) and watercolor painting.


Me too! I have always wanted to learn to play piano (and I'm actually currently working on that one, alone with the kids) and I love watercolors. I am also considering letting DS9 and DH teach me guitar.


I want to do the Master Gardener certification, learn more about native landscaping and permaculture, canning/preserving, homesteading, etc.


I also want to learn to sew clothing. I have years of quilting experience but attaching a sleeve or collar to a shirt or putting in a zipper sends cold shivers down my spine. :001_huh:


I will also start working ahead of DS9 in math. I went through Analytical Geometry and Trig in school and always got an A without understanding a doggone thing. With the materials I'm using with the kids now, math is actually interesting for its own sake and not just a box to check on a transcript. :tongue_smilie:

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re-learn piano

re-learn cello





cycle long distances


learn how to code databases, Java, Python, HTML, human-centered design-- especially for children


finish my Biology degree, possibly a Masters

finish my Masters in LIS

History degree

Med. information degree

neurolinguistics or communication disorders degree


re-learn Trig, learn Calc-Advanced Math/Stats


pastry school

perfect artisan bread

better cooking skills


Botany-recognition, Latin terminology, herbalist, foraging




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My kids are teens so I have lots of time to myself these days.


I'm actually working on Algebra 1 for myself. I sit with my son during his math and he is finishing Algebra 2. I get so lost in that class it isn't even funny! So I backed up to Algebra 1 and will work my way through the higher levels. I'm using Lial's Introductory Algebra. I like it!


I want to find something in physical geography. I'm fascinated by all things in the subject. I just can't decide how I want to approach it.


I've got Rosetta Stone French too. I tried it a few years ago and didn't last long. I'm going to give it another try though since I own it.

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Sew. My mil has tried soooo many times over the years to show me. I still can't remember how to thread the darn machine!


Rug hooking. The gal at the hair salon I go to is doing this. It's really neat.


Cook better. I kind of make the same old same old all the time.


Play the harp. It's just so cool.

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These are my main things that have been "hanging over my head". I've wanted to do them for a while now. I can see the time drawing nearer to when I may have time since my youngest is getting a little easier... we'll see!


How to sew and quilt

To speak Spanish

To be a more organic gardener

How to play the guitar (dh is slowly teaching himself this right now)

Carpentry - building tables, bookcases, and ultimately an amazing deck

Refinish furniture

How to do household repairs (replace faucets, minor electrical work, installing a dishwasher)

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