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Anyone else skipping spring break?

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We usually go visit my parents and sister's family while they are out of school for spring break (my mom and sister are PS teachers). But this year my mom wasn't going to be in town and I didn't want to stay at their empty house so we're just staying put and plowing through school. We have about 7 weeks to go and I just want to be DONE. We will continue some LA and math this summer but I'm ready to put a "FINISHED" stamp on this school year. Anyone else?

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We don't do a spring break, although we will be taking a week off from school in the second week of April because of Holy Week. We have about 24 hours of extra services at church that week, so we break from school -- but not from being involved in what we consider a real learning experience. I guess I equate spring break with vacation, and this will definitely not be a rest and relaxation time. The week after Holy Week is "Bright Week" in our church, which we'll probably also feel like taking off, too, so how it will probably work out is taking Wed-Friday of Holy Week off and then Mon/Tues of Bright Week. We'll see.

Edited by milovaný
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Ahhh... I have to. 2 moves and a baby this year puts us a little behind schedule. :(


Only one move here, but it was enough to put us behind schedule.


I feel kind of guilty about not taking a spring break -- the kids really want one, and Heaven knows I could use a week off! But I want to keep going -- we've got some good momentum (as another poster said, once you stop, it's tough to get going again). I'd like to NOT be doing school all the way till September, KWIM? ;)

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Sort of. We took an unscheduled break a few weeks ago because we all needed it. We go to the beach for a week every year in May. So I don't feel like we need a break now. I like the ability to do breaks when we need them rather than when it says to on the calendar.

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We fell behind with MIL's illness and passing, so we're not taking a spring break since we're going away for a month long vacation end of May and I really want us to be done-done before that. We're still going to do things on vacation, but I don't want to have to!

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Since we took off all of February for a move, no spring break for us. We are also trying to transition from year-round school to following the PS schedule by the end of May.


Although it looks like I should have taken off. I've got one kid sick, I have the first dry week in months and have been trying to get my garden in, and I have another kid off spending the night with a friend. Looks like Saturday school for us this week..lol.

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We skipped it because we prefer to take our days off here and there for special events, not just because everyone else is off. We also prefer to vacation in the off season. So, we actually got a lot of school done that week, because most of our outside activities were cancelled for the week. I didn't tell my kids it was spring break though. ;) I was surprised that they didn't pick up on it, and I almost got away with it completely, until the next week we returned to cub scouts and the cubmaster asked the boys what they did for spring break. I cringed and my nine year old turned and looked daggers at me. :lol: We'll be taking off several weeks when our new baby is born and plan several vacations later in the year, so I'm not worried about it. Plus, we school through the summer so we can take lots of random days off during the spring and fall when the weather is nice. So we're good!

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We skipped, dd is graduating and wants to be finished. But we both could have used the break. Try to at least take a day or two and do something fun to recharge for the rest of your year!


:iagree: While I understand the want to "push through" I'm thinking you may do yourselves no favors by not taking any break at all. Just take a couple of days and do something fun. It will help clear our minds a bit. (And it doesn't have to be a whole week! :) )

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