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Did your fourth baby come earlier/faster than your others?

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Please only answer if your answer is yes... by 38 weeks, followed by a nearly painless 30 minute labor. :tongue_smilie:


:lol: actually.. Yes. Meg came over a week early. All my others were late. Her labor was not fast, but much faster than my others! I have very long labors and hers was less than half of the time of the next fastest labor! And, it was my easiest birth!!! Does that help? I was being honest!

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Ok, I'm breaking your rules, because my 4th didn't come by 38 weeks with only 30 minutes of labor.


He came right on time, but it was 3 hours of easy labor. I woke up at 3 a.m. having contractions. I took a shower, got dressed, we left, stopped at McDonald's so dh could get some food, and finally got to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. I was 9 cm when I was checked, and by the time they had me sign some paperwork and get an IV, it was time to push and he was out at exactly 6 a.m. Pushing took less than 5 minutes and the only part that hurt was the shoulders.


My 4th was my easiest labor and delivery, so I really wanted to respond to your post! :)


(I have to add that my 4th was also my biggest baby, at 10 lb 13 oz!) :D

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Does 2 hours, 2 pushes, and only 20 minutes of pain sound good enough?

Dr. made me go to the hospital to get induced because I was 6cm in his office and not even in labor.


Sorry, he wasn't early, he was born on his due date.


Now, #5 took only 45 minutes. Dh made me go to the hospital because I grunted through a "braxton-hick". I was 8cm when I got to the hospital. The Dr.'s exam got everything started. He was born two days before his due date.

Edited by Leanna
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Nope! not here. My fourth was the longest "overdue." She was 13 days late and even then I had my waters popped.


My last 3 were all 1 hour labors from first contraction to birth. All the midwives in my medical group were all on high alert when I was nearing my due date! :001_smile:


I think that it is safe to say that it is different for every expectant mom.

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Please only answer if your answer is yes... by 38 weeks, followed by a nearly painless 30 minute labor. :tongue_smilie:



Actually, my fourth was probably my nicest labor. I had a waterbirth (tub at home) and it was lovely. She arrived in a very easy-for-labor manner and I was warm and toasty in the tub. The water pressure helped with the labor too. (She was NOT early though... :D)


Happy birthing!

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:lol: actually.. Yes. Meg came over a week early. All my others were late. Her labor was not fast, but much faster than my others! I have very long labors and hers was less than half of the time of the next fastest labor! And, it was my easiest birth!!! Does that help? I was being honest!


I should mention. I never really pushed with Meg. I actually refused to push. I didn't want to! She came anyway! I did push, but only because I couldnt stop myself! ONe push and she was out!

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Well, my fourth baby was pretty close to 38 weeks with only 30 minutes of labor.


Very certain of all dates, and no inductions.

#1 -- 40 weeks 6 days, 11.5 hours of labor, including 1.5 hours of pushing

#2 -- 41 weeks 1 day, 7 hours of labor, including 20 minutes of pushing

#3 -- 40 weeks 5 days, 8 hours of labor, about two pushes


So we were absolutely expecting another 40+ weeker. Early wasn't even remotely on our radar.


#4 -- 38 weeks 3 days, 4 hours of labor. FOUR! One push. I nearly sent DH to work, thinking it was prodromal labor (which I've never, ever had at all). If I had, he'd have missed the birth. Shoot, *I* nearly missed it. I went from "let's see if we can feel the head now that my water broke" to "hey, it's a boy" in less than a minute. I spent the first two weeks completely baffled that it was even over. (And he was nearly two pounds smaller than my biggest baby, #2, but the same length -- I was like, "where's the rest of the baby??" He was still 8 pounds, though, and he was on track to be in the mid-9 range like his big brothers, if he'd gone as long.)


Funny thing is, I was very achy toward the end of the fourth pregnancy and kept saying to DH, "When this baby comes, it's going to be fast." Based on #3, I expected fast at the very end; I did not expect the labor to be half the length.


Anything's possible. :)

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I can almost qualify for your thread. :)


My fourth came at exactly 38 weeks. I have longish early labors (like 24 hours of early labor), so that part throws me off. But by the time I decided things were getting serious and went in to the birth center, he was born about 1 1/2 hours later. I intended to have another water birth and didn't even make it to the tub. After my initial check in and check up, we walked around the center to try to get things moving even more quickly and only made it around once before my water broke. We headed back inside and I said "I want to get in the tub NOW!" While they ran the water, I impatiently waited, and once they finally told me it was ready I got up to walk across the hall and decided I needed to go to the restroom first. Uh, no. It wasn't an urge to void I felt! While squatting over the commode, he barreled right out like a train through a tunnel! My midwife was in the next room having a sandwich and came running in and slid across the floor just in time to batch the baby if my husband dropped him. I didn't have to push AT ALL. {Insert joke about having so many babies they start to fall out here} I'm not sure what to expect this time, but I have decided to just go ahead and stay home since I scarcely used the birth center anyway! I might feel a little put out if I actually have to push this time! :lol:


Good luck to you! Hope your baby is born exactly when he/she should be and as quickly and safely as possible!

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My 4th was my first home birth. My water broke about 12:30 pm, just after lunch. First contraction about 1 pm, baby by 4 pm. About 20 minutes of pushing (twice as long as my usual) because he was both posterior AND 11lbs with a huge head.


ETA: He came at 39w1d, earlier than the first three, and started a trend of being a week early that the rest have followed.


If you ever have another, let me tell you that starting with my 5th and forward, I no longer have to push more than once...baby moves down as the contraction starts, I push out the head, the rest follows with the end of the contraction. This happens so quickly that my dh caught the last one because the midwife left the room for a few minutes. :p

Edited by LadyMSews
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My 4th was about 38 weeks and while not my fastest labor (the 59-minute chick wins that award), I won't complain about an hour and a half delivery, and it WAS my most peaceful and lowest-pain labor and delivery. I only squawked out loud once, I think. ;)

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Mine came later than my first three (a little over 41 weeks), but my labor was only 24 minutes from first contraction to baby. He was also only 9 lb 8 oz, my next-to-smallest baby. He stayed in there a bit longer but definitely took the express route out! ;)

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Mine were all eager to just get born! My first was born at 36 weeks, almost at home, almost in the car with barely enough gas to get to the hospital. With my 2nd I began labor at 29 weeks, scary! But my 3rd began at 25 weeks and my 4th at 20 weeks, so, so scary. I took tons of meds, I stopped everything & went on bedrest, partial bedrest, full bedrest...All of my kids were born at 36 weeks and were perfectly healthy. You'd never know now, but how scary they all were!!!!

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My 4th was 20 days late and fully induced. I remember telling the nurse to turn up the drip as nothing seemed to be happening she did this several times. then all of a sudden wham, It all started. It was 3 hours of full on labour extremely strong contractions 5 minutes apart. my most painful labour of all of them. DD was also my larges baby 9 1/2 lb. and got stuck by her shoulders then hips.


5th on the other hand was a dream, right on due date, just a hint of contractions, we did the 100 km trip to the hospital and checked in, I said to the nurse that I would be a while yet as I wasn't in any pain, she said I can see the head, and the Dr. only just made it in the door. Almost pain free. total time 1 1/2 hours from start to finish.

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I was induced due to rapid labor issues. It was crazy back labor with that kid! I can tell you for me it is size. I will not start to get ready for labor until the baby nears 7 lbs 12 oz. Yes that size exactly. Then by 8 1/2 pounds I can't hold anymore. My 2nd was 8 1/2 and came 5 days early on his own. The rest were induced a few days early and they were all 7 1/2- 8lb 4 oz. The closer they were to my pop weight the more I was already dialating when I went in. Does that make sense?

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My 4th decided to come early. That's about all I qualify with her on this thread. I was in labor for 24 hours with her because I didn't realize that's what was happening. I had 3 prior c-sections with no labor pains whatsoever. With #4, people kept telling me it was just Braxton-Hicks. I went grocery shopping, cleaned house, but was still freaking out just a bit. When I was finally able to get to the doctor and hospital, cx were 2 minutes apart. Dr later said I was extremely dehydrated, which brought on the early labor. after having her in our lives for over a year now, it wasn't dehydration that made her come early. She just wanted to join the chaos and was coming on her schedule.

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No, but my fifth tried to! She came at 37 weeks, with a 45 minute labor. Even though it sounds dreamy, I don't recommend it. That is way too much work to cram into 45 minutes.


(It suits her personality. She's been in a hurry ever since.)

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Baby #4 was the best for us! Almost all of mine were late, so no help there:glare: But #4 was the best labor and delivery. It was so easy the nurse did not believe it when I said he was coming. I finally had to start screaming so she would get help and he would not be born in the waiting area!! He was born as soon as they brought me into the delivery room.

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All of my 4 kids were born before their due date so can't speak to that. My 4th was the fastest delivery, ( less than an hour) once I got to the hospital. I had conctractions at home the night before he was born. Then I had a day to rest at home and then they kicked in again and in a few hours he was born.

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