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*falls out of chair* Jane Fonda to play Nancy Reagan!??!

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How about that weird white hooded outfit? He always reminded me of a sperm in that one.


...I also got a photo of the queen with a large group of men in uniform (kilt). One displayed all. Is that real?


BWHAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! Oh. My. Lord. :smilielol5::smilielol5:


I laughed so loud that hubby and son both stopped watching Top Shot and looked at me... I then showed them the photo of Al in a kilt. (Hubby has been in on the conversation to this point as I am surfing on the laptop next to him.)


Hubby grinned and told me to tell you that, "You are dangerous." :lol::lol: I LOVE IT!!


Your next task is to take the photo of Sperm Woody and put him in a kilt. Anyone for that one? Egads. :blink:

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Well, it would never occur to me to see a movie about Nancy Regan. Maybe my mom would go see it if it had Jane Fonda. I am not sure I have ever seen a Jane Fonda movie.... I looked it up and I saw On Golden Pond when I was a kid. So, yeah.


I thought Jane Fonda mostly made exercise videos my mom liked and Nancy Regan wore expensive dresses and was very thin. Neither one is particularly compelling.


eta: yes, I am aware of the political proclivities of each woman. I just don't think Nancy Regan has ever done anything movie worthy. She is famous for who she married and what she wore. I don't think that is going to be a very difficult acting job.

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OK the movie not about Nancy Reagan. It is called The Butler. It is about the butler (I forget his name) who served 8 administrations. If I have time I'll look up the movie later, but it seems to me that if it's spanning that amount of time the Nancy Reagan role is not major. Casting has not been completed on this project.

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BWHAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!! Oh. My. Lord. :smilielol5::smilielol5:


I laughed so loud that hubby and son both stopped watching Top Shot and looked at me... I then showed them the photo of Al in a kilt. (Hubby has been in on the conversation to this point as I am surfing on the laptop next to him.)


Hubby grinned and told me to tell you that, "You are dangerous." :lol::lol: I LOVE IT!!


Your next task is to take the photo of Sperm Woody and put him in a kilt. Anyone for that one? Egads. :blink:

:lol: Honestly, I didn't go looking for it. It was one of the photos when I searched for Woody Allen in a kilt! I guess there was some recent men's kilt event; there seemed to be photos of men in kilts on the runway all over the place.


I have no clue when the men in kilt thing happened, but I have actually seen one guy in a kilt (last summer, I wonder if he homeschools). I find it amusing, not sexy. And I am glad Al was wearing high socks. Sheesh.

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There is definitely something weird about that casting choice. I guess folks would be concerned that Jane couldn't get past her own politics to give Nancy fair treatment. It also seems that folks haven't forgotten Jane's political activism. Her talent for acting doesn't seem to be giving her a pass on her past.


I don't think actors have to look like the person they are playing in order to be successful. It can be disconcerting for the audience but it can be overcome. Just look at the wild success of The King's Speech. Colin Firth doesn't look like George VI but that didn't seem to be an obstacle to critical and popular success.


And for the record...Robert Redford was at his prettiest in The Great Gatsby. Even if no kilt was involved.

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But, conservatives frothing-at-the-mouth cannot stand Jane Fonda. They would rather the actual Che Guevara play Nancy Reagan.


And, Sis, hubba hubba to the photo.


For me it has nothing to do with conservative v liberal, and honestly I have no particular admiration for Nancy Reagan. I believe actors can act, and I wouldn't care if a staunch liberal played the part. But I don't care if the role is for the Wicked Witch of the West; I wouldn't hire Jane Fonda to even sweep the floor on the set. I think she is lucky she wasn't executed for what she did.

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There is definitely something weird about that casting choice. I guess folks would be concerned that Jane couldn't get past her own politics to give Nancy fair treatment. It also seems that folks haven't forgotten Jane's political activism. Her talent for acting doesn't seem to be giving her a pass on her past.


I don't think actors have to look like the person they are playing in order to be successful. It can be disconcerting for the audience but it can be overcome. Just look at the wild success of The King's Speech. Colin Firth doesn't look like George VI but that didn't seem to be an obstacle to critical and popular success.


And for the record...Robert Redford was at his prettiest in The Great Gatsby. Even if no kilt was involved.


Well, I think that's more due to the fact that the movie-going public has no idea what George VI actually looked like. It was long enough ago that he wasn't anywhere near the radar of most people, if they even had any idea who he was. I knew the basics of the abdication/succession, but I couldn't have identified his picture. You might have better success with the British public, but most Americans probably had no idea who he was in the first place, much less what he looked like.


Nancy Reagan, on the other hand, is still very much remembered and recognized. A movie being made 50 years from now would have much more freedom in terms of not being "stuck" with trying to match her appearance. While I agree with you in principle about actors not needing to look just like the person they're portraying, I think it would be a pretty difficult job to sell it when the person in question is still widely known and recognized.

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It's kind of like how Liberals don't care for Ted Nugent. East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet.



The lines continue.....

But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,

When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth!


The problem is that though they may come from opposite ends of the spectrum, one (Fonda) is a venomous, traitorous $%@%^ and the thought that she would play Reagan is outrageous. The idea that the Hollywood crowd has ever accepted her into the fold after what she did speaks volumes, but then again that same crowd applauds a child rapist (Polansky)so one should not be surprised.

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Well, I think that's more due to the fact that the movie-going public has no idea what George VI actually looked like. It was long enough ago that he wasn't anywhere near the radar of most people, if they even had any idea who he was. I knew the basics of the abdication/succession, but I couldn't have identified his picture. You might have better success with the British public, but most Americans probably had no idea who he was in the first place, much less what he looked like.


Nancy Reagan, on the other hand, is still very much remembered and recognized. A movie being made 50 years from now would have much more freedom in terms of not being "stuck" with trying to match her appearance. While I agree with you in principle about actors not needing to look just like the person they're portraying, I think it would be a pretty difficult job to sell it when the person in question is still widely known and recognized.


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I can't imagine in good conscience offering Jane Fonda a job to do anything at all. She doesn't just have a big head; she's a traitor.


:iagree: :iagree:


This. And I cannot watch any of her movies. Her politics get in the way of everything. I don't have this problem so much with any other "liberals", just traitors, I guess. And also, poor Ronnie is probably spinning in his grave.

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I actually saw Jane Fonda after her Hanoi Jane tour -- she gave a press conference in the very hotel our family was staying in (the Drake, in NYC) that week! I was 15. I saw her in the hotel lobby. I was too young and ignorant to realize the implications of what she had done -- I was just caught up in the excitement of having the lobby filled with reporters.


It's true that Jane and Nancy Reagan share a physical resemblance (though I think Nancy is much more petite). I think Jane could play the role and probably do it well. The question is whether the American people would accept her in that role, and I don't think they would.

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The problem is that though they may come from opposite ends of the spectrum, one (Fonda) is a venomous, traitorous $%@%^ and the thought that she would play Reagan is outrageous. The idea that the Hollywood crowd has ever accepted her into the fold after what she did speaks volumes, but then again that same crowd applauds a child rapist (Polansky)so one should not be surprised.

With all due respect, what exactly did Nancy Reagan do that was of earth-shattering significance? I connect her with an interest in psychics, and her work with "Just Say No," which I think we can safely say did absolutely nothing to curb American drug use, given that no one can say drugs are hard to find in this country. This is not intended to be a "slam" on Nancy Reagan, but being First Lady is not quite the same as being President.

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With all due respect, what exactly did Nancy Reagan do that was of earth-shattering significance? I connect her with an interest in psychics, and her work with "Just Say No," which I think we can safely say did absolutely nothing to curb American drug use, given that no one can say drugs are hard to find in this country. This is not intended to be a "slam" on Nancy Reagan, but being First Lady is not quite the same as being President.



I agree, I am not arguing that N. Reagan did anything of Earth shattering significance, though she she certainly supported her husband when he did. My contention is with the Fonda creature. Like or dislike Reagan, I think no one would accuse her of being a base traitor. Fonda on the other hand is beneath contempt.

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She's an actress. It's a job. She doesn't have to be anything at all like Nancy Reagan, personally. She just has to do her job and play Nancy Reagan. I don't get why people obsess over actors being so much like the characters they are paid to play. Rock Hudson played a very convincing ladies' man for decades and he sure wasn't one himself!

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Oooh. I love Diane Keaton!


Love her wardrobe that she wears in movies. She would always wear a turtleneck, tho'. I saw her recently in a movie that showed her neck (without a turtleneck) and dang... no wrinkles or flab in the neck area. :001_huh: It made me curious... but plastic surgery can't make necks look less saggy, right??



Yes. Thankfully plastic surgery CAN fix the wobbly turkey neck. I'm saving up for that myself.

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Can someone explain this whole Ted Nugent thing? I have no idea what it's about, or even really who he is.


I think that might be political discussion? He's on the board of directors for the NRA and tends to say some pretty foul, violent and vulgar things regarding prominent individuals who do not share his views.

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Why is talking about "Hanoi Jane" not political but talking about Ted Nugent is? :confused:


Guess I need my friend Google...still don't really know who he is.


I thought the whole "Hanoi Jane" issue seemed more universal. I mean, who *doesn't* look back on that and find it appalling?


I don't know of any other person who visited our enemy's troops or posed with weapons that were going to be used to target our soldiers.


Sure she is an activist but I have NEVER heard her speak for any politicans, at political events or sit on boards for huge lobbying organizations. None of them would want her. Even the most Liberal politician wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole. Just a picture of her in the same crowd as John Kerry taken 40 years ago (and two years before she visited Hanoi) was used to attack him.



Ted Nugent does speak at political events, has discussed running for Governor in Michigan and is on the board for one of the largest and most powerful lobbying organizations.

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She's an actress. It's a job. She doesn't have to be anything at all like Nancy Reagan, personally. She just has to do her job and play Nancy Reagan. I don't get why people obsess over actors being so much like the characters they are paid to play.


I do not know that the demand is that she be like Reagan, rather it is that it NOT be Fonda. She is not just an actress she is a traitor, a vile individual, someone who deserves nothing but condemnation. Were a liberal to play Reagan few would complain too much....but the Fonda creature, that is something else. There are many who question why she was never tried for treason.


Some of her quotes about our POWs......."military careerists and professional killers" who are "trying to make themselves look self-righteous, but they are war criminals according to the law" She was saying this about men who had been tortured and yet maintained the faith while she spewed her vile views.


No it is not an actress it is Fonda that people have an issue with.

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Well I am not even American,but I can tell you I would not watch anything with that "woman" in it.She was a total traitor to her own people and why your country did not put her on trial for treason is beyond me.


Has she ever appologised and made right what she did ? One would hope she grew up and is now mortified by how she acted back then!

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Um... I'm sorry, but I did not follow politics AT ALL for many, many years... and I am not sure what Jane did that is considered traitorous. Can someone please bring me up to speed? I am guessing that she spoke out against a war... But, there must be more to it than that because lots of people don't like war and they are not considered traitorous.


Thanks. (Honestly, I would like to learn more... but don't want to google it and wade through all the links.)

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Well I am not even American,but I can tell you I would not watch anything with that "woman" in it.She was a total traitor to her own people and why your country did not put her on trial for treason is beyond me.


Has she ever appologised and made right what she did ? One would hope she grew up and is now mortified by how she acted back then!


No! She only apologized for posing with the anti-aircraft gun. She did not apologize for anything else and stated clearly she was not apologizing for the rest.

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Um... I'm sorry, but I did not follow politics AT ALL for many, many years... and I am not sure what Jane did that is considered traitorous. Can someone please bring me up to speed? I am guessing that she spoke out against a war... But, there must be more to it than that because lots of people don't like war and they are not considered traitorous.


Thanks. (Honestly, I would like to learn more... but don't want to google it and wade through all the links.)



No one really cares about opposition to the war, that was her right. It is not an issue.


What is an issue is her visits to Hanoi during the war and making propaganda radio programs for the North. She also made horrendous statements regarding our POWs, accusing them of lying when they claimed that they were tortured. She further performed for enemy troops, bringing "aid and comfort" to the enemy.


When some returning POWs claimed that they had been tortured for the crime of refusing to meet Fonda on one of her visits she called these brave men "hypocrites and liars."

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I came across this blog post from Jane Fonda where she specifically addresses Hanoi. Whether one believes her or not, this is her side of the story, written by her. I'm posting this for those who have wondered what the hubbub is about. Of course, this is only one side of it, but I think the other side is well represented if a search is done for "Hanoi Jane".

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