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When do they stop destroying things?

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Those playmobil people are quite the little tricksters.


Have you noticed how quickly they reproduce, too? :)


Yes! I'm pretty sure I saw Hannibal marching over the Pyrenees. Maybe that is an assumption on my part. There was an elephant with them, so what else am I supposed to conclude?

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As the mother of four precious boys, I can say that they slow down around age 7. Stop? No....just slow down. I noticed around that age they stopped getting into things like my make up, under counter things, they stopped hanging from towel racks, etc. In every house we have owned there is always one bathroom missing a towel rod and toilet paper rod. :) I can say it does get much easier. So, even though my boys still like to make messes and play rough and dirty outside. It's easier than when I would walk in a room to a broken window, towel holder or light fixture! Hang in there momma! You will make it!

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Yes! I'm pretty sure I saw Hannibal marching over the Pyrenees. Maybe that is an assumption on my part. There was an elephant with them, so what else am I supposed to conclude?


:lol: Hannibal has been through our house, too, and those playmobil elephants certainly leave a trail of destruction.

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Hmm, well, my almost 11yo shattered the huge picture window in our family room yesterday while pretending to be a sock monkey. So I'm not sure when it stops.


I laughed at this, not because it's insanely funny, but because DS2 would do something like this. Then I groaned because I know he's getting a Sock Moneky this weekend and our picture window will not survive.

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Well, as a mother of four boys, I don't think I can tell you it ever stops. I found a hole in the wall a few years ago that my two oldest, who were about 15 and 17, had strategically placed a plant in front of. My 13yo went through a large window in our sunroom a couple of years ago, and the bathroom counter in my basement has a burned spot where my then 16yo was trying to melt plastic army men (no, I don't know why). It never stops, and it would be giving you false hope to tell you otherwise. :001_smile:

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I hate to tell you this, but my 16 yo son broke my wok. I suspect he was trying to spin it on his finger. :glare:


I try to explain the difference between breaking something on accident while using it correctly versus breaking something on accident because you were messing with it/using it for a purpose it was not intended.

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Just exactly home many moms of 4 boys are there on this board?


I need about 4 of those tshirts or 5 if you count dh. I am deep spring cleaning today while grandma has 3 of them.


I can only assume sharp rocks were being washed in the bath sink and my young scientists wanted to test their hardness. Rocks were harder than the sink and that is why it is now sporting scratches in multiple places. If only it was in the other bathroom where the tested the hardness on the mirror. Then at least I would have a matched set.


BTW Rocks are harder than mirrors too.

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Well, as a mother of four boys, I don't think I can tell you it ever stops. I found a hole in the wall a few years ago that my two oldest, who were about 15 and 17, had strategically placed a plant in front of. :001_smile:


This brings back memories - I met dh when he was 19 and had a NYE party at his house. He was running to grab the phone, hit the corner of the wall, and took out a chunk of plaster.


I don't think it ends until they move out.

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Bathroom sink or private laboratory? Semantics.


I had to explain to some overnight guests that the red stains on the toilet lid in the bathroom off the playroom/guest room were from a science experiment gone bad (I discovered it to late to replace the lid ) :glare:.

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Well, as a mother of four boys, I don't think I can tell you it ever stops. I found a hole in the wall a few years ago that my two oldest, who were about 15 and 17, had strategically placed a plant in front of. My 13yo went through a large window in our sunroom a couple of years ago, and the bathroom counter in my basement has a burned spot where my then 16yo was trying to melt plastic army men (no, I don't know why). It never stops, and it would be giving you false hope to tell you otherwise. :001_smile:


I hate to tell you this, but my 16 yo son broke my wok. I suspect he was trying to spin it on his finger. :glare:


I try to explain the difference between breaking something on accident while using it correctly versus breaking something on accident because you were messing with it/using it for a purpose it was not intended.


Just exactly home many moms of 4 boys are there on this board?


I need about 4 of those tshirts or 5 if you count dh. I am deep spring cleaning today while grandma has 3 of them.


I can only assume sharp rocks were being washed in the bath sink and my young scientists wanted to test their hardness. Rocks were harder than the sink and that is why it is now sporting scratches in multiple places. If only it was in the other bathroom where the tested the hardness on the mirror. Then at least I would have a matched set.


BTW Rocks are harder than mirrors too.



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I don't think it ends until they move out.



That's what I am afraid of...I don't think I will survive their childhood, or this homeschooling thing. I turn my back for a split second and they're up and wrestling in a dog pile or shooting guns at each other all over the house. And the amount of destruction they cause is unbelievable. Will I ever have anything without dents or cracks?:glare:

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My brother was 17 and I was 28 when we broke the ceiling light fixture at our grandmother's house when we were sparring in the living room. (Yes, I was definitely old enough to know better.) :blushing:


My parents laugh now that I have 4 children of my own.

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I have two destructo's in my house - DD and DS2.


DD comes by it naturally - she is clumsy and doesn't realise her strength. She just doesn't know how to do/use things gently. She is also very sensory seeking so we get a lot smear messes - desitin cream smeared on the carpet, paint smeared over everything, flour smeared over the floor and then fingerpainted and slid in :glare:


DS2 -well he's a boy's boy :lol:


Last month he grabbed a hammer I "thought" I had placed out of his sight and started hammering the kitchen tiles. He smashed 2 before I realised what he was doing -oh and we live in a rental :glare: He also smashed a hole in the wall with one of his toys and then every chance he got would use a knife or screwdriver to make it bigger -he was like a moth to a flame with that hole :lol:


At least twice a week I hear the dreaded words from him - "oh no - it bwoke Mum, look I bwoke it" :001_huh:


Thank goodness for my DS1 -who is very gentle and non-exploratory and the only time he damages anything is following the ideas and persuasion of the other 2 :glare:

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