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Do I need to go to the doctor?

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Two Sundays (or 9 days) ago, I was attempting to install a carseat in the back row of my minivan. I had both feet wedged in the carseat with my backside propped on the captain's chair in front of that, facing the back row, pushing into the seat with all my might while at the same time tugging on the Latch strap, trying to get a tight install.


Anyway, in the thick of all of this I hear and feel a pop in the center of my chest followed by an intense, shooting pain. I let go immediately and got out. The right side of my chest was aching pretty badly and I stretched that arm over my head, out to the side, etc. trying to work out the pain.


So for 9 days now I've been in pretty intense pain. The pain is just to the right of center in both my chest and back. It's like it hurts all the way through. Any movement that requires use of those chest/back muscles is excruciating -- lifting the baby, taking a deep breath, rolling over. 800 mg Motrin, Icy Hot, hot/cold therapy aren't working.


My mother thinks I've cracked a rib :tongue_smilie: and that I need medical attention. I initially thought I'd strained a muscle but it's not easing up.


What say you all? :bigear:

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Ugh. Okay.


We have Tricare. It doesn't cover chiropractic care. I called our clinic to get an appt with our primary care provider but he doesn't have anything until next Wednesday. I was told to go to the emergency room if it hurt that much or to try calling every morning at 7 a.m. to book a same-day appt. Those are really hit and miss. It is possible that even doing that I won't get in.


I was hoping to at least get x-rays done on base and then take those to the chiro if I needed to go (to avoid paying out of pocket for x-rays). Can a chiro help if it's a cracked rib?


I'm not above paying out of pocket for a chiro if it will help; I just hate to spend the money if it won't, you know?


I am really hurting. The only thing that feels somewhat better is laying flat on top of a heating pad. I'm not sure that's good for my injury.


None of the pain killers I have seem to be helping. I've tried ibuprophen, acetaminophen, aspirin, Excedrin. My mom suggested naproxen -- what is that? Would it possibly help?

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First :grouphug: :grouphug:


I have no advice, I just wanted to comment that you are quite the gal!

I'm pretty sure only the *very best* of mamas busts a rib to get the child safety seat installed just right, and as tightly as possible. :D

Edited by Julie in CA
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I think you should go to the emergency room if you can't get in to see your regular doctor.


And honestly, you are in pain. There is no excuse for your doctor not being able to fit you in immediately, or at least return your phone call to discuss your symptoms. :angry:

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I agree with your mom.


I did the exact same thing last month. I was leaning hard against a table, felt a pop and had immediate pain. I've had broken ribs before and am sure that this was a cracked rib. Google "cracked rib leaning" and you'll see this is not an uncommon way to crack a rib.


The doctor can give you pain medicine that will work better than over the counter stuff. Naproxen isn't really any better than ibuprofen. I didn't go, because I don't like to take narcotics, and my kids are big enough that it wasn't a problem for me to get plenty of rest. If my kids were younger and more demanding physically, I'd definitely get the meds. The heating pad helped my pain.


They may offer you an xray, but I personally wouldn't get it done. It wouldn't change anything; even if they didn't see a fracture, they would probably assume there was one there they can't see and would treat you with pain meds anyway. They aren't always easy to see on an xray. I would skip the radiation, assume it's cracked, and take the meds.


I also wouldn't go near a chiropractor. If they tried to adjust something that was already cracked, they could cause a way bigger problem. Just MHO. :)

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Do not discount the ER-- they can actually get tests done sooner than going to a GP-- and if you get a decent Dr, he/she will have a better idea of what is going on that your GP (who treats mainly colds).


I bent over to pick up a baby blanket (did a swan dive type move) and tore a ligament in my foot. I ended up in a cast with NO WEIGHT BEARING for 10 months-- I used a wheel chair because I needed to hold my baby and could not while on crutches! I also ended up with a serious back injury from this same incidence-- and had back surgery 5 years later (should have been much much sooner but I'm a wimp who would NOT go to the Dr for the longest time for the back pain).


9 days is way too long... you have littles to care for-- if you tore something it may or may not heal on its own... you need to find out SOON what is going on-- and besides that you need to get some good pain meds to use when DH is home to watch the kids...

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So, I just got home from the ER. I was there for 6 hours. Thanks, Tricare/Naval Health Clinic. Grr.


They did a chest x-ray and said nothing is cracked. The doctor palpitated first my back, then my chest, and said that I had significant inflamation and that I likely had a partial subluxation where the cartilage articulates with the sternum. He said my rib bone is firmly seated in place on that end of the cartilage and that the inflammation is localized at the sternum on just one rib.


He gave me a script for something stronger than Motrin that won't knock me on my @ss so I can have some measure of relief during the day.


He said to expect this to take up to three more weeks to heal.


Our team nurse isn't any help. A few months my 8yo spilled his Singulair tablets and our dog scarfed the entire bottle before I could stop her. It was our last refill and ds is dependent on that med for asthma control. I called the team nurse and explained what happened and asked if our provider could put another script in the system or see us the next day. She said that the earliest he could see us was over two weeks away and that if ds needed his medication that badly then I'd have to take him to the ER. Which I did. Ugh.

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Our team nurse isn't any help. A few months my 8yo spilled his Singulair tablets and our dog scarfed the entire bottle before I could stop her. It was our last refill and ds is dependent on that med for asthma control. I called the team nurse and explained what happened and asked if our provider could put another script in the system or see us the next day. She said that the earliest he could see us was over two weeks away and that if ds needed his medication that badly then I'd have to take him to the ER. Which I did. Ugh.


That is soooo completely ridiculous.

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So, I just got home from the ER. I was there for 6 hours. Thanks, Tricare/Naval Health Clinic. Grr.


They did a chest x-ray and said nothing is cracked. The doctor palpitated first my back, then my chest, and said that I had significant inflamation and that I likely had a partial subluxation where the cartilage articulates with the sternum. He said my rib bone is firmly seated in place on that end of the cartilage and that the inflammation is localized at the sternum on just one rib.


He gave me a script for something stronger than Motrin that won't knock me on my @ss so I can have some measure of relief during the day.


He said to expect this to take up to three more weeks to heal.


Our team nurse isn't any help. A few months my 8yo spilled his Singulair tablets and our dog scarfed the entire bottle before I could stop her. It was our last refill and ds is dependent on that med for asthma control. I called the team nurse and explained what happened and asked if our provider could put another script in the system or see us the next day. She said that the earliest he could see us was over two weeks away and that if ds needed his medication that badly then I'd have to take him to the ER. Which I did. Ugh.

I had a partial dislocation of my sternum a few years ago and a chiropractor was able to pop it back.


In full disclosure, it was the most painful adjustment I have ever had, but once it was done I felt better.

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So, I just got home from the ER. I was there for 6 hours. Thanks, Tricare/Naval Health Clinic. Grr.


They did a chest x-ray and said nothing is cracked. The doctor palpitated first my back, then my chest, and said that I had significant inflamation and that I likely had a partial subluxation where the cartilage articulates with the sternum. He said my rib bone is firmly seated in place on that end of the cartilage and that the inflammation is localized at the sternum on just one rib.


He gave me a script for something stronger than Motrin that won't knock me on my @ss so I can have some measure of relief during the day.


He said to expect this to take up to three more weeks to heal.


Our team nurse isn't any help. A few months my 8yo spilled his Singulair tablets and our dog scarfed the entire bottle before I could stop her. It was our last refill and ds is dependent on that med for asthma control. I called the team nurse and explained what happened and asked if our provider could put another script in the system or see us the next day. She said that the earliest he could see us was over two weeks away and that if ds needed his medication that badly then I'd have to take him to the ER. Which I did. Ugh.


Have I mentioned Standard and USFHP yet?? lol!

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I am on standard too. I can't afford the time of Prime. We pay 1000 dollars a year on deductible and co-pay and then nothing. That is the maximum you will ever pay. Now hear the benefits you get- no authorizations needed- so when my dd needs an allergist, I just take her. When I needed to get my hearing check, I did. ALso, I have a civilian internal medicine doctor. I got my antibiotic for my sinus infection/bronchitis by calling in. Never needed to be seen. (BIg disclosure here- I have several chronic diseases and between them and my immunosuppressant medications for them, I have every cold turn into a bacterial infection- I get a minimum of three a year and I can diagnose it very easily and they know I can).

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My girls and I are all seen by off post providers and are on Prime. See if you can make an off-post provider your primary care physician. You can still use the ER when you need it.


I tried switching my children to a civilian provider after my daughter was born last fall. The Tricare rep on base told me that since we selected the base clinic when we moved here we are not allowed to switch now. Is that not accurate?


Standard sounds heavenly. I'll look into it.

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I had something similar and hate to tell you, but it took me longer than 3 weeks to fully recover. I was not allowed to lift anything heavier than a 1/2 gallon milk jug for the first 2 weeks and was on couch rest. It is amazing how you don't realize just how much movement involves your chest until something like this happens! Even after 4 weeks, it still hurt to lift heavy items and sometimes was sore by the end of the evening. At 6 weeks I am finally feeling normal again.

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I had something similar and hate to tell you, but it took me longer than 3 weeks to fully recover. I was not allowed to lift anything heavier than a 1/2 gallon milk jug for the first 2 weeks and was on couch rest. It is amazing how you don't realize just how much movement involves your chest until something like this happens! Even after 4 weeks, it still hurt to lift heavy items and sometimes was sore by the end of the evening. At 6 weeks I am finally feeling normal again.


Okay. Thanks for sharing your experience!

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I tried switching my children to a civilian provider after my daughter was born last fall. The Tricare rep on base told me that since we selected the base clinic when we moved here we are not allowed to switch now. Is that not accurate?


Standard sounds heavenly. I'll look into it.


Hm, I don't know. We actually chose off-post providers for my girls and I when we moved. My son is seen on post, but he is EFMP, so they usually see him quickly.

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So, I just got home from the ER. I was there for 6 hours. Thanks, Tricare/Naval Health Clinic. Grr.


They did a chest x-ray and said nothing is cracked. The doctor palpitated first my back, then my chest, and said that I had significant inflamation and that I likely had a partial subluxation where the cartilage articulates with the sternum. He said my rib bone is firmly seated in place on that end of the cartilage and that the inflammation is localized at the sternum on just one rib.


He gave me a script for something stronger than Motrin that won't knock me on my @ss so I can have some measure of relief during the day.


He said to expect this to take up to three more weeks to heal.


Our team nurse isn't any help. A few months my 8yo spilled his Singulair tablets and our dog scarfed the entire bottle before I could stop her. It was our last refill and ds is dependent on that med for asthma control. I called the team nurse and explained what happened and asked if our provider could put another script in the system or see us the next day. She said that the earliest he could see us was over two weeks away and that if ds needed his medication that badly then I'd have to take him to the ER. Which I did. Ugh.


I was in a minor car accident a few weeks ago, and the seat belt did this to me as well.


I had a partial dislocation of my sternum a few years ago and a chiropractor was able to pop it back.


In full disclosure, it was the most painful adjustment I have ever had, but once it was done I felt better.


I'd definitely recommend a visit to the chiropractor. Mine was able to adjust all the ribs that were misaligned. It was NOT comfortable, but I felt 100% better afterwards. I have had to go back a few times to have it adjusted again, but it's not been nearly as bad as it was at first and I was going anyway since I am pregnant. No reason to suffer for three weeks!


I know you don't have chiro insurance coverage, but most chiropractors are very flexible working with folks w/o insurance. Call around and look for a chiro that doesn't charge a "first visit" fee and then office visits usually range from $35-$45 in my experience. It's been years since we've had insurance coverage for chiropractic.

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