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Amazon Prime

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After having it for a free trial (the amazon mom thing), we signed up and have never looked back. We order from amazon 3-4 times a month and it is so worth it to have things in hand in just two days...or even sooner. It's only $4 to have overnight shipping when we're in a pinch.

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We did the Amazon Mom free trail thing. Ours lasted a long time because we did a lot of qualified ordering (food, soap, lotion and that type of thing mostly) that kept extending the trial.


When it finally ran out of time we missed it so much that we paid for prime outright after a month or two without. If we didn't order so much perhaps it wouldn't be worth it. For our use, which is frequent, the two day shipping is well worth it. I don't need $25 for free shipping and I don't have to pay extra for shipping if I'm going to run out of x item and didn't realize on time.


I watched the first season of Downton Abbey free with my prime but then I was hooked and purchased season two so that didn't save me anything!

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Do you shop on Amazon a lot? If so, then YES! it is sooo very worth it! :D The free two day shipping is amazing. I love it!


There was a recent thread about it - I'll see if I can find it.



and here it is: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=353217&highlight=amazon+prime



:iagree: I used to do the $25 purchase for free it-takes-a-week shipping. Now, I don't have to give any consideration to the total, and shipping is two-days. (sometimes overnight :w00t:, a couple times three days:toetap05: but those have been the 3rd party seller).


I can share it with my husband and adult children (or friends or other family - limit four additional members - and they can have most of the perks of prime. they can't stream.)


eta: really give consideration about how much you order online - I do more on amazon than I did before, but I *always* figure out how much it would cost elsehwere. sometimes it's actually cheaper with prime than to pay for shipping too - other times, the prime price is padded to cover shipping. know your prices.

Edited by gardenmom5
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:lol::lol: That's almost like going to Hersheys and asking if they like chocolate. We had prime, I miss it, it's going on my birthday list.


Two day shipping, I can buy a 3.00 workbook and not worry about adding extras. I also like that Amazon is warehousing more used books, so you can order those and get them in two days with prime.


I order most of my school stuff from amazon, so having Prime is a good thing for us, when we have it.

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Can you guys tell me anything about this. Is it worth it?


I had signed up for a free trial through Amazon Mom (if you google it, it may still be available) and since I shop so much with Amazon, they kept extending it even past when they said they would. I had it for 1 year and 3 months and it was really nice. I do miss it a little, but I can still get things shipped to me for free as long as I preplan and order $25 worth of stuff. There's no way I would pay $80 for the "free shipping".



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Do you shop on Amazon a lot? If so, then YES! it is sooo very worth it! :D The free two day shipping is amazing. I love it!


There was a recent thread about it - I'll see if I can find it.



and here it is: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=353217&highlight=amazon+prime






I'd say no... I'm not renewing.


We had it and didn't renew once. Those were the longest months! We were always trying to find something to make it to the $25 mark, had to wait forever for shipping - it just wasn't worth the "savings" of not having Prime. Now we renew every year. Love it!

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:I can share it with my husband and adult children (or friends or other family - limit four additional members - and they can have most of the perks of prime. they can't stream.)




Can you really share it with family members/friends at different addresses? That would make it so much more worthwhile if I could split the cost with a friend or my brother and his wife.

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I started the 30-day free trial last month, and I think I'm going to drop it. We haven't found anything on Amazon free streaming that isn't already available from Netflix. The "free" 2-day shipping is not as good a deal as it may appear. I've searched for products and clicked the "Prime Eligible" box on and off and often found that it's as cheap or cheaper to take the deal that's not "Prime eligible" even after paying shipping. And the free book rentals are a pain in the butt. My wife asked me yesterday to get one for her, and I found that I couldn't order it from the Amazon web page; I had to use her Kindle to search for and download it directly to her Kindle. I ended up just paying $2.99 for it instead.

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Can you really share it with family members/friends at different addresses? That would make it so much more worthwhile if I could split the cost with a friend or my brother and his wife.


No, you can't. Additional family members living at the same address can share it, but not friends or family members at different addresses.

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I think it is worth it. We have it half price through Amazon Student (DH orders textbooks through them and has a .edu email address). I think it would be worth it for us even at full price, since we use the streaming (they have some nice things Netflix doesn't), and we love the free shipping.

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Do you shop on Amazon a lot? If so, then YES! it is sooo very worth it! :D The free two day shipping is amazing. I love it!


There was a recent thread about it - I'll see if I can find it.



and here it is: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=353217&highlight=amazon+prime




We have this discussion about once a month, it seems. Probably if you entered the term "Prime" in the search field for the entire board you'd get a bunch of hits on this exact subject.


In the meantime, it's definitely worth it for us. It depends on the type of shopping you do, though. In the last 30 days we've:


- Streamed 2 seasons of Dr. Who (we don't have Netflix)

- Watched Star Trek reruns

- bought various used books for school projects -- they were prime eligible, and in one case replaced a book due back at the library at an inconvenient time, so that 2 day turn around was great

- got Eldoncard blood-type tests so we could fill out a form, which was also an interesting science experiment, frankly

- bought plug adapters for a trip to Europe that happened so quickly we didn't really have time to shop around town for them - had to get them in 2 days, plus they were cheaper online than locally

- got a digital pocket scale much the same as I could've gotten at Home Science Tools, but faster and for free shipping

- checked out a book on Kindle that isn't available in the local library system


I tend to check Amazon first when shopping. I think that's probably the point of Prime.

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No, you can't. Additional family members living at the same address can share it, but not friends or family members at different addresses.


They must have changed it recently. My ILs are invitees on mine, and they are at a different address. We've had prime since the beginning, though, so maybe they are just grandfathered in.

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Can you guys tell me anything about this. Is it worth it?


It's been worth it for us. We live in a small town and no longer have to make long drives to buy virtually everything. Between the free shipping and not having to pay taxes, we usually cannot find a better deal than Prime.


We don't use the streaming service as it isn't compatible with Apple devices. :)

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It is worth it if I just use if for books?


You'll have to do the math yourself.


It's $79 per year, which is about $6.60 per month. Do you have that many purchases that you need to get in 2 days time that would justify $6.60 per month?


Keep in mind that you also can get 1 day shipping for $3.99 with Prime. And also keep in mind that you can get free shipping with a $25 order, so if you're ordering a lot of books each month but are patient you can get the shipping for free.

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We don't use the streaming service as it isn't compatible with Apple devices. :)


We stream onto dd's Macbook, which we hook up to the television. Or else we stream to the iMac.


But we can't stream to the iPad or iPod, which is very sad.:nopity: I wonder if that's what you're thinking when you say you can't stream to Apple devices.

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We stream onto dd's Macbook, which we hook up to the television. Or else we stream to the iMac.


But we can't stream to the iPad or iPod, which is very sad.:nopity: I wonder if that's what you're thinking when you say you can't stream to Apple devices.


Yes, I said Apple devices, which includes all manner of iPods, iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV. If I was including the computers here I would have said it doesn't run on a Mac. I have no desire to run an HDMI cable from the iMac to the TV. Either the TV or the iMac would be ripped from their respective walls. I have the cable and use it for school sometimes, but it's always stressful with 3 young ones running about. Sometimes netflix and hulu are just easier, not to mention I like to play WoW on my iMac instead of being the TV feed.

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Yes, I said Apple devices, which includes all manner of iPods, iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV. If I was including the computers here I would have said it doesn't run on a Mac. I have no desire to run an HDMI cable from the iMac to the TV. Either the TV or the iMac would be ripped from their respective walls. I have the cable and use it for school sometimes, but it's always stressful with 3 young ones running about. Sometimes netflix and hulu are just easier, not to mention I like to play WoW on my iMac instead of being the TV feed.


Okeydoke. I was just drifting there, obviously.


We don't run cable from the iMac to the television because it's just annoying to fiddle with. And sometimes I'd like to watch something without the entire family looking over my shoulder, or arguments break out over which laptop is used for the hookup since it will be out-of-commision for other uses while the show is running, so I know what you mean.

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They must have changed it recently. My ILs are invitees on mine, and they are at a different address. We've had prime since the beginning, though, so maybe they are just grandfathered in.


The current terms of service say:


"Prime members under a free trial or paid subscription can share their shipping benefits with up to 4 additional family members living in the same household, or up to 4 coworkers to shop for the related account."


When I asked the Amazon rep when I signed up for the Prime free trial, she told me that the "4 coworkers" part is for businesses that want to have more than one person ordering for shipment to one business address. She specifically said that family members referred to immediate family members living in the same home.

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I had it for a year free through Amazon Mom then when it ran out they gave me the option of renewing for half price and I took it. I like realizing I need something, ordering it and not getting charged shipping.


Mine just ran out and they didn't offer it 1/2 off or I would have bought it.

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A gazillion times, YES!!! It's one of my favorite things in the world. It works on about 98% of things on the site, plus all the free streaming videos they offer. I get things in about 2 days. Worth every cent.




I LOVE Amazon Prime! I did all my Christmas shopping with Amazon. I ordered 40+ Prime items on Black Friday and most items were here the following Monday morning. :)


If you frequently buy from Amazon and like getting your stuff fast, then Prime is the way to go! I will definitely be renewing my Prime membership.

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I did about 95% of my Christmas shopping with prime this year....I even bought stuff and had it sent to relative's homes either for my kids to open when we arrive...or for the actual people who live far away. Didn't have to pay for the shipping of gifts that way, and I could help my parents who don't always like to battle the crowds in the stores. I love amazon prime...I have it free right now...but it will probably be renewed in November, when my free trial is up.

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I love Prime. I signed up for amazon mom just to do the trial. I was pg with my third baby at the time, so it was easy to rack up extra months of eligibility on the free trial. It carried me through two Christmases, and quite a few kid birthdays.


We have family and friends out of state, and it is soooo nice to just have stuff shipped directly to them, without having to arrange a USPS pickup or hit the post office. I do a lot of shipping via Prime for Christmas as well-lots of stuff for us, and lots of stuff sent to other addresses for friends and family.


My parents live out of state and don't really use the internet, so there are certain things I order for my mom and have shipped directly to her. Easy, easy, and it saves me a trip to the PO. Quite a few of those items were qualifying purchases, so they also extended my prime trial ;)


I also find it handy to ship diapers to my parents' home when we are going to be visiting. Rather than pack the diapers, I just have dipes shipped right to their house.


I never, ever thought I'd pay for Prime, but mine expires in 2 weeks and I'm signing up.


One of my best "buys" was a small kit I picked up for DS1 with a protractor, set square, small ruler, compass, etc. for $3. If I had walked in Target to buy it, I would have left with 100 dollars worth of stuff on that trip to the store ;) The kit got great reviews and has been superb. I didn't have a set square in the house for Singapore Math, so it was great to just pick one up on amazon.


We do not have Netflix and don't have cable, so the free streaming will be a nice addition, even though I know Netflix has a larger selection.

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Isn't it? :001_smile:


It is. I stay away from stores if I can help it. My kids only stopped believing in Santa after watching a historical show that talked about two cities fighting over the bones of Saint Nicholas. I didn't know it was that sort of history. :D

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Amazon prime is worth the cost for us.


Not only do we use it for large purchases, but we use it for some every day stuff. Many times something is cheaper on Amazon by a few dollars, but when you add tax it's an even larger savings. Since we don't have to pay shipping, it's a good deal. 2 day air often arrives to us the very next day. And with the cost of gas, heck I'll take front door delivery!


My DS has no clue of what life was like before the internet and Amazon. :lol:

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