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Did anyone watch GCB last night?

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No. I saw the trailers and they made me want to puke. Then I went to the website and saw "Losing it with Jesus", and the word "Lord" seems to be used all the time. Awful.


Can you imagine a show named GJB or GMB or GHB or GAB? Wouldn't there be an uproar from the PC Police?

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No. I saw the trailers and they made me want to puke. Then I went to the website and saw "Losing it with Jesus", and the word "Lord" seems to be used all the time. Awful.


Can you imagine a show named GJB or GMB or GHB or GAB? Wouldn't there be an uproar from the PC Police?






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This is on network tv, ABC? Wow, I never imagined they'd have the b@lls to do that.



Well they had to change the name from "Good Christian B itches" to "Good Christian Belles" for tv.


But it was pretty funny. You have to love Kristin Chenoweth! She was great!

Edited by Renthead Mommy
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This is on network tv, ABC? Wow, I never imagined they'd have the b@lls to do that.


I don't think it takes much guts to mock Christians. It's been done and done and done. A very few times it has been done well. I love how The Big Bang Theory has portrayed Sheldon's mom. The actress does a fantastic job, too. They have fun with the differences in beliefs but both Sheldon and his mom come off well.


Now a tv show that makes: being normal size pretty, being a virgin til marriage cool and not drinking or doing drugs hip - that would be really daring.

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I loved it and thought it was hilarious, but then I'm not Christian (and I could see where it would be offensive). I've never read the book, but now I'm tempted to! As I watched it, I was thinking of so many of the stories that people here have told and :lol:.

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Loved it!!!! It was particularly funny being back in Texas. Dh and I were laughing so hard, the kids came out and asked us to go to bed. We were keeping them up. :lol:


I really like the cast too! It is nice to see Rabb from Jag. I think they are going to develop his character a lot more.

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Would it be so funny if Islam or Judaism were being mocked? I just don't get it. And FTR, I would be just as upset if shows were mocking other religions.




I have seen a ton of Jewish musicals riddled with kitchy humor as well as Bollywood humor poking fun at various Indian faiths. You know what? I think I have seen a Muslim comedy film as well. I cannot remember what it was called, but it was definitely an inside job.


I think it is good to be able to laugh at ourselves and some of the goofy extremes we go to! :D

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Would it be so funny if Islam or Judaism were being mocked? I just don't get it. And FTR, I would be just as upset if shows were mocking other religions.




I don't think they were mocking Christians. I'm pretty sure they were actually mocking hypocrites.

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I like Kristin Chenowith but I haven't watched the program.


Kristin Chenowith is well known as a Christian so I believe it is likely all tongue in cheek, but again I haven't watched the program.


There is a lot of comedy about Jewish people??? I don't get why people think it hasn't been mocked??

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Now a tv show that makes: being normal size pretty, being a virgin til marriage cool and not drinking or doing drugs hip - that would be really daring.


I think 7th heaven was a popular program, it was about a minister's family.



I think everything has pretty much been mocked. Maybe we don't watch the same programs but I have seen mocking of pretty much everything one could imagine.

Edited by Sis
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I watched it on hulu last night. I'm Southern and Christian, and I definitely found parts of it really funny. I don't think it's something I'll follow though. It was just too over the top for me. They already pulled every stereotype I can think of. What's left to do? :tongue_smilie:

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From the CT article it sounds like the show makes gossip seem funny and cute. It is not funny and cute. It is sin and it can destroy relationships.


GCB is not an "inside job", Christians poking fun at themselves.


The fact that Christians here think the show is hilarious is sad.


Everyone sins; that's true. But joking about it and using Bible verses flippantly along with the word "Lord" in a cavalier manner is offensive and wrong.

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From the CT article it sounds like the show makes gossip seem funny and cute. It is not funny and cute. It is sin and it can destroy relationships.


GCB is not an "inside job", Christians poking fun at themselves.


The fact that Christians here think the show is hilarious is sad.


Everyone sins; that's true. But joking about it and using Bible verses flippantly along with the word "Lord" in a cavalier manner is offensive and wrong.

I don't know. I think it is an inside job. Many of the actors are Christians. It stays very true to some of the extremes of the culture down here. You would have to be on the inside to write this stuff! :D


And like others have said, it pokes at the hypocrisy of it. I have the feeling we are going to get into some meatier things as the show progresses. There was already much to be said for the apology of the highschool mean girl and her restored friendship with the real estate agent. The mother daughter dynamics are wonderful!

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From the CT article it sounds like the show makes gossip seem funny and cute. It is not funny and cute. It is sin and it can destroy relationships.


GCB is not an "inside job", Christians poking fun at themselves.


The fact that Christians here think the show is hilarious is sad.


Everyone sins; that's true. But joking about it and using Bible verses flippantly along with the word "Lord" in a cavalier manner is offensive and wrong.


The author is a Christian as are some of the actors.




"As capable as I think I am, there is no way in this world I could have done this without God's hand in it," said Gatlin, who hopes the story and its TV portrayal will help people realize how their sinful nature - envy, gossip and selfishness - drives others away from God.




Does Chenoweth expect any backlash as a result of touching on such sensitive topics?"

"Of course!" she replied. "But, look, I've been to the rodeo. Being a Christian person, who comes from a family of Christian woman, I would never do anything that crosses the line to make fun of my religion. We have fun with it. But there's a big difference between having fun and making fun."

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Time for lunch. I guess we will just have to ATD.


Why hypocrisy (especially when Christ had very many things to say about it) would be considered funny by Christians is beyond me.


Humor often reaches people when other things do not. Archie Bunker was one of the most influential people of his era. I don't think it is because people agreed with what he was saying.



I haven't seen the show so I have no dog in this fight, it just bugs me when people say others are not Christians (particularly when they are very outspoken about their faith like Kristin Chenowith is) or telling Christians what programs they are allowed to enjoy.

Edited by Sis
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I enjoyed it and will probably tune in again to see where it is going. I could see a lot of real life people from my childhood in the characters. I loved Kristin Chenoweth(I had a Sunday School teacher that behaved/still behaves just like her character! I avoid her at all costs today) and Annie Potts!

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Loved it!!!! It was particularly funny being back in Texas. Dh and I were laughing so hard, the kids came out and asked us to go to bed. We were keeping them up. :lol:


I really like the cast too! It is nice to see Rabb from Jag. I think they are going to develop his character a lot more.



Yikes! How have I not heard about that? I will be watching from now on.:D

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Would it be so funny if Islam or Judaism were being mocked? I just don't get it. And FTR, I would be just as upset if shows were mocking other religions.




:iagree: and I should probably stop reading this thread. I have a hard time maintaining respect for people who think it is acceptable to make fun of or demonize anyone's religion. That is just never ok. At all.

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Watched it myself to see what the fuss was about. I could have done without the beginning. Sorry, despite all the outcry and assumption of its intent, it is poking at hypocrisy, not Christians. It also pokes at a bit of "bible belt culture", which, yes, I've experienced for myself.


Example: we were moving once while my husband was working midnights on an extremely physical job. A couple of people from church helped me move so he could sleep. Within a couple of days my in-laws called up deeply concerned and had rushed home from their vacation, because someone had told tupperware-lady-at-church that my husband and I were separating, and that person told supervisor-tuperware-lady (who happened to be a friend of the family), and that person called SMIL all kinds of frantic, and thus in-laws rushing home. And when I traced it back, tupperware-lady-at-church didn't "know" the name of the person who told her, but said she looked hispanic, but wasn't the only hispanic woman there nor the other almost hispanic looking woman there, and she didn't want to point this person out because she didn't want to "cause trouble". Also, two hour phone calls ranting about how my wearing a headcovering and skirts was "inappropriate". Oh, and yes, I've even had people from certain churches peek in my windows, gossip, and walk directly into my home without knocking ("oh we knocked, but thought you didn't hear us...oh! are soandso visiting you from suchandsuch?! We 'thought' we saw an unusual car in your drive"). Unh-uh, been there.


It's fine not to like the show. I somewhat agree. But dislike it on its own issues, not for something that has been convoluted into an issue and gossiped throughout the internet ;)

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I did watch it and did not actually see any making fun of religion. I did find the dialogue to be tiresome and awkward but there wasn't anything I thought was religiously offensive.


Lots of jerks are Christians, I don't define my faith by them. I don't think making fun of someone for being a jerk is the same as making fun of my religion. My religion is not jerky

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  • 2 months later...
Well that is disappointing! With all the other crap they leave on they take off GCB? They leave on all these horrible reality and contest shows but take off things that are funny like this. That's sad.



But I have a solution for everyone:


Stage one: we all pray that God takes every show we all hate off the air.


Stage two: since no shows survive (this includes any religious broadcasts), we can all save money, toss out our tv's , and find something else to complain about :D ;)


*please take note that this is stated with humour...we will not all agree on everything. I'm not quick to jump to presume anything upon God though, just as I won't presume that a good family show got cancelled because of Satan. I will state that there are bad shows, iffy shows, and even good family shows that all get cancelled due to lack of ratings.

Edited by mommaduck
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