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Something you are thankful for today?

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I need to stay positive today...I had a rough day yesterday...


I am thankful for homemade carrot cake with sticky cinnamony cream cheese frosting! I'm eating a small piece right now...it's #2 :tongue_smilie:


I am thankful for scriptures and a loving Heavenly Father.


And a hubby that loves me and knows me so well. :D

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Oh the sunshine...how I miss thee! It's another dreary rainy day. I wish music was rescheduled. I don't want to be out in this yuck.


Though on a note of thanks, I am thankful for free crochet patterns! I am working on a Luna Lovegood scarf in pretty khaki colored sock yarn. I'd prefer it in another color, but I'm being good and using up some stash that I have. Plus this color is actually really nice and neutral.

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Thanks, I was about to post something similar. I need some uplifting.


I am thankful for my ds, the boy who dislikes reading. He read two 3-in-1 mangas in 3 days. This is one of the few times he's given me his own money to buy a book.


I am grateful for the Irasshai Japanese videos and books. Silly as it sounds, this is one subject ds and I learn together and it's fun.


I am grateful for the 10.00 shelf I bought at a thrift store last week. It's the perfect style to go above my stove, I painted it to match the cabinets, and dh hung it this weekend. It add the atmosphere I needed, my kitchen is/has an Alice in Wonderland theme.

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I had a rotten no good day yesterday as well. :group hug:


Today, I'm thankful for my kids. They saw I was really struggling and sent me flowers yesterday and a beautiful card. My husband, who is just the voice of reason when I'm hurting. I'm thankful that I am not turning out to parent the way my parents did..no emotional blackmail to get what one wants.

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Ds came by last night. We are thankful he is alive, did not seem to be high, and had a place to sleep (friend's house). He is thinking about his life, at least.


I am so thankful for my Monday prayer group. Those ladies are amazing, and their faith helps me.



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My brother's birthday because I made him a delicious chocolate raspberry tart. I just had a piece for breakfast. (we divided it evenly because he is watching his weight and sugars. Iy is low sugar but. SO GOOD.)


Wicked Joes organic coffee. French roast. :svengo:


Coffee + tart = PURE HEAVEN.




Thankful that tart is gone now.:tongue_smilie:

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Ds came by last night. We are thankful he is alive, did not seem to be high, and had a place to sleep (friend's house). He is thinking about his life, at least.


I am so thankful for my Monday prayer group. Those ladies are amazing, and their faith helps me.


Life. Chronic illness, 15% chance of dying before kid is out of high school. Life is good. Molehills stay molehills.



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I am reading these posts through the day. I am sending up prayers and hugs to those that could use them. I may not 'understand' what some of you are having to deal with in your life, but I can say that I will pray that it will get better for you.


I am thankful that my kids are doing their school work quietly. :tongue_smilie:


I am thankful again for carrot cake...for that tiny munchie piece that fell off the piece I was cutting for my son...honest, it did fall off!


Yep I'm a bad mom today, I served cake for breakfast, but hey, it's got carrots and nuts and eggs and applesauce and dairy and grains and oil ...sooooo it qualifies for all the food groups huh!?


I guess I'm not so bad afterall! :lol:


I'm thankful for a pup that loves me like no other...she's a good foot warmer. :D

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I'm thankful for a week's break from school and boys who let me sleep in until 7:30! It was so nice after yesterday. I'm thankful for people who hire me to clean their houses because it takes some of the stress off of dh. I'm thankful that I got a notice that my new bOOkshelves have shipped and should be here soon. :)

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I am thankful for my wonderful children


I am thankful for being able to hs


I am thankful for being able to sleep late this morning. I kept waking through the night with a really bad headache. It is still there but not quiet as bad.


I am thankful my teenager who was acting like he needed extra sleep is still sleeping this morning.


I am thankful for my coffee and yummy creamer (ds2 started the coffee maker when he heard me get up :001_smile:)

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  • I am thankful that I made banana-carrot muffins last night. They are delicious and I don't have to cook breakfast this morning.
  • I am thankful for my friends. I was feeling lonely last week, and over the weekend God reminded me just how blessed I am in my friendships.
  • I am thankful for the socks my mother knits for me, bright and cheerful and warm



Hope this day is filled with peace for you. :)



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Ds came by last night. We are thankful he is alive, did not seem to be high, and had a place to sleep (friend's house). He is thinking about his life, at least.


I am so thankful for my Monday prayer group. Those ladies are amazing, and their faith helps me.




I am glad you got to see him, Chris.



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I am thankful that I just got a cal from my third child! She and the rest of the family have been really struggling with relationship issues. She is in her first year of college and had somewhat cut the family out of her life.


But she just called excitedly with a report of her grades and said she misses us all.


I also thank to be walking -- I just spent 6 weeks on crutches with a broken ankle.



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I am thankful things are looking up for Linda and her family.


I am thankful the book shelves I have wanted for the HS are finally on sale and DH is getting them today.


I am most thankful for antibiotics. Three of my four are down with strep even though ALL the kids have had their tonsil removed!

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I'm thankful for our church and its leadership. A few things have come up over the last couple of week's and I've been repeatedly thankful for what they do.


I'm also thankful we have 2 cars. We've been down to 1 car for the last few days and I can't wait to get the other one fixed! It should be up and running by Thursday.

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Sure. :) I just used my favorite blueberry muffin recipe and put in two diced bananas and some grated carrots instead of blueberries. I think I substituted ww flour for half the white flour, too. They were yummy!




Mmmm, sounds good, I'll have to try these tomorrow as I have some leftover carrots that I used for the carrot cake...which I ate entirely too much of today :D


I am thankful for the time I spend in wanting to learn new things. I know that I am able to bless others through my talents and teach them. I love that part!

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I am thankful for the fact that I have not been barfed on today!! We're on the mend from this bug! I'm also thankful for sunshine, a good school day, a new car seat and that we'll get to get out of the house tomorrow for the first time in a week!!


So glad you didn't and glad that you are getting out tomorrow!

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