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10 & 11 year old girls fight over a boy and the 10 year old dies

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Seriously??? Did anybody else read about this? I just can not imagine. My 10 year old is so oblivious. She is still a little girl who plays with dolls. And girls her age are fighting over boys??? To the point one dies??? :crying: What kind of world is this? :crying: Seriously. :crying:



Forgive me if there is already a thread about this. This seriously has me crying right now.

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The whole thing is so sad. The two young girls fought for less than a minute according to witnesses. It sounds like they each threw a punch and then walked away but somehow she ended up with a blood clot.


I really can't believe girls their age decided to meet and fight over a boy!?! I have a 9 and 12 yr old and just cannot imagine.

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The part where the mother says...


"I'm just so confused at this moment, thinking should I take my daughter out of this school," Pyles said. "If this is what is going on, I don't like it. It's very scary" was really hard for me to read. I hope she doesnt let her other older daughter go back to this school!


That quote isn't from the mother of the victim. The article says it from someone whose daughter just started at the school.

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I really can't believe girls their age decided to meet and fight over a boy!?! I have a 9 and 12 yr old and just cannot imagine.




The part where the mother says...


"I'm just so confused at this moment, thinking should I take my daughter out of this school," Pyles said. "If this is what is going on, I don't like it. It's very scary" was really hard for me to read. I hope she doesnt let her other older daughter go back to this school!



This was another mother but I would be scared to death if that happened at a school one of my kids went to. There is no way I could leave them there. I guess it could happen at any school but... ugh. 10 and 11?? SO glad I homeschool :crying:

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That is horrible. I find it ironic that these children are the same age as the children who slipped their teacher rat poison in her coffee in an attempt to kill her in one of the schools in our area. One child had a change of heart and knocked the coffee to the floor before she drank it. This story just broke in our area last week.

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What really kills me is some friends tried to stop it and were held back by some boys who wanted to continue to watch them fight. Do they not realize what they are doing? Is this the environment of the school? Do they learn this at home? Is it a combination? I just don't get it. I can not stop crying over this.


I don't know where they learn it, but I'm not surprised. Sometimes my dh comes home from his job at a public hs and tells me things that most people would find shocking. The stories have gotten worse over the years.

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Oh my goodness!!! 10 yr old kids attempting to murder teachers by poison?! I can't even fathom. ...Nor can I fathom the girls fighting. My son is almost 9 and he isn't even remotely CLOSE to caring about "girls" let alone fighting over them.


SO glad I homeschool :crying:




I feel sad for those girls that they are already that "lost" at 10 yrs old... That they have lost their innocence and happy-go-lucky childhood at such a young age... and caught up in concerns that are so meaningless... to the point of hurting each other... So, so sad.

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That is horrible. I find it ironic that these children are the same age as the children who slipped their teacher rat poison in her coffee in an attempt to kill her in one of the schools in our area. One child had a change of heart and knocked the coffee to the floor before she drank it. This story just broke in our area last week.




What?! :blink: Seriously????

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:crying: wow. my daughter is 10. i can't even fathom her in a heated argument, let alone a physical one. let alone over a boy. that is so very sad.


Exactly! Mine too! She doesn't even argue with her siblings



I feel sad for those girls that they are already that "lost" at 10 yrs old... That they have lost their innocence and happy-go-lucky childhood at such a young age... and caught up in concerns that are so meaningless... to the point of hurting each other... So, so sad.



Yes!!! Exactly!! Where does a little girl that age learn to like boys? To like them enough to fight over them, seriously?! I just don't get it

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What has happened in our society for this to be okay? What has brought us here?


I don't think that we are at a point where this is ok. No one involved seems to think it is ok and a homicide case has been opened. When my mom was 11 she was beat up very badly at school (unprovoked and no fight). She had a seizure that night and continued to have seizures all her life. This was in the mid 60s. My dad witnessed and was involved in many schoolyard fights at his Catholic schools...boys circling around and watching was part of the fight. Stupid and horrible and violent but but hardly new as my dad started elementary school 63 years ago.


The article did make a good point about social media possibly facilitating arguments going around the clock, so kids don't have the built in calming down part of a dispute as much anymore.

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:crying: What a horrid tragedy. At the risk of getting flamed, I think this is a case of a school yard fight that went horrifically sideways. :sad: How many fights occur daily of playgrounds around the country with no such aftermath? Children beating each other up terribly and walking away with bruises and bloody noses, not dying. My heart is just broken.

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This is sad and tragic, but schoolyard fights have happened since schoolyards were invented. I had the tar beat out of me at the same age by another girl, over a dog, while on the bus. Fights were not uncommon, and I went to a small rural school.


I actually hope that the other little girl gets the support she needs since she will now be labeled a murderer.

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What really kills me is some friends tried to stop it and were held back by some boys who wanted to continue to watch them fight. Do they not realize what they are doing? Is this the environment of the school? Do they learn this at home? Is it a combination? I just don't get it. I can not stop crying over this.

My guess is that this is the environment at all schools. I vividly remember the teacher conference dh and I attended when dd was in first grade. The teacher said how rare it was to have a girl that is so inclusive and nice to everyone. The teacher went on to muse how long my dd would continue to this behavior before she was corrupted by the other girls.


After this week's events, I am even more glad that I homeschool. I better not get anyone in the near future tell me how my homeschooled kids are missing out on socialization, because they will get an earful back.

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"They took off their backpacks, and they put their hair in a bun, and then that's when they said 'go' and that's when they started hitting each other," Joanna's friend and classmate Maggie Martinez, who watched the fight, told KNBC"


They obviously had seen this done before.


Honestly, I think this was a freak accident surrounding a common problem. Yes, it's younger than it happened when I was in school, but when dh taught in an inner city neighborhood many years ago, this was not uncommon at all.


And she's 10 yo and she's watching soap operas. I can't imagine where she picked up the concept of girls fighting over boys?

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My daughter is 9. She has no concern for boys. Her best friend however is public schooled and her mom bought a boy a valentines gift! The mom "complained" that she was too young for this. Of course she is but the mom is condoning it! The girls in my daughter's girl scout troop are the same way. It is definitely the socialization they get at school that causes this behavior.

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My guess is that this is the environment at all schools. I vividly remember the teacher conference dh and I attended when dd was in first grade. The teacher said how rare it was to have a girl that is so inclusive and nice to everyone. The teacher went on to muse how long my dd would continue to this behavior before she was corrupted by the other girls.


After this week's events, I am even more glad that I homeschool. I better not get anyone in the near future tell me how my homeschooled kids are missing out on socialization, because they will get an earful back.


One of the reasons I pulled my second daughter out of K before the school year was over. I'd sent this sweet loving little girl and a mean snobby girl came home. I was ticked off.

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After this week's events, I am even more glad that I homeschool. I better not get anyone in the near future tell me how my homeschooled kids are missing out on socialization, because they will get an earful back.



Yeah exactly! :glare:



And she's 10 yo and she's watching soap operas. I can't imagine where she picked up the concept of girls fighting over boys?



I read she watched soap operas but didn't even think of that. I think you nailed it. I didn't even think of that. How sad. I can not imagine a 10 year old watching that trash.

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:crying: What a horrid tragedy. At the risk of getting flamed, I think this is a case of a school yard fight that went horrifically sideways. :sad: How many fights occur daily of playgrounds around the country with no such aftermath? Children beating each other up terribly and walking away with bruises and bloody noses, not dying. My heart is just broken.


I agree. I'm kind of shocked that a homicide investigation is being opened, because, from the description, it sounds mostly like bad luck.

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brief fight + freak accident = sad happenstance


This isn't a case of horrible brutality. Still, I think that one place we go wrong as a society, out of the many :D , is by sexualizing little girls, encouraging them to act like adults, etc. This increases an early focus on things like boyfriends, as the girls try to fit into a woman's role earlier than necessary; it's expected that they will model such behavior, but due to modern trends in fashion and media it happens earlier all the time. I don't have a little girl, but if I do, I will exert control over how sexualized they're allowed to dress, and even things like makeup and pierced ears. I simply want my children focusing on other things instead of trying to act like adults.

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I agree. I'm kind of shocked that a homicide investigation is being opened, because, from the description, it sounds mostly like bad luck.


:iagree: I am so sorry for the family of the little girl that died, but my heart is really going out to the other girl who was fighting with her. How will she live with this? I pray her family finds her some really good help and that the DA doesn't seriously consider any kind of prosecution.

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It's a very tragic story for all involved. There are more girl fights at my school than boys, and almost always over a boy. I hate to say it, but its more common than you think. It's a sad testament to our time. Someone asked about girls this age liking boys...just turn on any of the tv shows and the content is pretty objectionable. Do we even have a true G rating anymore?

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Fights can and do happen in homeschool groups as well. Homeschooling is no guarantee that a kid won't start noticing or caring about the opposite sex in this age range. Realize that there are girls (and, I'm sure, boys) who are in puberty by this point, so it's not unexpected. I have no idea if that was the case for these girls or not. Homeschooled girls can be just as exclusive and "mean" as any other girls, particularly as they get toward middle school.


I do agree that the culture of homeschooling overall and the level of parental involvement tends to lessen some of it, but we would be naive to think that homeschooling means we won't have to deal with bullying, aggression, "mean girls," sexual attraction, etc. It still isn't okay, but we are dealing with human beings and this sort of thing always seems to crop up when human beings are involved.

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