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s/o Library: does your library have a drive thru to pick up requested books?

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A drive thru would be awesome but there is no way for our library to put one in even if they were so inclined. I love my library but it is under serious attack right now by people in my town who think the library should be shut down to save money.

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Yes, our library has one. When we moved here we thought it was super cool.


Our library system has won all kinds of national awards for innovation. One thing they did was get rid of the dewey decimal system. Books are organized like at a bookstore by subject or alphabetical order. Oh, and a thriller for us was the fact they also do not have overdue fines. I am totally impressed with there concepts.

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No - there's a drive-up book drop, but not to pick up.


That's us too which means to me they could easily convert it to a drive thru pick up too. How awesome would that be! Our drive thru drop off drops right into the library's office so it would be easy to man whenever any drives up.


I may just have to suggest this the next time I go in.

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sounds cool. they used to have a much more convient "drive-thru" (kinda/sorta) for dropping off books - but they built a new library and now have a drop box. back in the mists of prehistory (the early 80's) they would mail the books - but they cut that to save money.

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No WAY!! I am so jealous!!

I grabbed these pictures off my library's website. This is the branch I go to. There are 2 drive thru lanes. The one by the building is for dropping off and picking up. The other one is to use the outdoor drop boxes. There is also a "Curbside Express" which is a service I haven't used, and I'm not exactly sure how it works. Somehow you can reserve books and have them put in there and then pick them up after hours.





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HA! Are you kidding? Our library doesn't even have an online system. We have a slot by the door you put your books in. Takes forever to get a request. We have such a poor, pitiful library, it is a disgrace. 90% of the children's books are so ragged you can barely see the title on the spine. I've donate a lot after we're done with them to help boost the supply of nice books.




we need a new library soooo badly.... It's all about politics tho in my town.

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Yes, our library has one. When we moved here we thought it was super cool.


Our library system has won all kinds of national awards for innovation. One thing they did was get rid of the dewey decimal system. Books are organized like at a bookstore by subject or alphabetical order. Oh, and a thriller for us was the fact they also do not have overdue fines. I am totally impressed with there concepts.

We really need to talk about this no overdue fine thing! I think it would cost less to move there than I have to pay in overdue fines...

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They were going to build a new library in our area that had one in the original design. I swooned of course. The branch we usually go to has a tiny parking lot and street parking is limited. Getting good parking and a drive-through would be a dream!


Unfortunately then the market dropped, and the lot stands empty.

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No, but this is not a drive-through culture. I can't think of any drive-through service.


Our library is very convenient, however. I order books online and they turn up in the mobile library (library van) which comes to our village once a fortnight. It stops exactly opposite the post office that I run, so I just lock the door and run over to pick up my books.


There are no overdue fines for children and the mobile library tends to waive fines for everyone - because it only comes periodically and the driver understands that people can't always work to the schedule.



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No - there's a drive-up book drop, but not to pick up.


Same here. And our website is a pain to navigate. It's like you need to know some special language to narrow search fields.


I shouldn't complain, though, as they are kind to me even as I write my checks for overdue fines . . . .:tongue_smilie:


I have a few books I should round up before bed. :D

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